NFL Players are Cowards as Compared to General Population Who Serve in Military...but They Want to Agitate

What do you suggest Trump could do to stop the riots?

Well, to start with, he could sit down with BLM and the other activists and legitimately listen to their concerns, which are legitimate.

He could take positive action with Congress to pass major reforms, such as ending choke holds, ending qualified immunity, calling for greater transparency, creating a national database of law enforcement officers so that the guy who gets fired from one department for incompetence or misconduct doesn't show up in another city.

One of the things Obama did that helped a lot to calm down previous incidents was the DOJ engaging troubled police departments and coming to consent decrees to mandate reforms. Trump has pretty much abandoned Consent decrees.

Most of these actions wouldn't have immediate results, but they would show that he is engaged and taking it seriously.

Instead, he's encouraging his followers to stir up violence, which is just making it worse.

View attachment 388858
But she is the darling of the globalists bent on tyranny and will cost us tens of trillions of dollars. He is just a kid who showed some balls whether misguided or not.
Many of them have convictions for spouse abuse, rape, and murder. They couldn't join the military if they wanted to.

Like who?
Keep reading.
I already did. You clutched and didn't answer up.
Really? Post #11 says you're full of shit.
I asked, and you said to wait. That list is very old, and of the top 10 players arrested, none are recognizable. That's about 60 players per team, 32 teams, and 20 years. That's about 38,000 players.
You weren't even on this thread prior to Post #11.

How the fuck do you know, you stupid motherfucker?
Because posts 1-10 aren't yours, dumbfuck.
What do you suggest Trump could do to stop the riots?

Well, to start with, he could sit down with BLM and the other activists and legitimately listen to their concerns, which are legitimate.

He could take positive action with Congress to pass major reforms, such as ending choke holds, ending qualified immunity, calling for greater transparency, creating a national database of law enforcement officers so that the guy who gets fired from one department for incompetence or misconduct doesn't show up in another city.

One of the things Obama did that helped a lot to calm down previous incidents was the DOJ engaging troubled police departments and coming to consent decrees to mandate reforms. Trump has pretty much abandoned Consent decrees.

Most of these actions wouldn't have immediate results, but they would show that he is engaged and taking it seriously.

Instead, he's encouraging his followers to stir up violence, which is just making it worse.

View attachment 388858
None of your suggestions are the President's job. They're for the States to decide.

So you want Trump to exceed his authority. You would screech about that, guaranteed.

Trump's not encouraging violence. Democrats are, by refusing to allow law enforcement to enforce the law and by releasing arresting criminals without bail.

But you're blaming Trump, exactly as programmed.

He can ignore the facts all he wants, but that means nothing. The players are heroes for what they are doing, those who attack them are moral cowards. Guys, we are not going back to 1945 to 1975.

View attachment 388965
Putting the name of a rapist on your work uniform is not heroic.

Many of them have convictions for spouse abuse, rape, and murder. They couldn't join the military if they wanted to.

Like who?
Keep reading.
I already did. You clutched and didn't answer up.
Really? Post #11 says you're full of shit.
I asked, and you said to wait. That list is very old, and of the top 10 players arrested, none are recognizable. That's about 60 players per team, 32 teams, and 20 years. That's about 38,000 players.
You weren't even on this thread prior to Post #11.

How the fuck do you know, you stupid motherfucker?
Because posts 1-10 aren't yours, dumbfuck.

So, because they are not my posts you think I didn't read them? How fucking stupid are you?
Sit down with BLM? Why what do they have to say that is legitimate? Name a single case that BLM protested that was proven both wrong and racially motivated. They only one that comes close is George Floyd but where is the proof of it being racially motivated? They do not even wait for the justice system all they do is hate white cops no matter what. Look at the statistics on average a white man is more likely to get shot with his interaction with a police officer then a black man. There is no systemic racism except the Democrats refusal to stop using race as a weapon.

Okay, you are just making yourself look silly when you say this shit... The problem is that the system is designed to vindicate cops no matter how out of line they are... Kind of like how Juries in the Old South never, ever found anyone guilty of lynching..

If any of those actions in congress were needed. Choke holds are not a problem in fact in some cases they need some more choking(pedos actually getting protected in CA when they need choked). Only thing that needs fixed is police abuse of power but it is across the board not racial.

Actually, it is.. There is no excuse for a cop to use a choke hold, EVER! It should be an immediate firing offense.

ump could have a cure to Covid and Dems would block it in Congress it is not Trump not willing to work with congress. As bad as you Dems hate Trump he still has about 10 times the favorability as congress.

Nobody ever likes Congress. Everyone tends to like their congressman. Of course, if Trump found a "cure" for Covid before the election, most sensible people would be skeptical, based on his track record of lying about everything. Kind of like a couple weeks ago, he made this big announcement about convalescent plasma that turned out to be nothing.

Riots going to continue till election then either the Dems win and stfu. Or they lose and the Republican counter protesters will MAKE them stfu.

Wow, right wing violence fantasies... they are always fun to watch. If Trump steals a second term (no one thinks he's going to win the popular vote, thereby making any other kind of win illegitimate) things are going to get a lot worse.

Do not see republicans out looting businesses and burning shit. And only a few instances of violence which are typically a republican protecting his home or property which is the EXACT reason for the 2nd amendment.

Uh, the Second Amendment was about militias, not gun ownership. Point was, BLM protested peacefully for years, and you guys didn't pay attention. I don't approve of riots, but guess what, they are getting attention now.

Fucking Dems out in the street cheering when 2 cops get shot in the face and even try to block them from getting medical attention. The people cheering should of got beat. ANd they people blocking the emergency room should of been shot.

Uh, maybe you should read about the Corruption in the LA Sheriff's department, where they had an internal gang called the "Executioners".... This is why people are so upset.

None of your suggestions are the President's job. They're for the States to decide.

So you want Trump to exceed his authority. You would screech about that, guaranteed.

Actually, if he showed leadership on this issue, I doubt anyone would complain about it. Of course, he'd fuck it up because he fucks up everything he touches. This is a guy who can lose money running a casino.

Trump's not encouraging violence. Democrats are, by refusing to allow law enforcement to enforce the law and by releasing arresting criminals without bail.

Trump has been race-baiting for years, he can't even bring himself to condemn Rittenhouse.
Sit down with BLM? Why what do they have to say that is legitimate? Name a single case that BLM protested that was proven both wrong and racially motivated. They only one that comes close is George Floyd but where is the proof of it being racially motivated? They do not even wait for the justice system all they do is hate white cops no matter what. Look at the statistics on average a white man is more likely to get shot with his interaction with a police officer then a black man. There is no systemic racism except the Democrats refusal to stop using race as a weapon.

Okay, you are just making yourself look silly when you say this shit... The problem is that the system is designed to vindicate cops no matter how out of line they are... Kind of like how Juries in the Old South never, ever found anyone guilty of lynching..

If any of those actions in congress were needed. Choke holds are not a problem in fact in some cases they need some more choking(pedos actually getting protected in CA when they need choked). Only thing that needs fixed is police abuse of power but it is across the board not racial.

Actually, it is.. There is no excuse for a cop to use a choke hold, EVER! It should be an immediate firing offense.

ump could have a cure to Covid and Dems would block it in Congress it is not Trump not willing to work with congress. As bad as you Dems hate Trump he still has about 10 times the favorability as congress.

Nobody ever likes Congress. Everyone tends to like their congressman. Of course, if Trump found a "cure" for Covid before the election, most sensible people would be skeptical, based on his track record of lying about everything. Kind of like a couple weeks ago, he made this big announcement about convalescent plasma that turned out to be nothing.

Riots going to continue till election then either the Dems win and stfu. Or they lose and the Republican counter protesters will MAKE them stfu.

Wow, right wing violence fantasies... they are always fun to watch. If Trump steals a second term (no one thinks he's going to win the popular vote, thereby making any other kind of win illegitimate) things are going to get a lot worse.

Do not see republicans out looting businesses and burning shit. And only a few instances of violence which are typically a republican protecting his home or property which is the EXACT reason for the 2nd amendment.

Uh, the Second Amendment was about militias, not gun ownership. Point was, BLM protested peacefully for years, and you guys didn't pay attention. I don't approve of riots, but guess what, they are getting attention now.

Fucking Dems out in the street cheering when 2 cops get shot in the face and even try to block them from getting medical attention. The people cheering should of got beat. ANd they people blocking the emergency room should of been shot.

Uh, maybe you should read about the Corruption in the LA Sheriff's department, where they had an internal gang called the "Executioners".... This is why people are so upset.

System is not designed that way. I will give you some people are that way. Cops should get justice when they are wrong but shit they deserve their day in court like everyone else. Because it was a black suspect and it may or may not of been racially motivated he loses all his rights? And everyone of his race and the entire system is guilty too? Sounds pretty racist to me. And those Jury's in the south were all white democrats lets not forget. There is racism no one is denying that but it is not systemic and it has been in decline for decades. And it damn sure did not just happen to get worse running up to this election just the rhetoric did.
The choking was a joke. But there are instances where chokeholds and even more deadly moves are warranted. You do not get in a fight for your life with restrictions you people forget cops are people too they have the right to defend themselves. I know in George Floyds case that was not the case. Cops get in certain situations where there should be no restrictions. Matters of life or death you will ignore them anyway and should not get punished for it.
Trumps record on lying is a laugh. All Dems lie and even worse they lie to themselves. Name a single lie from Trump as bad as Obama's lie about not being involved in the investigation of the trump campain. Or Hillary's lie she destroyed subpoenaed evidence and committed a felony just because it was personal.
Dems fantasy they can intimidate using violence everyone knows they pussies and soon as even a fraction of their numbers show up to oppose them they will run back to their moms basement and cry.
Second Amendment was about protection for your family, your home, and property from not only other people but the government. Was just a part of the 2nd Amendment for states to be allowed a militia.
Even if that was true about the "executioners" which probably is because its in California and everything is fucked there. Is not an excuse for what these people did. I mean think of what you would say if people cheered a black man getting shot and blocked him from getting medical care because he was from a neighborhood that had criminal gangs.
None of your suggestions are the President's job. They're for the States to decide.

So you want Trump to exceed his authority. You would screech about that, guaranteed.

Actually, if he showed leadership on this issue, I doubt anyone would complain about it. Of course, he'd fuck it up because he fucks up everything he touches. This is a guy who can lose money running a casino.

Trump's not encouraging violence. Democrats are, by refusing to allow law enforcement to enforce the law and by releasing arresting criminals without bail.

Trump has been race-baiting for years, he can't even bring himself to condemn Rittenhouse.
Can not show leadership because the leaders of the states having the Issues refuse and fight against his help. Everywhere that accepted Trumps help the problem was fixed.

Trumps race baiting? Fucking lying moron that is a democrat tactic. Sure is funny race not a problem till election time. Sure there is some racism in individuals but it is not a systemic problem it has been in decline for decades. Also people need to quit being scared of being called a racist. Blacks need to take some responsibility for the conditions in their neighborhoods they are sounding a whole like a white meth head in a trailer park blaming everyone else for his problems. Call me racist if you want but there is far more to be done in how their children are raised hating cops and idolizing criminal behavior. Sure there are problems with the police they are hated and some hate back. Know the best way to not get shot by a cop? Do not do something that requires a cop to show up and fuck with you.
The state leges decide what can be used and what cannot be used, not citizens.
Many of them have convictions for spouse abuse, rape, and murder. They couldn't join the military if they wanted to.

Like who?
Keep reading.
I already did. You clutched and didn't answer up.
Really? Post #11 says you're full of shit.
I asked, and you said to wait. That list is very old, and of the top 10 players arrested, none are recognizable. That's about 60 players per team, 32 teams, and 20 years. That's about 38,000 players.
You weren't even on this thread prior to Post #11.

How the fuck do you know, you stupid motherfucker?
Because posts 1-10 aren't yours, dumbfuck.

So, because they are not my posts you think I didn't read them? How fucking stupid are you?
Then you read my post.

But you got all butthurt and demanded an answer you say you already read.

Fucking moron.
None of your suggestions are the President's job. They're for the States to decide.

So you want Trump to exceed his authority. You would screech about that, guaranteed.

Actually, if he showed leadership on this issue, I doubt anyone would complain about it. Of course, he'd fuck it up because he fucks up everything he touches. This is a guy who can lose money running a casino.

Trump's not encouraging violence. Democrats are, by refusing to allow law enforcement to enforce the law and by releasing arresting criminals without bail.

Trump has been race-baiting for years, he can't even bring himself to condemn Rittenhouse.
Oh, so NOW you demand legal standards of proof.

What's got you so upset about the kid? The fact he killed a pedo, a serial abuser, or winged a Commie?
System is not designed that way. I will give you some people are that way. Cops should get justice when they are wrong but shit they deserve their day in court like everyone else. Because it was a black suspect and it may or may not of been racially motivated he loses all his rights?

No, guy, the system is designed where the cops investigate themselves in most cases, and the prosecutors act more like defense attorneys. Case in point- Mike Brown. The prosecutor in that case not only disallowed witnesses who didn't support his narrative, he allowed witnesses who were questionable and let the officer involved make a self-serving statement in front of the Grand Jury without challenge.

The choking was a joke.
I'm not laughing. Anyone who does has issues.

But there are instances where chokeholds and even more deadly moves are warranted. You do not get in a fight for your life with restrictions you people forget cops are people too they have the right to defend themselves. I know in George Floyds case that was not the case. Cops get in certain situations where there should be no restrictions. Matters of life or death you will ignore them anyway and should not get punished for it.

The police outnumbered Floyd 4 to 1. They already had him handcuffed. There was no excuse to put him in a choke hold for NINE FUCKING MINUTES.

Nope.You do a choke hold, you're fired. Done. Turn in your badge and your gun.

Trumps record on lying is a laugh. All Dems lie and even worse they lie to themselves. Name a single lie from Trump as bad as Obama's lie about not being involved in the investigation of the trump campain. Or Hillary's lie she destroyed subpoenaed evidence and committed a felony just because it was personal.

Well, I'd say Trump's lies about Covid are much wore than anything Obama said. 198,000 people died.

Dems fantasy they can intimidate using violence everyone knows they pussies and soon as even a fraction of their numbers show up to oppose them they will run back to their moms basement and cry.

The only people I see fantasizing about violence are the wingnuts stockpiling guns and compensating for their tiny peckers.

Second Amendment was about protection for your family, your home, and property from not only other people but the government. Was just a part of the 2nd Amendment for states to be allowed a militia.

Actually, there's nothing in there about that. It only states that well regulated militias are necessary for a free state and the right to bear arms shall not be infringed. Clearly, "the right to bear arms" was never meant to apply to everyone. At the time it was written, only the well-off could afford guns. You think these rich slave owners wanted the rabble to have guns? Don't be daft.

Even if that was true about the "executioners" which probably is because its in California and everything is fucked there. Is not an excuse for what these people did. I mean think of what you would say if people cheered a black man getting shot and blocked him from getting medical care because he was from a neighborhood that had criminal gangs.

Except nobody blocked them from getting care, and the Sheriff's department roughed up an NPR reporter and then lied about it. So the guy who shot the two cops should go to jail. So should the corrupt cops on this department who've engaged in so much criminal activity the Feds are investigating them.
Many of them have convictions for spouse abuse, rape, and murder. They couldn't join the military if they wanted to.

Like who?
Keep reading.
I already did. You clutched and didn't answer up.
Really? Post #11 says you're full of shit.
I asked, and you said to wait. That list is very old, and of the top 10 players arrested, none are recognizable. That's about 60 players per team, 32 teams, and 20 years. That's about 38,000 players.
You weren't even on this thread prior to Post #11.

How the fuck do you know, you stupid motherfucker?
Because posts 1-10 aren't yours, dumbfuck.

So, because they are not my posts you think I didn't read them? How fucking stupid are you?
Then you read my post.

But you got all butthurt and demanded an answer you say you already read.

Fucking moron.

You cited 20 year old list, dumbass. I want to know what criminals are currently playing in the NFL. You failed liked you always see to do by making a bizarre statement and then fail to back it up. Why should I care about someone getting busted for drugs long after their playing career is over?
"Things will change, or protests will continue."

Be careful what you wish for. I hear some of the changes are already causing massive increases in crime. Who benefits from an increase in crime rates? Anybody? I don't think so.
System is not designed that way. I will give you some people are that way. Cops should get justice when they are wrong but shit they deserve their day in court like everyone else. Because it was a black suspect and it may or may not of been racially motivated he loses all his rights?

No, guy, the system is designed where the cops investigate themselves in most cases, and the prosecutors act more like defense attorneys. Case in point- Mike Brown. The prosecutor in that case not only disallowed witnesses who didn't support his narrative, he allowed witnesses who were questionable and let the officer involved make a self-serving statement in front of the Grand Jury without challenge.

No the system is designed to fuck over the cop no matter what because the mob demands it. Even innocent cops are getting punished. Look at the Michael Brown case that cops life was ruined and it was because the Democrats and the media buried the video that clearly showed him going for the cops gun. You brought up the wrong case for damn sure because that cops was totally justified. And the only prosecutors I have seen doing shadey shit like that are the ones that are letting violent protesters off without charging them or letting Jessie Smollet off I mean how the fuck can you criticize.

The choking was a joke.
I'm not laughing. Anyone who does has issues.
Was not a joke about George floyd getting choked it was about choking child molesters. And if you think a child molester does not deserve to get joked it is you that has the issues.

But there are instances where chokeholds and even more deadly moves are warranted. You do not get in a fight for your life with restrictions you people forget cops are people too they have the right to defend themselves. I know in George Floyds case that was not the case. Cops get in certain situations where there should be no restrictions. Matters of life or death you will ignore them anyway and should not get punished for it.

The police outnumbered Floyd 4 to 1. They already had him handcuffed. There was no excuse to put him in a choke hold for NINE FUCKING MINUTES.

Nope.You do a choke hold, you're fired. Done. Turn in your badge and your gun.

You read what i said? I said George Floyd was not part of what I was talking about. And that was not a choke hold anyway that was the officer with his knee in the back of his neck.
Trumps record on lying is a laugh. All Dems lie and even worse they lie to themselves. Name a single lie from Trump as bad as Obama's lie about not being involved in the investigation of the trump campain. Or Hillary's lie she destroyed subpoenaed evidence and committed a felony just because it was personal.

Well, I'd say Trump's lies about Covid are much wore than anything Obama said. 198,000 people died.

And you do not think more would of died if he would of sent everyone into a panic about it? He acted before a single Dem even admitted it was a problem. And when Trump did act the Dems condemned it as racist and xenophobic and a feeble attempt to distract from the impeachment trial. We were going to lose these people no matter what. If Trump would of acted even sooner and saved lives you people would still say that shit and claim he saved no lives because the virus was not serious. No your catch 22 too dumb to work anyone that stupid already in the democratic party.

Dems fantasy they can intimidate using violence everyone knows they pussies and soon as even a fraction of their numbers show up to oppose them they will run back to their moms basement and cry.

The only people I see fantasizing about violence are the wingnuts stockpiling guns and compensating for their tiny peckers.

Better then committing it under the protection of their democratic politicians. Come out of your democratic shitholes and try that shit.

Second Amendment was about protection for your family, your home, and property from not only other people but the government. Was just a part of the 2nd Amendment for states to be allowed a militia.

Actually, there's nothing in there about that. It only states that well regulated militias are necessary for a free state and the right to bear arms shall not be infringed. Clearly, "the right to bear arms" was never meant to apply to everyone. At the time it was written, only the well-off could afford guns. You think these rich slave owners wanted the rabble to have guns? Don't be daft.

“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” That does not say the militia has the right to bear arms it says the PEOPLE you fucking moron. Only a left wing nut could interpret that to mean only the militia has the right.

Even if that was true about the "executioners" which probably is because its in California and everything is fucked there. Is not an excuse for what these people did. I mean think of what you would say if people cheered a black man getting shot and blocked him from getting medical care because he was from a neighborhood that had criminal gangs.

Except nobody blocked them from getting care, and the Sheriff's department roughed up an NPR reporter and then lied about it. So the guy who shot the two cops should go to jail. So should the corrupt cops on this department who've engaged in so much criminal activity the Feds are investigating them.
They did block them and chanted slurs and saying things I hope you die. And the Feds are investigating them does not mean they are guilty and is an excuse for vigilante justice. I mean you fucking people talk about racism and you are committing the very crimes the real racist Democrats committed back in the day. You are condemning an entire race based on the actions of a few. You are lynching cops before justice has had a chance to work. Next you going to be burning crosses and having meetings around a bondfire in your white hoods again.

Blah most of my replies up in the quote.
No the system is designed to fuck over the cop no matter what because the mob demands it. Even innocent cops are getting punished. Look at the Michael Brown case that cops life was ruined and it was because the Democrats and the media buried the video that clearly showed him going for the cops gun. You brought up the wrong case for damn sure because that cops was totally justified. And the only prosecutors I have seen doing shadey shit like that are the ones that are letting violent protesters off without charging them or letting Jessie Smollet off I mean how the fuck can you criticize.

Really, when does this happen? Most cops are acquitted or charges are never brought. When a cop is charged, he often gets a pretty minimal sentence. (Like the jackass who shot the kid in Chicago 16 times when he was lying on the ground, who will be out in four years.) Don't get me wrong, it sucks to be a cop in prison... because the other prisoners just love the police. But the system is very generous to cops accused of wrongdoing, or even convicted of it.

As for Smollett. The only person who was hurt by Smollet's actions was Smollett. Or as I like to say, "Don't beat yourself up, Jussie!!!" His career is over, he's become a national joke... I'm not sure what else you want to do to him, really.

And you do not think more would of died if he would of sent everyone into a panic about it? He acted before a single Dem even admitted it was a problem. And when Trump did act the Dems condemned it as racist and xenophobic and a feeble attempt to distract from the impeachment trial. We were going to lose these people no matter what. If Trump would of acted even sooner and saved lives you people would still say that shit and claim he saved no lives because the virus was not serious. No your catch 22 too dumb to work anyone that stupid already in the democratic party.

Yes, I think a LOT less people would have died if Trump had taken action and hadn't consistantly tried to undermine the governors who were taking action. The fact remains, we have 4% of the worlds population for 22% of it's Covid Deaths. Trump lied, people died.

Better then committing it under the protection of their democratic politicians. Come out of your democratic shitholes and try that shit.

See, more wank fantasies... You're proving my point.

“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” That does not say the militia has the right to bear arms it says the PEOPLE you fucking moron. Only a left wing nut could interpret that to mean only the militia has the right.

Actually, that's EXACTLY how the courts interpreted it for 200+ years, until the SCOTUS bought the crazy NRA argument in Heller.

They did block them and chanted slurs and saying things I hope you die. And the Feds are investigating them does not mean they are guilty and is an excuse for vigilante justice. I mean you fucking people talk about racism and you are committing the very crimes the real racist Democrats committed back in the day. You are condemning an entire race based on the actions of a few. You are lynching cops before justice has had a chance to work. Next you going to be burning crosses and having meetings around a bondfire in your white hoods again.

Blah most of my replies up in the quote.

I wasn't aware cops constituted a "Race". Last time I checked, it was a "Profession". And yes, what these protesters did was out of line. So is what the Sheriff's department did that inflamed the community to start with, with the rampant corruption and disregard for people's civil rights.

The thing is, we've seen how the "justice" system works for thug cops. It works the same way it worked for Klansman back in the day... a rigged system that exonerates people.


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