North Korea Defectors Vow to Send Million Fliers on Korean War Over Border


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
The leader of Kuensaem, Park Jung-oh, said Thursday: "We do this as humanitarian aid amongst those who share the same values, so whatever North Korea says, we will continue to help those in hard situations, the elderly and the victims."

Kuensaem has been sending goods to North Korea twice a month for the past five years. Sunday would have marked the 108th occasion, the Kuensaem leader said.

Several defector-led groups in South Korea regularly send fliers over the border, along with food, $1 bills, small radios, and USB sticks containing South Korean television drama series and news programs. Most are sent using balloons or bottles in rivers.

It's the whole................wut? What are we doing that's wrong? that makes it disturbing.
It's the whole................wut? What are we doing that's wrong? that makes it disturbing.
I’m not sure I follow you here

do you support the efforts of the n korean defectors?

I do

but its causing a giant flap in north and south korea

with kim jun un’s half sister threatening war

and that has sent shock waves through south korea

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