Nobel Peace Prize Update: Russia Orders All Officials Back to Russia as Global War Threat Escalates

The first shot WILL be fired by the US, make no mistake.

And it will be under some lame excuse.

John Kerry Threatens Russians With MASSIVE Retaliation For Election Hacking
BREAKING: Kerry Threatens Russians With MASSIVE Retaliation

Kerry did acknowledge that the United States has also taken a role in influencing the government of foreign nations.

“But that said, this ain’t the first time countries, ours included, have tried to affect outcomes of governments or – in one part of the world or another. I mean, go back to Iran in 1953 when Mosaddegh was run out by the CIA and Kermit Roosevelt and – we were engaged in changing government, or Diem in Vietnam when we – so there’s a history of involvement”

But Russia isn’t happy that they are coming under fire by the American government and people. Putin’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov released a statement slamming the US for accusing them of being responsible for the hacks.

“This is some sort of nonsense. Every day, Putin’s site gets attacked by tens of thousands of hackers. Many of these attacks can be traced to U.S. territory. It’s not as though we accuse the White House or Langley of doing it each time it happens.”

So what? If Trump wins the election, Obama is going to start a war, is that what the administration is threatening? They just can't believe that the people of the land will reject Hillary? It just HAS to be Russian meddling?

That's sort of spooky actually.
This is almost the same scenario laid out by a "time traveler" named John Titor. He told of a Civil War between the Big Cities and the Rural parts of the US, with the Rural parts of the US getting support from Russia and China. Interesting. Only in his timeline, there was no 9/11 on 2001, and the civil war occurred in 2015.

Syrians on all sides have engaged in war crimes. It is a failed state. Russia is playing where it should not be playing. Obama will not back down to Putin; Trump would, Obama won't.

According to YOUR opinion it is a failed state. The legitimate government, as recognized by the UN, has requested the assistance of the Russians, they have a right to be there, the US does not.

Deal with it bub.

That assistance has been provided by Russia. The US is meddling in a area it is NOT WANTED.

The US and her allies are funding terrorists, this is why it is a failed state. Everyone KNOWS this. Stop being disingenuous.
Deal with it, Mr. Beale. Bush opened the door to intervening where necessary in the ME.

Yes, Syria is a failed state, and Asad is on the same gallows walk as Khadaffi and Saddam.
Russia then should back down.

Or are you referring to hacking corrupt politicians in the US?

The US does the same in Russia. It is non-violent.

To expect the Russians to stop doing something that the US has no intention of stopping is naive. Apparently you did not read the last Wikileaks dump. Hillary herself wrote that the US is leagues ahead of the rest of the world in this area.

What the hell is your problem?

The Russians couldn't possibly affect the outcome of the election, even if they wanted to.
Deal with it, Mr. Beale. Bush opened the door to intervening where necessary in the ME.

Yes, Syria is a failed state, and Asad is on the same gallows walk as Khadaffi and Saddam.

You're right, and the Russians are done with that shit.

Good lord, you are worse than Stalin. Syria is only a failed state BECAUSE OF the policies of the Council on Foreign Affairs, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, and the doctrine known as the Greater Middle East policy.

If it wasn't for western meddling, Syria would be fine. It is all about the energy markets in Europe. The Syrain government and the Syrian people are collateral damage. The oligarchs in Europe and the US, are at economic war with the oligarchs in Russia and China. There is no reason is needs to become a shooting war except for the arrogance and ignorance of folks like you.

The Syrians should have their sovereignty and peace to decide for themselves, the US doesn't just get to come in unilaterally, arm terrorist and violently force policy so it can make money for it's oligarchs.

The Bush family and the Clinton family, when it comes to foreign policy? They are twins. Real patriots don't see any difference.

And the Russians certainly don't draw any distinctions either. They are both globalists trying to rule the world for their own gain.

You're referring to Romney's claim in 2012 that Russia was the single biggest threat to the world.
He was mocked back then.
Mocked because everyone already knew that..He acted like it was new news...
We all know Obama was naive and never considered Russia to be a global threat to peace.

You're referring to Romney's claim in 2012 that Russia was the single biggest threat to the world.
He was mocked back then.
Mocked because everyone already knew that..He acted like it was new news...
We all know Obama was naive and never considered Russia to be a global threat to peace.
Sure, you believe that....And the Ruskies believe we are threatening their control of Ukraine..
Russia then should back down.

Or are you referring to hacking corrupt politicians in the US?

The US does the same in Russia. It is non-violent.

To expect the Russians to stop doing something that the US has no intention of stopping is naive. Apparently you did not read the last Wikileaks dump. Hillary herself wrote that the US is leagues ahead of the rest of the world in this area.

What the hell is your problem?

The Russians couldn't possibly affect the outcome of the election, even if they wanted to.
Your deflection about the election means nothing as far as Syria.

The US will do what it must and Russia will back down. Asad will hang if he is lucky.
Russia then should back down.

Or are you referring to hacking corrupt politicians in the US?

The US does the same in Russia. It is non-violent.

To expect the Russians to stop doing something that the US has no intention of stopping is naive. Apparently you did not read the last Wikileaks dump. Hillary herself wrote that the US is leagues ahead of the rest of the world in this area.

What the hell is your problem?

The Russians couldn't possibly affect the outcome of the election, even if they wanted to.
Your deflection about the election means nothing as far as Syria.

The US will do what it must and Russia will back down. Asad will hang if he is lucky.

Well, see, you are demonstrably wrong.

Putin’s Line in the Sand: No Regime Change in Syria
Putin’s Line in the Sand: No Regime Change in Syria

Vladimir Putin revealed to have told Assad: 'We will not let you lose'
Putin revealed to have told Assad: 'We will not let you lose'
Putin is a paper tiger.

Watch after Trump loses. Putin will run right through the Dardanelles and across the Black Sea, whimpering all the way.

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