Noaa says July was hottest in 136 years!

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: EVERY single time there is a heat record broken you imbeciles trot it out as evidence of global warming. Whenever a sceptic does it...and we do it to mock get all "well that's local and doesn't count!"

Pot...Meet kettle!

Coldest July globally? Haven't seen you trot that one out. Coldest ANYTHING globally? Hmm... haven't seen that one either. Even when the polar vortex was making cold records all over the midwest, globally it was still going up.

All that DOES mean something.
:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: EVERY single time there is a heat record broken you imbeciles trot it out as evidence of global warming. Whenever a sceptic does it...and we do it to mock get all "well that's local and doesn't count!"

Pot...Meet kettle!

Coldest July globally? Haven't seen you trot that one out. Coldest ANYTHING globally? Hmm... haven't seen that one either. Even when the polar vortex was making cold records all over the midwest, globally it was still going up.

All that DOES mean something.

It means you added in the oceans

Good for more burned forests, rangeland, and homes. Good for more dead firefighters. Good for a more unstable climate that increases the cost of food. Ain't that wonderful?
July was the hottest month in Earth’s hottest year on record so far

Conservatives will now talk about cherrypicked local places within the United States where it wasn't so hot.
It's what they do. They go local.
Right. But ALL local areas combined are the globe, not just your town or state. If Trump' wins the President, the fact that Hillary won the Bronx doesn't mean Trump didn't become President, you super idiot.

Really? On which planet is that? According to the historical temperature record this July has been very mild. In my region we have had no days over 100 degree's which hasn't happened in decades. By far the hottest time on record is the 1930's.

You are spewing nothing but propaganda. Sad that you are too stupid to believe it...
Why did you go local? We are talking global. I predicted that deniers would go local. Some other commenter said July wasn't the warmest month globally because the stadium he went to was chilly. LMAO!
so where is it warmer? the Globe? Aren't the local areas part of the globe? Why can't you f00ls ever state things correctly? So again, where is it warmer?

I'll bet you say Australia.
I can play the local Gane too, July goes down as hottest month on record in Seattle | Weather Blog | Seattle News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News | KOMO News

Go ahead and tell me how many cities experienced their coldest July. I'll reply with my list of cities that had their hottest July, and it will make your list look puny.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: EVERY single time there is a heat record broken you imbeciles trot it out as evidence of global warming. Whenever a sceptic does it...and we do it to mock get all "well that's local and doesn't count!"

Pot...Meet kettle!
We trot out global and local records and you trot out local records alone, because you can't find any global ones..
Right. But ALL local areas combined are the globe, not just your town or state. If Trump' wins the President, the fact that Hillary won the Bronx doesn't mean Trump didn't become President, you super idiot.

Really? On which planet is that? According to the historical temperature record this July has been very mild. In my region we have had no days over 100 degree's which hasn't happened in decades. By far the hottest time on record is the 1930's.

You are spewing nothing but propaganda. Sad that you are too stupid to believe it...
Why did you go local? We are talking global. I predicted that deniers would go local. Some other commenter said July wasn't the warmest month globally because the stadium he went to was chilly. LMAO!
so where is it warmer? the Globe? Aren't the local areas part of the globe? Why can't you f00ls ever state things correctly? So again, where is it warmer?

I'll bet you say Australia.
I can play the local Gane too, July goes down as hottest month on record in Seattle | Weather Blog | Seattle News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News | KOMO News

Go ahead and tell me how many cities experienced their coldest July. I'll reply with my list of cities that had their hottest July, and it will make your list look puny.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: EVERY single time there is a heat record broken you imbeciles trot it out as evidence of global warming. Whenever a sceptic does it...and we do it to mock get all "well that's local and doesn't count!"

Pot...Meet kettle!
We trot out global and local records and you trot out local records alone, because you can't find any global ones..

Bullshit. You asshats trot out falsified data and think it is somehow meaningful. Heres a bit of a hint for you......there is no way to measure the global temperature to the precision that they are claiming. The only way they can come up with the numbers they do is through computer generated fiction. You're just not smart enough to understand that fact. And, more to answer your BS here, anytime there is a localized event the forest fires for instance, you trot them out and like the trained little monkeys you are go "ooh, ooh, ooh global warming!" so no, your assertion is every bit as much a local event as anything we post.
Good for more burned forests, rangeland, and homes. Good for more dead firefighters. Good for a more unstable climate that increases the cost of food. Ain't that wonderful?

Poor widdle hysterical olfraud. Emotional arguments is all you have left. Facts and science have left you in the dust so you have to whine like a baby to try and make your pitiful point. How are your pouting skills?
Seems like what we have here -- is a bunch of folks who are amazed by simple shapes of graphs and the behavour of relative maximums in data vectors. I suggest they stay away from bright shiny objects and flashing lights. .

They don't seem to understand that you will hit more record highs from a "relative high" peak. Says NOTHING about future performance. And it seems like y'all think it does... Or it wouldn't be a constant drone of threads on this propaganda..

So where are more all-time highs on the stock market hit? From where we were LAST week? or Today?

These "records" -- most of them by 0.05deg margins -- should not be surprise at all. ESPECIALLY if you're the NASA/NOAA complex and have PUSHED DOWN all of the "records" in the 1940s. That alone is a NECESSARY action to claim this 130 year bullshit that you wallow in..
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Right. But ALL local areas combined are the globe, not just your town or state. If Trump' wins the President, the fact that Hillary won the Bronx doesn't mean Trump didn't become President, you super idiot.

Really? On which planet is that? According to the historical temperature record this July has been very mild. In my region we have had no days over 100 degree's which hasn't happened in decades. By far the hottest time on record is the 1930's.

You are spewing nothing but propaganda. Sad that you are too stupid to believe it...
Why did you go local? We are talking global. I predicted that deniers would go local. Some other commenter said July wasn't the warmest month globally because the stadium he went to was chilly. LMAO!
so where is it warmer? the Globe? Aren't the local areas part of the globe? Why can't you f00ls ever state things correctly? So again, where is it warmer?

I'll bet you say Australia.
I can play the local Gane too, July goes down as hottest month on record in Seattle | Weather Blog | Seattle News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News | KOMO News

Go ahead and tell me how many cities experienced their coldest July. I'll reply with my list of cities that had their hottest July, and it will make your list look puny.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: EVERY single time there is a heat record broken you imbeciles trot it out as evidence of global warming. Whenever a sceptic does it...and we do it to mock get all "well that's local and doesn't count!"

Pot...Meet kettle!
We trot out global and local records and you trot out local records alone, because you can't find any global ones..

Don't have to worry about finding global data. I know right where to go...


Now look closely A.P. and all the other Chicken Littles. This is the satellite record which up to recently has been agreeing BRILLIANTLY with the surface readings that are held and cooked by the same folks CLAIMING records.

NOTE: SATELLITE measurements which cover the globe much more uniformly and completely have JULY at +0.18.. NO WHERE NEAR the recent peaks in previous years for other months going back to 2000 or so..

Now it COULD be that by statistical measure -- it was just JULY's time to set a record over all other JULYs. But from what I see -- there was NOTHING exceptional about it.

If you want to compare Julys going back to 1979 -- just because you LOVE spreadsheets --- go to and follow the links to the published data. Or search UAH satellite temperature.

THEY NEED these other surface databases to MAKE headlines and propaganda like this. It's just not right...
And if you follow the DETAILS of this CChange skirmish long enough. You will see for yourself..
Only 136 years to break the old record,wow who would of thought that?

The old record was in 2010! ;) 136 years is the entire global record.

Of course, we have proxies that go back a hell of a lot longer that also support our case!

Proxies. Yeah right. Those are so accurate they can be calculated down to the hundredth of a degree.:eusa_whistle:

Get real....
Proxies. Yeah right. Those are so accurate they can be calculated down to the hundredth of a degree.
Another idiot who doesn't understand how averaging a group of numbers involves division, which can produce any number of decimal places even when dividing whole numbers. :cuckoo:

I love how these morons, who can't comprehend the simplest arithmetic, have convinced themselves that they are smarter than any scientist! :cuckoo:
Proxies. Yeah right. Those are so accurate they can be calculated down to the hundredth of a degree.
Another idiot who doesn't understand how averaging a group of numbers involves division, which can produce any number of decimal places even when dividing whole numbers. :cuckoo:

I love how these morons, who can't comprehend the simplest arithmetic, have convinced themselves that they are smarter than any scientist! :cuckoo:

When ya got only 78 actual measurements (see Marcott for example) to cover the globe in a proxy temperature study --- MOST of your data is interpolated, homogenized or otherwise modeled. Under those conditions doesn't matter how many places to the right of the division result you preserve. Furthermore since you can't get ice cores in the middle of Africa, you use some OTHER proxy with lesser or greater accuracy. So your 78 global measurements are now a muddle of sea shells, tree rings, and ice cores that aren't REAL thermometers and require a TON of filtering and screwing around with.

Results are such that they would NEVER show a temperature blip like ours over 50 or 70 years of time. In fact, Marcott says his 10,000 year proxy temp study can NOT resolve events shorter than about 400 years !!!!
And at 200 years -- it will attenuate the highest and fastest events to about 50% of their REAL magnitude.

THAT'S not 0.1deg accuracy and WestWall was just being generous..:lmao:

And this shit about you better not TRY to understand this science -- is full of crap.. MANY of us work in disciplines that use the same scientific methods and tools and this data preparation and reading of a temperature curve is not really rocket science.
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Why did you go local? We are talking global. I predicted that deniers would go local. Some other commenter said July wasn't the warmest month globally because the stadium he went to was chilly. LMAO!
so where is it warmer? the Globe? Aren't the local areas part of the globe? Why can't you f00ls ever state things correctly? So again, where is it warmer?

I'll bet you say Australia.
I can play the local Gane too, July goes down as hottest month on record in Seattle | Weather Blog | Seattle News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News | KOMO News

Go ahead and tell me how many cities experienced their coldest July. I'll reply with my list of cities that had their hottest July, and it will make your list look puny.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: EVERY single time there is a heat record broken you imbeciles trot it out as evidence of global warming. Whenever a sceptic does it...and we do it to mock get all "well that's local and doesn't count!"

Pot...Meet kettle!
We trot out global and local records and you trot out local records alone, because you can't find any global ones..

Don't have to worry about finding global data. I know right where to go...


Now look closely A.P. and all the other Chicken Littles. This is the satellite record which up to recently has been agreeing BRILLIANTLY with the surface readings that are held and cooked by the same folks CLAIMING records.

NOTE: SATELLITE measurements which cover the globe much more uniformly and completely have JULY at +0.18.. NO WHERE NEAR the recent peaks in previous years for other months going back to 2000 or so..

Now it COULD be that by statistical measure -- it was just JULY's time to set a record over all other JULYs. But from what I see -- there was NOTHING exceptional about it.

If you want to compare Julys going back to 1979 -- just because you LOVE spreadsheets --- go to and follow the links to the published data. Or search UAH satellite temperature.

THEY NEED these other surface databases to MAKE headlines and propaganda like this. It's just not right...
And if you follow the DETAILS of this CChange skirmish long enough. You will see for yourself..

Chart clearly shows no warming since 2000
Proxies. Yeah right. Those are so accurate they can be calculated down to the hundredth of a degree.
Another idiot who doesn't understand how averaging a group of numbers involves division, which can produce any number of decimal places even when dividing whole numbers. :cuckoo:

I love how these morons, who can't comprehend the simplest arithmetic, have convinced themselves that they are smarter than any scientist! :cuckoo:

When ya got only 78 actual measurements (see Marcott for example) to cover the globe in a proxy temperature study --- MOST of your data is interpolated, homogenized or otherwise modeled. Under those conditions doesn't matter how many places to the right of the division result you preserve. Furthermore since you can't get ice cores in the middle of Africa, you use some OTHER proxy with lesser or greater accuracy. So your 78 global measurements are now a muddle of sea shells, tree rings, and ice cores that aren't REAL thermometers and require a TON of filtering and screwing around with.

Results are such that they would NEVER show a temperature blip like ours over 50 or 70 years of time. In fact, Marcott says his 10,000 year proxy temp study can NOT resolve events shorter than about 400 years !!!!
And at 200 years -- it will attenuate the highest and fastest events to about 50% of their REAL magnitude.

THAT'S not 0.1deg accuracy and WestWall was just being generous..:lmao:

And this shit about you better not TRY to understand this science -- is full of crap.. MANY of us work in disciplines that use the same scientific methods and tools and this data preparation and reading of a temperature curve is not really rocket science.
And yet deniers have no trouble using the same "proxy" data to claim it was warmer 10,000, or 100,000 or 1,000,000 or more years ago. Funny how when the same proxy data seems to support deniers it is suddenly infallible.
so where is it warmer? the Globe? Aren't the local areas part of the globe? Why can't you f00ls ever state things correctly? So again, where is it warmer?

I'll bet you say Australia.
I can play the local Gane too, July goes down as hottest month on record in Seattle | Weather Blog | Seattle News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News | KOMO News

Go ahead and tell me how many cities experienced their coldest July. I'll reply with my list of cities that had their hottest July, and it will make your list look puny.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: EVERY single time there is a heat record broken you imbeciles trot it out as evidence of global warming. Whenever a sceptic does it...and we do it to mock get all "well that's local and doesn't count!"

Pot...Meet kettle!
We trot out global and local records and you trot out local records alone, because you can't find any global ones..

Don't have to worry about finding global data. I know right where to go...


Now look closely A.P. and all the other Chicken Littles. This is the satellite record which up to recently has been agreeing BRILLIANTLY with the surface readings that are held and cooked by the same folks CLAIMING records.

NOTE: SATELLITE measurements which cover the globe much more uniformly and completely have JULY at +0.18.. NO WHERE NEAR the recent peaks in previous years for other months going back to 2000 or so..

Now it COULD be that by statistical measure -- it was just JULY's time to set a record over all other JULYs. But from what I see -- there was NOTHING exceptional about it.

If you want to compare Julys going back to 1979 -- just because you LOVE spreadsheets --- go to and follow the links to the published data. Or search UAH satellite temperature.

THEY NEED these other surface databases to MAKE headlines and propaganda like this. It's just not right...
And if you follow the DETAILS of this CChange skirmish long enough. You will see for yourself..

Chart clearly shows no warming since 2000

Someone needs glasses! ;)

Now look closely A.P. and all the other Chicken Littles. This is the satellite record which up to recently has been agreeing BRILLIANTLY with the surface readings that are held and cooked by the same folks CLAIMING records.
Yeah, right up to Spencer & Christy changing the UAH measurement standards yet again, the same Spencer & Christy who got caught fudging the numbers in the past to turn global warming into global cooling which were corrected in v5.2 when they then matched the ground stations almost exactly. Each following new version deviated more and more from the surface measurements, funny that! In the current v6.0 UAH has reduced sensitivity to land surface emission, making it a more purely tropospheric measure and more different from the surface, but the deniers never bitch about that fudging of the numbers because Spencer's manipulations reduce global warming.

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