NFL Players are Cowards as Compared to General Population Who Serve in Military...but They Want to Agitate

Jesus just does not care that the Cowboys lost last night.

He does want us to treat each other right.

The players have every right to demonstrate by kneeling during the national anthem.
BLM is not a domestic terrorist group and they don't wish death on cops.

I see the videos have been removed from youtube, surprise.

But, evidence is still available. And, lots of it.

"Pigs in a blanket" chant at Minnesota Fair riles police ... lives matter chant pigs in blanket - Bing

There are bad players on everyone's team. More on Donald's of course (those "very fine people") But how many people have BLM activists killed? How many people has AntiFa killed??

Then on the flip side, how many people have Trump supporting White Nationalist mass shooters killed? Boogaloo Bois?? Neo-Nazis??? Klansmen????

Don't go there with me pal - You lose.

BLM is not a domestic terrorist group and they don't wish death on cops.

I see the videos have been removed from youtube, surprise.

But, evidence is still available. And, lots of it.

"Pigs in a blanket" chant at Minnesota Fair riles police ... lives matter chant pigs in blanket - Bing

There are bad players on everyone's team. More on Donald's of course (those "very fine people") But how many people have BLM activists killed? How many people has AntiFa killed??

Then on the flip side, how many people have Trump supporting White Nationalist mass shooters killed? Boogaloo Bois?? Neo-Nazis??? Klansmen????

Don't go there with me pal - You lose.

Oh fuck off hypocrite. Don't see any of you pathetic losers saying shit about negroes killing fucking negroes. Couldn't care less about their plight if you tried you demented asshole.

They are nothing but political pawns and a means to usher in marxist control under the guise of civil rights.

The same pattern of political correctness pushed by cultural marxists since the 20th century and the same pattern overran cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, and on and on and on....

So go fuck yourselves. You and your fake concerns for THE BLACKS.

We see through you and your sinister shit.
BLM is not a domestic terrorist group and they don't wish death on cops.

I see the videos have been removed from youtube, surprise.

But, evidence is still available. And, lots of it.

"Pigs in a blanket" chant at Minnesota Fair riles police ... lives matter chant pigs in blanket - Bing

There are bad players on everyone's team. More on Donald's of course (those "very fine people") But how many people have BLM activists killed? How many people has AntiFa killed??

Then on the flip side, how many people have Trump supporting White Nationalist mass shooters killed? Boogaloo Bois?? Neo-Nazis??? Klansmen????

Don't go there with me pal - You lose.

Oh fuck off hypocrite. Don't see any of you pathetic losers saying shit about negroes killing fucking negroes. Couldn't care less about their plight if you tried you demented asshole.

They are nothing but political pawns and a means to usher in marxist control under the guise of civil rights.

The same pattern of political correctness pushed by cultural marxists since the 20th century and the same pattern overran cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, and on and on and on....

So go fuck yourselves. You and your fake concerns for THE BLACKS.

We see through you and your sinister shit.

See ya worthless, foul-mouthed troll :bye1:
Brett Favre actually had the gall to compare commie Kaepernick to Pat Tillman's sacrifice.

The epitome of what a dumb fucking redneck if there ever was one.

Um, Pat Tillman was killed in Friendly Fire. That's how incompetent Bush was, he managed to kill his own poster boy.

Of course, Bush's mild incompetence makes us wistful compared to Trump's criminal incompetence.


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Oh fuck off hypocrite. Don't see any of you pathetic losers saying shit about negroes killing fucking negroes. Couldn't care less about their plight if you tried you demented asshole.

We don't have to. If a black person kills another black person, he is arrested, tried, convicted and imprisoned. That is if the Cops can be bothered to actually do an investigation and arrest the right people...

They are nothing but political pawns and a means to usher in marxist control under the guise of civil rights.

The same pattern of political correctness pushed by cultural marxists since the 20th century and the same pattern overran cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, and on and on and on....

Wow, guy, you barely understand what is going on in THIS country, much less why people in other countries overthrew Banana Republic Dictators.
Jesus just does not care that the Cowboys lost last night.

He does want us to treat each other right.

The players have every right to demonstrate by kneeling during the national anthem.
They also must lead by example. Many do not.
Jesus just does not care that the Cowboys lost last night.

He does want us to treat each other right.

The players have every right to demonstrate by kneeling during the national anthem.
They also must lead by example. Many do not.
And many do lead by example. Compare them to the goofies supporting QAnon nonsense. I am quite comfortable with the NFL Union compared to those freaks.
BLM is not a domestic terrorist group and they don't wish death on cops.

I see the videos have been removed from youtube, surprise.

But, evidence is still available. And, lots of it.

"Pigs in a blanket" chant at Minnesota Fair riles police ... lives matter chant pigs in blanket - Bing

There are bad players on everyone's team. More on Donald's of course (those "very fine people") But how many people have BLM activists killed? How many people has AntiFa killed??

Then on the flip side, how many people have Trump supporting White Nationalist mass shooters killed? Boogaloo Bois?? Neo-Nazis??? Klansmen????

Don't go there with me pal - You lose.

Yea, I'd try to cover up democrats supporting the violence for months too. But, let me clue you in on something, you're a little late for the party. Patriots are tired of the bullshit from the left and come November we're gonna whip you're ass......... Again. #MAGA
The patriots are going to win America for the blue.

The NFL players are going to win American for unity.

The GOP better ditch Trump and climb on board while still possible.
Many of them have convictions for spouse abuse, rape, and murder. They couldn't join the military if they wanted to.

Like who?
Keep reading.
I already did. You clutched and didn't answer up.
Really? Post #11 says you're full of shit.
I asked, and you said to wait. That list is very old, and of the top 10 players arrested, none are recognizable. That's about 60 players per team, 32 teams, and 20 years. That's about 38,000 players.
You weren't even on this thread prior to Post #11.
No Air Force pussy. Their right to do what? Protest something that is not supported by statistical data? Support a group of domestic terrorist that advocate murder of police officers? What a dick and a propaganda rube you are. Move to Iran or China if Biden is elected. They love the cocksucker over there because they hate the United States of America. Just like the Democrats do.

You're babbling, buddy.

I was in the Army, BTW. Not that any other branch of service isn't equally honorable.

They have a right to protest stuff and petition the government for a redress of grievances...

Or as a wise office said to me when we doing Civil Disturbance Training - "Those are your fellow citizens out there, they are damned angry about something, and they have every right to be."

Instead of doing the sensible thing and addressing legitimate complaints, Trump is using this unrest to try to scare people into voting for him. Like they were all going to forget HE'S in charge of the country.

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What do you suggest Trump could do to stop the riots?
Your irrational hatred is not proof.

Democrats hate the military. Trump doesn't.

Really? Do these comments about military leaders sound like someone who loves the military?

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He's criticizing individuals, not the entire military and all veterans.

The left supports only those who support their agenda, like Vindman. Hell, you all celebrated the deserter and traitor Bowe Bergdahl.
Won't serve their country in the military and some of the most physically fit young men in our society. To goddamn dumb to pass the ASVAB test in most cases...but somehow alumni and bullshit gets them a scholarship. Fuck you coward! Stand for the National Anthem. Pussy!

Well they just don't want to be 'Loosers' or worse 'Suckers'....
Your irrational hatred is not proof.

Democrats hate the military. Trump doesn't.

Really? Do these comments about military leaders sound like someone who loves the military?

View attachment 388448
He's criticizing individuals, not the entire military and all veterans.

The left supports only those who support their agenda, like Vindman. Hell, you all celebrated the deserter and traitor Bowe Bergdahl.
To that traitor, Trump like the rest of us is damned if he does anything and damned if he doesn't do anything.

It is literally that simple, so don't even address them. Especially that traitor. He cheers whenever a black muslim kills anyone white or Christian. Especially if they are American.
Fuck you coward! Stand for the National Anthem. Pussy!
I'm okay with seeing black boys on their knees. They have no clue why AMERICANS stand for the flag. Their ignorance makes them fools
In fact, the NFL players know as a group far more than you, are more literate, and are better spoken based on how you post.

They are demonstrating by kneeling during the anthem that civil liberties and protections are for all not some Americans.

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