No, AOC, Jesus Was Not a ‘Palestinian’


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

No, AOC, Jesus Was Not a ‘Palestinian’

The sign Pilate placed above the crucified Jesus did not read “King of the Palestinians.”

4 Jan 2024 ~~ By Robert Spencer

Leftists generally know nothing about Jesus Christ and care even less, but around this time of year, they find it useful to invoke him, particularly as a prop to support their latest pet causes and buttress their propaganda. And so we have now been treated to the spectacle of that most thoughtful and learned of our elected representatives, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-Would You Like A Lime With That?), informing us that Jesus was from a family of “Jewish Palestinians.”

It simply won’t do, you see, for leftists to acknowledge Jesus as what he really was, a Jew, for if they did, their sharply rising antisemitism would render him useless as a stick with which to beat Christians and patriots. If Jew-haters say Jesus was a Jew, they can hardly turn around and try to invoke his moral authority to justify their perspectives and proclivities. And so Jesus must become a Palestinian, one of the left’s favorite victim classes, and one leftists have loved with a special ardor ever since the Hamas massacre of 1,200 Israelis on Oct. 7, 2023.

Mod Edit: Do not paste the entire article, only an excerpt, please.

If according to AOC, Jesus was Palestinian, why was he called the Nazarene?
I love when people that hate Christians try to make their twisted point using God’s Word.
They think guilting Christians into being terrorist sympathizers through propaganda is going to work? Maybe on some-—but I don’t know about you all, I’ve had enough of this BS.
Last edited by a moderator:

No, AOC, Jesus Was Not a ‘Palestinian’

The sign Pilate placed above the crucified Jesus did not read “King of the Palestinians.”

4 Jan 2024 ~~ By Robert Spencer

Leftists generally know nothing about Jesus Christ and care even less, but around this time of year, they find it useful to invoke him, particularly as a prop to support their latest pet causes and buttress their propaganda. And so we have now been treated to the spectacle of that most thoughtful and learned of our elected representatives, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-Would You Like A Lime With That?), informing us that Jesus was from a family of “Jewish Palestinians.”
It simply won’t do, you see, for leftists to acknowledge Jesus as what he really was, a Jew, for if they did, their sharply rising antisemitism would render him useless as a stick with which to beat Christians and patriots. If Jew-haters say Jesus was a Jew, they can hardly turn around and try to invoke his moral authority to justify their perspectives and proclivities. And so Jesus must become a Palestinian, one of the left’s favorite victim classes, and one leftists have loved with a special ardor ever since the Hamas massacre of 1,200 Israelis on Oct. 7, 2023.
In line with this, New York Jewish Week reported Wednesday that AOC’s Christmas message drew “parallels between Jesus’ persecutors and present-day Israel.” The erudite Bronx theologian informed the witless millennials who hang on her every word that Jesus was born in “modern-day Palestine” at a time when the ruling government perpetrated “a massacre of innocents.” If you think this peculiar retelling of the Christmas story is wholly and solely designed to get you to hate Israel and support the Palestinian jihad against the Jewish state, that’s only because you’re right.
AOC pressed her point more explicitly, adding that Jesus “was part of a targeted population being indiscriminately killed to protect an unjust leader’s power. Thousands of years later, right-wing forces are violently occupying Bethlehem as similar stories unfold for today’s Palestinians.” This lurid fantasy has nothing to do with what Israel is actually doing in Gaza, and of course AOC made no mention of the Oct. 7 Hamas massacre of 1,200 Israelis, but this is the sort of thing that’s fashionable on the left these days, and if AOC is anything, she is certainly attuned to what is fashionable.
No one is actually justifying the bombing of children, and no bombing would be taking place at all had not Hamas decided to go ahead with its plan to massacre a large number of Israeli civilians, but the “Jesus was a Palestinian” theme was too useful to be hindered by such prosaic things as facts. Nor is AOC the first or only one to resort to it. A Roman Catholic priest, Fr. Edward Beck, said on CNN the day after Christmas that Jesus was a “Palestinian Jew.” And back in April 2019, AOC’s partner in victimhood propaganda, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Mogadishu), retweeted a tweet from a prominent Muslim cleric, Omar Suleiman, claiming that a Palestinian Christian had asked this of the Christian right in America: “Don’t they know we’re Christian too? Do they even consider us human? Don’t they know Jesus was a Palestinian?”
Saying that Jesus was a Palestinian betrays an ignorance of history. As “The Palestinian Delusion” explains, in the year 134AD, the Romans expelled the Jews from their homeland of Judea (“land of the Jews”) after the Bar Kokhba revolt and renamed the region Palestine. That was 100 years after Jesus, who lived in Judea. When he was crucified, the Roman governor Pontius Pilate had the charge placed on a sign over his head: “King of the Jews,” that is, a supposed insurrectionist. Pilate did not write “King of the Palestinians.”
The Romans had plucked the name “Palestine” from the Bible; it was the name of the Israelites’ ancient enemies, the Philistines. But never did the term “Palestinian” refer to anything but a region — not to a people or an ethnicity. In the 1960s, however, the KGB and Hajj Amin al-Husseini’s nephew Yasir Arafat created both these allegedly oppressed people and the instrument of their freedom — the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). The idea of a “Palestinian people” is one of the most successful propaganda fictions in human history. AOC and her allies are trying to extend the success of that propaganda by incorporating Jesus into their fictional scenario. It is all the more important, in the face of this, for patriots to be aware and informed of genuine history, and equipped to do battle against the propaganda deluge.

If according to AOC, Jesus was Palestinian, why was he called the Nazarene?
I love when people that hate Christians try to make their twisted point using God’s Word.
They think guilting Christians into being terrorist sympathizers through propaganda is going to work? Maybe on some-—but I don’t know about you all, I’ve had enough of this BS.
Robert Spencer makes his living peddling hate and ignorance.

Christians don't support genocide and theft.

No, AOC, Jesus Was Not a ‘Palestinian’

The sign Pilate placed above the crucified Jesus did not read “King of the Palestinians.”

4 Jan 2024 ~~ By Robert Spencer

Leftists generally know nothing about Jesus Christ and care even less, but around this time of year, they find it useful to invoke him, particularly as a prop to support their latest pet causes and buttress their propaganda. And so we have now been treated to the spectacle of that most thoughtful and learned of our elected representatives, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-Would You Like A Lime With That?), informing us that Jesus was from a family of “Jewish Palestinians.”
It simply won’t do, you see, for leftists to acknowledge Jesus as what he really was, a Jew, for if they did, their sharply rising antisemitism would render him useless as a stick with which to beat Christians and patriots. If Jew-haters say Jesus was a Jew, they can hardly turn around and try to invoke his moral authority to justify their perspectives and proclivities. And so Jesus must become a Palestinian, one of the left’s favorite victim classes, and one leftists have loved with a special ardor ever since the Hamas massacre of 1,200 Israelis on Oct. 7, 2023.
In line with this, New York Jewish Week reported Wednesday that AOC’s Christmas message drew “parallels between Jesus’ persecutors and present-day Israel.” The erudite Bronx theologian informed the witless millennials who hang on her every word that Jesus was born in “modern-day Palestine” at a time when the ruling government perpetrated “a massacre of innocents.” If you think this peculiar retelling of the Christmas story is wholly and solely designed to get you to hate Israel and support the Palestinian jihad against the Jewish state, that’s only because you’re right.
AOC pressed her point more explicitly, adding that Jesus “was part of a targeted population being indiscriminately killed to protect an unjust leader’s power. Thousands of years later, right-wing forces are violently occupying Bethlehem as similar stories unfold for today’s Palestinians.” This lurid fantasy has nothing to do with what Israel is actually doing in Gaza, and of course AOC made no mention of the Oct. 7 Hamas massacre of 1,200 Israelis, but this is the sort of thing that’s fashionable on the left these days, and if AOC is anything, she is certainly attuned to what is fashionable.
No one is actually justifying the bombing of children, and no bombing would be taking place at all had not Hamas decided to go ahead with its plan to massacre a large number of Israeli civilians, but the “Jesus was a Palestinian” theme was too useful to be hindered by such prosaic things as facts. Nor is AOC the first or only one to resort to it. A Roman Catholic priest, Fr. Edward Beck, said on CNN the day after Christmas that Jesus was a “Palestinian Jew.” And back in April 2019, AOC’s partner in victimhood propaganda, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Mogadishu), retweeted a tweet from a prominent Muslim cleric, Omar Suleiman, claiming that a Palestinian Christian had asked this of the Christian right in America: “Don’t they know we’re Christian too? Do they even consider us human? Don’t they know Jesus was a Palestinian?”
Saying that Jesus was a Palestinian betrays an ignorance of history. As “The Palestinian Delusion” explains, in the year 134AD, the Romans expelled the Jews from their homeland of Judea (“land of the Jews”) after the Bar Kokhba revolt and renamed the region Palestine. That was 100 years after Jesus, who lived in Judea. When he was crucified, the Roman governor Pontius Pilate had the charge placed on a sign over his head: “King of the Jews,” that is, a supposed insurrectionist. Pilate did not write “King of the Palestinians.”
The Romans had plucked the name “Palestine” from the Bible; it was the name of the Israelites’ ancient enemies, the Philistines. But never did the term “Palestinian” refer to anything but a region — not to a people or an ethnicity. In the 1960s, however, the KGB and Hajj Amin al-Husseini’s nephew Yasir Arafat created both these allegedly oppressed people and the instrument of their freedom — the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). The idea of a “Palestinian people” is one of the most successful propaganda fictions in human history. AOC and her allies are trying to extend the success of that propaganda by incorporating Jesus into their fictional scenario. It is all the more important, in the face of this, for patriots to be aware and informed of genuine history, and equipped to do battle against the propaganda deluge.

If according to AOC, Jesus was Palestinian, why was he called the Nazarene?
I love when people that hate Christians try to make their twisted point using God’s Word.
They think guilting Christians into being terrorist sympathizers through propaganda is going to work? Maybe on some-—but I don’t know about you all, I’ve had enough of this BS.
Arafat and the Mufti were not related. Different families.
Although Galilee had a large Jewish population the majority of the people were then Gentiles. The mention of the Gentiles is part of the important theme in Matthew of showing that Jesus' message is meant for both Jews and Gentiles.
Nationality and ethnicity aren't always the same. The "Canaanite" woman Jesus engaged was an Israelite, as was "the woman at the well".

No, AOC, Jesus Was Not a ‘Palestinian’

The sign Pilate placed above the crucified Jesus did not read “King of the Palestinians.”

4 Jan 2024 ~~ By Robert Spencer

Leftists generally know nothing about Jesus Christ and care even less, but around this time of year, they find it useful to invoke him, particularly as a prop to support their latest pet causes and buttress their propaganda. And so we have now been treated to the spectacle of that most thoughtful and learned of our elected representatives, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-Would You Like A Lime With That?), informing us that Jesus was from a family of “Jewish Palestinians.”
It simply won’t do, you see, for leftists to acknowledge Jesus as what he really was, a Jew, for if they did, their sharply rising antisemitism would render him useless as a stick with which to beat Christians and patriots. If Jew-haters say Jesus was a Jew, they can hardly turn around and try to invoke his moral authority to justify their perspectives and proclivities. And so Jesus must become a Palestinian, one of the left’s favorite victim classes, and one leftists have loved with a special ardor ever since the Hamas massacre of 1,200 Israelis on Oct. 7, 2023.
In line with this, New York Jewish Week reported Wednesday that AOC’s Christmas message drew “parallels between Jesus’ persecutors and present-day Israel.” The erudite Bronx theologian informed the witless millennials who hang on her every word that Jesus was born in “modern-day Palestine” at a time when the ruling government perpetrated “a massacre of innocents.” If you think this peculiar retelling of the Christmas story is wholly and solely designed to get you to hate Israel and support the Palestinian jihad against the Jewish state, that’s only because you’re right.
AOC pressed her point more explicitly, adding that Jesus “was part of a targeted population being indiscriminately killed to protect an unjust leader’s power. Thousands of years later, right-wing forces are violently occupying Bethlehem as similar stories unfold for today’s Palestinians.” This lurid fantasy has nothing to do with what Israel is actually doing in Gaza, and of course AOC made no mention of the Oct. 7 Hamas massacre of 1,200 Israelis, but this is the sort of thing that’s fashionable on the left these days, and if AOC is anything, she is certainly attuned to what is fashionable.
No one is actually justifying the bombing of children, and no bombing would be taking place at all had not Hamas decided to go ahead with its plan to massacre a large number of Israeli civilians, but the “Jesus was a Palestinian” theme was too useful to be hindered by such prosaic things as facts. Nor is AOC the first or only one to resort to it. A Roman Catholic priest, Fr. Edward Beck, said on CNN the day after Christmas that Jesus was a “Palestinian Jew.” And back in April 2019, AOC’s partner in victimhood propaganda, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Mogadishu), retweeted a tweet from a prominent Muslim cleric, Omar Suleiman, claiming that a Palestinian Christian had asked this of the Christian right in America: “Don’t they know we’re Christian too? Do they even consider us human? Don’t they know Jesus was a Palestinian?”
Saying that Jesus was a Palestinian betrays an ignorance of history. As “The Palestinian Delusion” explains, in the year 134AD, the Romans expelled the Jews from their homeland of Judea (“land of the Jews”) after the Bar Kokhba revolt and renamed the region Palestine. That was 100 years after Jesus, who lived in Judea. When he was crucified, the Roman governor Pontius Pilate had the charge placed on a sign over his head: “King of the Jews,” that is, a supposed insurrectionist. Pilate did not write “King of the Palestinians.”
The Romans had plucked the name “Palestine” from the Bible; it was the name of the Israelites’ ancient enemies, the Philistines. But never did the term “Palestinian” refer to anything but a region — not to a people or an ethnicity. In the 1960s, however, the KGB and Hajj Amin al-Husseini’s nephew Yasir Arafat created both these allegedly oppressed people and the instrument of their freedom — the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). The idea of a “Palestinian people” is one of the most successful propaganda fictions in human history. AOC and her allies are trying to extend the success of that propaganda by incorporating Jesus into their fictional scenario. It is all the more important, in the face of this, for patriots to be aware and informed of genuine history, and equipped to do battle against the propaganda deluge.

If according to AOC, Jesus was Palestinian, why was he called the Nazarene?
I love when people that hate Christians try to make their twisted point using God’s Word.
They think guilting Christians into being terrorist sympathizers through propaganda is going to work? Maybe on some-—but I don’t know about you all, I’ve had enough of this BS.
You need to review the thread creation guidelines.

Gross copyright violation.
3,000-1,250 BCE Bronze Age: Canaanite city states under the rule of the ancient Egyptian Empire

The emergence of urban life and the establishment of the first fortified cities under Egyptian rule; Canaanites, a group of Semitic people, settled in Palestine/Canaan and along the Syrio-Palestinian coast.

They established semi-independent city-states as reflected in Tell al-Amarna Letters; they maintained maritime and land trade with the eastern Mediterranean, Egypt and Mesopotamia; they invented alphabetic writing; they developed a multi-deities religion common to Semitic peoples of the ancient Near East; they manufactured bronze tools; frequent rebellions by Canaanite city states prompted Egyptian military campaigns in Palestine.
3,000-1,250 BCE Bronze Age: Canaanite city states under the rule of the ancient Egyptian Empire

The emergence of urban life and the establishment of the first fortified cities under Egyptian rule; Canaanites, a group of Semitic people, settled in Palestine/Canaan and along the Syrio-Palestinian coast.

They established semi-independent city-states as reflected in Tell al-Amarna Letters; they maintained maritime and land trade with the eastern Mediterranean, Egypt and Mesopotamia; they invented alphabetic writing; they developed a multi-deities religion common to Semitic peoples of the ancient Near East; they manufactured bronze tools; frequent rebellions by Canaanite city states prompted Egyptian military campaigns in Palestine.

Jesus was a Jew.

Everyone can screech otherwise but He was a Jew

What a dumb thread
Arafat and the Mufti were not related. Different families.
Do you have a problem digesting information we went through this before once again Arafats mother was a cousin of the Mufti making Arafat and the Mufti related as I showed you on the previous post try to keep up and not tell fibs either through ignorance or on purpose…
Although Galilee had a large Jewish population the majority of the people were then Gentiles. The mention of the Gentiles is part of the important theme in Matthew of showing that Jesus' message is meant for both Jews and Gentiles.
Really is that right then why did Jesus in Mathew 15:24 say he was there for ONLY the lost sheep of Israel….Kind of puts a kybosh in your claim doesnt it…

No, AOC, Jesus Was Not a ‘Palestinian’

The sign Pilate placed above the crucified Jesus did not read “King of the Palestinians.”

4 Jan 2024 ~~ By Robert Spencer

Leftists generally know nothing about Jesus Christ and care even less, but around this time of year, they find it useful to invoke him, particularly as a prop to support their latest pet causes and buttress their propaganda. And so we have now been treated to the spectacle of that most thoughtful and learned of our elected representatives, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-Would You Like A Lime With That?), informing us that Jesus was from a family of “Jewish Palestinians.”

It simply won’t do, you see, for leftists to acknowledge Jesus as what he really was, a Jew, for if they did, their sharply rising antisemitism would render him useless as a stick with which to beat Christians and patriots. If Jew-haters say Jesus was a Jew, they can hardly turn around and try to invoke his moral authority to justify their perspectives and proclivities. And so Jesus must become a Palestinian, one of the left’s favorite victim classes, and one leftists have loved with a special ardor ever since the Hamas massacre of 1,200 Israelis on Oct. 7, 2023.

Mod Edit: Do not paste the entire article, only an excerpt, please.

If according to AOC, Jesus was Palestinian, why was he called the Nazarene?
I love when people that hate Christians try to make their twisted point using God’s Word.
They think guilting Christians into being terrorist sympathizers through propaganda is going to work? Maybe on some-—but I don’t know about you all, I’ve had enough of this BS.
Jews, Christians and Muslims were Palestinians until 1948.
Do you have a problem digesting information we went through this before once again Arafats mother was a cousin of the Mufti making Arafat and the Mufti related as I showed you on the previous post try to keep up and not tell fibs either through ignorance or on purpose…
Arafat's father was Egyptian.
The Roman's named the area after the Philistines as a slur against the Jews. The term 'Palestinians' wasn't accepted either as a country or as a people until recently.
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