North Korea warns arsenal of nukes missiles may reach California


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
North Korea has threatened the US with ‘full out war’ as it’s claimed Kim Jong-un may have the technology to hit California with a nuclear missile.Today’s worrying ‘war’ statement comes as the US supercarrier Carl Vinson heads back to the Korean Peninsula, which is already on a war footing. The statement from North Korea’s Foreign Ministry reads: “The state of affairs on the Korean peninsula and the region are extremely perilous because of madcap American nuclear war maneuvers aimed at trampling on our sovereignty and right to survival.
North Korea Warns Arsenal of Nuke Missiles May Reach California

DEVELOPING: North Korea May Perform Next Nuclear Test This Week!
DEVELOPING: North Korea May Perform Next Nuclear Test This Week!

Seems like fat boy is really pushing his threats lol
This Fat Goofy Fuck is going tiresome.

Wonder how many barbers he's killed.

Clearly hasn't found a good one yet.
Kim Jong-un may have the technology to hit California with a nuclear missile
MindWars Doom-Tracker (tm) update, residents of California you must flee immediately.

1. Flu pandemic
2. Financial collapse
3. War with Korea
4. Artificial intelligence run amok
5. Mass extinctions
6. Heavily armed Muslims in the US
7. Russian Bombers
8. Wild fires out of control with some secret reason they started
9. Nuclear war wipes out everyone
10. Massive power outage with boilerplate FEMA reference
11. FEMA Operation Gotham false flag
12. Cell phones causing brain cancer
13. Coronal hole from giant fissure on the sun
14. Popocatépetl volcano
15. Facial recognition not really for illegals
16. Cyber attack on power grid
17. Nuclear missile hitting California

As always, thanks to MindWars sharp investigative journalism for identifying the latest threat and saving countless lives in California.
He'd have been more "effectively scary" to threaten Alaska as I think there's a lot of folks that wouldn't mind so much if he hit California. But he probably knows that Alaska would shoot his pop guns down before they bridged the Aleutian's; too much hang time to wipe out more than a family sized village... (Nevada's missle defence would trash his pop gun anyway)

Not that I think he can get it /on/ the pad atm, much less /off/ it. I imagine every satellite up there is looking for coords... See also - MDA - A System of Elements
North Korea Says Ready To Bring Down Donald Trump's 'Armada'
Kim Jong-un vows Pyongyang is ready to SINK US warship sailing past Korea
Trump sends two more aircraft carriers to tackle Kim to bolster American deployment in Korea

"The commander-in-chief is said to be bolstering American deployment in the region by sending the USS Ronald Reagan and the USS Nimitz to the Sea of Japan next week. He has already dispatched the USS Carl Vinson, powered by nuclear reactors, carrying almost 100 aircraft and accompanied by destroyers, a cruiser, and a submarine to the area."

So within the week 3 carriers are expected to be in the Sea of Japan .. IOW: relatively close to Korea

“North Korea Says Ready To Bring Down Donald Trump's 'Armada'”

Wikipedia says Korea has over 10 nukes.
Recently Trump has signaled threat to such as Korea by the Tomahawk attack and the MOAB.
Kim Jong-un is young and prone to be impulsive.

The conflict is NOT just Trump versus N.Korea.

The Pope-led Globalist cabal, China and Russia all influence (if not outright control) N. Korea.
They may well intend to sacrifice Korea in order to initiate nuke war and bring down “sovereign” USA.

US carriers close to N. Korea will be in grave danger.

Likely Trump is being lured into a trap (or one might cal it 'backed into a corner')
North Korea has threatened the US with ‘full out war’ as it’s claimed Kim Jong-un may have the technology to hit California with a nuclear missile.Today’s worrying ‘war’ statement comes as the US supercarrier Carl Vinson heads back to the Korean Peninsula, which is already on a war footing. The statement from North Korea’s Foreign Ministry reads: “The state of affairs on the Korean peninsula and the region are extremely perilous because of madcap American nuclear war maneuvers aimed at trampling on our sovereignty and right to survival.
North Korea Warns Arsenal of Nuke Missiles May Reach California

DEVELOPING: North Korea May Perform Next Nuclear Test This Week!
DEVELOPING: North Korea May Perform Next Nuclear Test This Week!

Seems like fat boy is really pushing his threats lol
I think it's more psychological war than reality ;)
This Fat Goofy Fuck is going tiresome.

Wonder how many barbers he's killed.

Clearly hasn't found a good one yet.
The little pervert made a law stating no one but himself is allowed to have the same style haircut as he does.
North Korea has threatened the US with ‘full out war’ as it’s claimed Kim Jong-un may have the technology to hit California with a nuclear missile.Today’s worrying ‘war’ statement comes as the US supercarrier Carl Vinson heads back to the Korean Peninsula, which is already on a war footing. The statement from North Korea’s Foreign Ministry reads: “The state of affairs on the Korean peninsula and the region are extremely perilous because of madcap American nuclear war maneuvers aimed at trampling on our sovereignty and right to survival.
North Korea Warns Arsenal of Nuke Missiles May Reach California

DEVELOPING: North Korea May Perform Next Nuclear Test This Week!
DEVELOPING: North Korea May Perform Next Nuclear Test This Week!

Seems like fat boy is really pushing his threats lol

Missiles can reach California? Well then it's a no brainer. Trump attacks tomorrow which will instantly decrease the large number of electoral votes that will go against him in 2020.
North Korea Says Ready To Bring Down Donald Trump's 'Armada'
Kim Jong-un vows Pyongyang is ready to SINK US warship sailing past Korea
Trump sends two more aircraft carriers to tackle Kim to bolster American deployment in Korea
"The commander-in-chief is said to be bolstering American deployment in the region by sending the USS Ronald Reagan and the USS Nimitz to the Sea of Japan next week. He has already dispatched the USS Carl Vinson, powered by nuclear reactors, carrying almost 100 aircraft and accompanied by destroyers, a cruiser, and a submarine to the area."So within the week 3 carriers are expected to be in the Sea of Japan .. IOW: relatively close to Korea “North Korea Says Ready To Bring Down Donald Trump's 'Armada'”Wikipedia says Korea has over 10 nukes.
Recently Trump has signaled threat to such as Korea by the Tomahawk attack and the MOAB. Kim Jong-un is young and prone to be impulsive.
The conflict is NOT just Trump versus N.Korea.The Pope-led Globalist cabal, China and Russia all influence (if not outright control) N. Korea.
They may well intend to sacrifice Korea in order to initiate nuke war and bring down “sovereign” USA.
US carriers close to N. Korea will be in grave danger.
Likely Trump is being lured into a trap (or one might cal it 'backed into a corner')

Correction and addition. Just recently saw article claiming the "3 carriers going to Sea of Japan" claim was false.
Navy Official: Two More Aircraft Carriers "Absolutely Not" Headed To Korean Peninsula, In Response To Fake News Reports - American Military News

So, I'm now not sure if onehow
North Korea Says Ready To Bring Down Donald Trump's 'Armada'
Kim Jong-un vows Pyongyang is ready to SINK US warship sailing past Korea
Trump sends two more aircraft carriers to tackle Kim to bolster American deployment in Korea

"The commander-in-chief is said to be bolstering American deployment in the region by sending the USS Ronald Reagan and the USS Nimitz to the Sea of Japan next week. He has already dispatched the USS Carl Vinson, powered by nuclear reactors, carrying almost 100 aircraft and accompanied by destroyers, a cruiser, and a submarine to the area."So within the week 3 carriers are expected to be in the Sea of Japan .. IOW: relatively close to Korea
“North Korea Says Ready To Bring Down Donald Trump's 'Armada'”
Wikipedia says Korea has over 10 nukes.Recently Trump has signaled threat to such as Korea by the Tomahawk attack and the MOAB.
Kim Jong-un is young and prone to be impulsive.The conflict is NOT just Trump versus N.Korea.
The Pope-led Globalist cabal, China and Russia all influence (if not outright control) N. Korea.
They may well intend to sacrifice Korea in order to initiate nuke war and bring down “sovereign” USA.

US carriers close to N. Korea will be in grave danger.Likely Trump is being lured into a trap (or one might cal it 'backed into a corner')

Correction and addition. Just saw article claiming the "3 carriers to Korea" account was false. So now I don't know how many carriers are going.

Also just saw article by Globalist-CIA mouthpiece Washington Post about US "war crimes" in past Korean War. This is Globalist way of giving "green light" to Korea to attack carrier(s). Will come back with links later.
This article contradicts the "3 carriers to Korea" account. 1 carrier going to Sea of Japan ... or 3 ? Lacking an insider in the Navy ofor CIA... I dont' know.
Navy Official: Two More Aircraft Carriers "Absolutely Not" Headed To Korean Peninsula, In Response To Fake News Reports - American Military News

The following, published at this point in time, is a treacherous stab in the back of "sovereign" USA. It is encouragement for Korea to attack the carrier(s).
The U.S. war crime North Korea won’t forget

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