No "assault" rifle used in latest attack

Yet it is OK for the Libs to use these dead kids to push taking away the rights of the law abiding. Now THAT is sick.
------------------------------ and as a government employee [G MAN OR GIRL] she has lots of guns protecting her or him don't you Candy ??
Just a heads up. Those who love their guns more than they love their fellow Americans will lose this fight. Those of us who understand the rightful place of firearms in our society will win.

I’ll always have my registered and insured firearm. I’ll carry it on occasion and I’ll always have complete control over it. But psychologically impaired people WILL BE DENIED ACCESS to firearms in this nation. Bank on it.

The same nutters come out of the woodwork every time there's a "mass" shooting but FACT is, there are almost 100 gun deaths in the US every day.

If you had the authority to impose any corrective action you feel is necessary to resolve this problem, what would that action be? What solution would you choose?

You don’t have the attention span nor the desire to accept the answer to that question. Therefore, we will proceed without you.
I’m sure that comes as a relief to the grieving families….the OP is a sick fuck.
-------------------------------- families grieve for their Personal loss i suppose but notice the lack of grieving by the larger society for all the daily dead from car accidents and murders in 'chicago' as just a couple of examples . Life goes on Candy .
Just a heads up. Those who love their guns more than they love their fellow Americans will lose this fight. Those of us who understand the rightful place of firearms in our society will win.

I’ll always have my registered and insured firearm. I’ll carry it on occasion and I’ll always have complete control over it. But psychologically impaired people WILL BE DENIED ACCESS to firearms in this nation. Bank on it.
--------------------------------------- WILL BE eh . And it'll be YOU and your ilk that get to decide eh LLaugher ??
Just a heads up. Those who love their guns more than they love their fellow Americans will lose this fight. Those of us who understand the rightful place of firearms in our society will win.

I’ll always have my registered and insured firearm. I’ll carry it on occasion and I’ll always have complete control over it. But psychologically impaired people WILL BE DENIED ACCESS to firearms in this nation. Bank on it.
--------------------------------------- WILL BE eh . And it'll be YOU and your ilk that get to decide eh LLaugher ??

My ilk? What a lame term. It’s a dead giveaway that the user is a brainless nutbag. Ilk? Fuck off.

My “ilk” is the majority of Americans who have had enough. You don’t have the votes.

What will you do? Revolt? You will be put down.
yeah , you and yer ilk want to decide eh 'ilk' named LLaugher !!

We will decide via the ballot box. You can dig that, can’t ya? Or will you call it “rigged”?

Can't you see that you are losing to the intellectual giants to whom you respond here?
Save your energy.
The posts are beneath contempt; answering is merely flattering.
I’m sure that comes as a relief to the grieving families….the OP is a sick fuck.
-------------------------------- families grieve for their Personal loss i suppose but notice the lack of grieving by the larger society for all the daily dead from car accidents and murders in 'chicago' as just a couple of examples . Life goes on Candy .

Yeah, I notice you don’t seem to be grieving for them either…..
Its true that people die everyday from all sorts of causes and those deaths are personal events where families and some friends may grieve but thats about it . The grieving and drama we see on tely over this school or gun free zone murders is engineered by media for the story . These kids are simply emotional kids , especially the girls that are highlighted by media as media pushes its anti gun agenda . As i asked earlier , how many school kids are murdered per year and considering that there are over 310 million people legally in the USA '4 eye' .
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I’m sure that comes as a relief to the grieving families….the OP is a sick fuck.
-------------------------------- families grieve for their Personal loss i suppose but notice the lack of grieving by the larger society for all the daily dead from car accidents and murders in 'chicago' as just a couple of examples . Life goes on Candy .

Yeah, I notice you don’t seem to be grieving for them either…..
-------------------------------- as i said , life goes on Candy .
Just a heads up. Those who love their guns more than they love their fellow Americans will lose this fight. Those of us who understand the rightful place of firearms in our society will win.

I’ll always have my registered and insured firearm. I’ll carry it on occasion and I’ll always have complete control over it. But psychologically impaired people WILL BE DENIED ACCESS to firearms in this nation. Bank on it.
----------------------------------------------------------------- and as far as LLaugher is concerned he want 'pyschologically' impaired people denied access to guns . Who and what taxpayer paid government 'ilk' is going to take on that work of inexact science of judging and then doling out RIGHTS to Americans Candy' or '4eye' ??
Just a heads up. Those who love their guns more than they love their fellow Americans will lose this fight. Those of us who understand the rightful place of firearms in our society will win.

I’ll always have my registered and insured firearm. I’ll carry it on occasion and I’ll always have complete control over it. But psychologically impaired people WILL BE DENIED ACCESS to firearms in this nation. Bank on it.
--------------------------------------- WILL BE eh . And it'll be YOU and your ilk that get to decide eh LLaugher ??

My ilk? What a lame term. It’s a dead giveaway that the user is a brainless nutbag. Ilk? Fuck off.

My “ilk” is the majority of Americans who have had enough. You don’t have the votes.

What will you do? Revolt? You will be put down.

Everyone has "has enough". But unless you plan on banning just about all guns, a kid like this will always be able get his hands on one or more whether he is prevented from legally obtaining a firearm or not.
So go ahead and ban mentally fucked up people from being able to purchase one themselves, it's fine by me. Just do so knowing that it's not going to change anything other than making you feel good inside.
Just a heads up. Those who love their guns more than they love their fellow Americans will lose this fight. Those of us who understand the rightful place of firearms in our society will win.

I’ll always have my registered and insured firearm. I’ll carry it on occasion and I’ll always have complete control over it. But psychologically impaired people WILL BE DENIED ACCESS to firearms in this nation. Bank on it.
--------------------------------------- WILL BE eh . And it'll be YOU and your ilk that get to decide eh LLaugher ??

My ilk? What a lame term. It’s a dead giveaway that the user is a brainless nutbag. Ilk? Fuck off.

My “ilk” is the majority of Americans who have had enough. You don’t have the votes.

What will you do? Revolt? You will be put down.

Everyone has "has enough". But unless you plan on banning just about all guns, a kid like this will always be able get his hands on one or more whether he is prevented from legally obtaining a firearm or not.
So go ahead and ban mentally fucked up people from being able to purchase one themselves, it's fine by me. Just do so knowing that it's not going to change anything other than making you feel good inside.

So wrong. You’ve given up and you are just wrong.
me , i just don't trust that the inexact science is reliable LLaugher . What you advocate is like the 'soviet union' where if the soviets didn't want a person to do something they would have a governent expert call him crazy LLaugher .
Now that the secret is out the gun-phobes will be after shotguns, which are every bit as lethal as any so-called "assault" rifle in an enclosed environment -- like a school.

All you rightwing nitwits do is lie.

No one seeks to ‘ban’ shotguns or revolvers.
You also claimed no one was out to ban semi automatic weapons, remind us how that worked out?
Why don't you PRETEND you care about the children who are being murdered?

It won't hurt you to PRETEND.

Hey dickhead... Why don't you PRETEND you care about the school kids on the south side of Chicago getting killed walking home from school? I know why... It doesn't fit your political narrative... You make me sick to my stomach pretending to care about that girl... She is just another tool...

The same nutters come out of the woodwork every time there's a "mass" shooting but FACT is, there are almost 100 gun deaths in the US every day.

Our school kids are afraid to go to school and fully expect to be shot at.

Other countries have guns but not 100 gun deaths a day. In the US, the "president" is owned ($30MILLION) by the NRA, the Repub congress is owned ($ amount avail on line. Look it up.) by the NRA and a small percentage of gun owners are too stupid to know they are OWNED by the NRA.

Irresponsible gun owners give their small children guns but hole up when their kid opens fire.

IMO, if your underage kid kills with a gun, you, the parent, should be charged because YOU, the parent, did not do your job.
Ahh yes lumping suicides in with murder to try and make a false point. Usual tactic of the left.
"widdle 15 year old crying girl"

I keep thinking you slime cannot possibly sink any lower but you prove me wrong every day. But, pismoe - this is really really sick. Even for you.

That 15 year old girl has more courage and fortitude than all you gun nutters put together. I have no doubt that YOU would not have the balls to go back to school after seeing your classmates gunned down in front of you.

Why don't you PRETEND you care about the children who are being murdered?

It won't hurt you to PRETEND.

--------------------------------- widdle 15 year old crying girl or boy . If it had been me crying and sniveling my DAD woulda told me to shut up , grow up and quit making a spectacle of myself as Americans have RIGHTS and bad things can happen . Course the widdle girl didn't have her Dad there , just her Mother who MAY have been crying whining and also sniveling Luddley .

Little 15 year old girl surrounded by dead friends and teachers and you criticize her for crying.

Why is it that not ONE RWNJ ever ever says anything about the unthinkable loss of children being gunned down in their SCHOOL?

You people are just plain empty. All you care about is more guns and more guns and more gun and still more guns.

Its not just trump that's owned by the NRA.
That is not it. We need to stop wasting time and energy fighting about the wrong problem. Put resources where they will do the most good, identifying boys who fit the profile of mass shooters and get them help. Yes I am talking about 'profiling'.
----------------------------------- how many people DIE in these type School shootings in the USA , a country of 310 million residents that are supposed to be in the USA MMIKE .

Do you have a particular number in mind for when a dead child will be important to you? How about other RWNJs? How many dead kids? Or would you rather pile them up and wait for the stack to get to given height?

(Note that this isn't about fetuses because, as we all know, you assholes pretend to really love you some fetuses while you kick children out of the way so you can buy more guns. )

Seriously, how many dead children would be worth you taking a moment to pretend to be a human being?

Next, you'll trot out the dumbest of all - that people die in cars.
Answer your own question yoy personally never are seen on here lamenting the murder of children in Chicago or other lefty cities.

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