‘No Fly Zone’ Propaganda: Crocodile Tears for the ‘Children of Aleppo’


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
SHAMELESS: US, UK-backed ‘rebels’ are using children as ‘No Fly Zone’ props in Syria. Other reports suggest the rebels are also recycling child ‘victim’ images for the derilict western media.

EU-French-funded ‘opposition’ media outlets like the Aleppo Media Centre, and US-UK-funded ‘NGOs’ like the White Helmets, are operating exclusively in terrorist-held areas of Syria – and they are feeding customised propaganda to deceptive media outlets like CNN. There is a new “group think” which has taken over the US and European mainstream media. But is it really group think, or is contrived to bolster a failing US foreign policy in Syria?
‘No Fly Zone’ Propaganda: Crocodile Tears for the ‘Children of Aleppo’
Psychological warfare works well, just as in the case of Trayvon media and prosecution will often use the most guilt ridden picture they can find because it causes the public to react differently than it would if lete say an old photo like in Trayvon case they didn't show his actual age, they used a much younger picture so the public would react in his favor and get a stronger reaction from it.
Do it for the children, do it for Mikey! We've goit to save the chillins.
Save the Children calls Aleppo child deaths a moral outrage...

Child deaths in Aleppo a ‘moral outrage’: charity
Thu, Nov 24, 2016 - REBEL ATTACK: Among those killed at the weekend was an education worker at a school Save the Children supports, who was found in rubble with her baby son
Save the Children yesterday hit out at the “moral outrage” of the mounting deaths and suffering of children in the battleground Syrian city of Aleppo. The charity said that medics across northwest Syria were looking to fortify hospitals after a wave of attacks in rebel-held east Aleppo left facilities struggling to care for injured children. Regime forces have been waging a ferocious assault on east Aleppo since Tuesday last week, with the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights saying more than 140 civilians have been killed, 19 of them children. The renewed fighting comes amid international concern for the fate of more than 250,000 civilians trapped in besieged rebel-held areas of the northern city. Save the Children also condemned a rebel attack on west Aleppo on Sunday that killed at least eight children. It said among those killed at the weekend was an education worker at a school it supports in east Aleppo, who was found buried in rubble along with her baby son.

Classes at 13 such schools in east Aleppo had been suspended as shelling intensified, Save the Children said. It said the deadly rebel attack on the school in the west of the city showed “there is no safe place for children in this conflict.” “Children and aid workers are being bombarded by missiles whilst they are sitting at their desks in schools and seeking treatment in hospitals, which are also under attack,” Save the Children Syria director Sonia Khush said. “The very places they should feel safest have become deadly,” she said. “It is a moral outrage that the death toll of Aleppo’s children continues to grow and seems only set to get worse, whilst so little action is being taken to end the bombing and hold warring parties accountable for these attacks on civilians.” Save the Children called for an internationally monitored ceasefire to bring humanitarian relief into east Aleppo, and evacuate the sick and wounded.

It said the UN and opposition groups had already agreed on access for an aid convoy which could go ahead once all sides agree to a ceasefire. “Parties to the conflict must come together to agree an immediate ceasefire, and to evacuate civilian casualties and get life-saving aid into the area,” it said. UN Syria envoy Staffan de Mistura on Sunday was rebuffed in Damascus on a truce proposal that would allow the opposition to administer the city’s east. Aleppo was once the nation’s economic powerhouse, but it has been ravaged by the brutal war across Syria that has killed 300,000 people since it began with anti-government protests in March 2011.

Child deaths in Aleppo a ‘moral outrage’: charity - Taipei Times

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