Non-COVID, Excess Deaths in US Since Vaccine Roll-Out Near One Million, Scientists Blame mRNA Shots


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
What is important here is that none of what is happening was unexpected. Scientists have been warning us since early 2021. But they were censored.



FEBRUARY 15, 2024

Above: Images of COVID mRNA vaccine victims from victims’ solidarity website Real Not Rare.

Never-before-performed calculations show that the number of excess, non-COVID deaths globally since the 2021 release of the mRNA vaccines are about 20 million, a shocking figure given no attention by the heavily pharmaceuticals-influenced media, representing over three Holocausts in three years. These are deaths not caused by COVID, and are over and above the number of deaths which would be expected given normal death rates, which ordinarily vary by less than one percent from year to year.
In the US since the 2021 release of the mRNA vaccines, excess, non-COVID deaths are 904,000 deaths.
In the US and worldwide, long after COVID has subsided, deaths are about 20% higher than they were before 2020.

The data on which the figures are based are publicly available sources. Furthermore, thousands of doctors and scientists have long maintained that the novel mRNA COVID vaccines are responsible, but voices are silenced if they disagree with the official position of WHO that the mRNA vaccines are safe.

Links to doctors’ calls for halts to mass “vaccinations,” partial list: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Data sources for above charts 1, 2, 3,4. 
Below: Youtube censorship notice.

In July 2023 a team of scientists including a Yale School of Public Health professor determined, from the broadest review of autopsies and scientific literature yet, that 74% of mysterious sudden deaths following the COVID vaccines are due to the shots. Scientists such as Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Professor Emeritus of Microbiplogy at the University of Mainz and winner of the Aronson Prize in microbiology, have been warning since early 2021 that the mRNA shots would wreak havoc on the body in multiple different ways and involving all organs.

The preprint study, in a bizarre episode, was published in the Lancet and then immediately yanked from circulation, amid attacks for unsound methodology. Ironically, in 2015 the editor of The Lancet admitted that the science it, and other medical establishment journals, published was influenced and corrupted by Big Pharma, which paid scientists to publish flawed studies which heavily favored its products.
Richard Horton, editor of The Lancet, wrote:

“The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue… science has taken a turn towards darkness”

The critique of the COVID vaccines, “A Systematic Review of Autopsy Findings in Deaths after COVID-19 Vaccination” states:

“Findings: The most implicated organ system in COVID-19 vaccine-associated death was the cardiovascular system (53%), followed by the hematological system (17%), the respiratory system (8%), and multiple organ systems (7%). Three or more organ systems were affected in 21 cases. The mean time from vaccination to death was 14.3 days. Most deaths occurred within a week from last vaccine administration. A total of 240 deaths (73.9%) were independently adjudicated as directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination.”
[Full paper]

In September of 2022 the Epoch Times reported that the FDA was withholding autopsy results from sudden post-COVID-vaccine deaths.

Despite the data, many governments and politicians are going full speed ahead with laws and mandates desired by the pharmaceuticals industry, such as in France this month when the National Assembly passed a law, “Article 4,” which would make criticism of mRNA vaccines a crime punishable by imprisonment. But in other countries, parliamentarians such as British MP Andrew Bridgen, Australian MP Malcolm Roberts, and Philippines lawmakers all are starting investigations into the COVID vaccines and their relationship to the recent world tide of deaths.
Google-owned Youtube openly states that any information which contradicts “local health authorities or the World health Organization” will be removed, no matter how credible the source. Such a ban would include, for example, a study published by the prestigious British Medical Journal, which concludes that for certain age groups, “for each hospitalisation averted,” nearly 20 serious adverse events can be expected to be caused by the shots, including death and permanent disability.

The BMJ study states: “Our estimate shows that university COVID-19 vaccine mandates are likely to cause net expected harms to young healthy adults.”

Yet such information, even coming from the BMJ, would cause any Youtube video in which it appeared to be deleted by Youtube.

In one instance, Youtube removed a video compilation which consisted mainly of mainstream news reports on COVID vaccine injuries. (COMPILATION HERE.)

The findings on numbers of non-COVID excess deaths are released as damning correlationships in many countries can be seen between vaccination rates and excess death rates.

Nevertheless, voluminous studies, testimony and declarations by otherwise esteemed scientists are buried and attacked as “misinformation,” even though, in a remarkable act of courage and truth-telling, the long-time editors of the two most prestigious medical journals in the world, The Lancet and Harvard’s New England Journal of Medicine, confessed that much of what they publish in their own journals cannot be believed. Worse, this is often due not to innocent factors, but to financial conflicts of interest borne by the authors and institutions behind many studies.

Professor Leemon McHenry, “The Illusion of Evidence Based Medicine, ” The corruption of science by Big Pharma Professor Leemon McHenry: The Illusion of Evidence-based Medicine (view at Rumble)

More than simply censor science which opposes WHO, opposing views are savagely mocked and attacked, not simply censored.
Last year one of the principle spokesmen for the medical establishment and pro-COVID vaccine forces, Dr. Peter Hotez, took to calling those who disagreed “anti-science” and a “major killing force,” all but inviting unbalanced lone wolves to take shots at his opposition.
Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Peter Hotez, Image Source: Hotez Twitter

Hotez wrote in the website for the American Medical Association:
“You know, 200,000 Americans needlessly perished because they refused the COVID vaccine, so that this anti-science—and they were victims, basically, of this kind of anti-science aggression. So this anti-science movement is a dangerous political force. But we don’t frame it in that context. Too often, we toss it off as something called misinformation or infodemic, as though it’s just some random junk on the internet, when in fact, it’s organized, it’s well-financed, and it’s politically motivated.
Now, it’s a killing force. And that’s why we need to care about it—because if we’re health care providers or biomedical scientists, you know, it used to be enough just to want to save lives. And now—an added burden is now trying to figure out a way to combat the anti-vaccine, anti-science aggression, because it becomes such a killing force.”

Worrisomely, the Biden administration is aggressively pushing which would cede all national authority during a pandemic to the World Health Organization, including the authority to declare a worldwide pandemic in the first place. Such authority would include power over national polices on digital IDs, lockdowns, mandatory injections, and vaccine passports.
The single largest and most influential donor to WHO, whose donations are larger even than the US share when the non-profit GAVI is figured in, is Bill Gates. In a very real sense, passage of the Biden-promoted WHO pandemic treaty would make Gates the most powerful man in the world, able to determine every aspect of daily life for billions of people, for as long as a health emergency is declared by WHO.
Timeline of excess deaths and COVID vaccination rates in various countries. Source (CLICK ON IMAGE FOR LARGER IMAGE)

How COVID Vaccines Kill You, Immune Self-Attack: Pathologist Dr. Arne Burkhardt, EU Parliament 2023. (View at Rumble)(Slides presented by Dr. Burkhardt)

March 2021, Presentation of Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Professor Emeritus of the University of Mainz, and winner of the Aronson Prize for achievements in microbiology and immunology. Introduction to disability and death by mRNA

Below: Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Chief Science Officer and VP at Pfizer for 16 years, and is a successful biotech entrepreneur, warning that the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines are extremely dangerous and make the whole body into a “spike protein factory.”

More Article, Resources…
What is important here is that none of what is happening was unexpected. Scientists have been warning us since early 2021. But they were censored.


FEBRUARY 15, 2024

Above: Images of COVID mRNA vaccine victims from victims’ solidarity website Real Not Rare.

Never-before-performed calculations show that the number of excess, non-COVID deaths globally since the 2021 release of the mRNA vaccines are about 20 million, a shocking figure given no attention by the heavily pharmaceuticals-influenced media, representing over three Holocausts in three years. These are deaths not caused by COVID, and are over and above the number of deaths which would be expected given normal death rates, which ordinarily vary by less than one percent from year to year.
In the US since the 2021 release of the mRNA vaccines, excess, non-COVID deaths are 904,000 deaths.
In the US and worldwide, long after COVID has subsided, deaths are about 20% higher than they were before 2020.

The data on which the figures are based are publicly available sources. Furthermore, thousands of doctors and scientists have long maintained that the novel mRNA COVID vaccines are responsible, but voices are silenced if they disagree with the official position of WHO that the mRNA vaccines are safe.

Links to doctors’ calls for halts to mass “vaccinations,” partial list: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Data sources for abe charts 1, 2, 3,4. 
Below: Youtube censorship notice.

In July 2023 a team of scientists including a Yale School of Public Health professor determined, from the broadest review of autopsies and scientific literature yet, that 74% of mysterious sudden deaths following the COVID vaccines are due to the shots. Scientists such as Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Professor Emeritus of Microbiplogy at the University of Mainz and winner of the Aronson Prize in microbiology, have been warning since early 2021 that the mRNA shots would wreak havoc on the body in multiple different ways and involving all organs.

The preprint study, in a bizarre episode, was published in the Lancet and then immediately yanked from circulation, amid attacks for unsound methodology. Ironically, in 2015 the editor of The Lancet admitted that the science it, and other medical establishment journals, published was influenced and corrupted by Big Pharma, which paid scientists to publish flawed studies which heavily favored its products.
Richard Horton, editor of The Lancet, wrote:

“The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue… science has taken a turn towards darkness”

The critique of the COVID vaccines, “A Systematic Review of Autopsy Findings in Deaths after COVID-19 Vaccination” states:

“Findings: The most implicated organ system in COVID-19 vaccine-associated death was the cardiovascular system (53%), followed by the hematological system (17%), the respiratory system (8%), and multiple organ systems (7%). Three or more organ systems were affected in 21 cases. The mean time from vaccination to death was 14.3 days. Most deaths occurred within a week from last vaccine administration. A total of 240 deaths (73.9%) were independently adjudicated as directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination.”
[Full paper]

In September of 2022 the Epoch Times reported that the FDA was withholding autopsy results from sudden post-COVID-vaccine deaths.

Despite the data, many governments and politicians are going full speed ahead with laws and mandates desired by the pharmaceuticals industry, such as in France this month when the National Assembly passed a law, “Article 4,” which would make criticism of mRNA vaccines a crime punishable by imprisonment. But in other countries, parliamentarians such as British MP Andrew Bridgen, Australian MP Malcolm Roberts, and Philippines lawmakers all are starting investigations into the COVID vaccines and their relationship to the recent world tide of deaths.
Google-owned Youtube openly states that any information which contradicts “local health authorities or the World health Organization” will be removed, no matter how credible the source. Such a ban would include, for example, a study published by the prestigious British Medical Journal, which concludes that for certain age groups, “for each hospitalisation averted,” nearly 20 serious adverse events can be expected to be caused by the shots, including death and permanent disability.

The BMJ study states: “Our estimate shows that university COVID-19 vaccine mandates are likely to cause net expected harms to young healthy adults.”

Yet such information, even coming from the BMJ, would cause any Youtube video in which it appeared to be deleted by Youtube.

In one instance, Youtube removed a video compilation which consisted mainly of mainstream news reports on COVID vaccine injuries. (COMPILATION HERE.)

The findings on numbers of non-COVID excess deaths are released as damning correlationships in many countries can be seen between vaccination rates and excess death rates.

Nevertheless, voluminous studies, testimony and declarations by otherwise esteemed scientists are buried and attacked as “misinformation,” even though, in a remarkable act of courage and truth-telling, the long-time editors of the two most prestigious medical journals in the world, The Lancet and Harvard’s New England Journal of Medicine, confessed that much of what they publish in their own journals cannot be believed. Worse, this is often due not to innocent factors, but to financial conflicts of interest borne by the authors and institutions behind many studies.

Professor Leemon McHenry, “The Illusion of Evidence Based Medicine, ” The corruption of science by Big Pharma Professor Leemon McHenry: The Illusion of Evidence-based Medicine (view at Rumble)

More than simply censor science which opposes WHO, opposing views are savagely mocked and attacked, not simply censored.
Last year one of the principle spokesmen for the medical establishment and pro-COVID vaccine forces, Dr. Peter Hotez, took to calling those who disagreed “anti-science” and a “major killing force,” all but inviting unbalanced lone wolves to take shots at his opposition.
Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Peter Hotez, Image Source: Hotez Twitter

Hotez wrote in the website for the American Medical Association:
“You know, 200,000 Americans needlessly perished because they refused the COVID vaccine, so that this anti-science—and they were victims, basically, of this kind of anti-science aggression. So this anti-science movement is a dangerous political force. But we don’t frame it in that context. Too often, we toss it off as something called misinformation or infodemic, as though it’s just some random junk on the internet, when in fact, it’s organized, it’s well-financed, and it’s politically motivated.
Now, it’s a killing force. And that’s why we need to care about it—because if we’re health care providers or biomedical scientists, you know, it used to be enough just to want to save lives. And now—an added burden is now trying to figure out a way to combat the anti-vaccine, anti-science aggression, because it becomes such a killing force.”

Worrisomely, the Biden administration is aggressively pushing which would cede all national authority during a pandemic to the World Health Organization, including the authority to declare a worldwide pandemic in the first place. Such authority would include power over national polices on digital IDs, lockdowns, mandatory injections, and vaccine passports.
The single largest and most influential donor to WHO, whose donations are larger even than the US share when the non-profit GAVI is figured in, is Bill Gates. In a very real sense, passage of the Biden-promoted WHO pandemic treaty would make Gates the most powerful man in the world, able to determine every aspect of daily life for billions of people, for as long as a health emergency is declared by WHO.
Timeline of excess deaths and COVID vaccination rates in various countries. Source (CLICK ON IMAGE FOR LARGER IMAGE)

How COVID Vaccines Kill You, Immune Self-Attack: Pathologist Dr. Arne Burkhardt, EU Parliament 2023. (View at Rumble)
(Slides presented by Dr. Burkhardt)

March 2021, Presentation of Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Professor Emeritus of the University of Mainz, and winner of the Aronson Prize for achievements in microbiology and immunology. Introduction to disability and death by mRNA

Below: Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Chief Science Officer and VP at Pfizer for 16 years, and is a successful biotech entrepreneur, warning that the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines are extremely dangerous and make the whole body into a “spike protein factory.”

More Article, Resources…
If real scientists really believed that shit they wouldn't have to self publish on wordpress.

You guys need to learn to use your brain.
I did not get that covid vaccine. Just think what if social media back in 2020 had been fair and balanced allowing both for, and against, the vaccine point of views???

Both points of view (pros and cons) are allowed for cigarettes, sodas, and alcoholic drinks where you can be for or against it. For some strange and awkward reason people got tricked into getting that one particular covid vaccine because of one point of view being allowed. The other point of view got trampled on, shut out, disregarded, and often times completely removed.

That covid vaccine is the world's first ever synthetic vaccine. That raises a HUGE red flag.
The huge red flag is the number of people who willingly ignore the medical and scientific communities' opinions on this life saving product.
What I didn't ignore is the fact that in all of 2020 I did not drop dead. I was still alive and thriving. Last thing I needed to do in 2021 was put and untested and FDA unapproved vaccine in my body. The media asked the people at the medical lab who were making it if they were going to take it. They said "No"
The huge red flag is the number of people who willingly ignore the medical and scientific communities' opinions on this life saving product.

Which 'medical and scientific community', the one that made billions off of the shots?

If you want to trust your life to the bullshit that's controled and spewed by the 'media', that's your prerogative. It's NOT your prerogative to force others to do so, so your opinion on the subject is completely meaningless to anyone but you.
Which 'medical and scientific community', the one that made billions off of the shots?

If you want to trust your life to the bullshit that's controled and spewed by the 'media', that's your prerogative. It's NOT your prerogative to force others to do so, so your opinion on the subject is completely meaningless to anyone but you.
Dr. OldFlame is on a rant. You can skip it. It's meaningful only to him.

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