Nikki Haley will be a much bigger problem than Trump for the Democrats


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
Nikki Haley will be a much bigger problem than Trump for the Democrats
The Democrats better hope Trump is the Republican nominee.
The Democrats need to get their crap together.

The reason Patriots are behind Trump is because if he is President some good things will get done. If Nikki is President we can claim to have the first woman President but in all honesty not a lot will be done. She will likely block some damaging legislation but I just can't see her having Trump's skill set to identify issues/problems and know how to fix them or having the courage to actually do something about them.
The reason Patriots are behind Trump is because if he is President some good things will get done. If Nikki is President we can claim to have the first woman President but in all honesty not a lot will be done. She will likely block some damaging legislation but I just can't see her having Trump's skill set to identify issues/problems and know how to fix them or having the courage to actually do something about them.
Those supporting Trump are not Patriots.
They are a group of angry people (mainly white men) that the 21st century has left behind. They want an easy fix to bring back the 20th century economy, with lots of white privilege. back. They are too lazy to do what it takes to be successful i the 21st century.
They would rather blow up our country than accept the realities of the 21st century. Trump will blow up the system but not build back one that the founding fathers want. If he builds one at all.
Those supporting Trump are not Patriots.
They are a group of angry people (mainly white men) that the 21st century has left behind. They want an easy fix to bring back the 20th century economy, with lots of white privilege. back. They are too lazy to do what it takes to be successful i the 21st century.
They would rather blow up our country than accept the realities of the 21st century. Trump will blow up the system but not build back one that the founding fathers want. If he builds one at all.
There are thoughtful posts of substance and critical thinking.
And there are stupid rants that just spew nonsense and unfounded criticism based on pure bullshit.
Have a nice day.
There are thoughtful posts of substance and critical thinking.
And there are stupid rants that just spew nonsense and unfounded criticism based on pure bullshit.
Have a nice day.
My post was not name calling, like most MAGA posts.
It is a demographic description of MAGA followers. The truth will set you free. Denying the truth will ruin your life.
Those supporting Trump are not Patriots.
They are a group of angry people (mainly white men) that the 21st century has left behind. They want an easy fix to bring back the 20th century economy, with lots of white privilege. back. They are too lazy to do what it takes to be successful i the 21st century.
They would rather blow up our country than accept the realities of the 21st century. Trump will blow up the system but not build back one that the founding fathers want. If he builds one at all.
Democrats are extremely corrupt and dishonest. They proved that when Trump was president and now we have Biden. We need Trump to clean up this mess
Democrats are extremely corrupt and dishonest. They proved that when Trump was president and now we have Biden. We need Trump to clean up this mess
Trump and MAGA is the mess.
The problem is the Democrat party is inept.
A efficient, effective party should have no problem defeating Trump and MAGA
Nikki Haley is beating that old stupid corrupt Biden guy like a baby seal.

Some polls even show Haley with gaudy, double-digit leads over Biden — including a Wall Street Journal poll released hours before this column published that showed her a stunning 17 points ahead of Biden (Trump led the president by 4).
Who the hell is Steven Shepard? It's easy to tell that the essay is propaganda designed to give Haley a boost in the ratings when she doesn't have a chance.
Nikki Haley will be a much bigger problem than Trump for the Democrats
The Democrats better hope Trump is the Republican nominee.
The Democrats need to get their crap together.

Haley makes Stalin look like a choir boy
She can't do anything about social security.
She advocated that millionaires/billionaires should get nothing, but still be forced to pay into it, and on their entire income. She's like a Chris Christie, eventually they blurt out the truth on accident and you see right through the fake exterior shell.
She advocated that millionaires/billionaires should get nothing, but still be forced to pay into it, and on their entire income. She's like a Chris Christie, eventually they blurt out the truth on accident and you see right through the fake exterior shell.
She lost me with her internet id bullshit

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