NFL Players are Cowards as Compared to General Population Who Serve in Military...but They Want to Agitate

So proud of the players that kneel and those that stand next to them with their hands on the kneelers' shoulders.

The kneelers are demonstrating during the anthem, which is a great time to demonstrate for a better America.
A few whackos exist on the far right and on the far left.

That is a fact
Many of them have convictions for spouse abuse, rape, and murder. They couldn't join the military if they wanted to.

Like who?
Keep reading.
I already did. You clutched and didn't answer up.
Really? Post #11 says you're full of shit.
I asked, and you said to wait. That list is very old, and of the top 10 players arrested, none are recognizable. That's about 60 players per team, 32 teams, and 20 years. That's about 38,000 players.
No Air Force pussy. Their right to do what? Protest something that is not supported by statistical data? Support a group of domestic terrorist that advocate murder of police officers? What a dick and a propaganda rube you are. Move to Iran or China if Biden is elected. They love the cocksucker over there because they hate the United States of America. Just like the Democrats do.

You're babbling, buddy.

I was in the Army, BTW. Not that any other branch of service isn't equally honorable.

They have a right to protest stuff and petition the government for a redress of grievances...

Or as a wise office said to me when we doing Civil Disturbance Training - "Those are your fellow citizens out there, they are damned angry about something, and they have every right to be."

Instead of doing the sensible thing and addressing legitimate complaints, Trump is using this unrest to try to scare people into voting for him. Like they were all going to forget HE'S in charge of the country.

I stand during the anthem always. However I have an easy easy time separating my standards from a sporting event. Kay da rah sa rah.
Each and every member of an NFL team has an absolute right to lift his voice in protest about any injustice they like...

The catch is: they do not have the right to do that "on the job" unless their employer weakens and grants them that privilege while on-the-clock...

When I watch a football game, I do so as a form of escapism... pure entertainment, for the sake of entertainment...

I am NOT entertained by a gaggle of overpaid over-muscled pampered sports princesses barging into the space I paid for and playing Pretend-Social-Justice-Warrior...

I get enough of that $hit on the news channels... I don't need it in-my-face during a football game...

Now... screw your heads back on the right way... suck it up... shut your phukking mouths... show proper respect to our country, and do what I paid you to do... entertain me...

Any team-owner with balls would say something akin to: Fail to do that, and I'll fire your overpaid a$$ for breach of contract, and hire different warm bodies who will...

Fail to entertain me or find people who will, and I vote with my dollars; refusing to (a) purchase a ticket to one of your Campfire Girl pre-game shows or (b) watch your TV.

Full stop.
Each and every member of an NFL team has an absolute right to lift his voice in protest about any injustice they like...

The catch is: they do not have the right to do that "on the job" unless their employer weakens and grants them that privilege while on-the-clock...

When I watch a football game, I do so as a form of escapism... pure entertainment, for the sake of entertainment...

I am NOT entertained by a gaggle of overpaid over-muscled pampered sports princesses barging into the space I paid for and playing Pretend-Social-Justice-Warrior...

I get enough of that $hit on the news channels... I don't need it in-my-face during a football game...

Now... screw your heads back on the right way... suck it up... shut your phukking mouths... show proper respect to our country, and do what I paid you to do... entertain me...

Fail to do that I vote with my dollars, and refuse to either (a) purchase a ticket to one of your Campfire Girl pre-game shows or (b) watch you idiots on TV...

Full stop.
Go fuck yourself hypocrite. Bet you would be crying about freedom of speech lf a WHITE PLAYER wore a david duke shirt at a presser.


Commie Kaepernick wearing a castro shirt at a presser loudly and proudly is perfectly ok, since castro is such fucking hero to you fucking traitors.

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