Next Thursday, at the ballot box, we can correct this huge and historic mistake

Awhile back I had the TV on and a member of Parliament looked into the camera and said to America,
"I am about to go into this room and write a check to Brussels for absolutely nothing in return. If anyone understands taxation without representation, it is you. That is what this is."

My immediate thought was, "then stop writing the checks".
Outside the EU we can become richer, safer and free at long last to forge our own destiny — as America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and many other great democracies already do. And as we were the first to do centuries ago.

If we stay, Britain will be engulfed in a few short years by this relentlessly expanding German dominated federal state.

We urge our readers to beLEAVE in Britain and vote to quit the EU on June 23
It comes as no surprise that European conservatives are just as much ridiculous demagogues as American conservatives – and just as stupid and wrong.

And the United States is not a ‘democracy,’ it’s a Constitutional Republic.
the common rule: interaction is always better than the division. But if UK stays in EU, it will be nothing interesting to see.
So, of course UK will stay regardless the voting.
The mistake was that of the other original members of the EEC, now the EU, in allowing the UK to enter. The French were right when they resisted the UK's entry. The UK entered to try to destroy the integration of Europe. As was comically portrayed in this British TV show.

Outside the EU we can become richer, safer and free at long last to forge our own destiny — as America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and many other great democracies already do. And as we were the first to do centuries ago.

If we stay, Britain will be engulfed in a few short years by this relentlessly expanding German dominated federal state.

We urge our readers to beLEAVE in Britain and vote to quit the EU on June 23
Best to you in your efforts!!!! Stop third world invasion!!!!
Outside the EU we can become richer, safer and free at long last to forge our own destiny — as America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and many other great democracies already do. And as we were the first to do centuries ago.

If we stay, Britain will be engulfed in a few short years by this relentlessly expanding German dominated federal state.

We urge our readers to beLEAVE in Britain and vote to quit the EU on June 23
It comes as no surprise that European conservatives are just as much ridiculous demagogues as American conservatives – and just as stupid and wrong.

And the United States is not a ‘democracy,’ it’s a Constitutional Republic.

Thing is, they were all in. Now they want out. Why? And what can we learn about the Brussels machine, to avoid the same fate.
The UK entered to try to destroy the integration of Europe.

I'm curious, what about the integration of Europe is appealing? And the loss of your borders with the free movement law, is that a good thing considering the Muslim diaspora?
What has Brussels provided to the UK that would make one want to stay in the EU?
Is this vote to exit going to be a close one?
Outside the EU we can become richer, safer and free at long last to forge our own destiny — as America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and many other great democracies already do. And as we were the first to do centuries ago.

If we stay, Britain will be engulfed in a few short years by this relentlessly expanding German dominated federal state.

We urge our readers to beLEAVE in Britain and vote to quit the EU on June 23
It comes as no surprise that European conservatives are just as much ridiculous demagogues as American conservatives – and just as stupid and wrong.

And the United States is not a ‘democracy,’ it’s a Constitutional Republic.

Thing is, they were all in. Now they want out. Why? And what can we learn about the Brussels machine, to avoid the same fate.

Get and keep control of your borders.
The UK entered to try to destroy the integration of Europe.

I'm curious, what about the integration of Europe is appealing? And the loss of your borders with the free movement law, is that a good thing considering the Muslim diaspora?
What has Brussels provided to the UK that would make one want to stay in the EU?
Is this vote to exit going to be a close one?

The integration of Europe was/is appealing because it created a unified market without borders larger than the Before the EU, U.S. businesses held a competitive advantage because a U.S. business had a large internal market that individual countries in Europe did not have. Now, with an integrated Europe Airbus can compete with Boeing. The border of Europe is the external border of the EU. It needs to be better policed, that's all. Think of the EU states as US states in the final iteration of the EU.

Britain was going broke before it joined the EEC. It was in economic decline, in the 70s before Britain was allowed to enter, the then six EEC states France, Italy, West Germany, Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg had GDPs per capita 10% higher than Britain. Entry into the EEC opened up markets for Britain and saved the British economy.
The thought that the EU concept could become the equal of the United States without passing through the stages by which we got here is fantastical at best. Their national identities are as strong as were our state identities. Surely you recall what happened there.

Also, we did not have a hostile force actively looking to displace us as Europe currently does with ME and African populations.
The thought that the EU concept could become the equal of the United States without passing through the stages by which we got here is fantastical at best. Their national identities are as strong as were our state identities. Surely you recall what happened there.

Also, we did not have a hostile force actively looking to displace us as Europe currently does with ME and African populations.

Outside of Britain, European states, outside of mostly fascist/nationalist elements which are a minority, want integration. Britain leaving is the best thing that could happen for the EU. Scotland will probably leave the UK and join the EU as an independent state and perhaps Wales too.

The U.S. has a far larger non-Euro population than Europe, pretty soon non-Europeans will be a majority in the U.S. The numbers of people from the ME and Africa are tiny compared to the non-Europeans in the U.S. Easily handled and integrated, if they stop panicking.
The thought that the EU concept could become the equal of the United States without passing through the stages by which we got here is fantastical at best. Their national identities are as strong as were our state identities. Surely you recall what happened there.

Also, we did not have a hostile force actively looking to displace us as Europe currently does with ME and African populations.

Outside of Britain, European states, outside of mostly fascist/nationalist elements which are a minority, want integration.

Nothing is preventing that.

Britain leaving is the best thing that could happen for the EU.

Apparently, the EU doesn't think so.

Scotland will probably leave the UK and join the EU as an independent state and perhaps Wales too.

There are those who say so, but past events don't sustain that.

The U.S. has a far larger non-Euro population than Europe

The evidence please, not that it matters.

pretty soon non-Europeans will be a majority in the U.S.

Not for some time to come. If situations change, even that time will stretch.
1. Yes after the UK leaves integration will go forward.

2. EU leaders have to say that they want the UK to stay.

3. Scotland will probably join the EU as an independent state. Whether it does or does not is not important for the EU.

4. About 38% of the U.S. population is of non-European descent.

U.S. minorities increasingly in the majority

In the EU it is less than 10%.

5. "Demographers predict that the U.S. will be majority-minority for the first time by the mid-2040s."

The U.S. Steps Closer to Future Where Minorities Are the Majority

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