No Religious Test


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2013
Southern California
Article VI of the US Constitution says:"No religious test shall apply to any public office in the United States." I asked Se nators Dianne Feinstein and Charles Schumer why Democrats are quizzing Trumps appointments to the Supreme Court about their religion. I told them both to "CEASE AND DESIST". So far, I have received no answer.
You personally talked to Dianne Feinstein and Charles Schumer?
What religious test?
You can't be serious. The entire misogynistic attack on Barret is based on what her religious beliefs will do IF, and that is a big IF, she had to rule on Roe v Wade.

That line of reasoning and ANY questioning on the matter is a religious test.
What religious test?
You can't be serious. The entire misogynistic attack on Barret is based on what her religious beliefs will do IF, and that is a big IF, she had to rule on Roe v Wade.

That line of reasoning and ANY questioning on the matter is a religious test.

There are five Catholic justices on the Supreme Court. What religious test are you talking about!

Was it ok to ask Sotomayer how her Hispanic heritage will effect her decisions? (She was asked that).

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