No Nail in the Coffin on the IRS Scandal: Cummings and Levin look like assholes again


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
This is the sixth time these two partisan hacks have trotted out bullshit trying to claim there is no IRS scandal over targeting conservative groups.

This despite all the evidence and all the testimony.

I don't usually make a counter thread at USMB but with so many lying libs on the board who distort reality by continually regurgitating what their Democrat masters tell them are their talking points, I'm going to make an exception.

Here's the real deal. Cummings and Levin are trying to point out that extra scrutiny was given to ACORN offshoots as being the equivalent of the targeting of Conservative groups.

Considering ACORN had its funding pulled by Congress of course they came under extra scrutiny.

It comes as no surprise that, after Congress voted in 2009 to pull ACORN’s federal funding, the IRS would make moves to avoid granting tax exemption to offshoots of the original, corrupt organization. Tea-party groups, by contrast, had done nothing to merit special scrutiny.

But despite Acorn's horrid record, an offshoot called Emerge America got tax free status.

On the other hand, tea party and conservative groups were put in limbo.

Here's what the libs are calling "targeting". Any sane person would realize they weren't targeted because their application was accepted.

They were busted.:eusa_whistle: All this group really did was train women to run for office for Democrats.

The IRS initially granted tax exemption to the progressive group “Emerge America” but revoked that status in the spring of 2010 when it came to the attention of agency officials that the group is devoted to training women to run for office as Democrats.

The group has several state offshoots, including “Emerge Maine” and “Emerge Nebraska”; screeners were instructed to flag those applications because the agency was in the process of revoking the exemption of their parent group.

So there you have it USMB posters. The real deal. The whole enchilada baby. Epic fail for the libs again.


And now in the words of a great man "here's the rest of the story".

“The fact that Emerge was initially approved for tax-exempt status, but had it revoked after its improper behavior came to light, underscores how much more stringent the IRS was with tea-party applicants.”

The IRS correctly denied some liberal groups tax exemption. That, it turns out, is what leading House Democrats mean when they talk about the IRS’s discrimination against their allies.

The whole article is worth the read. Here's the link.

Ignoring the Facts on the IRS | National Review Online
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Apparently Issa hasn't gotten the memo yet.

His monkey shit flinging days have are basically over.

The only people he's reaching is you folks.

That's it.
Apparently Issa hasn't gotten the memo yet.

His monkey shit flinging days have are basically over.

The only people he's reaching is you folks.

That's it.

Because we're the only ones not drinking the shit-flavored kool aid.
The IRS engaged in massive law breaking. It is complicit with other federal agencies in targeting people based on their political beliefs. That everyone is not outraged by this and calling for investigations and indictments is a sure sign we are approaching the end of America.
Apparently Issa hasn't gotten the memo yet.

His monkey shit flinging days have are basically over.

The only people he's reaching is you folks.

That's it.


Your eyes must be a dark brown this morning Sallow because you are so full of shit. This isn't over by a long shot.

Haven't you heard? Issa is expanding the probe.

Issa expanding IRS probe to include FEC
posted at 8:41 am on August 8, 2013 by Ed Morrissey

“If you thought the IRS targeting — scandal, controversy, whatever you want to call it — was forgotten, think again,” said CNN’s Jake Tapper, introducing Dana Bash’s report last night on House Oversight Chair Darrell Issa’s expansion of the probe.

Issa requested information from the Federal Election Commission after leaked e-mails suggested that coordination may have taken place between the two agencies in pursuit of conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status.

Issa expanding IRS probe to include FEC « Hot Air

AND then you have the issue of Lois Lerner's personal emails that allegedly she conducted IRS business on.
Here you go Sallow :)

Issa broadens IRS probe with request for personal emails
By Peter Schroeder - 08/13/13 12:49 PM ET

The House Oversight Committee is demanding that the Internal Revenue Service official at the center of the Tea Party targeting probe turn over any emails from her personal account she might have used to conduct official business.

In a letter sent Tuesday, Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) said the ongoing investigation indicated that Lois Lerner sent some official documents to her personal email address, which "raises concerns" about whether the committee can fully understand her role in the improper targeting from official emails alone.

As such, he requested that Lerner hand over all correspondence "referring or relating to your official duties" dating back to the beginning of 2008. House Oversight subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) also signed the letter.

Issa charged that by conducting official business via a non-official email account, Lerner might have skirted automatic email archiving of government emails, making it more difficult for the IRS to fulfill Freedom of Information Act requests and the document requests of congressional investigators.

Issa broadens IRS probe with request for personal emails - The Hill's On The Money
Apparently Issa hasn't gotten the memo yet.

His monkey shit flinging days have are basically over.

The only people he's reaching is you folks.

That's it.

soooo, it follows then that any actions taken by obama aside from his comments that this was an egregious infraction of rights, and has been reversed, like Lerner being put back in her old position?

I missed that memo, can you direct me to that please?

and your head is so far up your partisan ass, nothing reaches you anyway. just remember, it may be your folks that get fucked over next time, so, I am sure you'll just do us all a favor and agree to stfu about it, now?
This is the sixth time these two partisan hacks have trotted out bullshit trying to claim there is no IRS scandal over targeting conservative groups.

This despite all the evidence and all the testimony.

I don't usually make a counter thread at USMB but with so many lying libs on the board who distort reality by continually regurgitating what their Democrat masters tell them are their talking points, I'm going to make an exception.


And now in the words of a great man "here's the rest of the story".

“The fact that Emerge was initially approved for tax-exempt status, but had it revoked after its improper behavior came to light, underscores how much more stringent the IRS was with tea-party applicants.”

The IRS correctly denied some liberal groups tax exemption. That, it turns out, is what leading House Democrats mean when they talk about the IRS’s discrimination against their allies.

The whole article is worth the read. Here's the link.

Ignoring the Facts on the IRS | National Review Online

You're trying to impugn someone's integrity on the basis of a National Review article?

I'm over 70 years old. And since I was around 15 or 16 I have had the impression that local, state and federal career employees are like political implants. And the vast majority of them are democrat-friendly. They make policy and rules when the democrats are in office, lie quietly in the background when the democrats are OUT of office, but work to make changes the republicans come up with work either slowly or not at all.

And now, all these years later leftist thought and ideas are strongly ingrained in our governments' way of doing things.

Lois Lerner is a shining example of what I mean. Her nose-in-the-air attitude that anyone would question HER policies...that SHE should be expected to testify before a mere `republican' Congressional committee...

The woman should have been told to `sit back down, start answering questions, or face prosecution'!

Its an insult to the entire country that this woman is being allowed to retire with a whopping-big retirement package that is going to come out of the pockets of all of us for years to come.

And she isn't the only democrat-minded `implant' career employee, either. The government is chock full of them.
Glad to see this thread back. I caught something earlier today. The probe is expanding to Dallas.

It's not over. More house cleaning to do.

This is the sixth time these two partisan hacks have trotted out bullshit trying to claim there is no IRS scandal over targeting conservative groups.

This despite all the evidence and all the testimony.

I don't usually make a counter thread at USMB but with so many lying libs on the board who distort reality by continually regurgitating what their Democrat masters tell them are their talking points, I'm going to make an exception.


And now in the words of a great man "here's the rest of the story".

“The fact that Emerge was initially approved for tax-exempt status, but had it revoked after its improper behavior came to light, underscores how much more stringent the IRS was with tea-party applicants.”

The IRS correctly denied some liberal groups tax exemption. That, it turns out, is what leading House Democrats mean when they talk about the IRS’s discrimination against their allies.

The whole article is worth the read. Here's the link.

Ignoring the Facts on the IRS | National Review Online

You're trying to impugn someone's integrity on the basis of a National Review article?


Whose integrity are you talking about?
I see Lerner resigned. She still has lots of explaining to do, as her emails suggest she was targeting orgs based on their political views.
Everything this administration has stated about this matter has been a lie.
Apparently Issa hasn't gotten the memo yet.

His monkey shit flinging days have are basically over.

The only people he's reaching is you folks.

That's it.

soooo, it follows then that any actions taken by obama aside from his comments that this was an egregious infraction of rights, and has been reversed, like Lerner being put back in her old position?

I missed that memo, can you direct me to that please?

and your head is so far up your partisan ass, nothing reaches you anyway. just remember, it may be your folks that get fucked over next time, so, I am sure you'll just do us all a favor and agree to stfu about it, now?

I don't think americans for prosperity has lost it's exemption so what are you worried about?
I see Lerner resigned. She still has lots of explaining to do, as her emails suggest she was targeting orgs based on their political views.
Everything this administration has stated about this matter has been a lie.

She will be called to testify again and is negotiating her immunity deal right now.
I see Lerner resigned. She still has lots of explaining to do, as her emails suggest she was targeting orgs based on their political views.
Everything this administration has stated about this matter has been a lie.

She will be called to testify again and is negotiating her immunity deal right now.

Lerner must be holding both the left and right bowers and a run to the Ace to be able to ask and receive immunity.

She's got to have a loner hand. And that will make life really really interesting at the IRS hearings......


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