Night of the long knives for the Tea Party


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2011
Northern California
Less than 30 days after Obama took office in 2009...the far right's angry little shrew, Michelle Malkin, wrote about a demonstration in Seattle that gave rise to what became the Tea Party. From the Boston Tea Party to your neighborhood pork protest

Not soon after, Fox News, Rush, and the mainstream GOP seized on the concept and coopted it, packaged it, then sold it as part of a rebranding effort for the GOP. They needed this so Republicans would have a place to hide from responsibility for the Housing crash recession. The idea was that the crash happened on the watch of Republicans, and Tea Party Conservatives were different. That gave Republican strategists time to blame Obama for everything that was wrong in the world.

Reagan had to get close with Southern and Midwestern evangelical Democratic converts during post Watergate days for votes...but they vote like the mainstream GOP. The GOP has 3 factions now...Tea Partiers, RINO's, and Trumpers. The Freedom Caucus is a problem for the GOP. My guess, because something has to go, is that RINO's and Trumpers will soon pop a cap in the Freedom Caucuses head, and kick the body in the ditch. Figuratively of course. Probably all happen in the middle of the night too.
Less than 30 days after Obama took office in 2009...the far right's angry little shrew, Michelle Malkin, wrote about a demonstration in Seattle that gave rise to what became the Tea Party. From the Boston Tea Party to your neighborhood pork protest

Not soon after, Fox News, Rush, and the mainstream GOP seized on the concept and coopted it, packaged it, then sold it as part of a rebranding effort for the GOP. They needed this so Republicans would have a place to hide from responsibility for the Housing crash recession. The idea was that the crash happened on the watch of Republicans, and Tea Party Conservatives were different. That gave Republican strategists time to blame Obama for everything that was wrong in the world.

Reagan had to get close with Southern and Midwestern evangelical Democratic converts during post Watergate days for votes...but they vote like the mainstream GOP. The GOP has 3 factions now...Tea Partiers, RINO's, and Trumpers. The Freedom Caucus is a problem for the GOP. My guess, because something has to go, is that RINO's and Trumpers will soon pop a cap in the Freedom Caucuses head, and kick the body in the ditch. Figuratively of course. Probably all happen in the middle of the night too.
They did it to the Heritage Foundation during Boosh jr.. I bet they do it to Freedom Caucus eventually...

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