NO Tim Cook. You Do Not Have That Responsibility

The war on terror is an utter and complete JOKE. This is nothing less than a ploy to find out what people know and if they are potential dissidents which is why they assign us a threat matrix score based on what we say on social media, what videos you watch on youtube, your-mails, cellphone conversations, etc, etc. This is pre WWII Nazi Germany all over again. The American Nazis brought in the German Nazis via Operation Paperclip after WWII and you just wait and see if there isn't another holocaust that will make what happened 65 years ago seem tame by comparison.
Another ISIS shows himself. This board is crawling with them. That's OK. the FBI is watching. You'll be hearing from too, Mohammed.

If they bombed your house (when lucky for you, nobody was home), would you be as non chalant ? Wanna ask the families of the dozens of people who died in Brussels this morning, their take on it ? Or the families of the San Bernardino victims ? Or Fort Hood ? Or Beltway Sniper ?
Or Boston Marathon ? etc, etc

San Bernardino, Sandy Hook, Charleston, Boston bombing, Oregon and the Virginia TV reporter shooting were all staged events by the DHS and the FBI......only two were legit...Fact.
No, they want the ability to unilaterally store ANYTHING you do on that phone much like they do when you Google search, type anything on social media or anything you write in an e-mail...any youtube video you watch because they have fusion centers that store it and the data is compiled into a comprehensive and very detailed account of your internet and cellphone habits. They create what is known as a "threat matrix score". Those that have a high score like me are constantly fucked with. I have had thousands of posts deleted o other sites because I was exposing the fraud that is the Federal Reserve Bank and had posts deleted off of Facebook. They are looking for potential dissidents that are "anti-federal gubermint". That is the only reason behind the spying. I hope that whomever is reading my posts in the NSA is actually LEARNING something. The NSA can spy on you if you have a high definition TV because it has a camera they can activate that can watch you watching TV and listen in on your conversations. They can do it through your laptop as well. They can even listen to you through your cll-phone even if it is turned off. The is George Orwell's 1984 on steroids but they will never shut me up and stop me from exposing this infringement of our God given rigts...fuck them.
SO WHAT ? If you aren't a terrorist what the hell do YOU care ? They can see everything I do on my computer and phone. I couldn't care less. But then I'm not a terrorist (unlike some people arounf here)
I haven't been keeping up with this too much.. last I heard, apple did open that one phone. The fbi was wanting a backdoor to all phones? Maybe I am wrong?

they wanted a back door only on the dead guy's phone. it was argued that it could then be used on all phones.

but near as I can tell, if a court issues a warrant, then it should be obeyed, whether it's opening a file cabinet or a phone.
No, they want the ability to unilaterally store ANYTHING you do on that phone much like they do when you Google search, type anything on social media or anything you write in an e-mail...any youtube video you watch because they have fusion centers that store it and the data is compiled into a comprehensive and very detailed account of your internet and cellphone habits. They create what is known as a "threat matrix score". Those that have a high score like me are constantly fucked with. I have had thousands of posts deleted o other sites because I was exposing the fraud that is the Federal Reserve Bank and had posts deleted off of Facebook. They are looking for potential dissidents that are "anti-federal gubermint". That is the only reason behind the spying. I hope that whomever is reading my posts in the NSA is actually LEARNING something. The NSA can spy on you if you have a high definition TV because it has a camera they can activate that can watch you watching TV and listen in on your conversations. They can do it through your laptop as well. They can even listen to you through your cll-phone even if it is turned off. The is George Orwell's 1984 on steroids but they will never shut me up and stop me from exposing this infringement of our God given rigts...fuck them.

nice conspiracy theory.

has nothing to do with the lawful court order being discussed.
The war on terror is an utter and complete JOKE. This is nothing less than a ploy to find out what people know and if they are potential dissidents which is why they assign us a threat matrix score based on what we say on social media, what videos you watch on youtube, your-mails, cellphone conversations, etc, etc. This is pre WWII Nazi Germany all over again. The American Nazis brought in the German Nazis via Operation Paperclip after WWII and you just wait and see if there isn't another holocaust that will make what happened 65 years ago seem tame by comparison.
Another ISIS shows himself. This board is crawling with them. That's OK. the FBI is watching. You'll be hearing from too, Mohammed.

If they bombed your house (when lucky for you, nobody was home), would you be as non chalant ? Wanna ask the families of the dozens of people who died in Brussels this morning, their take on it ? Or the families of the San Bernardino victims ? Or Fort Hood ? Or Beltway Sniper ?
Or Boston Marathon ? etc, etc

San Bernardino, Sandy Hook, Charleston, Boston bombing, Oregon and the Virginia TV reporter shooting were all staged events by the DHS and the FBI......only two were legit...Fact.

poor conspiracy loon.
San Bernardino, Sandy Hook, Charleston, Boston bombing, Oregon and the Virginia TV reporter shooting were all staged events by the DHS and the FBI......only two were legit...Fact.
Is there a doctor in the house ? So besides jihadists, the loons are coming out of the woodwork too.
No, they want the ability to unilaterally store ANYTHING you do on that phone much like they do when you Google search, type anything on social media or anything you write in an e-mail...any youtube video you watch because they have fusion centers that store it and the data is compiled into a comprehensive and very detailed account of your internet and cellphone habits. They create what is known as a "threat matrix score". Those that have a high score like me are constantly fucked with. I have had thousands of posts deleted o other sites because I was exposing the fraud that is the Federal Reserve Bank and had posts deleted off of Facebook. They are looking for potential dissidents that are "anti-federal gubermint". That is the only reason behind the spying. I hope that whomever is reading my posts in the NSA is actually LEARNING something. The NSA can spy on you if you have a high definition TV because it has a camera they can activate that can watch you watching TV and listen in on your conversations. They can do it through your laptop as well. They can even listen to you through your cll-phone even if it is turned off. The is George Orwell's 1984 on steroids but they will never shut me up and stop me from exposing this infringement of our God given rigts...fuck them.
SO WHAT ? If you aren't a terrorist what the hell do YOU care ? They can see everything I do on my computer and phone. I couldn't care less. But then I'm not a terrorist (unlike some people arounf here)
Perhaps you would be fine with "da gubermint" putting cameras in every room of your abode that the cellphones, TV and computer can't see.....would you be on board with that? Fuck the federal "gubermint" right to exist on this planet does not come from alleged benevolent "rulers" that believe that they have a divine right to rule. They will have to carry me away in a body bag before I will ever stop trying to wake people up to this pre WWII Nazi like police state. I have no intention of going quietly or meekly.
Wouldn't be any ISIS or al qaeda if it wasn't for the tyrannical "gubermint" we have that funds and trains them. USA.INC and their alphabet agencies are the biggest terrorists on the planet and have been for decades. If they were so worried about terrorism, they wouldn't be flying in unvetted muslims and they would have secured the border.
I agree with your last sentence, and this is why we need to get rid of jihadist Obama, and not let the other 2 Democrat clowns into the White House (both of whom support flying in unvetted muslims, as well as leaving the border unsecured. But that is a problem with the Democrats, not the US govt per se.
Supposedly that's the government's responsibility. That's why we pay taxes, so we don't have to spend a lot of time and money protecting ourselves.
FALSE! Get a gun. Get a CCW license. And elect Donald Trump to abolish gun-free zones.
I haven't been keeping up with this too much.. last I heard, apple did open that one phone. The fbi was wanting a backdoor to all phones? Maybe I am wrong?

they wanted a back door only on the dead guy's phone. it was argued that it could then be used on all phones.

but near as I can tell, if a court issues a warrant, then it should be obeyed, whether it's opening a file cabinet or a phone.
No, they want the ability to unilaterally store ANYTHING you do on that phone much like they do when you Google search, type anything on social media or anything you write in an e-mail...any youtube video you watch because they have fusion centers that store it and the data is compiled into a comprehensive and very detailed account of your internet and cellphone habits. They create what is known as a "threat matrix score". Those that have a high score like me are constantly fucked with. I have had thousands of posts deleted o other sites because I was exposing the fraud that is the Federal Reserve Bank and had posts deleted off of Facebook. They are looking for potential dissidents that are "anti-federal gubermint". That is the only reason behind the spying. I hope that whomever is reading my posts in the NSA is actually LEARNING something. The NSA can spy on you if you have a high definition TV because it has a camera they can activate that can watch you watching TV and listen in on your conversations. They can do it through your laptop as well. They can even listen to you through your cll-phone even if it is turned off. The is George Orwell's 1984 on steroids but they will never shut me up and stop me from exposing this infringement of our God given rigts...fuck them.

nice conspiracy theory.

has nothing to do with the lawful court order being discussed.

It's a fucking fact, sweetcheeks. I sat next to an Indian interpreter that worked for the NSA on a flight from Detroit to D.C 3 years ago that could speak 4 or 5 different languages and he worked at one of the fusion centers. This was a year or so after I woke up as to what was really going on. When he told me that he worked for the NSA, I brought up Eric Snowden and he totally opened up. There are a 1,000 NSA data base searchers at any one time working three shifts 24/7/365 a week. Their job is to punch in keywords and search what we are doing on the world wide web or our cellphones. He said that some of the guys got busted for looking up their wives and girlfriends personal information as well as their neighbors and friends and got busted. A month later there was an article in USA.Today about it. He said that he was totally disillusioned about what he thought America was and as soon as he got his programming degree that he was going back to India. They can turn on any device you have that has a camera....fact.
The war on terror is an utter and complete JOKE. This is nothing less than a ploy to find out what people know and if they are potential dissidents which is why they assign us a threat matrix score based on what we say on social media, what videos you watch on youtube, your-mails, cellphone conversations, etc, etc. This is pre WWII Nazi Germany all over again. The American Nazis brought in the German Nazis via Operation Paperclip after WWII and you just wait and see if there isn't another holocaust that will make what happened 65 years ago seem tame by comparison.
Another ISIS shows himself. This board is crawling with them. That's OK. the FBI is watching. You'll be hearing from too, Mohammed.

If they bombed your house (when lucky for you, nobody was home), would you be as non chalant ? Wanna ask the families of the dozens of people who died in Brussels this morning, their take on it ? Or the families of the San Bernardino victims ? Or Fort Hood ? Or Beltway Sniper ?
Or Boston Marathon ? etc, etc

San Bernardino, Sandy Hook, Charleston, Boston bombing, Oregon and the Virginia TV reporter shooting were all staged events by the DHS and the FBI......only two were legit...Fact.

poor conspiracy loon.

I know more than you and I understand that it is hard for you to accept that your beloved corporate "gubermint" would deceive you...but they do. The Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 was repealed with the NDAA so they can legally and without fear of a lawsuit use propaganda...that is also a fact. Look it up and tell me I am wrong...dare ya.
Perhaps you would be fine with "da gubermint" putting cameras in every room of your abode that the cellphones, TV and computer can't see.....would you be on board with that? Fuck the federal "gubermint" right to exist on this planet does not come from alleged benevolent "rulers" that believe that they have a divine right to rule. Theyflying in unvetted muslims will have to carry me away in a body bag before I will ever stop trying to wake people up to this pre WWII Nazi like police state. I have no intention of going quietly or meekly.
The pre WWII Nazi like police exactly what you'll have, and much worse, if you don't take severe measures to stop ISIS. When you have murderous facists on the march (and you live in a nuclear age it isn't the time to be liberal)

No, I wouldn't want cameras inside m home (other than my own to catch burglars), but I am cool with cameras out in public streets and public places. Absolutely.
It's a fucking fact, sweetcheeks. I sat next to an Indian interpreter that worked for the NSA on a flight from Detroit to D.C 3 years ago that could speak 4 or 5 different languages and he worked at one of the fusion centers. This was a year or so after I woke up as to what was really going on. When he told me that he worked for the NSA, I brought up Eric Snowden and he totally opened up. There are a 1,000 NSA data base searchers at any one time working three shifts 24/7/365 a week. Their job is to punch in keywords and search what we are doing on the world wide web or our cellphones. He said that some of the guys got busted for looking up their wives and girlfriends personal information as well as their neighbors and friends and got busted. A month later there was an article in USA.Today about it. He said that he was totally disillusioned about what he thought America was and as soon as he got his programming degree that he was going back to India. They can turn on any device you have that has a camera....fact.

SO ?
so you're cool with the Fed ordering around Americans as you see fit.
Better to be ordered around by the Fed, than by ISIS (ordered to DIE)

EARTH TO NAIVE LIBERTARIANS: Peacetime disappeared 15 years ago. What do you think this is, a chess game ?

Perhaps you would be fine with "da gubermint" putting cameras in every room of your abode that the cellphones, TV and computer can't see.....would you be on board with that? Fuck the federal "gubermint" right to exist on this planet does not come from alleged benevolent "rulers" that believe that they have a divine right to rule. Theyflying in unvetted muslims will have to carry me away in a body bag before I will ever stop trying to wake people up to this pre WWII Nazi like police state. I have no intention of going quietly or meekly.
The pre WWII Nazi like police exactly what you'll have, and much worse, if you don't take severe measures to stop ISIS. When you have murderous facists on the march (and you live in a nuclear age it isn't the time to be liberal)

No, I wouldn't want cameras inside m home (other than my own to catch burglars), but I am cool with cameras out in public streets and public places. Absolutely.
Dude, it is what we have now and ISIS is nothing but a bunch of mercenaries with a few radicals and pissed off muslims that are pissed that their homes have been blown up because USA.INC decided to de-stabilize the Middle East. It is a joint venture where the CIA, MI5, MI6, the Mossad and Saudi intel are funding, recruiting and training these people and using the leader of Turkey as a conduit. Benghazi was all about arming al qaeda/ISIS with thiusands of surface to air missiles and other munitions "strategically placed" in Libya (no coinkydink) being stored at the compound to be used to assist in fighting a proxy war against Assad in Syria. The plan was for them to raid the place (with stand down orders given by Holder, Barrypuppet and Hitlery) so this could happen without incident. Stevens was to be taken hostage and later to be released just before the 2012 election as a "feel good thing" that the corporate media would have played up but a couple of Navy Seals defied the "stand down" order and came up from behind and started firing on these mercenaries that felt that they had been set up and that is when the shit hit the fan and the big spins and lies started. The cover-up began shortly after with some shill doing the Sunday talk show circuit claiming that it was due to a youtube video criticizing "islam" and the one that posted it got arrested for some bullshit charge but the sheeple bought it...seriously? I have to laugh in a sad way as to how Americans have been played for chumps....just like GW Bush did after the false flag event that was 9.11......we just never learn and we belieive every fucking thing we see on tel-lie-vision.
Dude, it is what we have now and ISIS is nothing but a bunch of mercenaries with a few radicals and pissed off muslims that are pissed that their homes have been blown up because USA.INC decided to de-stabilize the Middle East. It is a joint venture where the CIA, MI5, MI6, the Mossad and Saudi intel are funding, recruiting and training these people and using the leader of Turkey as a conduit. Benghazi was all about arming al qaeda/ISIS with thiusands of surface to air missiles and other munitions "strategically placed" in Libya (no coinkydink) being stored at the compound to be used to assist in fighting a proxy war against Assad in Syria. The plan was for them to raid the place (with stand down orders given by Holder, Barrypuppet and Hitlery) so this could happen without incident. Stevens was to be taken hostage and later to be released just before the 2012 election as a "feel good thing" that the corporate media would have played up but a couple of Navy Seals defied the "stand down" order and came up from behind and started firing on these mercenaries that felt that they had been set up and that is when the shit hit the fan and the big spins and lies started. The cover-up began shortly after with some shill doing the Sunday talk show circuit claiming that it was due to a youtube video criticizing "islam" and the one that posted it got arrested for some bullshit charge but the sheeple bought it...seriously? I have to laugh in a sad way as to how Americans have been played for chumps....just like GW Bush did after the false flag event that was 9.11......we just never learn and we belieive every fucking thing we see on tel-lie-vision.
I don't believe everything on TV, but here's question for you. Did you deduce all this stuff on your own, or do you are you talking from someplace inside of it all ?
Dude, it is what we have now and ISIS is nothing but a bunch of mercenaries with a few radicals and pissed off muslims that are pissed that their homes have been blown up because USA.INC decided to de-stabilize the Middle East. It is a joint venture where the CIA, MI5, MI6, the Mossad and Saudi intel are funding, recruiting and training these people and using the leader of Turkey as a conduit. Benghazi was all about arming al qaeda/ISIS with thiusands of surface to air missiles and other munitions "strategically placed" in Libya (no coinkydink) being stored at the compound to be used to assist in fighting a proxy war against Assad in Syria. The plan was for them to raid the place (with stand down orders given by Holder, Barrypuppet and Hitlery) so this could happen without incident. Stevens was to be taken hostage and later to be released just before the 2012 election as a "feel good thing" that the corporate media would have played up but a couple of Navy Seals defied the "stand down" order and came up from behind and started firing on these mercenaries that felt that they had been set up and that is when the shit hit the fan and the big spins and lies started. The cover-up began shortly after with some shill doing the Sunday talk show circuit claiming that it was due to a youtube video criticizing "islam" and the one that posted it got arrested for some bullshit charge but the sheeple bought it...seriously? I have to laugh in a sad way as to how Americans have been played for chumps....just like GW Bush did after the false flag event that was 9.11......we just never learn and we belieive every fucking thing we see on tel-lie-vision.
I don't believe everything on TV, but here's question for you. Did you deduce all this stuff on your own, or do you are you talking from someplace inside of it all ?

I have over 14,000 hours of reading and researching so I know a lot of shit.As far as 9/11/01 and the events of 9/11/12, Scott Bennett, a military whistleblower and Dr Steve Pieczenik that worked for quite a few administrations were huge. I had other sources that were keeping it on the down low because they were being constantly watched. After Benghazi, leaks were happening all over the place and the intelligence spooks were randomly pulling people in and drugging them and giving them lie detector tests trying to find the leaks. I hated Piecznik when I first learned of him 15 years ago because he was claiming 9/11 was an inside job so I thought he was full of shit and just a liberal douche. When I woke up 4 years ago I realized that he was simply trying to get people to wake the fuck up....he has no political loyalties. He knows all about Benghazi as well because he still has contacts after doing this for thirty's a tight fraternity and he does it at great risk to himself...but like he will tell you if you listen to any of his interviews, he has enough friends in high places and has reached the point in his life that he doesn't give a shit....gotta admire that. I feel the same way which is why I do what I do.
so you're cool with the Fed ordering around Americans as you see fit.
Better to be ordered around by the Fed, than by ISIS (ordered to DIE)

EARTH TO NAIVE LIBERTARIANS: Peacetime disappeared 15 years ago. What do you think this is, a chess game ?

So b/c we are not at peace, tyranny is to be accepted.

Never again claim to be a conservative, b/c you are as from it as a person can get.

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