Newt Gingrinch interview on CBC "The National"


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Interview with Newt begins around 26 minutes in, a serious sit down interview. When the 3:00 min break part comes in, you have to fast forward a bit to get to the second part of the interview.

CBC News | The National

Worth watching what was posted, especially if you respect Newts candidness.

All quotes are paraphrases but accurate.

Typical CBC state run fear interview and negative suggestions about Trump, Newt goes after the "elite media" as he referred it. One of the best comments when asked by the interviewer after Newt had defended him and suggested the unfair comparison regarding Trumps comments and the actual actions of others. Was an interesting old school conservative vs a government supported liberal.

Talked about everything from politics to North Korea, deregulations, and the fact that Trump is there to shake up Washington. Even spoke about the VP nomination, which Newt called "Trump playing a game with the media", lol. Great stuff. Along with a few testy (not too testy) moments.

Notice how eager she is to suggest Trump cannot kill NAFTA without Congress. This has been the fall-back for Canada, probably with some backroom influence and suggestions by "The Resistance" and former politicians (you probably know who they are).

"So, do you think America in the world is in a better position?"

Newt: "Well, I think America is in a better position." also stated that "America is not being taken advantage of anymore" and that "sovereignty is in the middle of the International order, not globalization"

He also stated that "I really wish intellectual liberals would listen to Trumps UN speech, and they would understand how serious it was."

"Europe spent two generations has relied on the U.S military without paying their dues. Trump asking others , you really out to pay your dues, not too much to ask in NATO".

A good, cerebral interview, even though the interviewer is clearly thinking back to Canada losing massive influence in the world if globalization isn't "the thing" anymore, and America in particular gets back on track and not stepped on by everyone else wishing to hold hands and sing songs around the campfire.

These are old sneak attacks, made popular by under performing Communists. Good stuff Newt, you did well. If only Canadians would listen, learn and adapt, rather than remain a failed satellite of the British, and a neo-communist country with no accountability.
Interview with Newt begins around 26 minutes in, a serious sit down interview. When the 3:00 min break part comes in, you have to fast forward a bit to get to the second part of the interview.

CBC News | The National

Worth watching what was posted, especially if you respect Newts candidness.

All quotes are paraphrases but accurate.

Typical CBC state run fear interview and negative suggestions about Trump, Newt goes after the "elite media" as he referred it. One of the best comments when asked by the interviewer after Newt had defended him and suggested the unfair comparison regarding Trumps comments and the actual actions of others. Was an interesting old school conservative vs a government supported liberal.

Talked about everything from politics to North Korea, deregulations, and the fact that Trump is there to shake up Washington. Even spoke about the VP nomination, which Newt called "Trump playing a game with the media", lol. Great stuff. Along with a few testy (not too testy) moments.

Notice how eager she is to suggest Trump cannot kill NAFTA without Congress. This has been the fall-back for Canada, probably with some backroom influence and suggestions by "The Resistance" and former politicians (you probably know who they are).

"So, do you think America in the world is in a better position?"

Newt: "Well, I think America is in a better position." also stated that "America is not being taken advantage of anymore" and that "sovereignty is in the middle of the International order, not globalization"

He also stated that "I really wish intellectual liberals would listen to Trumps UN speech, and they would understand how serious it was."

"Europe spent two generations has relied on the U.S military without paying their dues. Trump asking others , you really out to pay your dues, not too much to ask in NATO".

A good, cerebral interview, even though the interviewer is clearly thinking back to Canada losing massive influence in the world if globalization isn't "the thing" anymore, and America in particular gets back on track and not stepped on by everyone else wishing to hold hands and sing songs around the campfire.

These are old sneak attacks, made popular by under performing Communists. Good stuff Newt, you did well. If only Canadians would listen, learn and adapt, rather than remain a failed satellite of the British, and a neo-communist country with no accountability.

Thank you....very good interview.
"under performing communists"

who knew? ;)
Jake is that really you?
It's the gipper. How are you doing?
JAKE!!! WTH have you been!!! I have been worried sick about you. I thought for sure the Alt-Right had bound and ball gagged you for gay porn.

I am so happy to see you are okay and returned to post your wonderful enlightening incites.
"insights" and thank you ;)

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