Non-Profit Humanitarian NGOs


Jan 15, 2004
Building a stronger working relationship between the Non-Profit Humanitarian NGOs (NPH-NGOs) and the government is needed. Realizing the limitations in what governments can do and what (NPH-NGOs) can do better is a key point. The government policies and laws can greatly strengthen the position of (NPH-NGOs) in the world. Using the United State as a model that could be copy by other nations in varying degrees and forms.

Volunteer America Program (VAP)

The Volunteer America Program (VAP) is a federal program that mandates at least two thousands hours of volunteer service be committed by our young people. There will be a wide range of programs that a volunteer can choose from in many different forms. Creating an umbrella from the military, State National Guard, Peace Core, Habitat for Humanity, Red Cross, United Nations and a host of other groups will become endorsed members of the Volunteer America Program. Each group will be able to tailor the requirements to their individual program to meet the guidelines of Volunteer America Program. A volunteer will be able to choose from a number of different programs to fulfill their volunteer service. On completion of service they will receive a certificate from Volunteer America Program.

Creating opportunities for young people to help other people in the United States and around the world they might not have otherwise. For some young people it will be a way to further their education and for others it will be a way to use their education to help others. In some cases it be a way for someone to help them self in finding who they are in life. By creating a steady stream of volunteer we will be able to create and fulfill position in the work of Non-Profit Humanitarian NGOs that otherwise might not get done.
First, if they ("our young people") are made to do this, then it wouldn't be volunteer, they'd have to change the name (Volunteer America Program).
Second, I actually like the idea. I think it would also teach some of these punk kids some self respect. It would help mature them, IMO. It would get them off the streets and doing something productive and hopefully giving them a sense of pride.
There's probably some down sides, I'm sure we'll hear some, But from what I've read so far, I'm for it.
People over seventeen years old will qualify for the American Volunteer Program (VAP). The Non-Profit Humanitarian NGOs will summit programs to (VAP) for approval with a request for a number of volunteers. The financial compensation will vary among the different programs and positions. There will be local, state, national and international programs for people to choose from. Some educational institution may incorporate the (VAP) as part of curriculum towards a degree. The family courts, criminal courts and probations officers can use (VAP) for sentencing for people in minor offences.

Many young people will use the (VAP) to further their education and find a career. A great experience at young age such as the Peace Core forever influence the way a person sees the world. Creating more opportunities for young people in (VAP) is a win, win situation. Some collages and universities will offer reduce tuition to students who are in the (VAP). This could be a person working as a teacher in a school with hardship at reduce salary for X number of years or a person being a nurse working at a Veterans Hospital at reduce salary for X number of years. For other people it will be a way to acquire a trade working with a group such as Habitat for Humanity. Office jobs in the Non-Profit Humanitarian NGOs sector will be a training platform for students in the (VAP).

The (VAP) will help make America more secure and help save tax dollars. By the government helping to create regulations and laws strengthening the Non-Profit Humanitarian NGOs sector we will be improving the world around us while creating jobs and opportunities. The Non-Profit Humanitarian NGOs should play a larger role with the government work in the humanitarian field. Keeping a balance between the corporations for profit and non-profit corporations will make us a stronger nation and a better world. (VAP) will have a wide range of programs to meet the needs of the non-profit groups that are members and participants. (VAP) will help strengthen the volunteer United States military forces, Homeland Security and the State National Guard.
I agree with the concept. I have long held the belief that every young person should perform two years of government service upon graduation from high school - no exceptions. I believe that the benefits would be many. Especially to those serving in the program. How many high school graduates are prepared to decide what they want to do with the rest of their lives? And yet that is what we are expecting them to do by sending them off to college and demanding that they choose a major.

Only problem that I see with this concept is that I doubt very seriously it would stand a court challenge. And you can bet your booties that the aclu would be on this like a fly on a fresh turd.
It is more evident than ever before that the people of the world need an International Peace Keeping Forces (IPKF). The IPKF would be a permanent on going operation dealing with the hot spots around the world. Non-partisan the IPKF mission is to bring peace within a nations opening the door for the humanitarian NGOs. Creating a multi-lateral IPKF working on a universal platform. The IPKF will work in conjunction with the United Nations, NATO, Organization of the American States, Arab League and other international and regional organizations. There will be three main types of IPKF worker:

A. Career IPKF workers
B. Term IPFK worker for a specific period of time generally under two years
C. IPFK workers that are on salary from another country?s government or an international organization

The Charter of the IPKF will have two main operations. With the first operation being on the ground security for the international humanitarian NGOs creating Green Zones of safety, and the second operation being the training of indigenous security forces. The Charter of the IPKF will only include the defensive position of operation and not an offensive position. The sponsor nation or nations with their military forces will guarantee the security of the IPKF. The IPKF will operate more as a National Guard than an army. Only after the military war is over and both sides agree will the IPKF enter the county. Setting a new protocol for the international humanitarian NGOs and the giving of foreign aid. There will be regional divisions of the IPKF with one another helping and supporting the other in time of need.

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