NK targets Tokyo

So tell me, Rockefeller, how is it in the "national interest" of 99% of Americans to continue funding the US Empire? .

There is no "US Empire" you stupid piece of shit. You live in CA? Get the fuck out of my country, you communist scumbag. You don't deserve to set one foot in my country, you inhuman shitstain.
Or what, Bitch?

Or, if you are fond enough of your teeth (or tooth) to keep this kind of stupid-ass commentary to yourself in the real world, you will continue to be the fraud and hypocrite that you apparently have been all your life. You don't belong here. This is not the place for the likes of you. Get the fuck out.
There is no "US Empire" you stupid piece of shit. You live in CA? Get the fuck out of my country, you communist scumbag. You don't deserve to set one foot in my country, you inhuman shitstain.
Or what, Bitch?

Or, if you are fond enough of your teeth (or tooth) to keep this kind of stupid-ass commentary to yourself in the real world, you will continue to be the fraud and hypocrite that you apparently have been all your life. You don't belong here. This is not the place for the likes of you. Get the fuck out.
I'm not the one who has a problem with the First Amendment.
What about you?
Or what, Bitch?

Or, if you are fond enough of your teeth (or tooth) to keep this kind of stupid-ass commentary to yourself in the real world, you will continue to be the fraud and hypocrite that you apparently have been all your life. You don't belong here. This is not the place for the likes of you. Get the fuck out.
I'm not the one who has a problem with the First Amendment.
What about you?

No one has mentioned the First Amendment, you dishonest fuck. Your desperation stinks, comrade. Go stand downwind.
You are so full of shit it's coming out your ears, comrade. You don't believe that bullshit for a second, you lying filth.

Oh yeah, everyone knows the Soviets had no interest in the spread of Communism outside their borders. Of course :rolleyes: Oh yeah, Mao was just going to sit back and watch what happened to their traditional vassal state no matter what his "little brother" Kim Il Sung wanted :rolleyes:

You can't be so naïve, so that leaves lying or being as stupid as Jukes there. Which one do you prefer?
You're on a real roll here, Bitch.
Amaze me more with your right-wing ignorance:

After Germany's surrender Soviet forces invaded Korea from the north, reaching the 38th parallel by 10 August 1945. The Americans didn't arrive until September. What did the "Evil Empire" do next?

It's not my problem that you dropped out of school in the 9th grade, idiot. Go ask someone who might give the slightest shit about you to teach you about the Cold War, moron. Maybe ask them how things worked out for people in East Germany, all across Eastern Europe, and -oh yeah - North Korea - you stupid, communist, blood-thirsty son of a bitch.

Type whatever the hell you want here, but it will never change the FACT that your ideology is a proven, bloody, murderous, inhuman, anti-freedom FAILURE just like YOU, comrade. :fu:
According to my "communistic" sources, the soviets consulted with their US allies who requested they stop their advance at the 38th parallel so that US forces could occupy the rest of Korea the following month. The very last thing in this world Russia needed or wanted in 1945 was an arms race with a continental superpower whose homeland survived WWII without a scratch. The Cold War was all USA all the way. Maybe someday you'll get over your cognitive biases and fear enough to research the subject objectively.
Or, if you are fond enough of your teeth (or tooth) to keep this kind of stupid-ass commentary to yourself in the real world, you will continue to be the fraud and hypocrite that you apparently have been all your life. You don't belong here. This is not the place for the likes of you. Get the fuck out.
I'm not the one who has a problem with the First Amendment.
What about you?

No one has mentioned the First Amendment, you dishonest fuck. Your desperation stinks, comrade. Go stand downwind.
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

When you tell someone "(y)ou don't belong here. This is not the place for the likes of you. Get the fuck out" they could get the idea you're attempting to abridge their freedom of speech.

First Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I'm not the one who has a problem with the First Amendment.
What about you?

No one has mentioned the First Amendment, you dishonest fuck. Your desperation stinks, comrade. Go stand downwind.
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

When you tell someone "(y)ou don't belong here. This is not the place for the likes of you. Get the fuck out" they could get the idea you're attempting to abridge their freedom of speech.

It is STILL not my problem that you are a stupid son of a bitch, comrade. Say what you want and accept the consequences. We both know you won't. The FACT is that YOU don't belong here. You will probably continue living like the fraud that you are because you lack the courage of your convictions, pussy.
The very last thing in this world Russia needed or wanted in 1945 was an arms race with a continental superpower whose homeland survived WWII without a scratch. .

No, of course not. :rolleyes: That explains the next 45 years or so perfectly. :rolleyes:

"Without a scratch"?



The very last thing in this world Russia needed or wanted in 1945 was an arms race with a continental superpower whose homeland survived WWII without a scratch. .

No, of course not. :rolleyes: That explains the next 45 years or so perfectly. :rolleyes:

"Without a scratch"?



"Less than two and a half months after the Soviet Union was attacked by Nazi Germany, German troops were already approaching Leningrad.

"The Red Army was outflanked and on September 8 1941 the Germans had fully encircled Leningrad and the siege began.

"The siege lasted for a total of 900 days, from September 8 1941 until January 27 1944. The city's almost 3 million civilians (including about 400,000 children) refused to surrender and endured rapidly increasing hardships in the encircled city.

"Food and fuel stocks were limited to a mere 1-2 month supply, public transport was not operational and by the winter of 1941-42 there was no heating, no water supply, almost no electricity and very little food. In January 1942 in the depths of an unusually cold winter, the city's food rations reached an all time low of only 125 grams (about 1/4 of a pound) of bread per person per day.

"In just two months, January and February of 1942, 200,000 people died in Leningrad of cold and starvation... "


The 900-day Siege of Leningrad, Russia (The Leningrad Blockade)
You know, skanky, just for shits and grins I read your "exchanges" with George.

In most cases George presented verifiable information easily parsed into facts and opinion. Honest, high integrity people of good will could look into it and come to their own conclusions, which among people of normal intelligence (spoiler alert) will be very close to George's conclusions.

Then there are your posts.

Not a single fact. Not a single theory about the issues.

Just vulgar attacks and appeals to the nutball instinct to support the parasitic instincts of marginal civilizations dragging the United States of America down.

Why is that? Are you going through something you want to talk about? There are threads for that, you know.
Are you the catcher or the pitcher with your communist 'partner' there, you racist idiot? Never mind, I don't want to know.
"Unscratched" is not a comparative, you illiterate communist fuck.
Can you catch this, Sissy?

"The battles on the Eastern Front constituted the largest military confrontation in history.

"They were characterized by unprecedented ferocity, wholesale destruction, mass deportations, and immense loss of life variously due to combat, starvation, exposure, disease, and massacres.

"The Eastern Front, as the site of nearly all extermination camps, death marches, ghettos, and the majority of pogroms, was central to the Holocaust.

"Of the estimated 70 million deaths attributed to World War II, over 30 million,[6] many of them civilians, died on the Eastern Front.

"The Eastern Front was decisive in determining the outcome of World War II, eventually serving as the main reason for Germany's defeat.[7][8][9]

"It resulted in the destruction of the Third Reich, the partition of Germany for nearly half a century and the rise of the Soviet Union as a military and industrial superpower."

Eastern Front (World War II) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Which part of North America got scratched like that?
Let's try this again:

"Unscratched" is not a comparative, you illiterate communist fuck. Do you know what the word "comparative" means, you fucking idiot?
Let's try this again:

"Unscratched" is not a comparative, you illiterate communist fuck. Do you know what the word "comparative" means, you fucking idiot?
Take your best shot, Chomsky:

"In linguistics, the comparative is a syntactic construction that serves to express a comparison between two (or more) entities or groups of entities in quality, quantity, or degree; it is one of the degrees of comparison, alongside the positive and the superlative."

Comparative - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Let's try this again:

"Unscratched" is not a comparative, you illiterate communist fuck. Do you know what the word "comparative" means, you fucking idiot?
Take your best shot, Chomsky:

"In linguistics, the comparative is a syntactic construction that serves to express a comparison between two (or more) entities or groups of entities in quality, quantity, or degree; it is one of the degrees of comparison, alongside the positive and the superlative."

Comparative - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wiki :rolleyes: Why am I not surprised?

Since you went to all the trouble of googling, professor, try reading the fucking thing. I did not use a comparative. Do you now understand what that means, you stupid fucking communist?
How does the quality, quantity, or degree of destruction of the USA homeland during WWII compare to Russia's?

Do you currently have an open head wound? How can you be this fucking stupid? I made no comparison, you brain dead communist piece of shit. Why is this so hard for you to understand?
How does the quality, quantity, or degree of destruction of the USA homeland during WWII compare to Russia's?

Do you currently have an open head wound? How can you be this fucking stupid? I made no comparison, you brain dead communist piece of shit. Why is this so hard for you to understand?
Because I'm communicating with a spitball who doesn't understand the meaning of compare?
You know, skanky, just for shits and grins I read your "exchanges" with George.

In most cases George presented verifiable information easily parsed into facts and opinion. Honest, high integrity people of good will could look into it and come to their own conclusions, which among people of normal intelligence (spoiler alert) will be very close to George's conclusions.

Then there are your posts.

Not a single fact. Not a single theory about the issues.

Just vulgar attacks and appeals to the nutball instinct to support the parasitic instincts of marginal civilizations dragging the United States of America down.

Why is that? Are you going through something you want to talk about? There are threads for that, you know.
Are you ready for the bad news?
Skanky doesn't know the meaning of comparative.
How does the quality, quantity, or degree of destruction of the USA homeland during WWII compare to Russia's?

Do you currently have an open head wound? How can you be this fucking stupid? I made no comparison, you brain dead communist piece of shit. Why is this so hard for you to understand?
Because I'm communicating with a spitball who doesn't understand the meaning of compare?

:confused: YOU are the idiot who needed to go to Wikipedia :rolleyes: to find the definition, you stupid communist. YOU are the only person doing any 'comparing.'

Are you still confused, comrade? :cuckoo:

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