No Hillary lie has been presented in my opinion...Any GOPer has MANY factual lies to deceive the ele


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2011
...ectorate. WHY THE HELL would she lie about the hurried ceremonies at Serajavo or Edmund Hillary lol? Brainwashed RW idiocy. Like some Wall Sters offered 675k is a lie. WTF is wrong with you dupes? lol. NO FACTUAL LIES.
Even if she didn't lie (kinda doubt it - all politicians lie), why would anybody of sound mind vote for this incompetent bus stop rag bag old hag to run our country?
...ectorate. WHY THE HELL would she lie about the hurried ceremonies at Serajavo or Edmund Hillary lol? Brainwashed RW idiocy. Like some Wall Sters offered 675k is a lie. WTF is wrong with you dupes? lol. NO FACTUAL LIES.

Talk about brainwashed.

If she outright lies about something so damn provable what else would he lie about.

...ectorate. WHY THE HELL would she lie about the hurried ceremonies at Serajavo or Edmund Hillary lol? Brainwashed RW idiocy. Like some Wall Sters offered 675k is a lie. WTF is wrong with you dupes? lol. NO FACTUAL LIES.

Talk about brainwashed.

If she outright lies about something so damn provable what else would he lie about.

If that's a lie, it couldn't be more irrelevant. What a pile of crap. Any GOPer lies almost nonstop about to deceive the dupes. See Obama's 2 years of control, many policies passed lol, ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. and blaming the poor. A-holes and dupes....
...ectorate. WHY THE HELL would she lie about the hurried ceremonies at Serajavo or Edmund Hillary lol? Brainwashed RW idiocy. Like some Wall Sters offered 675k is a lie. WTF is wrong with you dupes? lol. NO FACTUAL LIES.

Talk about brainwashed.

If she outright lies about something so damn provable what else would he lie about.

If that's a lie, it couldn't be more irrelevant. What a pile of crap. Any GOPer lies almost nonstop about to deceive the dupes. See Obama's 2 years of control, many policies passed lol, ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. and blaming the poor. A-holes and dupes....

So you, as usual, have no interest in a discussion, a clear lie is pointed out, you dismiss it as irrelevant and go on a deflective rant that has nothing to do with your own OP. xxxxxxxxxx
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How about a lie that matters? And of course the ceremonies certainly WERE hurried, and half that footage wasn't on the tarmac. That's an ACTUAL lie by your bs propaganda machine. NO LIE.
So you can't change your mind? What BS, hater dupe.

Did you even watch the video? Flip flopping is not the main issue, it is her lack of integrity. She is a liar.

I agree and she's incompetent as hell.

No way should that woman ever sit in the oval office.

Of course getting fools like Franco to actually take a look at Hitlery?

Well haterdupe that he is he never will. He'll support her to the bitter end and totally ignore what a waste of space she is.

He's a fool.
...ectorate. WHY THE HELL would she lie about the hurried ceremonies at Serajavo or Edmund Hillary lol? Brainwashed RW idiocy. Like some Wall Sters offered 675k is a lie. WTF is wrong with you dupes? lol. NO FACTUAL LIES.

Talk about brainwashed.

If she outright lies about something so damn provable what else would he lie about.

If that's a lie, it couldn't be more irrelevant. What a pile of crap. Any GOPer lies almost nonstop about to deceive the dupes. See Obama's 2 years of control, many policies passed lol, ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. and blaming the poor. A-holes and dupes....

What do you mean by, "if it is a lie?" Do you now recognize that you have been clearly shown that your OP is false, and done so without a doubt? Are you ready to admit that Mrs. Bosnia Clinton not only lies, she lies like no other.

Maybe you don't know the definition of lying? Is that the case, then google the word.

Do you understand that your challenge in the OP wasn't to show that Mrs. Bosnia Clinton lies like other people lie, your challenge was that she has not lied. Which clearly and without doubt her Bosnia "story" was nothing but a lie. Except for the fact they did actually land in Bosnia.

Incredible and telling that you pursue this, I would think you would have went into hiding for a day or two dreaming up some other "imagined" fact about Mrs. Bosnia Clinton to post..
...ectorate. WHY THE HELL would she lie about the hurried ceremonies at Serajavo or Edmund Hillary lol? Brainwashed RW idiocy. Like some Wall Sters offered 675k is a lie. WTF is wrong with you dupes? lol. NO FACTUAL LIES.

Talk about brainwashed.

If she outright lies about something so damn provable what else would he lie about.

If that's a lie, it couldn't be more irrelevant. What a pile of crap. Any GOPer lies almost nonstop about to deceive the dupes. See Obama's 2 years of control, many policies passed lol, ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. and blaming the poor. A-holes and dupes....

So you, as usual, have no interest in a discussion, a clear lie is pointed out, you dismiss it as irrelevant and go on a deflective rant that has nothing to do with your own OP. xxxxxxxxxx

There really isn't anything to discuss, the OP said she didn't lie, clearly she did and does. If she wins the nomination and I were running against her I would be running a video clip of her Bosnia lie every hour. No one in their right minds lies so clearly and so easily proven wrong. But she laughed it off as merely misspeaking. Could you misspeak about being under sniper fire? If such a thing happen it would be burned into a person's memory. But then again maybe the memory is faulty because of her brain injury and age.

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