North Carolina Judges strike down voter ID law


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
North Carolina judges struck down the state´s latest photo voter identification law on Friday, agreeing with minority voters that Republicans rammed through rules tainted by racial bias as a way to remain in power.
Two of the three trial judges at Wake County Superior Court in Raleigh declared the December 2018 law is unconstitutional, even though it was designed to implement a photo voter ID mandate added to the North Carolina Constitution in a referendum just weeks earlier.

The Democrats are Liars, Cheaters and Racist.
The US Supreme Court has ruled multiple times that Voter ID laws are perfectly constitutional.
The far left extremists are attempting to claim that African Americans are unable to get ID cards.
That is a racist Democrat lie.
If the corrupt Democrat Party actually believes that African American are unable obtain ID cards, the right thing to do would be to help them get ID cards.
This is another obvious example that proves that the corrupt Democrat Party uses mass voter fraud to deny other people their right to vote and to undermine our constitutional representative democracy.
Democrats can't win without cheating.
They will be overruled again by the USSC.
North Carolina judges struck down the state´s latest photo voter identification law on Friday, agreeing with minority voters that Republicans rammed through rules tainted by racial bias as a way to remain in power.
Two of the three trial judges at Wake County Superior Court in Raleigh declared the December 2018 law is unconstitutional, even though it was designed to implement a photo voter ID mandate added to the North Carolina Constitution in a referendum just weeks earlier.

The Democrats are Liars, Cheaters and Racist.
The US Supreme Court has ruled multiple times that Voter ID laws are perfectly constitutional.
The far left extremists are attempting to claim that African Americans are unable to get ID cards.
That is a racist Democrat lie.
If the corrupt Democrat Party actually believes that African American are unable obtain ID cards, the right thing to do would be to help them get ID cards.
This is another obvious example that proves that the corrupt Democrat Party uses mass voter fraud to deny other people their right to vote and to undermine our constitutional representative democracy.
Democrats can't win without cheating.
They will be overruled again by the USSC.
I like there to be an approved photo ID required, but the way most states set it up for non drivers is BS. If the purpose is voter ID it ought to be free and available without spending an hour or more at the DMV. It should be available at state, county and federal offices, state collage/university photo ID accepted. If it was me, I'd make it a photo on one side and a thumb print on the other on a media that cannot be copied and securely laminated and numbered, and of course totally free, and easily attainable, otherwise it is a poll tax on your right to vote.
I have to have a photo ID to open a bank account, get a driver license, check out books from the library, change my postal address, cash a check, get a job, leave the country, travel by air and start a business.

Anyone who says ID restricts voting rights obviously is all about getting the illegal vote and corrupting elections. PERIOD.

But as the post above alludes.....the requirement for an ID can be abused and used by nefarious agencies for bad purposes.
on the other hand, positive identification of an individual will remain a fundamental and necessary procedure in civilized diverse societies.
I like there to be an approved photo ID required, but the way most states set it up for non drivers is BS. If the purpose is voter ID it ought to be free and available without spending an hour or more at the DMV. It should be available at state, county and federal offices, state collage/university photo ID accepted. If it was me, I'd make it a photo on one side and a thumb print on the other on a media that cannot be copied and securely laminated and numbered, and of course totally free, and easily attainable, otherwise it is a poll tax on your right to vote.
The officials pushing new voter ID laws do not give one single fuck about voter fraud. They know that any amount of significant, in-person voter fraud is basically non-existent and logistically impossible anyway. If you want to significantly affect election results via fraud, you throw out batches of votes after the fact on dubious pretenses and give the State legislatures the power to ignore or overturn results. I/E., the GOP agenda. The biggest frauds are the ones screaming loudest about fraud. That's the gaslighting tactic. The judge gets it.
The post above is Fascist, unadulterated pure Bullshit, made by one of the white liberal imbeciles I mention below.

This is how smugly condescending these prog creeps are....

Black people aren't nearly as collectively stupid as white liberals want to portray.

Truth be told......
Liberals are taught to hate America early in those smug, nearly all white enclaves where few blacks are around to dispute the horseshit, they are teaching these liberal imbeciles how to destroy America by eliminating the requirement for voter ID thus paving the way for massive voter fraud.

It's too bad so many white liberal young people are too stupid to figure this out.
The officials pushing new voter ID laws do not give one single fuck about voter fraud. They know that any amount of significant, in-person voter fraud is basically non-existent and logistically impossible anyway. If you want to significantly affect election results via fraud, you throw out batches of votes after the fact on dubious pretenses and give the State legislatures the power to ignore or overturn results. I/E., the GOP agenda. The biggest frauds are the ones screaming loudest about fraud. That's the gaslighting tactic. The judge gets it.
By in-large, I think you got a pretty good bead on the movement.
By in-large, I think you got a pretty good bead on the movement.
The GOP sees the writing on the wall. But, instead of altering their platform(s) to appeal to more voters, they are stuck defending archaic, unpopular positions to pass a purity test. So, they have only one strategy available: election fraud and voter suppression.
North Carolina judges struck down the state´s latest photo voter identification law on Friday, agreeing with minority voters that Republicans rammed through rules tainted by racial bias as a way to remain in power.
Two of the three trial judges at Wake County Superior Court in Raleigh declared the December 2018 law is unconstitutional, even though it was designed to implement a photo voter ID mandate added to the North Carolina Constitution in a referendum just weeks earlier.

The Democrats are Liars, Cheaters and Racist.
The US Supreme Court has ruled multiple times that Voter ID laws are perfectly constitutional.
The far left extremists are attempting to claim that African Americans are unable to get ID cards.
That is a racist Democrat lie.
If the corrupt Democrat Party actually believes that African American are unable obtain ID cards, the right thing to do would be to help them get ID cards.
This is another obvious example that proves that the corrupt Democrat Party uses mass voter fraud to deny other people their right to vote and to undermine our constitutional representative democracy.
Democrats can't win without cheating.
They will be overruled again by the USSC.
The left believes that they're smart enough to get vax cards, but not voter ID. How much more transparent can they get?

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