No surprise, ABC gives biased coverage in Romney's opposition to auto bailout.


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
No surprise here, ABC just happens to find 3 people who are singing the praises of Obama's auto bailouts, yet...yet...out of all the people in Michigan, poor ABC could not find one person with a voice of decent. Wow. Well this is no surprise, this is nothing new, heck Steve Forbes ran for President and was pushing the flat tax, CBS decided to have on their show "Reality Check" 3 "tax experts" all opposed to Forbes plans, yet no voices of support for the flat tax were covered...they completely passed over Nobel Peace Prize winning economists Milton Friedman and Merton Miller because they supported the flat tax.

Ahh, but supporters of the flat tax back then did not meet the medias agenda, just like how now, opposition to the bailouts doesn't meet the medias agenda. Always, always question the media!!!

ABC Showcases Chrysler Workers to Decry Romney

No surprise here, ABC just happens to find 3 people who are singing the praises of Obama's auto bailouts, yet...yet...out of all the people in Michigan, poor ABC could not find one person with a voice of decent. Wow. Well this is no surprise, this is nothing new, heck Steve Forbes ran for President and was pushing the flat tax, CBS decided to have on their show "Reality Check" 3 "tax experts" all opposed to Forbes plans, yet no voices of support for the flat tax were covered...they completely passed over Nobel Peace Prize winning economists Milton Friedman and Merton Miller because they supported the flat tax.

Ahh, but supporters of the flat tax back then did not meet the medias agenda, just like how now, opposition to the bailouts doesn't meet the medias agenda. Always, always question the media!!!

ABC Showcases Chrysler Workers to Decry Romney


well, of course, perhaps people there know that they were helped and romney's let them fail thing wouldn't have been very good for them.

nah... why would anyone think that?
ABC just "happens" to find 3 people in Michigan who support Obama saving the American auto industry. I'm guessing you could throw a stone in any direction in Michigan and hit somebody who supports Obama on this issue. Romney is going to sink in Michigan; and for good reason, since he is against Obama's very successful bet.
No surprise here, ABC just happens to find 3 people who are singing the praises of Obama's auto bailouts, yet...yet...out of all the people in Michigan, poor ABC could not find one person with a voice of decent. Wow. Well this is no surprise, this is nothing new, heck Steve Forbes ran for President and was pushing the flat tax, CBS decided to have on their show "Reality Check" 3 "tax experts" all opposed to Forbes plans, yet no voices of support for the flat tax were covered...they completely passed over Nobel Peace Prize winning economists Milton Friedman and Merton Miller because they supported the flat tax.

Ahh, but supporters of the flat tax back then did not meet the medias agenda, just like how now, opposition to the bailouts doesn't meet the medias agenda. Always, always question the media!!!


It's "dissent".

I think the media has gone pretty lightly on Romney's hypocrisy on this issue.

First, in 2008, he promised to do ANYTHING to save the Auto Industry, including government bailouts. Understandable. He was desperate at that point. Huckabee had won Iowa and McCain had won New Hampshire and if he lost the illegal Michigan Primary after his dad had been governor there, he was done. (Michigan had illegally moved it's primary up to january before South Carolina and was penalized half its delegates, which is why McCain didn't put as much emphasis there.) So Romney was ready to say anything. And McCain let him get away with it, as it split the non-RINO vote between him and Huckabee to keep him in.

But then Obama actually DID a bailout. And much like when Obama adopted his Health Care plan, once Obama stole the idea, Romney was completely against it.

Personally, I think the bailout was a good idea, but I'm biased, as I got my start in my current job dealing with something related to GM. (I've since moved on to other things.)

If I were living in Michigan, and was reminded of Romney's Hypocrisy on this, I'd be pretty ticked, too.
Three years ago, Romney took the (then-)safe, conventional wisdom position, as did many others. He was wrong.

Free-marketeers that we are, The Economist agreed with Mr Romney at the time. But we later apologised for that position. "Had the government not stepped in, GM might have restructured under normal bankruptcy procedures, without putting public money at risk", we said. But "given the panic that gripped private is more likely that GM would have been liquidated, sending a cascade of destruction through the supply chain on which its rivals, too, depended." Even Ford, which avoided bankruptcy, feared the industry would collapse if GM went down. At the time that seemed like a real possibility. The credit markets were bone-dry, making the privately financed bankruptcy that Mr Romney favoured improbable. He conveniently ignores this bit of history in claiming to have been right all along.

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