No, Biden Can't Save Us With a 'Reality Czar.'


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
No, Biden Can't Save Us With a 'Reality Czar.'
Also, WTF?

It's peak season for terrible ideas from journalists, academics, and politicians about how to combat disinformation and extremism.
No, Biden Can’t Save Us With a ‘Reality Czar.’ Also, WTF? –
3 Feb 2021 ~~ By Matt Welch

Pessimistic technology reporter Kevin Roose has a piece in Tuesday's New York Times with the disconcerting yet accurately representative headline, "How the Biden Administration Can Help Solve Our Reality Crisis." Pegged to the twin anxieties over right-wing conspiracy theories and violence, Roose's article contains one of the most blink-inducing paragraphs I have ever encountered in a respected journal:
Several experts I spoke with recommended that the Biden administration put together a cross-agency task force to tackle disinformation and domestic extremism, which would be led by something like a "reality czar."​
Cue scores of snorting noises on Twitter about our new "Ministry of Truth."
"It sounds a little dystopian, I'll grant," Roose concedes. "But let's hear them out."
OK, let's. Harvard's Joan Donovan, research director of the Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy, joins the recent political-class chorus calling for a "truth commission," and pushes for the feds to have access to Facebook/Twitter/YouTube algorithms: "We must open the hood on social media so that civil rights lawyers and real watchdog organizations can investigate human rights abuses enabled or amplified by technology."
So merely as a matter of prevent defense, it's worth taking these ideas both seriously and literally. Starting with a point so obvious that only journalists and academics could miss it: Proposed changes to government policy should always be visualized with the opposing team in charge of implementation. Imagine as the annointer of a Reality Czar not Joe Biden, but President Ted Cruz, or President Tucker Carlson. You people do remember that the White House was the scene of insane meetings like this all of two weeks ago, right?
There are also several structural problems with tasking government to encourage and adjudicate society's net store of capital-T Truth. Politicians (such as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris) are incentivized to embellish their credentials, fictionalize their biographies, and misrepresent their records. Government agencies, given their druthers, would rather operate like the CIA—funding essentially guaranteed, details not available on request. As our resident Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) filer C.J. Ciaramella frequently reminds us, it's the norm for bureaucrats to "flout the spirit and, quite often, the letter of federal record law." And the last time Joe Biden was in the White House, his boss left "a blueprint on how to suppress information and get away with it."
But what should said media do? Here is where my view diverges sharply. Journalists and media-theoreticians right now think the solution to Trumpy delusion is to deplatform even sitting U.S. senators, sic the feds on Fox News, break up Big Tech, reject "bothsidesism," use the most maximally negative adjectives to describe Republicans, and reposition journalism as a tool for producing better democratic outcomes through applied moral clarity.
My recommendation to journalists and their cousins in government and academia will be neither popular nor satisfying, but here it is: Do your own jobs better. That's it, that's the memo. If government was efficient and helpful, if journalism was compelling and truthful, if the academe was relevant and unpredictable, their lectures would have far more resonance, and audience.

Who with an unbiased mind and clear thinking, did not see this coming?
Ministry of Truth, break their rules and get to be a part of the 99.9% who plead guilty to avoid being stripped of all worldly goods before prison.
Orwellian description of dystopian society has come into reality brought to you by Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies....
Actually at the beginning of his reign, Obama told us this was the beginning of the Fundamental Transformation of America....
Twelve years later we are seeing the results and China Joey Xi and Kamaltoe Harris in the illegitimacy is going to put it in place.
Conservatives will henceforth be known as domestic terrorists, jan 6th will according to the Commie Left will be know as the insurrection.
Wow!! I've been claiming that the Turner Diaries were prophetic....
Both Orwell and Pierce hit the nail squarely in their writings....
The question is, where do we go from here? Submit or RESIST?
No, Biden Can't Save Us With a 'Reality Czar.'
Also, WTF?

It's peak season for terrible ideas from journalists, academics, and politicians about how to combat disinformation and extremism.
No, Biden Can’t Save Us With a ‘Reality Czar.’ Also, WTF? –
3 Feb 2021 ~~ By Matt Welch

Pessimistic technology reporter Kevin Roose has a piece in Tuesday's New York Times with the disconcerting yet accurately representative headline, "How the Biden Administration Can Help Solve Our Reality Crisis." Pegged to the twin anxieties over right-wing conspiracy theories and violence, Roose's article contains one of the most blink-inducing paragraphs I have ever encountered in a respected journal:
Several experts I spoke with recommended that the Biden administration put together a cross-agency task force to tackle disinformation and domestic extremism, which would be led by something like a "reality czar."​
Cue scores of snorting noises on Twitter about our new "Ministry of Truth."
"It sounds a little dystopian, I'll grant," Roose concedes. "But let's hear them out."
OK, let's. Harvard's Joan Donovan, research director of the Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy, joins the recent political-class chorus calling for a "truth commission," and pushes for the feds to have access to Facebook/Twitter/YouTube algorithms: "We must open the hood on social media so that civil rights lawyers and real watchdog organizations can investigate human rights abuses enabled or amplified by technology."
So merely as a matter of prevent defense, it's worth taking these ideas both seriously and literally. Starting with a point so obvious that only journalists and academics could miss it: Proposed changes to government policy should always be visualized with the opposing team in charge of implementation. Imagine as the annointer of a Reality Czar not Joe Biden, but President Ted Cruz, or President Tucker Carlson. You people do remember that the White House was the scene of insane meetings like this all of two weeks ago, right?
There are also several structural problems with tasking government to encourage and adjudicate society's net store of capital-T Truth. Politicians (such as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris) are incentivized to embellish their credentials, fictionalize their biographies, and misrepresent their records. Government agencies, given their druthers, would rather operate like the CIA—funding essentially guaranteed, details not available on request. As our resident Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) filer C.J. Ciaramella frequently reminds us, it's the norm for bureaucrats to "flout the spirit and, quite often, the letter of federal record law." And the last time Joe Biden was in the White House, his boss left "a blueprint on how to suppress information and get away with it."
But what should said media do? Here is where my view diverges sharply. Journalists and media-theoreticians right now think the solution to Trumpy delusion is to deplatform even sitting U.S. senators, sic the feds on Fox News, break up Big Tech, reject "bothsidesism," use the most maximally negative adjectives to describe Republicans, and reposition journalism as a tool for producing better democratic outcomes through applied moral clarity.
My recommendation to journalists and their cousins in government and academia will be neither popular nor satisfying, but here it is: Do your own jobs better. That's it, that's the memo. If government was efficient and helpful, if journalism was compelling and truthful, if the academe was relevant and unpredictable, their lectures would have far more resonance, and audience.

Who with an unbiased mind and clear thinking, did not see this coming?
Ministry of Truth, break their rules and get to be a part of the 99.9% who plead guilty to avoid being stripped of all worldly goods before prison.
Orwellian description of dystopian society has come into reality brought to you by Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies....
Actually at the beginning of his reign, Obama told us this was the beginning of the Fundamental Transformation of America....
Twelve years later we are seeing the results and China Joey Xi and Kamaltoe Harris in the illegitimacy is going to put it in place.
Conservatives will henceforth be known as domestic terrorists, jan 6th will according to the Commie Left will be know as the insurrection.
Wow!! I've been claiming that the Turner Diaries were prophetic....
Both Orwell and Pierce hit the nail squarely in their writings....
The question is, where do we go from here? Submit or RESIST?

What will their “Ministry of Troof” do? They will declare what are “lies” and the Corporations, all eager to please the government for tax breaks and bailouts, will then ban, censor, deplatform, fire, impose travel bans, and deny services to anyone deemed in violation of these “standards of truth” set by government.

Oh wait, they are already doing all of that.
What will their “Ministry of Troof” do? They will declare what are “lies” and the Corporations, all eager to please the government for tax breaks and bailouts, will then ban, censor, deplatform, fire, impose travel bans, and deny services to anyone deemed in violation of these “standards of truth” set by government.

Oh wait, they are already doing all of that.
What do you think the minister of reality would do to someone that says unborn babies are human beings?
All the news that true and approved ...

To communists reality is whatever they say it is. When someone says women menstruate, a reality czar would say this is denying reality. That's what happened to JK Rowling.


I agree.. Here are the Ministries that are soon to come by edict of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Commies: ...
The Ministry of Peace concerns itself with war,​
The Ministry of Truth with lies,​
The Ministry of Love with torture and​
The Ministry of Plenty with starvation.​
Biden won’t save us from ever greater government imposed tyranny. He will gladly impose it.

And if you think he’s a commie, you’re a fool. He’s a fascist neocon.
This can't happen. This would be perhaps the most negative single turning point in this nation's history.

And yet, we have a sizable portion of our populace playing right into it, making it easier and easier for this to happen, by maintaining its own separate information ecosystem. And now, as a result, we can't even agree on what is real.

All that has to happen to avoid this is for each end of our political spectrum (and everyone in between, for that matter) to hold its own side accountable for accuracy, completeness, and intellectual honesty.

But this isn't happening. And it's opening the door to insane shit like this. Willingly. Voluntarily.
Last edited:
No, Biden Can't Save Us With a 'Reality Czar.'
Also, WTF?

It's peak season for terrible ideas from journalists, academics, and politicians about how to combat disinformation and extremism.
No, Biden Can’t Save Us With a ‘Reality Czar.’ Also, WTF? –
3 Feb 2021 ~~ By Matt Welch

Pessimistic technology reporter Kevin Roose has a piece in Tuesday's New York Times with the disconcerting yet accurately representative headline, "How the Biden Administration Can Help Solve Our Reality Crisis." Pegged to the twin anxieties over right-wing conspiracy theories and violence, Roose's article contains one of the most blink-inducing paragraphs I have ever encountered in a respected journal:
Several experts I spoke with recommended that the Biden administration put together a cross-agency task force to tackle disinformation and domestic extremism, which would be led by something like a "reality czar."​
Cue scores of snorting noises on Twitter about our new "Ministry of Truth."
"It sounds a little dystopian, I'll grant," Roose concedes. "But let's hear them out."
OK, let's. Harvard's Joan Donovan, research director of the Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy, joins the recent political-class chorus calling for a "truth commission," and pushes for the feds to have access to Facebook/Twitter/YouTube algorithms: "We must open the hood on social media so that civil rights lawyers and real watchdog organizations can investigate human rights abuses enabled or amplified by technology."
So merely as a matter of prevent defense, it's worth taking these ideas both seriously and literally. Starting with a point so obvious that only journalists and academics could miss it: Proposed changes to government policy should always be visualized with the opposing team in charge of implementation. Imagine as the annointer of a Reality Czar not Joe Biden, but President Ted Cruz, or President Tucker Carlson. You people do remember that the White House was the scene of insane meetings like this all of two weeks ago, right?
There are also several structural problems with tasking government to encourage and adjudicate society's net store of capital-T Truth. Politicians (such as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris) are incentivized to embellish their credentials, fictionalize their biographies, and misrepresent their records. Government agencies, given their druthers, would rather operate like the CIA—funding essentially guaranteed, details not available on request. As our resident Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) filer C.J. Ciaramella frequently reminds us, it's the norm for bureaucrats to "flout the spirit and, quite often, the letter of federal record law." And the last time Joe Biden was in the White House, his boss left "a blueprint on how to suppress information and get away with it."
But what should said media do? Here is where my view diverges sharply. Journalists and media-theoreticians right now think the solution to Trumpy delusion is to deplatform even sitting U.S. senators, sic the feds on Fox News, break up Big Tech, reject "bothsidesism," use the most maximally negative adjectives to describe Republicans, and reposition journalism as a tool for producing better democratic outcomes through applied moral clarity.
My recommendation to journalists and their cousins in government and academia will be neither popular nor satisfying, but here it is: Do your own jobs better. That's it, that's the memo. If government was efficient and helpful, if journalism was compelling and truthful, if the academe was relevant and unpredictable, their lectures would have far more resonance, and audience.

Who with an unbiased mind and clear thinking, did not see this coming?
Ministry of Truth, break their rules and get to be a part of the 99.9% who plead guilty to avoid being stripped of all worldly goods before prison.
Orwellian description of dystopian society has come into reality brought to you by Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies....
Actually at the beginning of his reign, Obama told us this was the beginning of the Fundamental Transformation of America....
Twelve years later we are seeing the results and China Joey Xi and Kamaltoe Harris in the illegitimacy is going to put it in place.
Conservatives will henceforth be known as domestic terrorists, jan 6th will according to the Commie Left will be know as the insurrection.
Wow!! I've been claiming that the Turner Diaries were prophetic....
Both Orwell and Pierce hit the nail squarely in their writings....
The question is, where do we go from here? Submit or RESIST?

Resistance to reality is definitely a republican strong suite.
No, Biden Can't Save Us With a 'Reality Czar.'
Also, WTF?

It's peak season for terrible ideas from journalists, academics, and politicians about how to combat disinformation and extremism.
No, Biden Can’t Save Us With a ‘Reality Czar.’ Also, WTF? –
3 Feb 2021 ~~ By Matt Welch

Pessimistic technology reporter Kevin Roose has a piece in Tuesday's New York Times with the disconcerting yet accurately representative headline, "How the Biden Administration Can Help Solve Our Reality Crisis." Pegged to the twin anxieties over right-wing conspiracy theories and violence, Roose's article contains one of the most blink-inducing paragraphs I have ever encountered in a respected journal:
Several experts I spoke with recommended that the Biden administration put together a cross-agency task force to tackle disinformation and domestic extremism, which would be led by something like a "reality czar."​
Cue scores of snorting noises on Twitter about our new "Ministry of Truth."
"It sounds a little dystopian, I'll grant," Roose concedes. "But let's hear them out."
OK, let's. Harvard's Joan Donovan, research director of the Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy, joins the recent political-class chorus calling for a "truth commission," and pushes for the feds to have access to Facebook/Twitter/YouTube algorithms: "We must open the hood on social media so that civil rights lawyers and real watchdog organizations can investigate human rights abuses enabled or amplified by technology."
So merely as a matter of prevent defense, it's worth taking these ideas both seriously and literally. Starting with a point so obvious that only journalists and academics could miss it: Proposed changes to government policy should always be visualized with the opposing team in charge of implementation. Imagine as the annointer of a Reality Czar not Joe Biden, but President Ted Cruz, or President Tucker Carlson. You people do remember that the White House was the scene of insane meetings like this all of two weeks ago, right?
There are also several structural problems with tasking government to encourage and adjudicate society's net store of capital-T Truth. Politicians (such as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris) are incentivized to embellish their credentials, fictionalize their biographies, and misrepresent their records. Government agencies, given their druthers, would rather operate like the CIA—funding essentially guaranteed, details not available on request. As our resident Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) filer C.J. Ciaramella frequently reminds us, it's the norm for bureaucrats to "flout the spirit and, quite often, the letter of federal record law." And the last time Joe Biden was in the White House, his boss left "a blueprint on how to suppress information and get away with it."
But what should said media do? Here is where my view diverges sharply. Journalists and media-theoreticians right now think the solution to Trumpy delusion is to deplatform even sitting U.S. senators, sic the feds on Fox News, break up Big Tech, reject "bothsidesism," use the most maximally negative adjectives to describe Republicans, and reposition journalism as a tool for producing better democratic outcomes through applied moral clarity.
My recommendation to journalists and their cousins in government and academia will be neither popular nor satisfying, but here it is: Do your own jobs better. That's it, that's the memo. If government was efficient and helpful, if journalism was compelling and truthful, if the academe was relevant and unpredictable, their lectures would have far more resonance, and audience.

Who with an unbiased mind and clear thinking, did not see this coming?
Ministry of Truth, break their rules and get to be a part of the 99.9% who plead guilty to avoid being stripped of all worldly goods before prison.
Orwellian description of dystopian society has come into reality brought to you by Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies....
Actually at the beginning of his reign, Obama told us this was the beginning of the Fundamental Transformation of America....
Twelve years later we are seeing the results and China Joey Xi and Kamaltoe Harris in the illegitimacy is going to put it in place.
Conservatives will henceforth be known as domestic terrorists, jan 6th will according to the Commie Left will be know as the insurrection.
Wow!! I've been claiming that the Turner Diaries were prophetic....
Both Orwell and Pierce hit the nail squarely in their writings....
The question is, where do we go from here? Submit or RESIST?

Resistance to reality is definitely a republican strong suite.
How many genders ar.e there?
No, Biden Can't Save Us With a 'Reality Czar.'
Also, WTF?

It's peak season for terrible ideas from journalists, academics, and politicians about how to combat disinformation and extremism.
No, Biden Can’t Save Us With a ‘Reality Czar.’ Also, WTF? –
3 Feb 2021 ~~ By Matt Welch

Pessimistic technology reporter Kevin Roose has a piece in Tuesday's New York Times with the disconcerting yet accurately representative headline, "How the Biden Administration Can Help Solve Our Reality Crisis." Pegged to the twin anxieties over right-wing conspiracy theories and violence, Roose's article contains one of the most blink-inducing paragraphs I have ever encountered in a respected journal:
Several experts I spoke with recommended that the Biden administration put together a cross-agency task force to tackle disinformation and domestic extremism, which would be led by something like a "reality czar."​
Cue scores of snorting noises on Twitter about our new "Ministry of Truth."
"It sounds a little dystopian, I'll grant," Roose concedes. "But let's hear them out."
OK, let's. Harvard's Joan Donovan, research director of the Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy, joins the recent political-class chorus calling for a "truth commission," and pushes for the feds to have access to Facebook/Twitter/YouTube algorithms: "We must open the hood on social media so that civil rights lawyers and real watchdog organizations can investigate human rights abuses enabled or amplified by technology."
So merely as a matter of prevent defense, it's worth taking these ideas both seriously and literally. Starting with a point so obvious that only journalists and academics could miss it: Proposed changes to government policy should always be visualized with the opposing team in charge of implementation. Imagine as the annointer of a Reality Czar not Joe Biden, but President Ted Cruz, or President Tucker Carlson. You people do remember that the White House was the scene of insane meetings like this all of two weeks ago, right?
There are also several structural problems with tasking government to encourage and adjudicate society's net store of capital-T Truth. Politicians (such as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris) are incentivized to embellish their credentials, fictionalize their biographies, and misrepresent their records. Government agencies, given their druthers, would rather operate like the CIA—funding essentially guaranteed, details not available on request. As our resident Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) filer C.J. Ciaramella frequently reminds us, it's the norm for bureaucrats to "flout the spirit and, quite often, the letter of federal record law." And the last time Joe Biden was in the White House, his boss left "a blueprint on how to suppress information and get away with it."
But what should said media do? Here is where my view diverges sharply. Journalists and media-theoreticians right now think the solution to Trumpy delusion is to deplatform even sitting U.S. senators, sic the feds on Fox News, break up Big Tech, reject "bothsidesism," use the most maximally negative adjectives to describe Republicans, and reposition journalism as a tool for producing better democratic outcomes through applied moral clarity.
My recommendation to journalists and their cousins in government and academia will be neither popular nor satisfying, but here it is: Do your own jobs better. That's it, that's the memo. If government was efficient and helpful, if journalism was compelling and truthful, if the academe was relevant and unpredictable, their lectures would have far more resonance, and audience.

Who with an unbiased mind and clear thinking, did not see this coming?
Ministry of Truth, break their rules and get to be a part of the 99.9% who plead guilty to avoid being stripped of all worldly goods before prison.
Orwellian description of dystopian society has come into reality brought to you by Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies....
Actually at the beginning of his reign, Obama told us this was the beginning of the Fundamental Transformation of America....
Twelve years later we are seeing the results and China Joey Xi and Kamaltoe Harris in the illegitimacy is going to put it in place.
Conservatives will henceforth be known as domestic terrorists, jan 6th will according to the Commie Left will be know as the insurrection.
Wow!! I've been claiming that the Turner Diaries were prophetic....
Both Orwell and Pierce hit the nail squarely in their writings....
The question is, where do we go from here? Submit or RESIST?

Resistance to reality is definitely a republican strong suite.
How many genders ar.e there?
Off topic distractions will not help your cause.
Biden won't save anything. He's incapable of logic and lacks moral judgement. And he gets even worse when he can collect his 10% vig. He'll sell anyone out. In the last 6 months Biden was at his best when he was in his basement with the lid on.
Biden won't save anything. He's incapable of logic and lacks moral judgement. And he gets even worse when he can collect his 10% vig. He'll sell anyone out. In the last 6 months Biden was at his best when he was in his basement with the lid on.
At 78 with his Alzheimer’s he just scribbles his name on whatever piece of paper is put in front of him or repeats what his earpiece says.
Isn't that Russian? I thought Trump was the Russian?
Biden won't save anything. He's incapable of logic and lacks moral judgement. And he gets even worse when he can collect his 10% vig. He'll sell anyone out. In the last 6 months Biden was at his best when he was in his basement with the lid on.
At 78 with his Alzheimer’s he just scribbles his name on whatever piece of paper is put in front of him or repeats what his earpiece says.
Be fun to have one of those, wouldn't it?
No, Biden Can't Save Us With a 'Reality Czar.'
Also, WTF?

It's peak season for terrible ideas from journalists, academics, and politicians about how to combat disinformation and extremism.
No, Biden Can’t Save Us With a ‘Reality Czar.’ Also, WTF? –
3 Feb 2021 ~~ By Matt Welch

Pessimistic technology reporter Kevin Roose has a piece in Tuesday's New York Times with the disconcerting yet accurately representative headline, "How the Biden Administration Can Help Solve Our Reality Crisis." Pegged to the twin anxieties over right-wing conspiracy theories and violence, Roose's article contains one of the most blink-inducing paragraphs I have ever encountered in a respected journal:
Several experts I spoke with recommended that the Biden administration put together a cross-agency task force to tackle disinformation and domestic extremism, which would be led by something like a "reality czar."​
Cue scores of snorting noises on Twitter about our new "Ministry of Truth."
"It sounds a little dystopian, I'll grant," Roose concedes. "But let's hear them out."
OK, let's. Harvard's Joan Donovan, research director of the Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy, joins the recent political-class chorus calling for a "truth commission," and pushes for the feds to have access to Facebook/Twitter/YouTube algorithms: "We must open the hood on social media so that civil rights lawyers and real watchdog organizations can investigate human rights abuses enabled or amplified by technology."
So merely as a matter of prevent defense, it's worth taking these ideas both seriously and literally. Starting with a point so obvious that only journalists and academics could miss it: Proposed changes to government policy should always be visualized with the opposing team in charge of implementation. Imagine as the annointer of a Reality Czar not Joe Biden, but President Ted Cruz, or President Tucker Carlson. You people do remember that the White House was the scene of insane meetings like this all of two weeks ago, right?
There are also several structural problems with tasking government to encourage and adjudicate society's net store of capital-T Truth. Politicians (such as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris) are incentivized to embellish their credentials, fictionalize their biographies, and misrepresent their records. Government agencies, given their druthers, would rather operate like the CIA—funding essentially guaranteed, details not available on request. As our resident Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) filer C.J. Ciaramella frequently reminds us, it's the norm for bureaucrats to "flout the spirit and, quite often, the letter of federal record law." And the last time Joe Biden was in the White House, his boss left "a blueprint on how to suppress information and get away with it."
But what should said media do? Here is where my view diverges sharply. Journalists and media-theoreticians right now think the solution to Trumpy delusion is to deplatform even sitting U.S. senators, sic the feds on Fox News, break up Big Tech, reject "bothsidesism," use the most maximally negative adjectives to describe Republicans, and reposition journalism as a tool for producing better democratic outcomes through applied moral clarity.
My recommendation to journalists and their cousins in government and academia will be neither popular nor satisfying, but here it is: Do your own jobs better. That's it, that's the memo. If government was efficient and helpful, if journalism was compelling and truthful, if the academe was relevant and unpredictable, their lectures would have far more resonance, and audience.

Who with an unbiased mind and clear thinking, did not see this coming?
Ministry of Truth, break their rules and get to be a part of the 99.9% who plead guilty to avoid being stripped of all worldly goods before prison.
Orwellian description of dystopian society has come into reality brought to you by Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies....
Actually at the beginning of his reign, Obama told us this was the beginning of the Fundamental Transformation of America....
Twelve years later we are seeing the results and China Joey Xi and Kamaltoe Harris in the illegitimacy is going to put it in place.
Conservatives will henceforth be known as domestic terrorists, jan 6th will according to the Commie Left will be know as the insurrection.
Wow!! I've been claiming that the Turner Diaries were prophetic....
Both Orwell and Pierce hit the nail squarely in their writings....
The question is, where do we go from here? Submit or RESIST?

Resistance to reality is definitely a republican strong suite.
How many genders ar.e there?
No one knows because they keep discovering new ones. And Jan. 6th will now be a day of worship for the commies.

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