NO ONE is Above the Law. Not Even College Professors in Florida

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
Right, Dems and RINO's?

Staff and faculty at Florida colleges can now be fired if they dare use the wrong bathroom even once. Two offenses will guarantee termination under a newly approved state regulation.

The Florida Board of Education on Wednesday approved new rules strictly enforcing a new law segregating public restroom facilities by gender. Under the new regulation, that restriction will apply even in college dormitories.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bathroom bill impacting all publicly owned bathroom facilities, one of several anti-LGBTQ+ laws enacted in the state this year. The bathroom law requires any publicly-owned facilities to restrict bathroom used based on gender assigned at birth.

I love that the article from the gay-friendly Advocate says that dudes can't wonder into the girls bathrooms "even in college dormitories," as if college dormitories are bastions of maturity and chivalry, where girls would need no protection from horny boys walking in on them in the shower.

University advocates suggested the legislation could conflict with other protections such as tenure. It could also threaten accreditation for all of Florida’s colleges.

Yes. If you want to make tenure, use your bathrooms, not those set aside for the other gender. Because THAT IS THE LAW whether you agree with it or not. I'm only confused that the Board of Education would feel the need to codify in the education code what is already the law. Surely those same liberal professors crowing about the Trump indictment do not want to be scofflaws themselves?
Right, Dems and RINO's?

Staff and faculty at Florida colleges can now be fired if they dare use the wrong bathroom even once. Two offenses will guarantee termination under a newly approved state regulation.

The Florida Board of Education on Wednesday approved new rules strictly enforcing a new law segregating public restroom facilities by gender. Under the new regulation, that restriction will apply even in college dormitories.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bathroom bill impacting all publicly owned bathroom facilities, one of several anti-LGBTQ+ laws enacted in the state this year. The bathroom law requires any publicly-owned facilities to restrict bathroom used based on gender assigned at birth.

I love that the article from the gay-friendly Advocate says that dudes can't wonder into the girls bathrooms "even in college dormitories," as if college dormitories are bastions of maturity and chivalry, where girls would need no protection from horny boys walking in on them in the shower.

University advocates suggested the legislation could conflict with other protections such as tenure. It could also threaten accreditation for all of Florida’s colleges.

Yes. If you want to make tenure, use your bathrooms, not those set aside for the other gender. Because THAT IS THE LAW whether you agree with it or not. I'm only confused that the Board of Education would feel the need to codify in the education code what is already the law. Surely those same liberal professors crowing about the Trump indictment do not want to be scofflaws themselves?
Lol the cope for Trump dying in prison is getting real weird from the MAGA cult
Right, Dems and RINO's?

Staff and faculty at Florida colleges can now be fired if they dare use the wrong bathroom even once. Two offenses will guarantee termination under a newly approved state regulation.

The Florida Board of Education on Wednesday approved new rules strictly enforcing a new law segregating public restroom facilities by gender. Under the new regulation, that restriction will apply even in college dormitories.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bathroom bill impacting all publicly owned bathroom facilities, one of several anti-LGBTQ+ laws enacted in the state this year. The bathroom law requires any publicly-owned facilities to restrict bathroom used based on gender assigned at birth.

I love that the article from the gay-friendly Advocate says that dudes can't wonder into the girls bathrooms "even in college dormitories," as if college dormitories are bastions of maturity and chivalry, where girls would need no protection from horny boys walking in on them in the shower.

University advocates suggested the legislation could conflict with other protections such as tenure. It could also threaten accreditation for all of Florida’s colleges.

Yes. If you want to make tenure, use your bathrooms, not those set aside for the other gender. Because THAT IS THE LAW whether you agree with it or not. I'm only confused that the Board of Education would feel the need to codify in the education code what is already the law. Surely those same liberal professors crowing about the Trump indictment do not want to be scofflaws themselves?

The Republican party: the party of personal freedom, smaller government, and the Constitution. The party of Law and Order. The parties that honours and respects the American military.

Once upon a time. The Republican party has now repudiated every principal upon which it was founded.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bathroom bill impacting all publicly owned bathroom facilities, one of several anti-LGBTQ+ laws enacted in the state this year. The bathroom law requires any publicly-owned facilities to restrict bathroom used based on gender assigned at birth.

Only Florida could be this fucking stupid.

Gender is not assigned at birth. Your sex is listed on your birth certificate, not your gender.
Right, Dems and RINO's?

Staff and faculty at Florida colleges can now be fired if they dare use the wrong bathroom even once. Two offenses will guarantee termination under a newly approved state regulation.

The Florida Board of Education on Wednesday approved new rules strictly enforcing a new law segregating public restroom facilities by gender. Under the new regulation, that restriction will apply even in college dormitories.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bathroom bill impacting all publicly owned bathroom facilities, one of several anti-LGBTQ+ laws enacted in the state this year. The bathroom law requires any publicly-owned facilities to restrict bathroom used based on gender assigned at birth.

I love that the article from the gay-friendly Advocate says that dudes can't wonder into the girls bathrooms "even in college dormitories," as if college dormitories are bastions of maturity and chivalry, where girls would need no protection from horny boys walking in on them in the shower.

University advocates suggested the legislation could conflict with other protections such as tenure. It could also threaten accreditation for all of Florida’s colleges.

Yes. If you want to make tenure, use your bathrooms, not those set aside for the other gender. Because THAT IS THE LAW whether you agree with it or not. I'm only confused that the Board of Education would feel the need to codify in the education code what is already the law. Surely those same liberal professors crowing about the Trump indictment do not want to be scofflaws themselves?

Are they going to have bathroom police outside the door to check the equipment before you go in? If you've been fully surgically transitioned, how are they going to know what your birth gender was???

How do you enforce something like this???
Only Florida could be this fucking stupid.

Gender is not assigned at birth. Your sex is listed on your birth certificate, not your gender.
Can expressing a different 'gender' from your natal sex change your sex? Can a surgical sex-change operation change your natal sex?
Only Florida could be this fucking stupid.

Gender is not assigned at birth. Your sex is listed on your birth certificate, not your gender.
I know you will never understand how silly that sounds, so I won't even try.

I'll simply amend my statement to say: Yes. If you want to make tenure, use your bathrooms, not those set aside for the other gender sex.


BTW, you may want to search the threads to correct your fellow and sister LGBT-Q activists. They frequently refer "gender assigned at birth."
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Are they going to have bathroom police outside the door to check the equipment before you go in? If you've been fully surgically transitioned, how are they going to know what your birth gender was???

How do you enforce something like this???
They don't have robbery police outside my house door to make sure that only my family or invited guests comes in. That doesn't mean they cannot ban robbing houses.

Enforcement will be pretty easy for most of the trannies and cross-dressers wanting to use the wrong bathroom. They are not at all passable as women and they don't make much of an effort to be.

They don't hide it, because the point is to seek attention and make the point that their affirmation is more important that the safety and privacy of women and girls. So the profs who do this will be on notice that it will cost them their tenure at tax-funded universities. They don't like, let them publish more and get hired at a private university.
I know you will never understand how silly that sounds, so I won't even try.

I'll simply amend my statement to say: Yes. If you want to make tenure, use your bathrooms, not those set aside for the other gender sex.


Your wording was not the problem, it was the state of Florida that used that word.

BTW, you may want to search the threads to correct your fellow and sister LGBT-Q activists. They frequently refer "gender assigned at birth."

They are as stupid as you are and do not understand that gender does not equal sex.

Also, I have no fellow LGBT-Q activists as I am not an activist at all. Plus, how many LGBT-Q activists think that sports, and bathrooms, should all be based upon your sex and not your gender?
Your wording was not the problem, it was the state of Florida that used that word.

They are as stupid as you are and do not understand that gender does not equal sex.

Also, I have no fellow LGBT-Q activists as I am not an activist at all. Plus, how many LGBT-Q activists think that sports, and bathrooms, should all be based upon your sex and not your gender?
What words mean depends on how people use them and what people agree that they mean. There are no inherent meanings in particular sound or letter combinations. The majority of people believe that sex and gender are the same or are linked. On the other hand, the media and blind followers of the media insist on separating the two.
The majority of people believe that sex and gender are the same or are linked.

They are indeed linked. But being linked does not equate to meaning the same thing

On the other hand, the media and blind followers of the media insist on separating the two.

Nope, just the opposite in fact. If you keep them the same, the people wanting men in women's restroom and playing girls sports win. You are helping them with their cause by going along with them meaning the same thing.

Want a simple solution to the problem of "trans" people in sports...make all sports based upon the sex annotated on the birth certificate. BOOM problem solved.

But, people like you keep fighting to keep sex=gender, all the while shooting yourself in the foot in the process.
They are indeed linked. But being linked does not equate to meaning the same thing

Nope, just the opposite in fact. If you keep them the same, the people wanting men in women's restroom and playing girls sports win. You are helping them with their cause by going along with them meaning the same thing.

Want a simple solution to the problem of "trans" people in sports...make all sports based upon the sex annotated on the birth certificate. BOOM problem solved.

But, people like you keep fighting to keep sex=gender, all the while shooting yourself in the foot in the process.
I agree with you about using sex to determine entry into sports. I guess you don't care about entry into bathrooms since you don't mention that also. I am willing to use the terminology of the idiots pushing for males in females sports to humor them. That doesn't mean that they are correct.

The problem with pretending that they are actually correct, is that it makes arguments like "we must help them affirm their gender," possible when speaking of children. Believing that one is trapped in the wrong body is a disorder called gender dysphoria.

Psychological therapy, not hormones and surgery, or what is needed for the mental disorder of gender dysphoria.

You could say that English is splitting off a new dialect, woke English or whatever. Colloquial English has included calling a individual "they" when talking about them and the third person. I remember doing that as a kid, well before this whole transgender idiocy started. But the grammatically correct terms then and now is to say "he or she" when speaking of a third person of unknown sex.

Normally, it takes several generations for a new dialect to develop. But with the mass media pushing a specific agenda that includes a changing language, it is happening faster.
I agree with you about using sex to determine entry into sports. I guess you don't care about entry into bathrooms since you don't mention that also

are you drunk tonight....this is what I posted.....the people wanting men in women's restroom and playing girls sports win

I am willing to use the terminology of the idiots pushing for males in females sports to humor them. That doesn't mean that they are correct.

You are helping them when you do it.
are you drunk tonight....this is what I posted.....the people wanting men in women's restroom and playing girls sports win
You also said that "gender is not assigned at Birth sex is on your birth certificate gender is not."
You are helping them when you do it.
Some truth to that, but no more than you with that sex is not gender nonsense.
You also said that "gender is not assigned at Birth sex is on your birth certificate gender is not."

Yes. Gender is not assigned at birth, just sex.,

Go get your birth certificate and see if there is a spot on it for your gender.
Can expressing a different 'gender' from your natal sex change your sex? Can a surgical sex-change operation change your natal sex?

Doesn't that depend on DNA?

Everybody starts out biologically female and only those with the extra male chromosone become biological males.

But there are degrees of "manliness" or femininity. We might say a kid is "all boy" if he's into typically male pursuits like hunting or sports, or that he's "artistic" if he likes music or theatre. A girl who loves sports and competing is a "tomboy", and girls who are into fashion and make up are "girly girls".
Yes. Gender is not assigned at birth, just sex.,

Go get your birth certificate and see if there is a spot on it for your gender.
When applied to a person, gender and sex are one and the same.

At the same time, 60% say a person’s gender is determined by their sex assigned at birth, up from 56% in 2021 and 54% in 2017.

Except in the shrinking minority view held by the woke.

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