No, don't impeach,,,,but also don't let up....

Trump's advisors (the few left he may have who can still think rationally) are begging for impeachment to start since that may be the ONLY way to make Trump into a "martyr" and get re-elected by his fired up base....and maybe a percentage of independent voters. Impeachment is a VERY divisive issue that can only benefit Trump.....and maybe lose the House majority for democrats.

So, don't impeach Trump........Compel Mueller to testify even if only to read before a TV audience what is spelled out in his report (since Trump cult members refuse to read it.)

Also, compel testimony from the remainder of Mueller's team and let Trump's acolytes lawyer-up as they defy subpoenas brought before a court of jurisdiction.

If democrats can present ambitious bills (such as infrastructure, the lowering prescription drug costs, etc.) AND also taint Trump as the low-life demagogue on a daily basis, democrats will gain the WH, keep control of the House and gain about 10 to 15 seats in the Senate.

Why read his report? This one is better..

In the report, which contained graphic details of Clinton and Lewinsky's sexual relationship, Starr claimed Clinton performed actions that were "inconsistent with the president's constitutional duty to faithfully execute the laws" and outlined a case for impeaching him on 11 possible grounds, including perjury, obstruction of justice, witness tampering and abuse of power.[7]

Clinton had "attempted to influence the testimony of a grand jury witness who had direct knowledge of facts that would reveal the falsity of his deposition testimony; attempted to obstruct justice by facilitating a witness' plan to refuse to comply with a subpoena; attempted to obstruct justice by encouraging a witness to file an affidavit that the president knew would be false ... ; lied to potential grand jury witnesses, knowing that then they would repeat those lies before the grand jury; and engaged in a pattern on conduct that was inconsistent with his constitutional duty to faithfully execute the laws."[7]

Starr included a detailed timeline of Lewinsky's various sexual encounters with Clinton during her White House internship.

He concluded the report with a section entitled "Grounds," where he provided supporting evidence to each of the 11 grounds for potential impeachment of Clinton—including physical evidencesuch as the DNA test results of a semen stain on a dress owned by Lewinsky which matched Clinton's blood sample.[7]
Trump's advisors (the few left he may have who can still think rationally) are begging for impeachment to start since that may be the ONLY way to make Trump into a "martyr" and get re-elected by his fired up base....and maybe a percentage of independent voters. Impeachment is a VERY divisive issue that can only benefit Trump.....and maybe lose the House majority for democrats.

So, don't impeach Trump........Compel Mueller to testify even if only to read before a TV audience what is spelled out in his report (since Trump cult members refuse to read it.)

Also, compel testimony from the remainder of Mueller's team and let Trump's acolytes lawyer-up as they defy subpoenas brought before a court of jurisdiction.

If democrats can present ambitious bills (such as infrastructure, the lowering prescription drug costs, etc.) AND also taint Trump as the low-life demagogue on a daily basis, democrats will gain the WH, keep control of the House and gain about 10 to 15 seats in the Senate.

Why read his report? This one is better..

In the report, which contained graphic details of Clinton and Lewinsky's sexual relationship, Starr claimed Clinton performed actions that were "inconsistent with the president's constitutional duty to faithfully execute the laws" and outlined a case for impeaching him on 11 possible grounds, including perjury, obstruction of justice, witness tampering and abuse of power.[7]

Clinton had "attempted to influence the testimony of a grand jury witness who had direct knowledge of facts that would reveal the falsity of his deposition testimony; attempted to obstruct justice by facilitating a witness' plan to refuse to comply with a subpoena; attempted to obstruct justice by encouraging a witness to file an affidavit that the president knew would be false ... ; lied to potential grand jury witnesses, knowing that then they would repeat those lies before the grand jury; and engaged in a pattern on conduct that was inconsistent with his constitutional duty to faithfully execute the laws."[7]

Starr included a detailed timeline of Lewinsky's various sexual encounters with Clinton during her White House internship.

He concluded the report with a section entitled "Grounds," where he provided supporting evidence to each of the 11 grounds for potential impeachment of Clinton—including physical evidencesuch as the DNA test results of a semen stain on a dress owned by Lewinsky which matched Clinton's blood sample.[7]

So where is that in the Mueller report?
Well well, look who just tapped other words they should just do their jobs because the electorate is on to them

Just so that you don't think I try to help Trump ass kissers on here......but YOU should know that your dwindling ilk is NOT the "electorate"........

Didn't you watch the 2018 election returns???
Trump's advisors (the few left he may have who can still think rationally) are begging for impeachment to start since that may be the ONLY way to make Trump into a "martyr" and get re-elected by his fired up base....and maybe a percentage of independent voters. Impeachment is a VERY divisive issue that can only benefit Trump.....and maybe lose the House majority for democrats.

So, don't impeach Trump........Compel Mueller to testify even if only to read before a TV audience what is spelled out in his report (since Trump cult members refuse to read it.)

Also, compel testimony from the remainder of Mueller's team and let Trump's acolytes lawyer-up as they defy subpoenas brought before a court of jurisdiction.

If democrats can present ambitious bills (such as infrastructure, the lowering prescription drug costs, etc.) AND also taint Trump as the low-life demagogue on a daily basis, democrats will gain the WH, keep control of the House and gain about 10 to 15 seats in the Senate.
LoL Democrats haven't done a fucking thing except what relates to taking down Trump and that is not going to change. But you knew that already.
Go ahead...IMPEACH Trump!

But be prepare for the onslaught of backlashes beforth. :D

The above idiot can't even comprehend the thread's title.......
Those laxatives aren't helping you much , dimwit???...............LMAO
Trump's advisors (the few left he may have who can still think rationally) are begging for impeachment to start since that may be the ONLY way to make Trump into a "martyr" and get re-elected by his fired up base....and maybe a percentage of independent voters. Impeachment is a VERY divisive issue that can only benefit Trump.....and maybe lose the House majority for democrats.

So, don't impeach Trump........Compel Mueller to testify even if only to read before a TV audience what is spelled out in his report (since Trump cult members refuse to read it.)

Also, compel testimony from the remainder of Mueller's team and let Trump's acolytes lawyer-up as they defy subpoenas brought before a court of jurisdiction.

If democrats can present ambitious bills (such as infrastructure, the lowering prescription drug costs, etc.) AND also taint Trump as the low-life demagogue on a daily basis, democrats will gain the WH, keep control of the House and gain about 10 to 15 seats in the Senate.
Impeaching and "not letting up" will give you the same result...a landslide electoral win for Trump.....even dem voters don't want this shit to go on...not one more day...they are as sickened as we are by this ongoing coup.....
I don't think anyone knows what the fuck would happen. It all depends on what happens over the next year. If democrats in there investigations come up with more damning evidence of obstruction or other crimes, there could be good grounds for impeachment. There are 16 other criminal and civil probes going on, about half at the state level of which Trump is powerless to stop. My gut feel is that evidence of bad conduct by the president will be enough to turn voters against him regardless of weather there is an impeachment. His proclivity for exaggeration and out right lying is recognized by both his supporters and advisories which is going to make his campaigning more difficult. However, what we are not considering is the biggest factor in Trump's victory in 2016 was his opponent. Democrats could well come up with a candidate that is so outspoken and so far to the left that voters will vote for Trump because they can stand the opponent.
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Trump's advisors (the few left he may have who can still think rationally) are begging for impeachment to start since that may be the ONLY way to make Trump into a "martyr" and get re-elected by his fired up base....and maybe a percentage of independent voters. Impeachment is a VERY divisive issue that can only benefit Trump.....and maybe lose the House majority for democrats.

So, don't impeach Trump........Compel Mueller to testify even if only to read before a TV audience what is spelled out in his report (since Trump cult members refuse to read it.)

Also, compel testimony from the remainder of Mueller's team and let Trump's acolytes lawyer-up as they defy subpoenas brought before a court of jurisdiction.

If democrats can present ambitious bills (such as infrastructure, the lowering prescription drug costs, etc.) AND also taint Trump as the low-life demagogue on a daily basis, democrats will gain the WH, keep control of the House and gain about 10 to 15 seats in the Senate.

Trump is begging to be impeached, which is exactly my point.

The worst mistake the Democrats could make is to impeach Trump!

In the first place, heading into the 2020 Presidential election, Democrats should not do exactly what their main rival wants them to do.

In the second place, what exactly would be accomplished by impeachment? Some naive congressmen and women think impeachment is an end onto itself. It is not. Impeachment is merely an indictment. The trial takes place in the Trump Republican held Senate where conviction will only happen when pigs can fly. Trump would become a martyr, a victim of Democratic overreach. Why do you think Trump wants to be impeached?

In the third place, these immature lawmakers who think Trump should be impeached should look back on 1998 and the failed impeachment of Bill Clinton which was led by the Republicans. After Clinton was vindicated he became more popular. The pending election was a disaster for the GOP. The Speaker, Newt Gingrich, first lost his post. Months later, he was booted out of the House. That is what impeachment accomplished for the Republicans, and Pelosi and others with more experience remember it well.

In the fourth place, a recent poll showed that only 37% want Trump impeached, probably mostly Republicans. It is Trump's only chance. 60% of Americans oppose impeachment. When asked should Trump be reelected, 60% said no, 37% said yes. Recently, three different federal courts have ruled against Trump and in favor of the House Democrats.

What does this mean? It means the Democrats are already winning. Taking into consideration 1998, why risk throwing the election in favor of Trump?

OLC, Tlaib, Omar and others calling for impeachment say that it is a Constitutional duty for the House to impeach Trump. Consider this. The worst possible threat to our Constitution is another four years of the Trump Presidency.

That was illustrated in living color last week ... and the week before that and the week before that, etc. etc.
Trump's advisors (the few left he may have who can still think rationally) are begging for impeachment to start since that may be the ONLY way to make Trump into a "martyr" and get re-elected by his fired up base....and maybe a percentage of independent voters. Impeachment is a VERY divisive issue that can only benefit Trump.....and maybe lose the House majority for democrats.

So, don't impeach Trump........Compel Mueller to testify even if only to read before a TV audience what is spelled out in his report (since Trump cult members refuse to read it.)

Also, compel testimony from the remainder of Mueller's team and let Trump's acolytes lawyer-up as they defy subpoenas brought before a court of jurisdiction.

If democrats can present ambitious bills (such as infrastructure, the lowering prescription drug costs, etc.) AND also taint Trump as the low-life demagogue on a daily basis, democrats will gain the WH, keep control of the House and gain about 10 to 15 seats in the Senate.

Hahaha...Remember, you filthy fucks “believed the survivors” ..hahaha
You desperate pukes can’t be taken seriously....sorry
Ds are caught between a rock and a hard place. Impeach and risk turning The Don into a martyr and pissing off much of America. Not impeaching risks alienating your base and losing their votes and money.

With any luck, their failure to impeach will lead to the demise of the two party system. That would be awesome.

You wrongly assume that the failure of this system would result in something more to your liking.

History shows us this is usually not the case.
Ds are caught between a rock and a hard place. Impeach and risk turning The Don into a martyr and pissing off much of America. Not impeaching risks alienating your base and losing their votes and money.

With any luck, their failure to impeach will lead to the demise of the two party system. That would be awesome.

You wrongly assume that the failure of this system would result in something more to your liking.

History shows us this is usually not the case.
I can’t agree. The two criminal parties really just gangs of lawyers doing the bidding of their donors, the transnational capitalist class. Time to put an end to this abomination.
Trump's advisors (the few left he may have who can still think rationally) are begging for impeachment to start since that may be the ONLY way to make Trump into a "martyr" and get re-elected by his fired up base....and maybe a percentage of independent voters. Impeachment is a VERY divisive issue that can only benefit Trump.....and maybe lose the House majority for democrats.

So, don't impeach Trump........Compel Mueller to testify even if only to read before a TV audience what is spelled out in his report (since Trump cult members refuse to read it.)

Also, compel testimony from the remainder of Mueller's team and let Trump's acolytes lawyer-up as they defy subpoenas brought before a court of jurisdiction.

If democrats can present ambitious bills (such as infrastructure, the lowering prescription drug costs, etc.) AND also taint Trump as the low-life demagogue on a daily basis, democrats will gain the WH, keep control of the House and gain about 10 to 15 seats in the Senate.
Impeaching and "not letting up" will give you the same result...a landslide electoral win for Trump.....even dem voters don't want this shit to go on...not one more day...they are as sickened as we are by this ongoing coup.....
I don't think anyone knows what the fuck would happen. It all depends on what happens over the next year. If democrats in there investigations come up with more damning evidence of obstruction or other crimes, there could be good grounds for impeachment. There are 16 other criminal and civil probes going on, about half at the state level of which Trump is powerless to stop. My gut feel is that evidence of bad conduct by the president will be enough to turn voters against him regardless of weather there is an impeachment. However, what we are not considering is the biggest factor in Trump's victory in 2016 was his opponent. Democrats could well come up with a candidate that is so outspoken and so far to the left that voters will vote for Trump because they can stand the opponent.
2 and a half years of digging and Trump is still president and enjoying the best approval numbers of his presidency....there is nothing else...there is nothing impeachable....but go ahead it...seal your fate....
Ds are caught between a rock and a hard place. Impeach and risk turning The Don into a martyr and pissing off much of America. Not impeaching risks alienating your base and losing their votes and money.

With any luck, their failure to impeach will lead to the demise of the two party system. That would be awesome.
:lol: the parties, especially the R party, have already been destroyed!


But in my own life, no matter how hard it is going to be, doing the ''right thing'' is what one should strive to do....

short term, it may cost them seats... but leaving the presidency opened to lawlessness being ok, for any future president, is not good for the nation...

they are being cowards imho.... Yes they fear the unknown of how it would all turn out, 4 more years of Trump will end the USA as we know it to them and scares the Pajesus out of them...

BUT if they do not charge him with articles of impeachment for his lawlessness, gawd help us, with presidents even worse, down the road.... imo.
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Ds are caught between a rock and a hard place. Impeach and risk turning The Don into a martyr and pissing off much of America. Not impeaching risks alienating your base and losing their votes and money.

With any luck, their failure to impeach will lead to the demise of the two party system. That would be awesome.

You wrongly assume that the failure of this system would result in something more to your liking.

History shows us this is usually not the case.
I can’t agree. The two criminal parties really just gangs of lawyers doing the bidding of their donors, the transnational capitalist class. Time to put an end to this abomination.

Then I assume you are ready to man the barricades?
Too funny!
House Dems work less than 3 days per week, have all the ongoing Trump investigations in motion, may additionally take on impeachment, and the OP delusionally believes they can take on, in his words, ambitious bills.

The OP needs to be monkey hammered....or already has been!

Unlike your orange buffoon, the Democrats are very capable of walking, talking and chewing gum at the same time. The Democrats have passed a number of wide-ranging bills, including the Violence Against Women Act, a wide-ranging voters' rights act known as the "For the People Act".

Democrats in Congress are getting things done. Trump and Republicans are just ignoring them.

When it comes to election time, Democrats will point to all of the legislation Republicans have sat on and it will be game over for the whole stinking bunch.
Ds are caught between a rock and a hard place. Impeach and risk turning The Don into a martyr and pissing off much of America. Not impeaching risks alienating your base and losing their votes and money.

With any luck, their failure to impeach will lead to the demise of the two party system. That would be awesome.
:lol: the parties, especially the R party, have already been destroyed!


But in my own life, no matter how hard it is going to be, doing the ''right thing'' is what one should strive to do....

short term, it may cost them seats... but leaving the presidency opened to lawlessness being ok, for any future president, is not good for the nation...

they are being cowards imho.... Yes they fear the unknown of how it would all turn out, 4 more years of Trump will end the USA as we know it and scares the PaJesus out of them...

BUT if they do not charge him with articles of impeachment for his lawlessness, gawd help us, with presidents even worse, down the road.... imo.
With every new POTUS, new and greater lawlessness ensues. This has been going on for decades. So, nothing new there.

The two gangs are really mirror imagines of each other, on the big issues. They both do the bidding of the billionaires and ignore the constitution and the needs of the people.

To think the NSA is still spying on us all and Congress and the MSM say nothing of this clear unconstitutional activity, is proof we’re getting screwed.
Please impeach and guarantee a second term.
Don’t impeach and act like jackasses over another issue and guarantee a second term.
Dimwitocrats don't have to impeach. They can keep banging their heads. As long as they keep not working and being obsessed it's good enough to secure a Trump victory.
To think the NSA is still spying on us all and Congress and the MSM say nothing of this clear unconstitutional activity, is proof we’re getting screwed.
there is some hope on that... I read the NSA wants to give up the program... says it doesn't or hasn't produced results, not worth the headache etc....
Trump would love for that TDS inflicted partisan asshole House to impeach him. The Senate will acquit him along partisan lines and America will see what shitheads the Democrats are.

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