NOT ONE word in the MSM as to why the latest shooting occurred !


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011

THE latest shooting as reported by the extremely ignorant and BIASED MSM has totally ignored that word!
Here folks read what 2 black men tell you!

Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

Watch the this interview with Reverend Jarett Maupin about his experience in use of force training with local police.
Who is Jarrett Maupin? Man behind Phoenix's police protests is a rights leader — and a paid political consultant.
Maupin led protests against police shooting of an unarmed man in Phoenix. In his own words...
Maupin stated that the training scenarios changed his way of thinking, saying,
I didn’t understand how important compliance was… people need to comply with the orders of law enforcement officers, for their own safety.” !!!
Simple compliance with an authority figure, i.e. the cop. Is so simple but why are blacks more inclined NOT to comply?
FACT is what this black economist pointed out:
Walter Williams a professor of economics at George Mason University and in the famous words of Obama who said..(."by the way he is black"!, ) points this out.
"In 1960, just 22 percent of black children were raised in single-parent families.
Fifty years later, more than 70 percent of black children were raised in single-parent families.
No father figure who would be the authority figure that would be teaching the lessons of "compliance"!
Totally a simple compliance with a cop and most if not ALL these stories wouldn't
be headlines!

In fact a simple search shows encounter violent suspects!

Today's shooting in Minnesota of Daunte Wright the black non-compliant man was Court records show Wright was being sought after failing to appear in court on charges that he fled from officers and possessed a gun without a permit during an encounter with Minneapolis police in June. In that case, a statement of probable cause said police got a call about a man waving a gun who was later identified as Wright.

Here’s what it comes down to – the more frequently officers encounter violent suspects
no matter what that racial group is – the greater the chances that members of that racial group will be shot by a police officer.
It gets even more interesting.
The study found if there is a bias in police shootings after crime rates are taken into account, it is against white civilians.
The authors are faculty at Michigan State University and the University of Maryland at College Park. They completed the study by creating a database of 917 officer-involved fatal shootings in 2015 from more than 650 police departments.
When examining those shootings, 55 percent of the victims were white, 27 percent were black, and 19 percent were Hispanic.
Between 90 and 95 percent of the civilians shot by officers in 2015 were attacking police or other citizens and 90 percent were armed with a weapon.

AND the biased MSM never tells that has their headlines READ what the above fox news headline was:
Katie Wright said her son called her as he was supposedly getting pulled over for having air fresheners hanging in his rear-view mirror"
That's the headline ... such a false story!
COME on folks lets get honest here!

COMPLIANCE! IF this 20 year old black had simply complied! HE DIDN"T HE's DEAD!
Dey gets dere info from Gangsta Rap.

Read what this Harvard study and do a search on "father".
NOTHING not one word explaining that a 2 parent family will create less resistance to the police.
Only 3 instances of the word 'COMPLIANCE" in the 187 page study!
It is so simple folks! Teach compliance in the schools... but where is that word in the educational system?
What Exposes African Americans to Police Violence?
More specifically, the Article presents a theoretical model that articulates racialized police violence as a systemic and structural problem that cannot be solved by simply looking for and punishing “bad” police officers.

MSM will never show you this… Video of Daunte Wright waving around his gun…
Well he's a dead motherfucker he ain't so bad, is he.
These idiots get this idea of blackness from Hollywood.
When are they gonna start arresting Hollywood for brainwashing idiots into acting like gangsters?
During the Great Depression the papers glorified Bonny & Clyde.
Weird how so many are trying to act like criminals.

To substantiate my point...where is Wright's father? The father that would provide the authority figure that would teach as my Dad did "COMPLIANCE"!
My Dad use to tell me as a way to understand "compliance" the story about his cousin who was in training during WWII. His cousin was told "keep your head down" as live bullets whizzed over his head. He didn't comply. Was a pretty good lesson for me that when an authority figure tells you keep your head down, it might save your life. Or in Wright's case, why did he struggle to escape? Again "compliance"!

Read more about this 20 year old father of a 1 year


THE latest shooting as reported by the extremely ignorant and BIASED MSM has totally ignored that word!
Here folks read what 2 black men tell you!

Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

Watch the this interview with Reverend Jarett Maupin about his experience in use of force training with local police.
Who is Jarrett Maupin? Man behind Phoenix's police protests is a rights leader — and a paid political consultant.
Maupin led protests against police shooting of an unarmed man in Phoenix. In his own words...
Maupin stated that the training scenarios changed his way of thinking, saying,
I didn’t understand how important compliance was… people need to comply with the orders of law enforcement officers, for their own safety.” !!!
Simple compliance with an authority figure, i.e. the cop. Is so simple but why are blacks more inclined NOT to comply?
FACT is what this black economist pointed out:
Walter Williams a professor of economics at George Mason University and in the famous words of Obama who said..(."by the way he is black"!, ) points this out.
"In 1960, just 22 percent of black children were raised in single-parent families.
Fifty years later, more than 70 percent of black children were raised in single-parent families.
No father figure who would be the authority figure that would be teaching the lessons of "compliance"!
Totally a simple compliance with a cop and most if not ALL these stories wouldn't
be headlines!

In fact a simple search shows encounter violent suspects!

Today's shooting in Minnesota of Daunte Wright the black non-compliant man was Court records show Wright was being sought after failing to appear in court on charges that he fled from officers and possessed a gun without a permit during an encounter with Minneapolis police in June. In that case, a statement of probable cause said police got a call about a man waving a gun who was later identified as Wright.

Here’s what it comes down to – the more frequently officers encounter violent suspects
no matter what that racial group is – the greater the chances that members of that racial group will be shot by a police officer.
It gets even more interesting.
The study found if there is a bias in police shootings after crime rates are taken into account, it is against white civilians.
The authors are faculty at Michigan State University and the University of Maryland at College Park. They completed the study by creating a database of 917 officer-involved fatal shootings in 2015 from more than 650 police departments.
When examining those shootings, 55 percent of the victims were white, 27 percent were black, and 19 percent were Hispanic.
Between 90 and 95 percent of the civilians shot by officers in 2015 were attacking police or other citizens and 90 percent were armed with a weapon.

AND the biased MSM never tells that has their headlines READ what the above fox news headline was:
Katie Wright said her son called her as he was supposedly getting pulled over for having air fresheners hanging in his rear-view mirror"
That's the headline ... such a false story!
COME on folks lets get honest here!

COMPLIANCE! IF this 20 year old black had simply complied! HE DIDN"T HE's DEAD!

I must always comply with authorities.
When they demand that I allow myself to be handcuffed or pepper sprayed without cause I'll happily comply.
When they come for my guns I'll happily hand them over because I must comply.
When they demand I carry a vaccine passport I'll happily comply.
When they demand that I wear a mask I'll happily comply.

Because they have the authority and therefore whatever they demand is reasonable.
If I don't comply with authorities I accept all and any consequences as correct and fair.
Read what this Harvard study and do a search on "father".
NOTHING not one word explaining that a 2 parent family will create less resistance to the police.
Only 3 instances of the word 'COMPLIANCE" in the 187 page study!
It is so simple folks! Teach compliance in the schools... but where is that word in the educational system?
What Exposes African Americans to Police Violence?
More specifically, the Article presents a theoretical model that articulates racialized police violence as a systemic and structural problem that cannot be solved by simply looking for and punishing “bad” police officers.

I don't know what the answer is, but you can't teach compliance in schools any more. That ship has sailed. They already don't comply with teachers anymore now. Teachers used to beat your ass with a board of education to teach you to comply and if you got the paddle at school, they sent a note home and your dad put a belt on your ass that night at home. Not happening anymore. Must now hurt the little dears feelings or put welts on their little butts. Some dumb kid in a Knoxville high-school tried to shoot it out with two cops in a high-school toilet today. Not sure when the funeral is.

THE latest shooting as reported by the extremely ignorant and BIASED MSM has totally ignored that word!
Here folks read what 2 black men tell you!

Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

Watch the this interview with Reverend Jarett Maupin about his experience in use of force training with local police.
Who is Jarrett Maupin? Man behind Phoenix's police protests is a rights leader — and a paid political consultant.
Maupin led protests against police shooting of an unarmed man in Phoenix. In his own words...
Maupin stated that the training scenarios changed his way of thinking, saying,
I didn’t understand how important compliance was… people need to comply with the orders of law enforcement officers, for their own safety.” !!!
Simple compliance with an authority figure, i.e. the cop. Is so simple but why are blacks more inclined NOT to comply?
FACT is what this black economist pointed out:
Walter Williams a professor of economics at George Mason University and in the famous words of Obama who said..(."by the way he is black"!, ) points this out.
"In 1960, just 22 percent of black children were raised in single-parent families.
Fifty years later, more than 70 percent of black children were raised in single-parent families.
No father figure who would be the authority figure that would be teaching the lessons of "compliance"!
Totally a simple compliance with a cop and most if not ALL these stories wouldn't
be headlines!

In fact a simple search shows encounter violent suspects!

Today's shooting in Minnesota of Daunte Wright the black non-compliant man was Court records show Wright was being sought after failing to appear in court on charges that he fled from officers and possessed a gun without a permit during an encounter with Minneapolis police in June. In that case, a statement of probable cause said police got a call about a man waving a gun who was later identified as Wright.

Here’s what it comes down to – the more frequently officers encounter violent suspects
no matter what that racial group is – the greater the chances that members of that racial group will be shot by a police officer.
It gets even more interesting.
The study found if there is a bias in police shootings after crime rates are taken into account, it is against white civilians.
The authors are faculty at Michigan State University and the University of Maryland at College Park. They completed the study by creating a database of 917 officer-involved fatal shootings in 2015 from more than 650 police departments.
When examining those shootings, 55 percent of the victims were white, 27 percent were black, and 19 percent were Hispanic.
Between 90 and 95 percent of the civilians shot by officers in 2015 were attacking police or other citizens and 90 percent were armed with a weapon.

AND the biased MSM never tells that has their headlines READ what the above fox news headline was:
Katie Wright said her son called her as he was supposedly getting pulled over for having air fresheners hanging in his rear-view mirror"
That's the headline ... such a false story!
COME on folks lets get honest here!

COMPLIANCE! IF this 20 year old black had simply complied! HE DIDN"T HE's DEAD!

I must always comply with authorities.
When they demand that I allow myself to be handcuffed or pepper sprayed without cause I'll happily comply.
When they come for my guns I'll happily hand them over because I must comply.
When they demand I carry a vaccine passport I'll happily comply.
When they demand that I wear a mask I'll happily comply.

Because they have the authority and therefore whatever they demand is reasonable.
If I don't comply with authorities I accept all and any consequences as correct and fair.

Are you French?
How many whites killed by cops versus blacks killed by cops?
In 2020.. 457 whites 241 blacks...nearly 2 times as many whites as blacks... But who gets the headlines.
Now the first response is "well there are more whites than blacks"!
Yup that is true.
Whites in USA
Screen Shot 2021-04-13 at 8.56.21 AM.png

THE latest shooting as reported by the extremely ignorant and BIASED MSM has totally ignored that word!
Here folks read what 2 black men tell you!

Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

Watch the this interview with Reverend Jarett Maupin about his experience in use of force training with local police.
Who is Jarrett Maupin? Man behind Phoenix's police protests is a rights leader — and a paid political consultant.
Maupin led protests against police shooting of an unarmed man in Phoenix. In his own words...
Maupin stated that the training scenarios changed his way of thinking, saying,
I didn’t understand how important compliance was… people need to comply with the orders of law enforcement officers, for their own safety.” !!!
Simple compliance with an authority figure, i.e. the cop. Is so simple but why are blacks more inclined NOT to comply?
FACT is what this black economist pointed out:
Walter Williams a professor of economics at George Mason University and in the famous words of Obama who said..(."by the way he is black"!, ) points this out.
"In 1960, just 22 percent of black children were raised in single-parent families.
Fifty years later, more than 70 percent of black children were raised in single-parent families.
No father figure who would be the authority figure that would be teaching the lessons of "compliance"!
Totally a simple compliance with a cop and most if not ALL these stories wouldn't
be headlines!

In fact a simple search shows encounter violent suspects!

Today's shooting in Minnesota of Daunte Wright the black non-compliant man was Court records show Wright was being sought after failing to appear in court on charges that he fled from officers and possessed a gun without a permit during an encounter with Minneapolis police in June. In that case, a statement of probable cause said police got a call about a man waving a gun who was later identified as Wright.

Here’s what it comes down to – the more frequently officers encounter violent suspects
no matter what that racial group is – the greater the chances that members of that racial group will be shot by a police officer.
It gets even more interesting.
The study found if there is a bias in police shootings after crime rates are taken into account, it is against white civilians.
The authors are faculty at Michigan State University and the University of Maryland at College Park. They completed the study by creating a database of 917 officer-involved fatal shootings in 2015 from more than 650 police departments.
When examining those shootings, 55 percent of the victims were white, 27 percent were black, and 19 percent were Hispanic.
Between 90 and 95 percent of the civilians shot by officers in 2015 were attacking police or other citizens and 90 percent were armed with a weapon.

AND the biased MSM never tells that has their headlines READ what the above fox news headline was:
Katie Wright said her son called her as he was supposedly getting pulled over for having air fresheners hanging in his rear-view mirror"
That's the headline ... such a false story!
COME on folks lets get honest here!

COMPLIANCE! IF this 20 year old black had simply complied! HE DIDN"T HE's DEAD!

This from the guy who won't wear a mask or get vaccinated

"Compliance" my ass.

THE latest shooting as reported by the extremely ignorant and BIASED MSM has totally ignored that word!
Here folks read what 2 black men tell you!

Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

Watch the this interview with Reverend Jarett Maupin about his experience in use of force training with local police.
Who is Jarrett Maupin? Man behind Phoenix's police protests is a rights leader — and a paid political consultant.
Maupin led protests against police shooting of an unarmed man in Phoenix. In his own words...
Maupin stated that the training scenarios changed his way of thinking, saying,
I didn’t understand how important compliance was… people need to comply with the orders of law enforcement officers, for their own safety.” !!!
Simple compliance with an authority figure, i.e. the cop. Is so simple but why are blacks more inclined NOT to comply?
FACT is what this black economist pointed out:
Walter Williams a professor of economics at George Mason University and in the famous words of Obama who said..(."by the way he is black"!, ) points this out.
"In 1960, just 22 percent of black children were raised in single-parent families.
Fifty years later, more than 70 percent of black children were raised in single-parent families.
No father figure who would be the authority figure that would be teaching the lessons of "compliance"!
Totally a simple compliance with a cop and most if not ALL these stories wouldn't
be headlines!

In fact a simple search shows encounter violent suspects!

Today's shooting in Minnesota of Daunte Wright the black non-compliant man was Court records show Wright was being sought after failing to appear in court on charges that he fled from officers and possessed a gun without a permit during an encounter with Minneapolis police in June. In that case, a statement of probable cause said police got a call about a man waving a gun who was later identified as Wright.

Here’s what it comes down to – the more frequently officers encounter violent suspects
no matter what that racial group is – the greater the chances that members of that racial group will be shot by a police officer.
It gets even more interesting.
The study found if there is a bias in police shootings after crime rates are taken into account, it is against white civilians.
The authors are faculty at Michigan State University and the University of Maryland at College Park. They completed the study by creating a database of 917 officer-involved fatal shootings in 2015 from more than 650 police departments.
When examining those shootings, 55 percent of the victims were white, 27 percent were black, and 19 percent were Hispanic.
Between 90 and 95 percent of the civilians shot by officers in 2015 were attacking police or other citizens and 90 percent were armed with a weapon.

AND the biased MSM never tells that has their headlines READ what the above fox news headline was:
Katie Wright said her son called her as he was supposedly getting pulled over for having air fresheners hanging in his rear-view mirror"
That's the headline ... such a false story!
COME on folks lets get honest here!

COMPLIANCE! IF this 20 year old black had simply complied! HE DIDN"T HE's DEAD!

This from the guy who won't wear a mask or get vaccinated

"Compliance" my ass.

Who are you talking about wearing a mask or vaccinated?

I just saw a county sheriff who asked the same question I did... where was Wright's father teaching the son compliance?
You just don't resist arrest unless you want to suffer the consequences.
The links are just so obvious!
1) How many black households in USA are single parent?
While 74.3 percent of all White children below the age of 18 live with both parents,
only 38.7 percent of African-American minors can say the same.
2) If there is just the mother in 61% of the home that is the authority figure i.e. showing how compliance with authority wouldn't there
be then historically a lack of a father-figure?
WAIT and see folks. You will see the pendulum swing back to this point just purely out of reality!
Again folks... "COMPLIANCE" not being defiant! Not resisting arrest. You will NOT end up in handcuffs much less DEAD if you comply!

THE latest shooting as reported by the extremely ignorant and BIASED MSM has totally ignored that word!
Here folks read what 2 black men tell you!

Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

Watch the this interview with Reverend Jarett Maupin about his experience in use of force training with local police.
Who is Jarrett Maupin? Man behind Phoenix's police protests is a rights leader — and a paid political consultant.
Maupin led protests against police shooting of an unarmed man in Phoenix. In his own words...
Maupin stated that the training scenarios changed his way of thinking, saying,
I didn’t understand how important compliance was… people need to comply with the orders of law enforcement officers, for their own safety.” !!!
Simple compliance with an authority figure, i.e. the cop. Is so simple but why are blacks more inclined NOT to comply?
FACT is what this black economist pointed out:
Walter Williams a professor of economics at George Mason University and in the famous words of Obama who said..(."by the way he is black"!, ) points this out.
"In 1960, just 22 percent of black children were raised in single-parent families.
Fifty years later, more than 70 percent of black children were raised in single-parent families.
No father figure who would be the authority figure that would be teaching the lessons of "compliance"!
Totally a simple compliance with a cop and most if not ALL these stories wouldn't
be headlines!

In fact a simple search shows encounter violent suspects!

Today's shooting in Minnesota of Daunte Wright the black non-compliant man was Court records show Wright was being sought after failing to appear in court on charges that he fled from officers and possessed a gun without a permit during an encounter with Minneapolis police in June. In that case, a statement of probable cause said police got a call about a man waving a gun who was later identified as Wright.

Here’s what it comes down to – the more frequently officers encounter violent suspects
no matter what that racial group is – the greater the chances that members of that racial group will be shot by a police officer.
It gets even more interesting.
The study found if there is a bias in police shootings after crime rates are taken into account, it is against white civilians.
The authors are faculty at Michigan State University and the University of Maryland at College Park. They completed the study by creating a database of 917 officer-involved fatal shootings in 2015 from more than 650 police departments.
When examining those shootings, 55 percent of the victims were white, 27 percent were black, and 19 percent were Hispanic.
Between 90 and 95 percent of the civilians shot by officers in 2015 were attacking police or other citizens and 90 percent were armed with a weapon.

AND the biased MSM never tells that has their headlines READ what the above fox news headline was:
Katie Wright said her son called her as he was supposedly getting pulled over for having air fresheners hanging in his rear-view mirror"
That's the headline ... such a false story!
COME on folks lets get honest here!

COMPLIANCE! IF this 20 year old black had simply complied! HE DIDN"T HE's DEAD!

This from the guy who won't wear a mask or get vaccinated

"Compliance" my ass.

Who are you talking about wearing a mask or vaccinated?

I just saw a county sheriff who asked the same question I did... where was Wright's father teaching the son compliance?
You just don't resist arrest unless you want to suffer the consequences.
The links are just so obvious!
1) How many black households in USA are single parent?
While 74.3 percent of all White children below the age of 18 live with both parents,
only 38.7 percent of African-American minors can say the same.
2) If there is just the mother in 61% of the home that is the authority figure i.e. showing how compliance with authority wouldn't there
be then historically a lack of a father-figure?
WAIT and see folks. You will see the pendulum swing back to this point just purely out of reality!
Again folks... "COMPLIANCE" not being defiant! Not resisting arrest. You will NOT end up in handcuffs much less DEAD if you comply!

Blatant hypocrisy.
When did Right-Wingers go from "I have the right to collect as many guns as I need to to protect myself from a tyrannical government" to "you must comply"?
When did Right-Wingers go from "I have the right to collect as many guns as I need to to protect myself from a tyrannical government" to "you must comply"?
So you are a literalist I guess. That's why we have elections, local, county, state, federal government to protect
most of us from animals. And the thin blue line is the ONLY protection we have from people evidently like you
that have no respect for the rest of us...i.e. just like the animals that get shot by police. They simply think they
are better than us as you evidently think. Good. Don't comply to normal civilized behavior.
When did Right-Wingers go from "I have the right to collect as many guns as I need to to protect myself from a tyrannical government" to "you must comply"?
So you are a literalist I guess. That's why we have elections, local, county, state, federal government to protect
most of us from animals. And the thin blue line is the ONLY protection we have from people evidently like you
that have no respect for the rest of us...i.e. just like the animals that get shot by police. They simply think they
are better than us as you evidently think. Good. Don't comply to normal civilized behavior.
I'm trying to understand how we go from "resist tyranny" to "comply".
I must always comply with authorities.
When they demand that I allow myself to be handcuffed or pepper sprayed without cause I'll happily comply.

Have you ever been handcuffed or pepper sprayed without cause?

Of course not, you're just lying fucking Nazi spewing demagoguery.

When they come for my guns I'll happily hand them over because I must comply.
When they demand I carry a vaccine passport I'll happily comply.
When they demand that I wear a mask I'll happily comply.

Because they have the authority and therefore whatever they demand is reasonable.
If I don't comply with authorities I accept all and any consequences as correct and fair.

You don't own a gun, you want to disarm free people.

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