Non-classical barbies

You are the one that started this thread saying that they cannot change barbie's shape. Barbie is owned by Mattel. I think Mattel can change anything they want on the doll.
I don't think the designers would be able to argue with the feds about the imposition of sex symbols
I don't think the designers would be able to argue with the feds about the imposition of sex symbols

I think the designers of the Barbie doll have nothing to fear from the feds. They are not producing "barbie porn". And the feds do not bother with minor design changes in toys.
And the feds do not bother with minor design changes in toys.

Most of the time ...

I think the designers of the Barbie doll have nothing to fear from the feds. They are not producing "barbie porn". And the feds do not bother with minor design changes in toys.
You're an idiot. The future gene pool depends on it. People are largely inert, they follow fashion, in the days of Monroe, cowboys began to marry Europeans and so on.
This is the dirtiest and most essential trick in politics.
I heard that heredity in general is almost one hundred percent dependent on women.
If not for the American heat, the Europeans would have colonized the United States long ago without any war. They are extremely cunning and have the support of the feds.

I watch the blog of a European immigrant on YouTube. She "blames" American girls for not being slutty enough and not being able to lure American guys with tons of makeup. In fact, this monster says that American women are bad because they do not know how to deceive men.
You're an idiot. The future gene pool depends on it. People are largely inert, they follow fashion, in the days of Monroe, cowboys began to marry Europeans and so on.
This is the dirtiest and most essential trick in politics.
I heard that heredity in general is almost one hundred percent dependent on women.

You think the future gene pool depends on the figure of a Barbie doll? LMAO! And you have the gall to call me an idiot?

It is a doll. If they change the shape slightly, it is because their research showed their customers wanted it.

But you go ahead and get worked up about it.
You think the future gene pool depends on the figure of a Barbie doll? LMAO! And you have the gall to call me an idiot?
It's obvious even to an idiot like you, you're just fooling around.

The mass consumer always follows the imposed patterns to one degree or another, otherwise there would be no fashion industry and fashion as such.

People are afraid to go against the crowd.

If all the girls play the same style of dolls, it will be difficult for one girl to say that she does not like these dolls. And she will not buy the barbie that she likes anywhere. It will face a choice: either adapt or marginalize.

This is the reason why the most beautiful women become porn actresses and prostitutes.
And therefore, changing the style of pinup and barbie will de facto mean the destruction of the American gene pool in the future. It's not necessarily the only tool, but it helps.

They are at war with US symbols in the same way, symbolism and fashion are extremely important for them. They're removing the bull, they're perverting the origin of the statue of liberty (denying it's the Colossus of Rhodes), they're allowed to wipe your ass with the American flag, They're stealing the betsy's stars, they're exterminating the bison, they're planting taiga in Texas, they're initiating a massive "warming" scam, they're destroying the Mexican California with Hollywood and Silicon Valley.
Kill the American anthem

If America continues to allow shit on its culture, the center of the world will be Berlin or Vilnius.
And therefore, changing the style of pinup and barbie will de facto mean the destruction of the American gene pool in the future. It's not necessarily the only tool, but it helps.

They are at war with US symbols in the same way, symbolism and fashion are extremely important for them. They're removing the bull, they're perverting the origin of the statue of liberty (denying it's the Colossus of Rhodes), they're allowed to wipe your ass with the American flag, They're stealing the betsy's stars, they're exterminating the bison, they're planting taiga in Texas, they're initiating a massive "warming" scam, they're destroying the Mexican California with Hollywood and Silicon Valley.
Kill the American anthem

If America continues to allow shit on its culture, the center of the world will be Berlin or Vilnius.
Exactly how many strokes have you had? Your posts are headache inducing word salads.
When America was strong, in the 80s, it was the other way around. Europe was forced to use American cowgirl, American culture, and even the German language was tabooed, in fact, the entire German stage sang in English. The superstar was Cowboy Thomas Anders, not a fat German official.
When America was strong, in the 80s, it was the other way around. Europe was forced to use American cowgirl, American culture, and even the German language was tabooed, in fact, the entire German stage sang in English. The superstar was Cowboy Thomas Anders, not a fat German official.

I had no idea who Thomas Anders was until I looked it up. He is a German singer/song writer.

So much for American culture.
In your daily life, everything happens exactly the same as in big politics. You rarely get punched openly in the face, everything happens behind your back, or you get shot in the back. Your naivety will destroy you.
If not for the American heat, the Europeans would have colonized the United States long ago without any war.
Considering a majority (or at least plurality) of Americans are of European origin and English and Spanish are European languages, it’s safe to say it already happened a long time ago.
WinterBorn Whether you're a fool or pretending, I'm not interested.

I am just another poster here having fun. Pointing out your idiocy provides entertainment for me.

The fact that you thing minor changes in a plastic doll's figure will be the downfall of America is hugely entertaining.
Considering a majority (or at least plurality) of Americans are of European origin and English and Spanish are European languages, it’s safe to say it already happened a long time ago.
This is a lie, and you have your own interest. Real cowboys are disgusted with male striptease, and you are promoting it. You are obviously of European descent.
but in general there are almost no Europeans in America, this has already been discussed.
This is a lie, and you have your own interest. Real cowboys are disgusted with male striptease, and you are promoting it. You are obviously of European descent.
but in general there are almost no Europeans in America, this has already been discussed.

Real cowboys? How in the hell do you know what a "real cowboy" is disgusted by? Do you know any real cowboys? Have you ever talked to a real cowboy?

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