NFL Players are Cowards as Compared to General Population Who Serve in Military...but They Want to Agitate

Each and every member of an NFL team has an absolute right to lift his voice in protest about any injustice they like...

The catch is: they do not have the right to do that "on the job" unless their employer weakens and grants them that privilege while on-the-clock...

When I watch a football game, I do so as a form of escapism... pure entertainment, for the sake of entertainment...

I am NOT entertained by a gaggle of overpaid over-muscled pampered sports princesses barging into the space I paid for and playing Pretend-Social-Justice-Warrior...

I get enough of that $hit on the news channels... I don't need it in-my-face during a football game...

Now... screw your heads back on the right way... suck it up... shut your phukking mouths... show proper respect to our country, and do what I paid you to do... entertain me...

Fail to do that I vote with my dollars, and refuse to either (a) purchase a ticket to one of your Campfire Girl pre-game shows or (b) watch you idiots on TV...

Full stop.
Go fuck yourself hypocrite. Bet you would be crying about freedom of speech lf a WHITE PLAYER wore a david duke shirt at a presser.


Commie Kaepernick wearing a castro shirt at a presser loudly and proudly is perfectly ok, since castro is such fucking hero to you fucking traitors.
Calm yourself, Princess... :auiqs.jpg:
We have become a very lenient society in man ways. We question a religious man who plays the sport as divisive over a criminal. And we have seen it over the years. The media always making statements to that direction. These fellows kneeling need to become good and wholesome people. Many are. Many are not. Sports have crossed the line into hypocracy.

Okay, you know what, Tebow never got the kind of abuse over his religious nutbaggery that Kapernick did for talking about a serious issue.

Frankly, I find the Tebow's "Jesus of the Touchdown" to be kind of insulting to Christians. God won't stop famine or plague or suffering, but he REALLY Cares about who wins a football game. This cartoon will show how fucking silly that is.

The media did not have to report and make comments on it as being divisive. And we know what a football game is. The truth is it helps to take the place of us bashing each others skulls in as we get to vent some of our aggressions. The media could have kept the religious issue lower and show some class. But then we know now, they are swamp creatures.

It seems you have no issue with athletes using their sport, and the megaphone sports leaders have, to promote values and ideals that YOU believe in, but are opposed to athletes using the playing of the national anthem to remind viewers that black people are still not equal to white people in the USA. They don't have the same rights, and when they are killed, their lives don't matter enough to merit charges from the police who carelessly kill them.

I have friends who vary from "deeply religious" to "avowed athiests". The people I find to be "divisive" are those who try to use the workplace for proslytizing. Tebow was the guy who made his religion an issue, not the media. Tebow bills himself as the most "openly Christian athlete in sports", and a "preacher in a football player's body". And you're cheering on his trivializing of God and faith using football.

It's no wonder that, despite his success on the field, he was traded from team to team. He was using the sport to promote his religion. I don't recall anyone saying anything about his Christianity, like "Shut up and pass the ball". But I do recall some bitch on FOX telling LeBron to "Shut up and dribble".

He was traded because he wasn't any good.
Each and every member of an NFL team has an absolute right to lift his voice in protest about any injustice they like...

The catch is: they do not have the right to do that "on the job" unless their employer weakens and grants them that privilege while on-the-clock...

When I watch a football game, I do so as a form of escapism... pure entertainment, for the sake of entertainment...

I am NOT entertained by a gaggle of overpaid over-muscled pampered sports princesses barging into the space I paid for and playing Pretend-Social-Justice-Warrior...

I get enough of that $hit on the news channels... I don't need it in-my-face during a football game...

Now... screw your heads back on the right way... suck it up... shut your phukking mouths... show proper respect to our country, and do what I paid you to do... entertain me...

Fail to do that I vote with my dollars, and refuse to either (a) purchase a ticket to one of your Campfire Girl pre-game shows or (b) watch you idiots on TV...

Full stop.
Go fuck yourself hypocrite. Bet you would be crying about freedom of speech lf a WHITE PLAYER wore a david duke shirt at a presser.


Commie Kaepernick wearing a castro shirt at a presser loudly and proudly is perfectly ok, since castro is such fucking hero to you fucking traitors.
Calm yourself, Princess... :auiqs.jpg:
Owl has the right of it, of course, and the NFL players are anything but cowards, like their critics.
Brett Favre actually had the gall to compare commie Kaepernick to Pat Tillman's sacrifice.

The epitome of what a dumb fucking redneck if there ever was one.
I think Brett took a few too many headshots.

Kap was a crappy player who needed something to get attention.
No, he just let the black mob get in his head
Won't serve their country in the military and some of the most physically fit young men in our society. To goddamn dumb to pass the ASVAB test in most cases...but somehow alumni and bullshit gets them a scholarship. Fuck you coward! Stand for the National Anthem. Pussy!
ALL Marxist are COWARDS !!!

Cowards are people who invent bone spurs to dodge military service and then call ones that went loosers...

Trump has insulted to the troops, to support Trump and then say you support the troops is highly hypocritical...
Brett Favre actually had the gall to compare commie Kaepernick to Pat Tillman's sacrifice.

The epitome of what a dumb fucking redneck if there ever was one.
I think Brett took a few too many headshots.

Kap was a crappy player who needed something to get attention.
No, he just let the black mob get in his head
I don't know much about football, but his stats aren't really impressive.

Hall of Fame Monitor

PFR HOF Monitor: 16.43 (131st among QB, average HOF QB is 101.39)

131st out of 250.

And he's never going to play football again.

Colin Kaeperick’s NFL Career Is Officially Over

Colin Kaepernick’s NFL career is officially over. For months, there has been quiet speculation regarding whether or not he will finally get a chance to return to the league that seemingly washed its hands of him four years ago.

Now we have our answer: no.

This week Mike Florio confirmed that despite NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell essentially coming out and wrapping his arms around Kaepernick, and irrespective of the very public endorsements the 32-year-old received from head coaches Anthony Lynn and Pete Carroll, nobody actually wants to sign him.

“Per a source with knowledge of the situation, Kaepernick has drawn no interest,” Florio wrote.​

That's okay. Nike is giving him millions to sell shoes.

Won't serve their country in the military and some of the most physically fit young men in our society. To goddamn dumb to pass the ASVAB test in most cases...but somehow alumni and bullshit gets them a scholarship. Fuck you coward! Stand for the National Anthem. Pussy!
ALL Marxist are COWARDS !!!

Cowards are people who invent bone spurs to dodge military service and then call ones that went loosers...

Trump has insulted to the troops, to support Trump and then say you support the troops is highly hypocritical...
You irrational Trump-haters will believe anything, won't you?
Pro sports industrial complex has a world of hurt headed their stadium in LA with the Rams playing Americas team and no one watched it....viewership down 28% from last years opening SNF......I'm hearing that some sports industry big wigs want this BLM shit to stop right f-ing now.....
Many of them have convictions for spouse abuse, rape, and murder. They couldn't join the military if they wanted to.

Like who?
Keep reading.
I already did. You clutched and didn't answer up.
Really? Post #11 says you're full of shit.
I asked, and you said to wait. That list is very old, and of the top 10 players arrested, none are recognizable. That's about 60 players per team, 32 teams, and 20 years. That's about 38,000 players.
You weren't even on this thread prior to Post #11.

How the fuck do you know, you stupid motherfucker?
Won't serve their country in the military and some of the most physically fit young men in our society. To goddamn dumb to pass the ASVAB test in most cases...but somehow alumni and bullshit gets them a scholarship. Fuck you coward! Stand for the National Anthem. Pussy!
ALL Marxist are COWARDS !!!

Cowards are people who invent bone spurs to dodge military service and then call ones that went loosers...

Trump has insulted to the troops, to support Trump and then say you support the troops is highly hypocritical...
Better tight that looser up. You wouldn't want to lose it!

How about the guy who invented childhood asthma, which is harder to prove exists?
What do you suggest Trump could do to stop the riots?

Well, to start with, he could sit down with BLM and the other activists and legitimately listen to their concerns, which are legitimate.

He could take positive action with Congress to pass major reforms, such as ending choke holds, ending qualified immunity, calling for greater transparency, creating a national database of law enforcement officers so that the guy who gets fired from one department for incompetence or misconduct doesn't show up in another city.

One of the things Obama did that helped a lot to calm down previous incidents was the DOJ engaging troubled police departments and coming to consent decrees to mandate reforms. Trump has pretty much abandoned Consent decrees.

Most of these actions wouldn't have immediate results, but they would show that he is engaged and taking it seriously.

Instead, he's encouraging his followers to stir up violence, which is just making it worse.

What do you suggest Trump could do to stop the riots?

Well, to start with, he could sit down with BLM and the other activists and legitimately listen to their concerns, which are legitimate.

He could take positive action with Congress to pass major reforms, such as ending choke holds, ending qualified immunity, calling for greater transparency, creating a national database of law enforcement officers so that the guy who gets fired from one department for incompetence or misconduct doesn't show up in another city.

One of the things Obama did that helped a lot to calm down previous incidents was the DOJ engaging troubled police departments and coming to consent decrees to mandate reforms. Trump has pretty much abandoned Consent decrees.

Most of these actions wouldn't have immediate results, but they would show that he is engaged and taking it seriously.

Instead, he's encouraging his followers to stir up violence, which is just making it worse.

View attachment 388858
Sit down with BLM? Why what do they have to say that is legitimate? Name a single case that BLM protested that was proven both wrong and racially motivated. They only one that comes close is George Floyd but where is the proof of it being racially motivated? They do not even wait for the justice system all they do is hate white cops no matter what. Look at the statistics on average a white man is more likely to get shot with his interaction with a police officer then a black man. There is no systemic racism except the Democrats refusal to stop using race as a weapon.

If any of those actions in congress were needed. Choke holds are not a problem in fact in some cases they need some more choking(pedos actually getting protected in CA when they need choked). Only thing that needs fixed is police abuse of power but it is across the board not racial. And how would it matter? Trump could have a cure to Covid and Dems would block it in Congress it is not Trump not willing to work with congress. As bad as you Dems hate Trump he still has about 10 times the favorability as congress.

In other words Obama promised them something then did nothing about it. Yeah he did that to the rest of us too.

Riots going to continue till election then either the Dems win and stfu. Or they lose and the Republican counter protesters will MAKE them stfu.

Do not see republicans out looting businesses and burning shit. And only a few instances of violence which are typically a republican protecting his home or property which is the EXACT reason for the 2nd amendment.

Not a single thing you said is true or helpful. Not a single thing you said would fix shit because the Dems want the violence, they want everything shut down and our economy to fail, And they want the virus running rampant. They have said and done things to prove this. They sabotaging the vaccine before it is even out of testing just in case it comes out before or near election. They keep arguing to keep schools shut down so parents can not work even though the science does not support their stance. They want you to wear a mask and follow guidelines yet do not actually think that is necessary or Nazi Pelosi(who would be a high risk person) does not even flinch to walk into a hair salon without a mask.

Fucking Dems out in the street cheering when 2 cops get shot in the face and even try to block them from getting medical attention. The people cheering should of got beat. ANd they people blocking the emergency room should of been shot.
What do you suggest Trump could do to stop the riots?

Well, to start with, he could sit down with BLM and the other activists and legitimately listen to their concerns, which are legitimate.

He could take positive action with Congress to pass major reforms, such as ending choke holds, ending qualified immunity, calling for greater transparency, creating a national database of law enforcement officers so that the guy who gets fired from one department for incompetence or misconduct doesn't show up in another city.

One of the things Obama did that helped a lot to calm down previous incidents was the DOJ engaging troubled police departments and coming to consent decrees to mandate reforms. Trump has pretty much abandoned Consent decrees.

Most of these actions wouldn't have immediate results, but they would show that he is engaged and taking it seriously.

Instead, he's encouraging his followers to stir up violence, which is just making it worse.

View attachment 388858
Sit down with BLM? Why what do they have to say that is legitimate? Name a single case that BLM protested that was proven both wrong and racially motivated. They only one that comes close is George Floyd but where is the proof of it being racially motivated? They do not even wait for the justice system all they do is hate white cops no matter what. Look at the statistics on average a white man is more likely to get shot with his interaction with a police officer then a black man. There is no systemic racism except the Democrats refusal to stop using race as a weapon.

If any of those actions in congress were needed. Choke holds are not a problem in fact in some cases they need some more choking(pedos actually getting protected in CA when they need choked). Only thing that needs fixed is police abuse of power but it is across the board not racial. And how would it matter? Trump could have a cure to Covid and Dems would block it in Congress it is not Trump not willing to work with congress. As bad as you Dems hate Trump he still has about 10 times the favorability as congress.

In other words Obama promised them something then did nothing about it. Yeah he did that to the rest of us too.

Riots going to continue till election then either the Dems win and stfu. Or they lose and the Republican counter protesters will MAKE them stfu.

Do not see republicans out looting businesses and burning shit. And only a few instances of violence which are typically a republican protecting his home or property which is the EXACT reason for the 2nd amendment.

Not a single thing you said is true or helpful. Not a single thing you said would fix shit because the Dems want the violence, they want everything shut down and our economy to fail, And they want the virus running rampant. They have said and done things to prove this. They sabotaging the vaccine before it is even out of testing just in case it comes out before or near election. They keep arguing to keep schools shut down so parents can not work even though the science does not support their stance. They want you to wear a mask and follow guidelines yet do not actually think that is necessary or Nazi Pelosi(who would be a high risk person) does not even flinch to walk into a hair salon without a mask.

Fucking Dems out in the street cheering when 2 cops get shot in the face and even try to block them from getting medical attention. The people cheering should of got beat. ANd they people blocking the emergency room should of been shot.
My suggestion is you ignore that loser. He is an unrepentant godless hypocritical blowhard traitor.

He celebrated the death of the humanitarian white girl that was kidnapped, held hostage for years, raped and murdered for no other reason than she was white and stink brown muslims are brown Christian hating, Israel hating, American hating scumbags.

He will deny it but that is what he did. He is scumbag and I pray I get to meet him when the war starts. That's all I know.

He can ignore the facts all he wants, but that means nothing. The players are heroes for what they are doing, those who attack them are moral cowards. Guys, we are not going back to 1945 to 1975.

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He can ignore the facts all he wants, but that means nothing. The players are heroes for what they are doing, those who attack them are moral cowards. Guys, we are not going back to 1945 to 1975.

View attachment 388965
Be fine if they were fighting for change in a responsible matter. But allying themselves with BLM is not peaceful it is supporting violence and a lie perpetrated by democratic race baiting tactics. Also when they protest they leave patriotism to the flag and our National Anthem out of it. Also do it on their own time not on the job. Try protesting and running your mouth about politics ata normal job and see what happens(well unless you a democrat at facebook).
Also unless they wait for the justice system to work first they have never been a legal protest. They are using intimidation to change the results of a case. They are breaking the law by denying the officers right to a fair trial. They are being extremely racist by assuming an officer is guilty just because he is white and the suspect is black. You have the right to protest but if that protest infringes on any other citizens rights it is ILLEGAL.
Protesters are not violent, Gaeandilth. Rioters and looters are violent. Most cops are not criminals, but some are criminally violent.

The protests by BLM and the NFL players and elementary kids and moms and teachers are most appropriate.

Things will change, or protests will continue.

Those who oppose the protests oppose the spirit of what makes America great.
Protesters are not violent, Gaeandilth. Rioters and looters are violent. Most cops are not criminals, but some are criminally violent.

The protests by BLM and the NFL players and elementary kids and moms and teachers are most appropriate.

Things will change, or protests will continue.

Those who oppose the protests oppose the spirit of what makes America great.
Ever hear about guilty by association. You at a protest when it turns to violence and do not leave you are just as guilty as the ones doing it. And that is the LAW. Also you protesting a case like George Floyd before the cop has even had his day in court you are breaking the LAW. It is called obstruction of justice and extortion if that protest becomes violent. Also it is violating that cops right to a fair trial by making it impossible for him to get an impartial jury.
You mean Biden will be elected or the protest will continue. But you are wrong once Trump wins(and 100 percent he will win) the protests WILL stop the American people will stop it guaranteed. In fact you Dems better keep your fucking mouth shut for a decade after this election(and once you see the results you will see why) or you party is OVER.
Ever hear of defense by association. You are wrong. We are not going back to 1945 to 1975. The police, individually and collectively, are going to get their act together or find new jobs.

I won't judge the entire force by the most violent cops if you won't judge the protesters by rioters and looters.

No middle ground exists; the police will change.

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