No matter how this election ends up, evangelicals are coming out of this a loosers.

No I am NOT wrong, and no there are NO such volumes, because it simply didn't happen that way.

Look Skippy, I know this shit WAY better than you do. I'll flood you with links that actually DO work. AGAIN.

So don't keep yammering this cockamamie bullshiit over and over --- I know better, and I'll have you on your knees crying for mommy so fast it'll make your pointed white sheet spin.
Yes, you are wrong. The KKK were Democrats. Not Republicans. That is a historical fact. the 19th century....where RWrs want to live.
The philosophy of the Dem and Rep. switched sides from 1886 to the early 30's. Yes Democrats took the Republican position and Rep changed to the Dem. positions. They swapped party's basically. It takes about five minutes to research this.
No, they didn't. The more Republican the south became the less racist it became.
Ya because the laws written by the Democrats made it so, The reason that the south changed party support is because the democrats attacked segregation.
Is that how you learned it?

Republican Senator Everett Dirksen – The Key To Modern-era Civil Rights Legislation
It was Republican Senator Everett Dirksen from Illinois, not Democrat President Lyndon Johnson, who pushed through the landmark 1964 Civil Rights Act.
In fact, Dirksen was instrumental in the passage of civil rights legislation in 1957, 1960, 1964, 1965 and 1968. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. hailed Senator Dirksen’s “able and courageous Leadership”, and "The Chicago Defender”, the largest black-owned daily at that time, praised Senator Dirksen “for the grand manner of his generalship behind the passage of the best civil rights measures that have ever been enacted into law since Reconstruction”.

The chief opponents of the 1964 Civil Rights Act were Democrat Senators Sam Ervin, Albert Gore, Sr. and Robert Byrd, a former official in the Ku Klux Klan. None of these racist Democrats became Republicans.
Malcolm X tells us that LBJ's best friend - Richard Russell - was the one who was in charge of the filibuster.

Malcolm X tells us that the northern Democrats were in cahoots with the southern Democrats.

Can we try a slightly different angle on this take on this angle?
I have my own copy of a paper presented by a TSU Black historian on the history of white Democrats suppressing the Black vote and pushing the Jim Crow laws, where Blacks made historic stands against this oppression in Houston.

Actually we haven't been talking about Jim Crow, that's a whole 'nother topic. I challenged DingDong on his made-up history of the Klan which is entirely fabricated.

The counterargument is that when Blacks took over the Democrats party with influence this cause a "white flight" where those Southern conservatives fled to the GOP.

Not sure what that means "when Blacks took over the Democrats party". We've noted that blacks as a bloc shifted from voting for Republicans to voting for Democrats during the FDR days in the 1930s, and that whites shifted the opposite direction starting 30-40 years later, but the first did not cause the second. Both of those were brought about by the shifting outlooks of the two parties. Both of those constituencies felt abandoned, blacks by the Republicans, whites by the Democrats. In general of course.

I laid all this out in a previous post as a deconstruction of the fallacious premise that a political party is a fixed entity that is established in one spot and then never moves until the end of time, which is the fallacy upon which DingDong is basing his entire mythology. Because he's binary that way.

Either way, we see today the same rich/poor split between parties as slave masters used to manipulate by dividing field slaves from house slaves still called Uncle Toms in order to conquer both and keep them enslaved fighting each other. Today the whole nation is slave to this game, pitting the rich blaming the poor for welfare instead of correcting the crimes not all poor people are guilty of, against the poor blaming the rich for corrupt corporate welfare when not all wealthier taxpayers are guilty of any abuses either, but all taxpayers are equally deprived of liberties as if crimes were committed.

The Black vote cannot be divided this way without exploiting to control the narrative. This is cruel and needs to stop. History should be used to heal not divide further like pouring salt in wounds. Let us clean out the wounds so the two gaping sides can come together and heal. Thank you for your help in working toward that end!

Agreed, and in a much larger sense the division of what I call Eliminationiism has got to stop. That's the fascistic idea that there are two entities, good and evil, black and white, Democrat and Republican (again, the pitfalls of binary thinking), and "our" entity has to exterminate "their" entity so that "our" entity may then rule the world unopposed. That's why I'm here to cut the legs out from under it.
Can we try a slightly different angle on this take on this angle?
I have my own copy of a paper presented by a TSU Black historian on the history of white Democrats suppressing the Black vote and pushing the Jim Crow laws, where Blacks made historic stands against this oppression in Houston.

Actually we haven't been talking about Jim Crow, that's a whole 'nother topic. I challenged DingDong on his made-up history of the Klan which is entirely fabricated.

The counterargument is that when Blacks took over the Democrats party with influence this cause a "white flight" where those Southern conservatives fled to the GOP.

Not sure what that means "when Blacks took over the Democrats party". We've noted that blacks as a bloc shifted from voting for Republicans to voting for Democrats during the FDR days in the 1930s, and that whites shifted the opposite direction starting 30-40 years later, but the first did not cause the second. Both of those were brought about by the shifting outlooks of the two parties. Both of those constituencies felt abandoned, blacks by the Republicans, whites by the Democrats. In general of course.

I laid all this out in a previous post as a deconstruction of the fallacious premise that a political party is a fixed entity that is established in one spot and then never moves until the end of time, which is the fallacy upon which DingDong is basing his entire mythology. Because he's binary that way.

Either way, we see today the same rich/poor split between parties as slave masters used to manipulate by dividing field slaves from house slaves still called Uncle Toms in order to conquer both and keep them enslaved fighting each other. Today the whole nation is slave to this game, pitting the rich blaming the poor for welfare instead of correcting the crimes not all poor people are guilty of, against the poor blaming the rich for corrupt corporate welfare when not all wealthier taxpayers are guilty of any abuses either, but all taxpayers are equally deprived of liberties as if crimes were committed.

The Black vote cannot be divided this way without exploiting to control the narrative. This is cruel and needs to stop. History should be used to heal not divide further like pouring salt in wounds. Let us clean out the wounds so the two gaping sides can come together and heal. Thank you for your help in working toward that end!

Agreed, and in a much larger sense the division of what I call Eliminationiism has got to stop. That's the fascistic idea that there are two entities, good and evil, black and white, Democrat and Republican (again, the pitfalls of binary thinking), and "our" entity has to exterminate "their" entity so that "our" entity may then rule the world unopposed. That's why I'm here to cut the legs out from under it.
Take some time to recover from last night's epic beat down. You must be in shock.
"No matter how this election ends up, evangelicals are coming out of this a loosers."

Good, they could stand a little loosening up. :lmao:
Can we try a slightly different angle on this take on this angle?
I have my own copy of a paper presented by a TSU Black historian on the history of white Democrats suppressing the Black vote and pushing the Jim Crow laws, where Blacks made historic stands against this oppression in Houston.

Actually we haven't been talking about Jim Crow, that's a whole 'nother topic. I challenged DingDong on his made-up history of the Klan which is entirely fabricated.

The counterargument is that when Blacks took over the Democrats party with influence this cause a "white flight" where those Southern conservatives fled to the GOP.

Not sure what that means "when Blacks took over the Democrats party". We've noted that blacks as a bloc shifted from voting for Republicans to voting for Democrats during the FDR days in the 1930s, and that whites shifted the opposite direction starting 30-40 years later, but the first did not cause the second. Both of those were brought about by the shifting outlooks of the two parties. Both of those constituencies felt abandoned, blacks by the Republicans, whites by the Democrats. In general of course.

I laid all this out in a previous post as a deconstruction of the fallacious premise that a political party is a fixed entity that is established in one spot and then never moves until the end of time, which is the fallacy upon which DingDong is basing his entire mythology. Because he's binary that way.

Either way, we see today the same rich/poor split between parties as slave masters used to manipulate by dividing field slaves from house slaves still called Uncle Toms in order to conquer both and keep them enslaved fighting each other. Today the whole nation is slave to this game, pitting the rich blaming the poor for welfare instead of correcting the crimes not all poor people are guilty of, against the poor blaming the rich for corrupt corporate welfare when not all wealthier taxpayers are guilty of any abuses either, but all taxpayers are equally deprived of liberties as if crimes were committed.

The Black vote cannot be divided this way without exploiting to control the narrative. This is cruel and needs to stop. History should be used to heal not divide further like pouring salt in wounds. Let us clean out the wounds so the two gaping sides can come together and heal. Thank you for your help in working toward that end!

Agreed, and in a much larger sense the division of what I call Eliminationiism has got to stop. That's the fascistic idea that there are two entities, good and evil, black and white, Democrat and Republican (again, the pitfalls of binary thinking), and "our" entity has to exterminate "their" entity so that "our" entity may then rule the world unopposed. That's why I'm here to cut the legs out from under it.
Take some time to recover from last night's epic beat down. You must be in shock.
I was in shock when Obama beat Romney. Now I can't believe Trump trumped the liberal media at their own game. That was his real nemesis.

Clinton won the popular vote, it looks like. I will support Democrats and Greens fixing all the problems the right way, with what is wrong with pushing social programs through federal govt instead of building from the ground up, and by the time we do get to see our first woman President this will be for the right reasons fully deserved and not just to make political statements as Trump played that media game and won. We need to earn our way to the top because this way of taking shortcuts can get hijacked and bypassed too easily. It has to be done right, Clinton was close but the problems with socializing govt have got to be resolved locally before establishing a national policy based on proven working models instead of media hype promising them in the future.
I was in shock when Obama beat Romney. Now I can't believe Trump trumped the liberal media at their own game. That was his real nemesis.

Can't imagine how in the world you can come up with that idea. Again, Rump's entire existence, let alone anything he achieves, DEPENDS on mass media. Without the boob tube, Rump does not exist. He NEEDS it. Rump and The Media are not "nemeses" ---- they're PARTNERS.

Mass media won yesterday. It "won" in the sense of demonstrating its power of mind control and proving that television is the most powerful and most insidious propaganda device ever created. George Orwell hinted at it when he was writing in 1949 before it had even taken a foothoold. Jerry Mander articulated it in the 1970s. It "won" in the sense that given a two-dimensional screen that takes over all senses and dictates emotions into a passive sponge audience too dulled to think for itself, you can literally sell anybody anything. That is, if one can call successful deception "winning". I can't .

And it proves, underscores and shouts from the rooftops the old adage often attributed to H. L. Mencken that "nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public".

The idea that Rump was somehow 'opposing' the media is absolutely absurd. He used it for what it's designed for -- mass manipulation. I've been saying it for months and I'll continue to reiterate ---- if TV did not exist..... neither would Donald Rump. They are, in effect, the same thing.

The Unwashed just elected Biily Fucking Mays. Rotsa Ruck with that. Oughta work out about as well as the Amazing Vegomatic from Ronco.
I was in shock when Obama beat Romney. Now I can't believe Trump trumped the liberal media at their own game. That was his real nemesis.

Can't imagine how in the world you can come up with that idea. Again, Rump's entire existence, let alone anything he achieves, DEPENDS on mass media. Without the boob tube, Rump does not exist. He NEEDS it. Rump and The Media are not "nemeses" ---- they're PARTNERS.

Mass media won yesterday. It "won" in the sense of demonstrating its power of mind control and proving that television is the most powerful and most insidious propaganda device ever created. George Orwell hinted at it when he was writing in 1949 before it had even taken a foothoold. Jerry Mander articulated it in the 1970s. It "won" in the sense that given a two-dimensional screen that takes over all senses and dictates emotions into a passive sponge audience too dulled to think for itself, you can literally sell anybody anything. That is, if one can call successful deception "winning". I can't .

And it proves, underscores and shouts from the rooftops the old adage often attributed to H. L. Mencken that "nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public".

The idea that Rump was somehow 'opposing' the media is absolutely absurd. He used it for what it's designed for -- mass manipulation. I've been saying it for months and I'll continue to reiterate ---- if TV did not exist..... neither would Donald Rump. They are, in effect, the same thing.

The Unwashed just elected Biily Fucking Mays. Rotsa Ruck with that. Oughta work out about as well as the Amazing Vegomatic from Ronco.
Dear Pogo
I get your point and understand that if you take none of the accusations against the Clintons as true, then of course you see it as total media propaganda .

And the same with the other side against Trump.

What we don't see is where are the people defending Constitutional standard s that are the basis of govt.

These did not show up in the media that only focused on personality flaws and claims of abuse cover ups by both Clinton and Trump that detracted from Constitutional issues.

Trump beat and won that game by taking it to such ridiculous extremes it became farcical.

So the real battle remains for the rest of the people to work through by Constitutional means, instead of party machines and media wars that were for election gaming politics.

We need to focus on Constitutionally based education, process and outreach.

Trump cleared the way for this to be the focus now as its not the parties or media that represent the people. He bashed his own nominating party to pieces where his openness to ideas are his own and don't unify the GOP around one agenda who don't agree with him or each other. So this forces a focus on the Constitution where we can agree.

The media on left and right are going to keep spinning this right and left, which doesn't represent the other side. So the media is busted as not representing all of America either unless you validate and include all takes on this as equal instead of taking sides which leaves ppl out.

We have Green Libertarians and Democrats without equal representation in govt we still need to address by putting the Constitution first before party.

So all this diversity of perception and representation of interests points to
sticking with the Constitutional principles we do agree on, and put those first to protect each other from discrimination by belief creed or party.

Then we can exercise equal representation by respecting hearing and including each other.

Trump indirectly opens the door for this, so I say we open all the doors and let all people into the democratic process to decide what we believe in and set up means to exercise that.

We don't have to listen to how left and right are divided in the parties and media. We use all resources to organize and work together despite these differences instead of avoiding them or competing to cut each other out.

Let's find better ways, and when we compare, we'll see its bigger and better than what any of the media said about one side or the other. The whole is greater than the parts. Let's rise above and create even greater solutions by working together that transcend media images and games of who's the bigger bully or bad guy. The right solutions make everyone the good guy!
Dear Pogo
I get your point and understand that if you take none of the accusations against the Clintons as true, then of course you see it as total media propaganda .

No, I'm stopping you right there because that has nothing whatsoever to do with my point.

My point has entirely to do with Rump and media manipulation ---- nothing to do with "Clintons" or anyone else. It has to do with how mass media works and how Rump exploited it to get where he is ................ which makes impossible the idea that he has been by any definition "opposing" mass media. On the contrary, mass media handed Rump everything he has in terms of notoriety, both yesterday and long before.

So again, the concept that media was somehow his "nemesis" is ridiculous. Media was his tool. I don't know how that can be more obvious than it already is.

None of that has anything to do with any "Clintons". Or with any other politician.

In other words every time Rump tries to paint the fantasy that the media is "against him' --- he's lying through his teeth. And he damn well knows it.
These did not show up in the media that only focused on personality flaws and claims of abuse cover ups by both Clinton and Trump that detracted from Constitutional issues.

That's all mass media is even capable of. That's all it's ever been capable of, hello?

Mass media that is commercially based, and therefore whose prime directive is by definition not to report news but to capture eyeballs to a sufficient number that it can profit from advertising, has no interest in policy. Policy is, in terms of mass audience, boring. Essential to an informed electorate, but --- it doesn't sell. Scandal very much does sell. Scandal and intrigue and conspiracy and angst and any kind of tension. The same thing thriller novels are made of.

Rump is a gold mine for that; he knows as well as they do that bad publicity is way better than NO publicity. He knows it and they know it.

Whelp --- if he were a policy wonk with constructive ideas about this and that, that's what he would get ---- no publicity. It does not sell soap.

So he doesn't do that. He sends whiny tweets and he insults entire nationalities and he threatens and sues and talks about his dick in a debate and insults POWs. ALL of that sells, and he damn well knows it.

This is a mutual-benefit feedback loop; they get attention (and therefore ratings, and therefore ad dollars) from Rump's outrageousness, and he gets the attention he craves, as well as a vehicle to spew it on, and therefore votes, because as he knows since he loves the poorly educated, the Unwashed are easily impressed by the superficial. So it's a win-win for both of them.

You want to talk Constitutional issues? That's admirable but you won't do it on prime time TV. That's why Bill Buckley had to do his very good "Firing Line" show on PBS. Doesn't sell soap.

Trump beat and won that game by taking it to such ridiculous extremes it became farcical.

So you're saying everything over this last year and a half has been a big joke just to show how easily manipulated the media is?

I can buy that.

So --- now what?
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And Boy do they deserve it. They made their position clear, whether it is anti abortion or conservative value, they would have us voter for the Devil himself to get their way. No religious group has looked uglier then a Christian organization that would have our children learning from and respect this republican candidate. They have no clue what Jesus message was and is.

This is one of the side benefits of this cluster-fuck. Evangelicals have been outed as having no values at all. As you said, they will clean the devil's pool and kiss his pinky ring to have power. They are the church in medieval times, when the church and the monarchy oppressed the people hand in hand.
And Boy do they deserve it. They made their position clear, whether it is anti abortion or conservative value, they would have us voter for the Devil himself to get their way. No religious group has looked uglier then a Christian organization that would have our children learning from and respect this republican candidate. They have no clue what Jesus message was and is.

This is one of the side benefits of this cluster-fuck. Evangelicals have been outed as having no values at all. As you said, they will clean the devil's pool and kiss his pinky ring to have power. They are the church in medieval times, when the church and the monarchy oppressed the people hand in hand.
Dear IsaacNewton and jbander
Yes, people question both sides, whether Bush Romney or Trump or Obama/Clinton as not being real Christians either.

As for Trump if you ask Bishop EW Jackson and Radio minister Darrell Scott they will vouch that Trump is a good man who is on the same page with their faith in God's will and purpose for America, regardless of where Trump stands with his path in growth in Christian faith. They will vouch he's on the right path.

Many of the more conservative Black church leaders feel the liberal Democrats agenda has gone too far in the wrong direction with enabling destructive behavior from drugs to abortion in the name of freedom without responsibility for consequences. So while some focus on criticizing the right for losing compassion and being unforgiving, as many blame the left for the BLM victim approach that blames but doesn't recognize equal responsibility for addressing abuses of force in their own communities but scapegoats others.

The criticism is mutual on both sides. So instead of mutual fingerprinting and fault finding, why not correct each other in order to solve all the problems?

The real Christian instructions are to redress grievances and trespasses one on one directly to restore good faith neighborly relations. That's the truth Christian way, so we'll see if the leaders on left and right take that unifying path instead of dividing left and right to put politics before their Christian calling to rebuild relations and community.
And Boy do they deserve it. They made their position clear, whether it is anti abortion or conservative value, they would have us voter for the Devil himself to get their way. No religious group has looked uglier then a Christian organization that would have our children learning from and respect this republican candidate. They have no clue what Jesus message was and is.

This is one of the side benefits of this cluster-fuck. Evangelicals have been outed as having no values at all. As you said, they will clean the devil's pool and kiss his pinky ring to have power. They are the church in medieval times, when the church and the monarchy oppressed the people hand in hand.
Dear IsaacNewton and jbander
Yes, people question both sides, whether Bush Romney or Trump or Obama/Clinton as not being real Christians either.

As for Trump if you ask Bishop EW Jackson and Radio minister Darrell Scott they will vouch that Trump is a good man who is on the same page with their faith in God's will and purpose for America, regardless of where Trump stands with his path in growth in Christian faith. They will vouch he's on the right path.

Many of the more conservative Black church leaders feel the liberal Democrats agenda has gone too far in the wrong direction with enabling destructive behavior from drugs to abortion in the name of freedom without responsibility for consequences. So while some focus on criticizing the right for losing compassion and being unforgiving, as many blame the left for the BLM victim approach that blames but doesn't recognize equal responsibility for addressing abuses of force in their own communities but scapegoats others.

The criticism is mutual on both sides. So instead of mutual fingerprinting and fault finding, why not correct each other in order to solve all the problems?

The real Christian instructions are to redress grievances and trespasses one on one directly to restore good faith neighborly relations. That's the truth Christian way, so we'll see if the leaders on left and right take that unifying path instead of dividing left and right to put politics before their Christian calling to rebuild relations and community.

No this is another thing that is ending. This false equivalency garbage. Evangelicals have come out of the closet, they are not Christians. Period. They will do anything to gain power in the government. Anything. This is anti-thetical to Christ's teachings. They don't care. They will lie and cheat and will cheer on a lie and a cheat without blinking. They are not Christians. Their mask is finally off for good.

That Piece Of Shit trump is one of the most immoral humans alive. Yet fake kristians support him with great glee. He isn't a Christian and neither are they. There is no half measure or going back now, he has exposed Christians and Evangelicals as the charlatans that they are. They are not followers of Christ.
And Boy do they deserve it. They made their position clear, whether it is anti abortion or conservative value, they would have us voter for the Devil himself to get their way. No religious group has looked uglier then a Christian organization that would have our children learning from and respect this republican candidate. They have no clue what Jesus message was and is.

This is one of the side benefits of this cluster-fuck. Evangelicals have been outed as having no values at all. As you said, they will clean the devil's pool and kiss his pinky ring to have power. They are the church in medieval times, when the church and the monarchy oppressed the people hand in hand.
Dear IsaacNewton and jbander
Yes, people question both sides, whether Bush Romney or Trump or Obama/Clinton as not being real Christians either.

As for Trump if you ask Bishop EW Jackson and Radio minister Darrell Scott they will vouch that Trump is a good man who is on the same page with their faith in God's will and purpose for America, regardless of where Trump stands with his path in growth in Christian faith. They will vouch he's on the right path.

Many of the more conservative Black church leaders feel the liberal Democrats agenda has gone too far in the wrong direction with enabling destructive behavior from drugs to abortion in the name of freedom without responsibility for consequences. So while some focus on criticizing the right for losing compassion and being unforgiving, as many blame the left for the BLM victim approach that blames but doesn't recognize equal responsibility for addressing abuses of force in their own communities but scapegoats others.

The criticism is mutual on both sides. So instead of mutual fingerprinting and fault finding, why not correct each other in order to solve all the problems?

The real Christian instructions are to redress grievances and trespasses one on one directly to restore good faith neighborly relations. That's the truth Christian way, so we'll see if the leaders on left and right take that unifying path instead of dividing left and right to put politics before their Christian calling to rebuild relations and community.

No this is another thing that is ending. This false equivalency garbage. Evangelicals have come out of the closet, they are not Christians. Period. They will do anything to gain power in the government. Anything. This is anti-thetical to Christ's teachings. They don't care. They will lie and cheat and will cheer on a lie and a cheat without blinking. They are not Christians. Their mask is finally off for good.

That Piece Of Shit trump is one of the most immoral humans alive. Yet fake kristians support him with great glee. He isn't a Christian and neither are they. There is no half measure or going back now, he has exposed Christians and Evangelicals as the charlatans that they are. They are not followers of Christ.

Aren't they the same crowd, or part of the same crowd --- that tried to remove Bill Clinton from office on the basis of a blow job?

And now they've elected a serial groper. No integrity whatsoever.
Dear Pogo
I get your point and understand that if you take none of the accusations against the Clintons as true, then of course you see it as total media propaganda .

No, I'm stopping you right there because that has nothing whatsoever to do with my point.

My point has entirely to do with Rump and media manipulation ---- nothing to do with "Clintons" or anyone else. It has to do with how mass media works and how Rump exploited it to get where he is ................ which makes impossible the idea that he has been by any definition "opposing" mass media. On the contrary, mass media handed Rump everything he has in terms of notoriety, both yesterday and long before.

So again, the concept that media was somehow his "nemesis" is ridiculous. Media was his tool. I don't know how that can be more obvious than it already is.

None of that has anything to do with any "Clintons". Or with any other politician.

In other words every time Rump tries to paint the fantasy that the media is "against him' --- he's lying through his teeth. And he damn well knows it.
Dear Pogo yes and no.
Every tool he had worked both for and against him if you're going to go further with it.

1. The fact the President Appoints the SC Justices made as many conservatives reluctantly or adamantly vote for him as people voted against that. That was one battle that may have turned in his favor.

2. The same media he used to blast away also got used against him and turned ppl so far off they refused to support him and actively campaigned against him. He deliberately played the same celebrity and campaign games that were used on him.
He wasn't afraid to go on camera confronting Clinton and say things no one else dared to say.
So yes the same games he played the media for went both ways. He used those same tactics to bear them at it.

It should have cost him the election with all the negative hype against him.

I still wonder if something could happen before the Electoral College vote in December. Could something illegal be found in his records where he gets disqualified?

To me it was very clear he was deliberately "Trumping up" his celebrity status so he could get away with acting and saying things that others could not.

You see it as playing that same game to reinforce media run politics.
I see it as twisting it around beyond the point of ridiculousness where you'd have to be voting for him for other reasons besides any of the antics going on in the media left or right and him especially!

Anyone voting based on image or anything else in the media would have said NO to Trump.

Pogo that was so outlandish and egregious how he acted and what he said, I still don't quite believe it, and wonder if the Electors might vote otherwise.
And Boy do they deserve it. They made their position clear, whether it is anti abortion or conservative value, they would have us voter for the Devil himself to get their way. No religious group has looked uglier then a Christian organization that would have our children learning from and respect this republican candidate. They have no clue what Jesus message was and is.

This is one of the side benefits of this cluster-fuck. Evangelicals have been outed as having no values at all. As you said, they will clean the devil's pool and kiss his pinky ring to have power. They are the church in medieval times, when the church and the monarchy oppressed the people hand in hand.
Dear IsaacNewton and jbander
Yes, people question both sides, whether Bush Romney or Trump or Obama/Clinton as not being real Christians either.

As for Trump if you ask Bishop EW Jackson and Radio minister Darrell Scott they will vouch that Trump is a good man who is on the same page with their faith in God's will and purpose for America, regardless of where Trump stands with his path in growth in Christian faith. They will vouch he's on the right path.

Many of the more conservative Black church leaders feel the liberal Democrats agenda has gone too far in the wrong direction with enabling destructive behavior from drugs to abortion in the name of freedom without responsibility for consequences. So while some focus on criticizing the right for losing compassion and being unforgiving, as many blame the left for the BLM victim approach that blames but doesn't recognize equal responsibility for addressing abuses of force in their own communities but scapegoats others.

The criticism is mutual on both sides. So instead of mutual fingerprinting and fault finding, why not correct each other in order to solve all the problems?

The real Christian instructions are to redress grievances and trespasses one on one directly to restore good faith neighborly relations. That's the truth Christian way, so we'll see if the leaders on left and right take that unifying path instead of dividing left and right to put politics before their Christian calling to rebuild relations and community.

No this is another thing that is ending. This false equivalency garbage. Evangelicals have come out of the closet, they are not Christians. Period. They will do anything to gain power in the government. Anything. This is anti-thetical to Christ's teachings. They don't care. They will lie and cheat and will cheer on a lie and a cheat without blinking. They are not Christians. Their mask is finally off for good.

That Piece Of Shit trump is one of the most immoral humans alive. Yet fake kristians support him with great glee. He isn't a Christian and neither are they. There is no half measure or going back now, he has exposed Christians and Evangelicals as the charlatans that they are. They are not followers of Christ.
Dear IsaacNewton
I still think you could say that on both sides.
Many question the ministers who come out for the cameras with BLM, while other pastors call that anger demonic.

Do you think siding and encouraging people to incite crowds to chant about attacking pigs is loving and Christian?

If pastors don't address that, but stand with it demanding justice for people showing disrespect for law, don't you think that should be questioned also as political and selling out?

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