‘No one in the US should be retiring at 65’: Ben Shapiro said Social Security was not designed to provide retirement benefits for 20+ years

Government loves to break its promises. If the government is losing money on this promise it is because THEY mismanaged the fund, not me and you
Exactly like I posted above... while Clinton and Bush Sr. were saying Social Security was in great shape because of surpluses that the fund did have back then -- Perot told the truth in telling the American people that their government was spending that surplus like candy. He predicted SS would be insolvent by 2036.
32 years ago he said that.
No he isn't right.

Why did people used to retire at 65? Because they were getting old. They couldn't see as well, couldn't hear as well, started having health issues, had decreased stamina and everything else that goes along with getting old.

Ok, so yes we are living longer, but our youth isn't being extended, our old age is being extended. It isn't like now a 65 year old is equal to a 50 year old from 60 years ago. We're having prolonged periods of being elderly.

It's easy for Shapiro and you and others to say this because you're still young. It's easy when the horizon is so far off but when the day comes and you're old and you'll change your tune. Me? I'm only 48, but I still live in reality and am able to look ahead and know I need to consider things beyond my own narrow scope.

The answer is easy. If social security isn't setup to work then it needs to be retooled. And the answer isn't just "work longer old man".

He’s a liar and a con artist.

The life expectancy isn’t any higher today than it was a hundred years ago. Average life span was heavy skewed by infant mortality rates back then. If babies made it last that, they lived to the same age if not longer than old people make it today. If anything our elderly today are way more sick and unhealthy in their old age because of the lifetime of GMO poisoning Americans get now.
Modern medicine and procedures can cure diseases that were fatal only decades ago. Just because you're old doesn't mean you are sick and frail, although some losses with age are normal. I've noticed that it is harder to climb into my tree stand since I turned 80.
Modern medicine and procedures can cure diseases that were fatal only decades ago. Just because you're old doesn't mean you are sick and frail.
Sure they can, no one is arguing that.

I’m just saying a much larger percentage of old people have bad health problems due to the American diet. They wouldn’t need these procedures and medications if they weren’t living an unhealthy lifestyle to begin with.
Sure they can, no one is arguing that.

I’m just saying a much larger percentage of old people have bad health problems due to the American diet. They wouldn’t need these procedures and medications if they weren’t living an unhealthy lifestyle to begin with.
True. Most of my family and friends have succumbed to poor lifestyle choices despite my pleadings for them to change. I recall the time, back in the 1940's, when flossing was considered 'weird', along with other health practices done by the 'health freaks'. Today those practices are still largely ignored but a growing number of us greatly benefit from them.

Sadly, people willingly sacrifice themselves to a social and economic system that is designed to destroy them.
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It is nothing like a Ponzi scheme.
At all.
That is what the uneducated, simple minded say.
Ponzi Schemes pay CURRENT investors from funds received from newer investors. Right away.
And the longer you are an "older" investor, the more you make.
In every Ponzi scheme, a very few at the top receive the overwhelming amount of total invested.
Thus, why it is also referred to as a pyramid scheme.

That is not what happens in SS. At all. Not even close.
It is maybe not a “Ponzi” scheme in a precise technical way. But it does have similarities. It is assumed (apparently with no thought given ahead of time) that the supply of current contributing workers will always exceed the numbers of recipients who no longer contribute.

Of course, this assumption isn’t accurate.

Still, any changes to how social security is funded and who is eligible to accept its benefits have to be scheduled for the future. No such changes can fairly deprive those who have already paid in and are now on accepting the results for which the bargain was made.

Therefore, any changes have to be set by law — now — to comes into effect fairly far down the road.
Like it or not - he is dead wrong.
And if Ben Shapiro was 64 years old and actually worked for a living, he would never say this.
Pretty easy to say for a 40 year old multi-millionaire who makes a living talking.
The solution to the SS problem is to make EVERY wage earner in the country to pay a smaller percentage of their earnings into the fund. That would include all of the earnings from a couple dollars to millions with no caps. No disbursements to anyone who has not paid into the fund. That fund would be self-sustaining, indeed rolling in cash.
He is a fucking idiot and it is not his place to tell me when I should be retired.

If you want to work till you drop over dead, knock yourself out.

You're free to prepare for, and retire whenever you like. The question is, do we expect the government to begin giving you money to do so, long before your life expectancy is up?
No. I have paid in, since 16 years old. I plan to live a long time and collect back all, I paid in and more if possible.

That's fine, but when you consider what the full benefits age was when SS began, do you think it can REALISTICALLY be the same today? I sure don't see how it can be, unless you're ok with the country forever being in debt by the trillions.
You're free to prepare for, and retire whenever you like. The question is, do we expect the government to begin giving you money to do so, long before your life expectancy is up?

So, i pay into the system for 50 years and its too much to expect some of that back for the next 20 years?

Look, if you want to work till you drop over dead, have at it. I am sure you tomb stone will speak of what a dedicated employee you were.
If what he took was invested, or kept him from touching other investment it is easy to still come out ahead. Especially when you add in inflation,
Ifs and buts. If he invested it and therein lies the rub. The majority of young people will not bypass their instant gratifications of Xboxes, new phones, the fanciest cars and clothes to invest that money. If they had that discipline, you would be right, but they don't. The result would be a majority of people that are suddenly unable to support themselves (ant/grasshopper analogy) and then demand that society support them. So the ants would end up supporting them--net gain from the current system--ZERO.
I would change it from 67 to 69, and every three years going forward, I would increase it by one year until the age of 75. Then, reevaluate every two years and make adjustments if necessary.

Holy fuck, you think people should pay into a system for 60 years in hopes of maybe getting 10 years back out of it?

What kind of fucked up system is that?
Modern medicine and procedures can cure diseases that were fatal only decades ago. Just because you're old doesn't mean you are sick and frail, although some losses with age are normal. I've noticed that it is harder to climb into my tree stand since I turned 80.

I didn't say sick and frail at 65, I said that is when people begin a downward slide. Hence why they got social security at 65.

And no, you're not 80 and climbing tree stands at 80. You've proven yourself to be a borderline liar and a contrarian time and time and time again on here. That's why your post count vs reaction score is what it is. I never believe anything you say.

And yes some older people are vibrant, but they are not the majority of older people. Just because you see one 70 year old man out there kicking ass doesn't mean that he is an example of everyother 70 year old person.
So, i pay into the system for 50 years and its too much to expect some of that back for the next 20 years?

Look, if you want to work till you drop over dead, have at it. I am sure you tomb stone will speak of what a dedicated employee you were.

If that's how it's worked out for you, fine. I'm just saying that based on life expectancy, changes will have to be made, UNLESS, you want to completely change from what SS was originally intended for, and turned into a government required retirement plan. If it's the latter, then I want much more control of how it's ran, or I want options that include opting out.
If he invested it and therein lies the rub. The majority of young people will not bypass their instant gratifications of Xboxes, new phones, the fanciest cars and clothes to invest that money.

I do not consider someone who is 62 to be a "young person". How fucking old are you?
The CEO doesn't get that money as all collections are turn over to the government. Plus, if they do change things, they can always keep the cap on what the company contributes.
When he retires!!!! your payback is adjusted by what you put in to SS. Avg 35 yrs highest earnings. We put in $6K, a ten million athlete puts in $600K? + employer match? Do they up the payback past the ~$4K max? Or what? If you put in more but don’t get payback Then its just another welfare tax if high earner is paid out like a regular guy? I don’t know what they would do.
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Originally I thought I would punch out at 62. But with the egregiously high cost of healthcare insurance, that is not possible. If it wasn't for that, we could retire at 62 with no problem.
With Health insurance for 2 people costing around $1,700/mo... it would eat into our savings rapidly.
I was fortunate. I retired just after 62, but my employer maintained my health insurance until I turned Medicare age. My wife was still under 65 at that time but they continued to maintain her on their insurance plan. I worked for a very good family.
He is a fucking idiot and it is not his place to tell me when I should be retired.

If you want to work till you drop over dead, knock yourself out.

Sure. If you work hard, invest and can afford to retire at 30 have at it. But you dont get to do so on the backs of the yonger citizens in the country which is the point.

We need to stop calling SS a retirement plan and call it what it is. Old people welfare. If you do that, we can stop giving it to people who don't need it. Elon Musk will draw a SS check as will Bezos etc. Pretty sure they dont need the money.
IF you are going to change age range you are going to have to consider toll on the body by profession. I have 42 yrs in my industry which weeds out the weak rather quick. When I first started out there wasnt much emphasis on safety or proper procedure. Ya learned as ya went and tried to pass that on. Early in my career I had a guy ask me what the avg life expectancy of a tractor trailer driver was.....answer 1 yr. Have endured my share of time off due to injury. One time I told a Supe the only thing that was going to happen with his suggested course of action was somebody was going to get hurt. Didnt matter to the office idiots, get it done. The injured party wasnt going to be them. Idiot thought I could move mutiple 5000lb donuts of steel with a busted pallet jack, result second hernia. Add a back injury on the dock early, deformed left thumb from a fall and eyes burned by chem fumes in a trailer we were unloading..
Right now I feel good and confident I'll make it to the age of full SS retirement of 67,,,,that could change overnight though.
If that's how it's worked out for you, fine. I'm just saying that based on life expectancy, changes will have to be made, UNLESS, you want to completely change from what SS was originally intended for, and turned into a government required retirement plan. If it's the latter, then I want much more control of how it's ran, or I want options that include opting out.

I think anyone that is relying on SS to be their retirement plan is a fricking idiot.

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