No, don't impeach,,,,but also don't let up....

To think the NSA is still spying on us all and Congress and the MSM say nothing of this clear unconstitutional activity, is proof we’re getting screwed.
there is some hope on that... I read the NSA wants to give up the program... says it doesn't or hasn't produced results, not worth the headache etc....
LOL. They need to be in prison.
Ds are caught between a rock and a hard place. Impeach and risk turning The Don into a martyr and pissing off much of America. Not impeaching risks alienating your base and losing their votes and money.

With any luck, their failure to impeach will lead to the demise of the two party system. That would be awesome.

You wrongly assume that the failure of this system would result in something more to your liking.

History shows us this is usually not the case.
I can’t agree. The two criminal parties really just gangs of lawyers doing the bidding of their donors, the transnational capitalist class. Time to put an end to this abomination.

Then I assume you are ready to man the barricades?
Nope. Too old now. But I will cheer you on.

Ending the two party duopoly does not need to be violent.
Ds are caught between a rock and a hard place. Impeach and risk turning The Don into a martyr and pissing off much of America. Not impeaching risks alienating your base and losing their votes and money.

With any luck, their failure to impeach will lead to the demise of the two party system. That would be awesome.
:lol: the parties, especially the R party, have already been destroyed!


But in my own life, no matter how hard it is going to be, doing the ''right thing'' is what one should strive to do....

short term, it may cost them seats... but leaving the presidency opened to lawlessness being ok, for any future president, is not good for the nation...

they are being cowards imho.... Yes they fear the unknown of how it would all turn out, 4 more years of Trump will end the USA as we know it and scares the PaJesus out of them...

BUT if they do not charge him with articles of impeachment for his lawlessness, gawd help us, with presidents even worse, down the road.... imo.
With every new POTUS, new and greater lawlessness ensues. This has been going on for decades. So, nothing new there.

The two gangs are really mirror imagines of each other, on the big issues. They both do the bidding of the billionaires and ignore the constitution and the needs of the people.

To think the NSA is still spying on us all and Congress and the MSM say nothing of this clear unconstitutional activity, is proof we’re getting screwed.

The proof you're getting screwed isn't the idea that the NSA are spying on you. It's the idea that all of the wealth of the nation is flowing to the top, unabated, simply because stupid Republican voters all think that someday they'll all be rich too.
Trump's advisors (the few left he may have who can still think rationally) are begging for impeachment to start since that may be the ONLY way to make Trump into a "martyr" and get re-elected by his fired up base....and maybe a percentage of independent voters. Impeachment is a VERY divisive issue that can only benefit Trump.....and maybe lose the House majority for democrats.

So, don't impeach Trump........Compel Mueller to testify even if only to read before a TV audience what is spelled out in his report (since Trump cult members refuse to read it.)

Also, compel testimony from the remainder of Mueller's team and let Trump's acolytes lawyer-up as they defy subpoenas brought before a court of jurisdiction.

If democrats can present ambitious bills (such as infrastructure, the lowering prescription drug costs, etc.) AND also taint Trump as the low-life demagogue on a daily basis, democrats will gain the WH, keep control of the House and gain about 10 to 15 seats in the Senate.
While Mueller is employed by the DOJ, the administration could claim executive immunity but that would be just a delaying tactic because Mueller has never been an advisory to the president. As a private citizen, he can say anything he chooses although some information would be protected because of on going cases. However, the chance that Mueller would be saying anything earth shattering is very unlikely. To say Mueller is a stickler for legality and protocols is an understatement. If anyone thinks Mueller is going cut loose with accusations and damning evidence against Trump, they are going to be sadly disappointed. However, there are things Mueller can say that would point the committee in new direction that could be very helpfully. They just need leads which they don't have now.
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To think the NSA is still spying on us all and Congress and the MSM say nothing of this clear unconstitutional activity, is proof we’re getting screwed.
there is some hope on that... I read the NSA wants to give up the program... says it doesn't or hasn't produced results, not worth the headache etc....
LOL. They need to be in prison.

not if it was ok'd in the first place... it should have been challenged in the the courts all the way up to the Supremes...

if continued after that ruling against it, then charged, tried, and jailed
Trump's advisors (the few left he may have who can still think rationally) are begging for impeachment to start since that may be the ONLY way to make Trump into a "martyr" and get re-elected by his fired up base....and maybe a percentage of independent voters. Impeachment is a VERY divisive issue that can only benefit Trump.....and maybe lose the House majority for democrats.

So, don't impeach Trump........Compel Mueller to testify even if only to read before a TV audience what is spelled out in his report (since Trump cult members refuse to read it.)

Also, compel testimony from the remainder of Mueller's team and let Trump's acolytes lawyer-up as they defy subpoenas brought before a court of jurisdiction.

If democrats can present ambitious bills (such as infrastructure, the lowering prescription drug costs, etc.) AND also taint Trump as the low-life demagogue on a daily basis, democrats will gain the WH, keep control of the House and gain about 10 to 15 seats in the Senate.

You sorry sap. There won't be any impeachment of Trump because THERE IS NO CHARGE AGAINST HIM as grounds for the action! And you won't ever get Mueller to testify for nothing. What you saw today is what you get, he said, GO READ THE REPORT.

And the report said: NO CHARGES AGAINST POTUS, sucka.
Of course there are no charges because charges are contained in the bill of impeachment. And for your information those charges do not need to be based on admissible evidence. In fact, they don't even have to be violations of federal law.
To think the NSA is still spying on us all and Congress and the MSM say nothing of this clear unconstitutional activity, is proof we’re getting screwed.
there is some hope on that... I read the NSA wants to give up the program... says it doesn't or hasn't produced results, not worth the headache etc....
LOL. They need to be in prison.

not if it was ok'd in the first place... it should have been challenged in the the courts all the way up to the Supremes...

if continued after that ruling against it, then charged, tried, and jailed
Well if we had a government that abided by the constitution, the nsa would have been dissolved long ago. We have a government run by crooks for the benefit of crooks.
Too funny!
House Dems work less than 3 days per week, have all the ongoing Trump investigations in motion, may additionally take on impeachment, and the OP delusionally believes they can take on, in his words, ambitious bills.

The OP needs to be monkey hammered....or already has been!
Actually the house has passed over 300 pieces of legislation, McConnell won't bring any of them up in the Senate.

So who can't get anything done?
Too funny!
House Dems work less than 3 days per week, have all the ongoing Trump investigations in motion, may additionally take on impeachment, and the OP delusionally believes they can take on, in his words, ambitious bills.

The OP needs to be monkey hammered....or already has been!
Actually the house has passed over 300 pieces of legislation, McConnell won't bring any of them up in the Senate.

So who can't get anything done?

The Senate is approving judges at a rapid clip. They are saving the judiciary.
The House can't even pass a Budget. Whose job is it to pass the 2020 Budget?
Trump's advisors (the few left he may have who can still think rationally) are begging for impeachment to start since that may be the ONLY way to make Trump into a "martyr" and get re-elected by his fired up base....and maybe a percentage of independent voters. Impeachment is a VERY divisive issue that can only benefit Trump.....and maybe lose the House majority for democrats.

So, don't impeach Trump........Compel Mueller to testify even if only to read before a TV audience what is spelled out in his report (since Trump cult members refuse to read it.)

Also, compel testimony from the remainder of Mueller's team and let Trump's acolytes lawyer-up as they defy subpoenas brought before a court of jurisdiction.

If democrats can present ambitious bills (such as infrastructure, the lowering prescription drug costs, etc.) AND also taint Trump as the low-life demagogue on a daily basis, democrats will gain the WH, keep control of the House and gain about 10 to 15 seats in the Senate.

Why read his report? This one is better..

In the report, which contained graphic details of Clinton and Lewinsky's sexual relationship, Starr claimed Clinton performed actions that were "inconsistent with the president's constitutional duty to faithfully execute the laws" and outlined a case for impeaching him on 11 possible grounds, including perjury, obstruction of justice, witness tampering and abuse of power.[7]

Clinton had "attempted to influence the testimony of a grand jury witness who had direct knowledge of facts that would reveal the falsity of his deposition testimony; attempted to obstruct justice by facilitating a witness' plan to refuse to comply with a subpoena; attempted to obstruct justice by encouraging a witness to file an affidavit that the president knew would be false ... ; lied to potential grand jury witnesses, knowing that then they would repeat those lies before the grand jury; and engaged in a pattern on conduct that was inconsistent with his constitutional duty to faithfully execute the laws."[7]

Starr included a detailed timeline of Lewinsky's various sexual encounters with Clinton during her White House internship.

He concluded the report with a section entitled "Grounds," where he provided supporting evidence to each of the 11 grounds for potential impeachment of Clinton—including physical evidencesuch as the DNA test results of a semen stain on a dress owned by Lewinsky which matched Clinton's blood sample.[7]
Well that might be of some interest if it had any bearing at all on the topic but the fact is you're just trying to divert the discussion.
Ds are caught between a rock and a hard place. Impeach and risk turning The Don into a martyr and pissing off much of America. Not impeaching risks alienating your base and losing their votes and money.

With any luck, their failure to impeach will lead to the demise of the two party system. That would be awesome.
:lol: the parties, especially the R party, have already been destroyed!


But in my own life, no matter how hard it is going to be, doing the ''right thing'' is what one should strive to do....

short term, it may cost them seats... but leaving the presidency opened to lawlessness being ok, for any future president, is not good for the nation...

they are being cowards imho.... Yes they fear the unknown of how it would all turn out, 4 more years of Trump will end the USA as we know it and scares the PaJesus out of them...

BUT if they do not charge him with articles of impeachment for his lawlessness, gawd help us, with presidents even worse, down the road.... imo.
With every new POTUS, new and greater lawlessness ensues. This has been going on for decades. So, nothing new there.

The two gangs are really mirror imagines of each other, on the big issues. They both do the bidding of the billionaires and ignore the constitution and the needs of the people.

To think the NSA is still spying on us all and Congress and the MSM say nothing of this clear unconstitutional activity, is proof we’re getting screwed.

The proof you're getting screwed isn't the idea that the NSA are spying on you. It's the idea that all of the wealth of the nation is flowing to the top, unabated, simply because stupid Republican voters all think that someday they'll all be rich too.
You were doing so good until you went partisan. If you think the Ds are any better you need to think again, but you won’t. You WANT to cling to the belief the Ds are better in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
Too funny!
House Dems work less than 3 days per week, have all the ongoing Trump investigations in motion, may additionally take on impeachment, and the OP delusionally believes they can take on, in his words, ambitious bills.

The OP needs to be monkey hammered....or already has been!
Actually the house has passed over 300 pieces of legislation, McConnell won't bring any of them up in the Senate.

So who can't get anything done?
Senators now a days, have no purpose even being there....Mitch is obstructing our government process, by not allowing any bills at all to be brought to the Senate floor for an up or down vote..... he obviously thinks some of the House bipartisan bills passed will also pass in the Senate, and he doesn't want to give Pelosi and Democrats any credit for it....
meanwhile, with just one of the hundreds of bills passed in the House, insulin and other drugs stay very high in price because of mcConnell not bringing them up for a Senate vote....

It is definitely a Do Nothing Senate....
Trump's advisors (the few left he may have who can still think rationally) are begging for impeachment to start since that may be the ONLY way to make Trump into a "martyr" and get re-elected by his fired up base....and maybe a percentage of independent voters. Impeachment is a VERY divisive issue that can only benefit Trump.....and maybe lose the House majority for democrats.

So, don't impeach Trump........Compel Mueller to testify even if only to read before a TV audience what is spelled out in his report (since Trump cult members refuse to read it.)

Also, compel testimony from the remainder of Mueller's team and let Trump's acolytes lawyer-up as they defy subpoenas brought before a court of jurisdiction.

If democrats can present ambitious bills (such as infrastructure, the lowering prescription drug costs, etc.) AND also taint Trump as the low-life demagogue on a daily basis, democrats will gain the WH, keep control of the House and gain about 10 to 15 seats in the Senate.

You sorry sap. There won't be any impeachment of Trump because THERE IS NO CHARGE AGAINST HIM as grounds for the action! And you won't ever get Mueller to testify for nothing. What you saw today is what you get, he said, GO READ THE REPORT.

And the report said: NO CHARGES AGAINST POTUS, sucka.
Of course there are no charges because charges are contained in the bill of impeachment. And for your information those charges do not need to be based on admissible evidence. In fact, they don't even have to be violations of federal law.

Good thing Hillary lost then. There are at least 115 felony accusations to be brought against her that would qualify under that loose criteria!
Too funny!
House Dems work less than 3 days per week, have all the ongoing Trump investigations in motion, may additionally take on impeachment, and the OP delusionally believes they can take on, in his words, ambitious bills.

The OP needs to be monkey hammered....or already has been!
Actually the house has passed over 300 pieces of legislation, McConnell won't bring any of them up in the Senate.

So who can't get anything done?

The Senate is approving judges at a rapid clip. They are saving the judiciary.
The House can't even pass a Budget. Whose job is it to pass the 2020 Budget?
Maybe if you think putting in judges that believe corporations are people, or that businesses get more rights than individual citizens, or that taking away your home via eminent domain for a private business to come in and make money off of it, is good for our Nation.... but I don't. The next generation of citizens is going to be sh*t out of luck, thanks to appointing those judges imo...
Good thing Hillary lost then. There are at least 115 felony accusations to be brought against her that would qualify under that loose criteria!

Hey, fuckhead.....Hillary is now a private citizen....What's stopping your ilk???.....LMAO

(go to bed, moron......)
Good thing Hillary lost then. There are at least 115 felony accusations to be brought against her that would qualify under that loose criteria!
Hey, fuckhead.....Hillary is now a private citizen....What's stopping your ilk???.....LMAO
(go to bed, moron......)

Same thing as always dorkface: the Leftist controlled Deep State. Or maybe your brain doesn't remember when Comey himself admitted that no prosecutor would touch her case after reading off a long list of her federal crimes! Good luck getting off scott free with those charges against you! Your crime bitch is one of the protected few (even Mueller didn't investigate her role in the Russian clusterfuck) because of the damage she could do to others . . . maybe not so much now with Barr at the helm.
Too funny!
House Dems work less than 3 days per week, have all the ongoing Trump investigations in motion, may additionally take on impeachment, and the OP delusionally believes they can take on, in his words, ambitious bills.

The OP needs to be monkey hammered....or already has been!
Actually the house has passed over 300 pieces of legislation, McConnell won't bring any of them up in the Senate.

So who can't get anything done?

The Senate is approving judges at a rapid clip. They are saving the judiciary.
The House can't even pass a Budget. Whose job is it to pass the 2020 Budget?
Maybe if you think putting in judges that believe corporations are people, or that businesses get more rights than individual citizens, or that taking away your home via eminent domain for a private business to come in and make money off of it, is good for our Nation.... but I don't. The next generation of citizens is going to be sh*t out of luck, thanks to appointing those judges imo...

1. Corporations are JOBS, good jobs, (jobs are for "people" i.e. corporations help people) they are important to our nation. Overtax them and they move. Look at the moron AOC chasing HQ2 to VA, how stupid was that?
2. Eminent Domain is a very fair trade, the "taking" means that the owners get well compensated. Its progress, its business, its building stuff, its jobs.
3. If the voters don't like the direction of the country they can do a "change election" like 2016 and put in Leftist judges that create law instead of following the laws.
Trump's advisors (the few left he may have who can still think rationally) are begging for impeachment to start since that may be the ONLY way to make Trump into a "martyr" and get re-elected by his fired up base....and maybe a percentage of independent voters. Impeachment is a VERY divisive issue that can only benefit Trump.....and maybe lose the House majority for democrats.

So, don't impeach Trump........Compel Mueller to testify even if only to read before a TV audience what is spelled out in his report (since Trump cult members refuse to read it.)

Also, compel testimony from the remainder of Mueller's team and let Trump's acolytes lawyer-up as they defy subpoenas brought before a court of jurisdiction.

If democrats can present ambitious bills (such as infrastructure, the lowering prescription drug costs, etc.) AND also taint Trump as the low-life demagogue on a daily basis, democrats will gain the WH, keep control of the House and gain about 10 to 15 seats in the Senate.

Seriously, Nat, how many of your threads have been closed down for your failure to provide a link? Do you ever learn?
Trump's advisors (the few left he may have who can still think rationally) are begging for impeachment to start since that may be the ONLY way to make Trump into a "martyr" and get re-elected by his fired up base....and maybe a percentage of independent voters. Impeachment is a VERY divisive issue that can only benefit Trump.....and maybe lose the House majority for democrats.

So, don't impeach Trump........Compel Mueller to testify even if only to read before a TV audience what is spelled out in his report (since Trump cult members refuse to read it.)

Also, compel testimony from the remainder of Mueller's team and let Trump's acolytes lawyer-up as they defy subpoenas brought before a court of jurisdiction.

If democrats can present ambitious bills (such as infrastructure, the lowering prescription drug costs, etc.) AND also taint Trump as the low-life demagogue on a daily basis, democrats will gain the WH, keep control of the House and gain about 10 to 15 seats in the Senate.
/——/ Another idiotic notion from the libtards. Trying to make us believe impeachment is a viable campaign strategy. Just as dumb as “Trump doesn’t really want to win the nomination or election.” Blah blah blah blah blah
Ds are caught between a rock and a hard place. Impeach and risk turning The Don into a martyr and pissing off much of America. Not impeaching risks alienating your base and losing their votes and money.

With any luck, their failure to impeach will lead to the demise of the two party system. That would be awesome.

You wrongly assume that the failure of this system would result in something more to your liking.

History shows us this is usually not the case.
I can’t agree. The two criminal parties really just gangs of lawyers doing the bidding of their donors, the transnational capitalist class. Time to put an end to this abomination.

Then I assume you are ready to man the barricades?
Nope. Too old now. But I will cheer you on.

Ending the two party duopoly does not need to be violent.

In order to not be violent it needs to start at the lower levels. Another party has to make inroads at the local and State levels first.

No one seems to have the stomach for it though.

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