NFL Playoffs Parable: He Said, She Said


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a sports-culture fanfare-vignette involving gender-politics, inspired by the American sports-culture symbolic film Jerry Maguire (Tom Cruise).

I didn't want to post this in the Writing section, since it's really a 'jovial commentary' on how husbands/wives celebrate NFL Sunday fanfare together, but what do you think?


"As the 2018 NFL Playoffs were about to begin and athletes/fans prepared for what might be an intriguing post-season scenario, die-hard Eagles (Philadelphia) fans wanted to see a Super Bowl rematch with the Patriots (New England). The Rams, Saints, Chiefs, Bears, Patriots, Bears, and Cowboy all looked impressive. The Eagles were struggling and needed to defeat the Redskins (Washington) and the Bears (Chicago) to defeat the Vikings (Minnesota) to make the playoffs. All this TV-sports intrigue for fans watching NFL games at home struck up interesting NFL Sunday discussions (and debates!) between husbands and wives. Ain't sports-media grand?"


AJAY: Philly-fans want a rematch with Brady's Patriots.
ISABEL: It seems Eagles backup-QB Nick Foles will have to takeover (again!).
AJAY: Yes, Foles helped the Eagles defeat the Patriots in Super Bowl LII.
ISABEL: Can Foles help the Eagles roll past the mighty teams this years?
AJAY: I dunno; the Rams, Chiefs, Saints, Bears, Cowboys, Patriots all look strong!
ISABEL: If the Eagles defeat the Redskins and the Vikings lose, the Eagles are in.
AJAY: They make the playoffs...and Nick Foles starts against the Redskins today.
ISABEL: Foles will have to take the reins during the playoffs too...
AJAY: ...Yeah, Wentz is still injured!
ISABEL: Well, many Philly-fans agree Nick Foles has been a more reliable 'commander.'
AJAY: Yes; he has what it takes to take down Tom Brady (Patriots); fans think that.
ISABEL: All this sports-entertainment fanfare can make a girl feel ignored/neglected!
AJAY: Relax, my love; I'll be serving up chicken wings and fruit salad through the playoffs.
ISABEL: Oh, so if you invite your NFL buddies (all the ruffians), I can at least enjoy salad.
AJAY: What more do you need?
ISABEL: I want you to consider what I have to say about NFL Sunday, my love!
AJAY: Alright; the last thing I want is an unhappy wife while I make Super Bowl fan-sheets.
ISABEL: That's right; I think Nick Foles marching the Eagles to another title is the real story.
AJAY: You're right; if Foles/Eagles can down teams like the Rams/Patriots, it'd be grand.
ISABEL: Well, Eli Manning (NY Giants) also took down Brady's Patriots in 2 Super Bowls.
AJAY: Right; 2008/2012; that was an amazing achievement; Eli's Peyton's younger brother.
ISABEL: Peyton won a Super Bowl as a Denver Bronco (against Carolina Panthers).
AJAY: Wow, Isabel; I'm really impressed with your level of interest/knowledge in NFL stats.
ISABEL: Did you think only guys get spiritual about professional sports, Ajay?
AJAY: No I guess I didn't, but I wondered if women actually cared about NFL Sunday.
ISABEL Well, we do, Ajay; I'll serve shrimp curry on NFL Sunday if your friends arrive...
AJAY: You know how to make shrimp curry? Since when?
ISABEL: Since your 'outstanding Algerian-Indian chef mom' (as you remind me) taught me.
AJAY: My mom loves you...


"Ajay and Isabel enjoyed their little discussion about NFL intrigue and the 2018 playoffs. Ajay was a cartoonist and comics-writer/artist who generated political-cartoons with Captain America and Spider-Woman and often dressed up like a 'vigilante' himself for media-photos about young comics-writers in the new age who really cared about pedestrian patriotic daydreams. Ajay sometimes wrote about Captain America tackling McCarthyism. Isabel was a celebrated actress and former ballet-dancer in Europe; she met Ajay while he was touring Spain during a college abroad-study in Madrid. They married, and Ajay introduced his lovely wife to the enjoyable world of NFL-TV. Ajay/Isabel often discussed the social symbolism of Patriots titan-QB Tom Brady and why he was the modern-day Paul Bunyan. Now, Isabel/Ajay created a little 'He Said, She Said' intrigue for gender-fireworks for the 2018 NFL playoffs. Why not? The couple was a fan of Jerry Maguire (Tom Cruise)."


"Ajay knew that if the Eagles-Patriots faced each other in a consecutive Super Bowl [LIII], then sports-writers and fans alike would discuss how the modern-era of sports-domination TV marketing/merchandising (e.g., Patriots paraphernalia) would be 'tempered' by the trophies of the upstart/underdog Philadelphia Eagles. Since Philadelphia was called the City of Brotherly Love, and citizens loved Philly-cheesesteaks (while New England Patriots fans boasted about its amazing Ivy League schools --- Harvard, Yale, Dartmouth --- and celebrated New England clam chowder soup), Ajay wrote a comics sports fan-fic about Foles' Eagles defeating Brady's Patriots in Super Bowl LIII which catalyzed more Philly-cheesesteak sales as competition for Progresso clam chowder soup sales. Captain America would endorse such sports-related consumerism/capitalism, while lethal White Dragon would emerge from Hell to create tremors about media/sports patriotism in America. Isabel was impressed with Ajay's creative ardor and capitalism-patriotic storytelling."


"Ajay/Isabel liked watching TV ads of the media-couple Howie Long (NFL star/commentator) and Terri Hatcher (TV-star) engaging in fun conversations about American culture, sports-fanfare, and capitalism-spirit. Ajay identified with Howie's sense of American culture excitement, while Isabel identified with Terri's brand of down-to-earth patriotism. Ajay said that if he was Howie Long in another universe and Isabel was Terri, they'd be a perfect media couple. Isabel suggested that they were already 'media-diplomats' since Ajay was an Internet/comics personality and Isabel was a gorgeous actress in Hollywood. Nevertheless, Ajay/Isabel noted the comments of Howie/Terri regarding the 2018 NFL playoffs(!)."


HOWIE: The NFL Playoffs is like a tense Stratego game!
TERRI: I like playing Stratego with you, my love...
HOWIE: Well, I enjoy playing with you, Terri!
TERRI: You know, I've beaten you 5 out of 9 times in Stratego.
HOWIE: Yes, Terri, you're up on me.
TERRI: So who do you like for the NFL playoffs this year?
HOWIE: I like the Rams, Chiefs, and Patriots.
TERRI: I don't count out the Saints, Eagles, and Bears...
HOWIE: This season is rather action-packed, after Super Bowl LII.
TERRI: The Eagles' win in Super Bowl LII was a great 'upstart' triumph.
HOWIE: If Foles' Eagles can win back-to-back titles, Philly will be the ultimate underdog-city.


"Meanwhile, Ajay decided to buy the combat video-game Mortal Kombat X (MKX) and the Microsoft Xbox video-game console for Christmas, so he could play games with his wife Isabel before every NFL Sunday game and playoff game. Ajay liked using the MKX male warrior-avatar Ermac, and Isabel enjoyed using the female warrior-avatar Kitana. Ajay and Isabel created terrific Ermac-Isabel standoffs before every NFL Sunday kickoff at 1pm. They shared an apartment/loft in Manhattan, and Ajay wanted Ermac to generate a steady lead on his ongoing MKX female rival Kitana. Ermac was stealthy and quiet, while Kitana was self-composed and fierce. Isabel told Ajay that Kitana's wins over Ajay's Ermac would echo the opportunity women had in modern-day America to really participate in male-dominated social activities such as NFL fanfare. Ajay however retorted that Isabel's love of Facebook was not something Ajay was invited to 'share.' Isabel told Ajay that if her Kitana defeated Ajay's Ermac over a series of 100 games, then he'd show Ajay the 'wonderful world' of Facebook. What a great 'He Said, She Said' opera!"


"As it turned out, the Foles-led Eagles made it to the Super Bowl and faced Brady's Patriots in a rematch. Ajay/Isabel prepared for the game by playing an Ermac-Kitana battle on MKX on their Xbox. Isabel's Kitana prevailed and Isabel took her game-series lead up to 12-8. Ajay joked that the only reason Isabel's Kitana won was because Brady would lead with his Patriots early in Super Bowl LIII but that Foles' Eagles would come storming would Ajay's Ermac eventually/inevitably. Isabel retorted, 'It seems my love that our standing debate about sports and gender-fanfare has made you rather 'draw into' my world of Kitana-fun."


"Was Isabel right? Did her success with Kitana on MKX over her husband Ajay's Ermac-play symbolize women's increasing participation in male-dominated social activities in this new age of media, networking, fanfare, and networking? Isabel would keep her promise to introduce Ajay to the 'wondrous world' of Facebook if things continued to turn in his favor, but for now, Isabel/Kitana held the upper hand. This was a terrific milestone for women in society in the 21st Century (in America!). Ajay wondered if he should entreat his wife with a new comics-story about Spider-Woman challenging Captain America's sense/spirit of capitalism. For now, Isabel/Ajay cheered on the underdog Eagles in Super Bowl LIII, equally-hoping that the mighty birds could down those Goliath-like Brady-marshaled New England Patriots."





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