Not Much Enthusiasm for Biden and Democrats as Convention TV Ratings Tank


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Not Much Enthusiasm for Biden and Democrats as Convention TV Ratings Tank

21 Aug 2020 ~~ By Rick Moran
Much has been made of the “enthusiasm gap” between Trump and Biden supporters. The short story is that fewer than half of Biden supporters are “very enthusiastic” about supporting him compared to 65 percent of Trump supporters, who identify as “very enthusiastic.”
This makes a difference on Election Day — usually. But with mail-in voting, you don’t have to motivate yourself to go out in the cold and stand in line at the polling place to cast your ballot. The most strenuous activity you’ll see in mail-in voting will be licking the stamp to post the ballot.
Nevertheless, there are other ways to measure “enthusiasm.” One of them is interest in party conventions. Alas, for Democrats, it’s something of a bust.
On Monday night, the NBA playoffs (without fans in the stands) trounced convention coverage on all three over-the-air networks combined. On Tuesday, America’s Got Talent swamped the network’s coverage of the Democrats.
But far more significantly, viewership compared to 2016 was way off.
New York Post:
The broadcast networks — CBS, NBC and ABC — took the biggest hit, with a 42-percent decline in viewers from 2016.​
The three cable news networks fared better, but still saw a 16-percent drop in viewership from 2016, the report said.​
The first night of the virtual 2020 Democratic National Convention was largely a snoozefest and that was reflected in its dismal TV ratings, which tanked compared to the opening festivities of 2016.Among the six, MSNBC drew the most eyes during the 10 p.m. hour, with 5.1 million viewers.​
My theory on voters tuning in to this “America’s Got No Talent” TV show is that it’s just bad reality TV. Americans are a discerning folk and the Democratic convention as “must-watch” TV is like a cross between a bad episode of the Bachelor and a good episode of Marriage Boot Camp. There’s far more action and much less talk on both of those shows.

Bidet’s appearances during the convention, which were only vignettes carefully edited, reminded me of the Joe Pesci commentary in My Cousin Vinny wherein he describes the prosecution case as nothing more than a house of cards. It looks strong when looked at head on but when you examine the cards, they are thin and flimsy. Of course the media will do all in its power to avoid any examination of him and his positions. I hope Trump uses the Joe Lewis approach, saying Bidet can run be he cannot hide. The only thing we need worry about here is if this is a contrived rope a dope campaign by the liar Democrats. Trump punches away at Bidet but the real enemy has yet to make themselves known.
Who wants to watch and listen to this lying HATE SPEECH?
Even Democrat voters aren't watching because they're busy rioting and spending their SNAP benefits on 40 ounce Cobras.
The younger crowd doesn't watch TV if you have failed to notice. The only ones who do are sedentary people that are bored to tears and have no imagination to take away the trance of a TV.
18.1 million viewers on day three and only 15.2 million viewers to see Joe accept the nomination on day four... OUCH! That is a a stinging rebuke of Biden.. .
Why watch what you already know is going to happen?
IF there was enthusiasm for Biden they would have watched... Its a good indicator of the level of enthusiasm on the democrat side...
18.1 million viewers on day three and only 15.2 million viewers to see Joe accept the nomination on day four... OUCH! That is a a stinging rebuke of Biden.. .
Why watch what you already know is going to happen?

Sometimes I have to agree with you. It's boring watching Snake Oil Salesmen especially those caught out trying to continue the same ole oil with new labels.
The younger crowd doesn't watch TV if you have failed to notice. The only ones who do are sedentary people that are bored to tears and have no imagination to take away the trance of a TV.
No, they don’t but one was telling it like it is, about whatJoe has done for his district...
RNC 148 million viewers, spanked the DNC 122 million

The RNC paddled the DNC in viewership.

Republicans watched online and on CSPAN to avoid the fake news spin. Those were the only ways to get around the Big Foot anchors and Acosta-style correspondents who talked over the RNC, which put on a great show with ordinary people who were not politicians or Hollywood stars. They gave testimony to the greatness of Donald Trump's presidency.

Following the DNC, liberals set the metrics for measuring the success of the 2 conventions.

CNN gushed, "Biden's campaign says it raised $70 million during DNC watched live by 122 million people."

That 122 million watching was the cumulative number. The daily average was a little more than 30 million.

The Trump campaign raked in $76 million during Republican National Convention. The GOP convention brought in 147.9 million views across television and online, Fox News has learned.

Rounded off, that is 148 million for a daily average of 37 million.

Measured by viewers, President Trump did 21% better.

Measured by money, he did 8% better.

Further, Trump Voters are making monkeys out of Fake News Pollsters.

Bloomberg reported on a new study finds that Republicans and independents are twice as likely as Democrats to say they would not give their true opinion in a telephone poll question about their preference for president in the 2020 election. The polls understate support for President Donald Trump.

Polls are about as useful as a fishing pole in the Sahara.

We are quiet now. We will roar on November 3rd.

Joe Biden has 8.9 million followers on Twitter.

The Donald has 85.6 million -- or nearly 10 times as many.
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