No more white farmers: Govt vows (Zimbabwe)


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
No more white farmers: Govt vows (Zimbabwe)
Zimbabwe NewsDay ^ | January 22, 2015 in News | Moses Matenga
No more white farmers Govt vows - NewsDay Zimbabwe

Government yesterday vowed to grab all farms owned by the remaining white former commercial farmers and ruled out joint ventures involving whites.

Addressing chiefs during the handover of A2 (small-scale commercial farm) offer letters to traditional leaders in Mashonaland East province yesterday, Provincial Affairs minister Joel Biggie Matiza said government’s new land policy was set to benefit diplomats, chiefs, war veterans, civil servants and others who missed out at the launch of the land reform program in 2000 because of rampant corruption.

Speaking at the same occasion, Lands and Rural Resettlement minister Douglas Mombeshora also said government would not allow contract farming arrangements where the indigenous farm owners would get only 10% of total produce while their white partners grabbed the lion’s share. […]

He said white former farmers should be given 90 days to vacate their farms if the land has been allocated to a black person to avoid legal battles. …

What a bunch of racist jerks!
No more white farmers: Govt vows (Zimbabwe)
Zimbabwe NewsDay ^ | January 22, 2015 in News | Moses Matenga
No more white farmers Govt vows - NewsDay Zimbabwe

Government yesterday vowed to grab all farms owned by the remaining white former commercial farmers and ruled out joint ventures involving whites.

Addressing chiefs during the handover of A2 (small-scale commercial farm) offer letters to traditional leaders in Mashonaland East province yesterday, Provincial Affairs minister Joel Biggie Matiza said government’s new land policy was set to benefit diplomats, chiefs, war veterans, civil servants and others who missed out at the launch of the land reform program in 2000 because of rampant corruption.

Speaking at the same occasion, Lands and Rural Resettlement minister Douglas Mombeshora also said government would not allow contract farming arrangements where the indigenous farm owners would get only 10% of total produce while their white partners grabbed the lion’s share. […]

He said white former farmers should be given 90 days to vacate their farms if the land has been allocated to a black person to avoid legal battles. …

What a bunch of racist jerks!
The blacks will starve without the whites who've maintained the country. I say let em.
Not necessarily bad / unjust. The aim has always been there since independence and the overthrow of an incredibly racist regime. The trouble is with how the Mugabe government engages in the swaps; taking them out of the hands of skilled farmers and distributing them to political allies; that and the method of seizure which plays into other nationalization campaigns and can encourage capital flight. There are better ways to engage in land redistribution.
Zimbabwe produces little enough food as it is. Now they will produce none.

Rhodesia produced enough food to feed the whole of Africa. Now they should be permitted to starve.
Zimbabwe produces little enough food as it is. Now they will produce none.

Rhodesia produced enough food to feed the whole of Africa. Now they should be permitted to starve.
Rhodesia was an extremely racist and brutal dictatorship that had no place in the modern world. Mugabe's isn't much better, but that doesn't mean that the people of Zimbabwe should starve. If anything they are the primary victims of both regimes.
There should not be one crumb of food aid to Zimbabwe in the famine to come. Not one kernel of corn. They are sitting on some of the most fertile land in the world.
No more white farmers: Govt vows (Zimbabwe)
Zimbabwe NewsDay ^ | January 22, 2015 in News | Moses Matenga
No more white farmers Govt vows - NewsDay Zimbabwe

Government yesterday vowed to grab all farms owned by the remaining white former commercial farmers and ruled out joint ventures involving whites.

Addressing chiefs during the handover of A2 (small-scale commercial farm) offer letters to traditional leaders in Mashonaland East province yesterday, Provincial Affairs minister Joel Biggie Matiza said government’s new land policy was set to benefit diplomats, chiefs, war veterans, civil servants and others who missed out at the launch of the land reform program in 2000 because of rampant corruption.

Speaking at the same occasion, Lands and Rural Resettlement minister Douglas Mombeshora also said government would not allow contract farming arrangements where the indigenous farm owners would get only 10% of total produce while their white partners grabbed the lion’s share. […]

He said white former farmers should be given 90 days to vacate their farms if the land has been allocated to a black person to avoid legal battles. …

What a bunch of racist jerks!

They'll all be starving within a year..
No more white farmers: Govt vows (Zimbabwe)
Zimbabwe NewsDay ^ | January 22, 2015 in News | Moses Matenga
No more white farmers Govt vows - NewsDay Zimbabwe

Government yesterday vowed to grab all farms owned by the remaining white former commercial farmers and ruled out joint ventures involving whites.

Addressing chiefs during the handover of A2 (small-scale commercial farm) offer letters to traditional leaders in Mashonaland East province yesterday, Provincial Affairs minister Joel Biggie Matiza said government’s new land policy was set to benefit diplomats, chiefs, war veterans, civil servants and others who missed out at the launch of the land reform program in 2000 because of rampant corruption.

Speaking at the same occasion, Lands and Rural Resettlement minister Douglas Mombeshora also said government would not allow contract farming arrangements where the indigenous farm owners would get only 10% of total produce while their white partners grabbed the lion’s share. […]

He said white former farmers should be given 90 days to vacate their farms if the land has been allocated to a black person to avoid legal battles. …

What a bunch of racist jerks!

Dude, Did you just post a story about Zim-fucking-babwe so you can play the victim? Now you cant move to Zimbabwe and start your farm like you always dreamed :rolleyes:
Not necessarily bad / unjust. The aim has always been there since independence and the overthrow of an incredibly racist regime. The trouble is with how the Mugabe government engages in the swaps; taking them out of the hands of skilled farmers and distributing them to political allies; that and the method of seizure which plays into other nationalization campaigns and can encourage capital flight. There are better ways to engage in land redistribution.

Uh huh....well, I know a woman who was chased off her farm in the night by Bob's thugs armed with machetes. They were given an hour to gather what they could carry because their truck was considered farm property. She and her 3 kids walked with 5 suitcases through the African night hoping lions or hyenas didn't spot them, into Harare. Since then, the barn and buildings were torn down by Bob's thugs for firewood and the farm is now abandoned.

What was once the bread basket of southern Africa now has to import food. There are no "land swaps"..they are forfeitures from whites to Bob's boys who know nothing about farming...they are simply intended to rid Zimbabwe of whites. So tell me, who is the "incredibly racist" regime, you fucking idiot?
Let's be honest. The negroes who have taken control of African countries don't have the collect IQs of a single slice of Wonder bread.
This has been proven throughout Africa for hundreds of years.
You watch. Within a year the friends and family of Mugabe who now live permanently in NYC where they are Z's 'diplomatic mission' to the UN will be begging 'the West' for money for food (which the starving will never get).
These Tree Dwellers live in luxury penthouses, eat $300 'extended wet' lunches, eat $500 dinners, wear $5000 suits and $1000 hand made shoes, have a 24/7 limo service, enjoy regular massages given by thirteen year old Thai girls. There are literally dozens of these friends and family members of the rulers from all across Africa living a life of luxury in NYC.
Their mail is never checked through International immunity. "You want me to send you a case of the worlds best caviar from the store here in NYC? Sure. I'll put it in todays mail". Total 100% corruption.
So where is the diplomatic pressure that was exerted to get to this point.....shouldnt the same sanctions be reinstalled?
No more white farmers: Govt vows (Zimbabwe)
Zimbabwe NewsDay ^ | January 22, 2015 in News | Moses Matenga
No more white farmers Govt vows - NewsDay Zimbabwe

Government yesterday vowed to grab all farms owned by the remaining white former commercial farmers and ruled out joint ventures involving whites.

Addressing chiefs during the handover of A2 (small-scale commercial farm) offer letters to traditional leaders in Mashonaland East province yesterday, Provincial Affairs minister Joel Biggie Matiza said government’s new land policy was set to benefit diplomats, chiefs, war veterans, civil servants and others who missed out at the launch of the land reform program in 2000 because of rampant corruption.

Speaking at the same occasion, Lands and Rural Resettlement minister Douglas Mombeshora also said government would not allow contract farming arrangements where the indigenous farm owners would get only 10% of total produce while their white partners grabbed the lion’s share. […]

He said white former farmers should be given 90 days to vacate their farms if the land has been allocated to a black person to avoid legal battles. …

What a bunch of racist jerks!
The blacks will starve without the whites who've maintained the country. I say let em.
They already are starving, and the price of bread is through the roof and into space.

The Black farmers who do get the farms, have little or no experience with farming, and even if they have experience most Zimbabwean farms are left to fend for themselves by the government.
Just another example of where ever whites go, death and destruction follows them. Then once they've destroyed everything they ask the people they've slaughtered whats wrong?.....With THEM?
Further, with the little money she had left, my friend and her kids had to walk into the US from Mehico because Obozo doesn't consider them political refugees and won't issue them green cards to work and stay here. Luckily in her case her mother is a British citizen so she was given a green card and later won a lottery spot to become a US citizen....a prime example of those who wait in line for years while the human livestock from south of the border are given amnesty and allowed to stay.
Within a decade everyone will be living in mud huts and running around wearing brightly colored feathers and carrying spears.
Wait a minute!

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