NFL player 6 foot 6 290lb player charges cop naked. Videos

Personal Foul, defense, number 58.....Illegal use of hands to the face. 15 yards, 1st down.

As we reported, cops say in police documents that McDowell stripped naked and was seen walking around near a school.

Officers say when they found him and confronted him, he attacked -- with one cop alleging the football player told him "f*** you" and then "charged at me ... at full speed with closed fist."

The officer claimed McDowell struck him so hard and so many times, he suffered injuries in the altercation -- including a badly swollen eye.

Cops say they were eventually able to take down McDowell using a taser. He was ultimately booked into jail on charges of aggravated battery on an officer, resisting and exposing sex organs in public.

The Browns released a statement on the arrest on Tuesday, saying, "We are aware of the very concerning incident and arrest involving Malik McDowell and are in the process of gathering more information."

"We understand the severity of this matter and our thoughts are for the well-being of all involved. … No further comment at this time."
this is his lawyers defense....“It’s possible that someone slipped something on him or gave him something he didn’t notice. This explains some of his weird behavior.”
Good luck with that excuse
Obviously another case of driving while black

and libs want to legalize drugs?

Just pot I believe.

Should we base our laws on the actions of those that abuse their freedoms?

Do you support trying for a new amendment to outlaw booze again since some people drive drunk?
Just pot I believe.

Should we base our laws on the actions of those that abuse their freedoms?

Do you support trying for a new amendment to outlaw booze again since some people drive drunk?
If I cant prevent pot from being legalized you cant prevent all harmful drugs from joining the party

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