No more mean tweets? Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei openly advocating for genocide of Jews in Israel obviously not 'Ban-Worthy'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

No more mean tweets: Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei openly
advocates for genocide of Jews in Israel, which is apparently
not a ban-worthy offense

"How special that Khamenei is praying for God to reward terrorists with “the ultimate victory,” i.e. destruction of Israel."

"Jack Dorsey and his friends in the Twitter Tolerance and Safety Brigade must think it’s pretty special, at least, since those tweets are still up hours after they were initially posted."

No double-standards, no hypocrisy, no partisanship here......


No more mean tweets: Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei openly
advocates for genocide of Jews in Israel, which is apparently
not a ban-worthy offense

"How special that Khamenei is praying for God to reward terrorists with “the ultimate victory,” i.e. destruction of Israel."

"Jack Dorsey and his friends in the Twitter Tolerance and Safety Brigade must think it’s pretty special, at least, since those tweets are still up hours after they were initially posted."

No double-standards, no hypocrisy, no partisanship here......

Have you tried to cancel culture them yet?

No more mean tweets: Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei openly
advocates for genocide of Jews in Israel, which is apparently
not a ban-worthy offense

"How special that Khamenei is praying for God to reward terrorists with “the ultimate victory,” i.e. destruction of Israel."

"Jack Dorsey and his friends in the Twitter Tolerance and Safety Brigade must think it’s pretty special, at least, since those tweets are still up hours after they were initially posted."

No double-standards, no hypocrisy, no partisanship here......

Have you tried to cancel culture them yet?
we are still trying to cancel you and your pathetic trolling,,,

they are not [part of our culture dumbass,,
A people that will raise no sword to an enemy, deserve neither respect nor freedom

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.
Is it that Israel want the US to go to war with Iran?
The only ones who want the US to go / stay at war are the Democrats. Again, in his 1st 10 days in office Joe escalated the Nobel Peace Prize Winner's War in Syria.
Is it that Israel want the US to go to war with Iran?
Yeah, that's it moron. Like Israel is responsible for unprovoked attacks. I forgot that Israel shot a thousand rockets from Gaza into Israeli neighborhoods. Either keep up or STFU.
They have been wanting the US and Iran war since 1995, the bomb picture.

No more mean tweets: Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei openly
advocates for genocide of Jews in Israel, which is apparently
not a ban-worthy offense

"How special that Khamenei is praying for God to reward terrorists with “the ultimate victory,” i.e. destruction of Israel."

"Jack Dorsey and his friends in the Twitter Tolerance and Safety Brigade must think it’s pretty special, at least, since those tweets are still up hours after they were initially posted."

No double-standards, no hypocrisy, no partisanship here......

the DNC’s propaganda ministry at Tweeter supports this
Is it that Israel want the US to go to war with Iran?
Yeah, that's it moron. Like Israel is responsible for unprovoked attacks. I forgot that Israel shot a thousand rockets from Gaza into Israeli neighborhoods. Either keep up or STFU.
They have been wanting the US and Iran war since 1995, the bomb picture.
I know lots of Israelis------I never met one who "wants the USA and Iran .." to get into a
war. You know any, penny, dear? I know some people who consider the idea of a
NUKE armed Iran to be horrible------but they are muslims-----of the sunni variety----
not surprisingly YEMENIS I haven't spoken to any saudis for years
Is it that Israel want the US to go to war with Iran?
Yeah, that's it moron. Like Israel is responsible for unprovoked attacks. I forgot that Israel shot a thousand rockets from Gaza into Israeli neighborhoods. Either keep up or STFU.
They have been wanting the US and Iran war since 1995, the bomb picture.
Go back and study your history. Israel has been under non-stop attack by the PLO, Syria, Egypt, HAMAS etc. since at least 1967. They relinquished their legitimate control of Gaza to the Palestinians and what have they gotten in return--more attacks. They should push the Gaza settlements and occupants into the sea.
The terrorist state of Israel is the most diabolical enemy the U.S. has ever faced.
Their zionist agents have infiltrated deep within our government in DC and the Pentagon.
Our only hope is for loyal and courageous American patriots to rise up and weed them out. ... :cool:
The terrorist state of Israel is the most diabolical enemy the U.S. has ever faced.
Their zionist agents have infiltrated deep within our government in DC and the Pentagon.
Our only hope is for true American patriots to rise up and weed them out. ... :cool:

so sayeth Jibril of the arabian bat cave (aka Gerbil-----to wit The flying
gerbil )

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