Newsweak: The Brown(shirt)ing of Grassroots...


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2009
Coimhéad fearg fhear na foighde™
Newsweak: The Brown(shirt)ing of Grassroots... Yeah, that's my Take on the Obvious Anti-REPUBLICan "Grassroots" Campaigns around the Country...

It's only Grassroots when the Left is going after the Right when Right's in Power.

The Browning of Grassroots
How astroturfing is taking over local activism.
How Grassroots Organizing Has Been Co-Opted | Newsweek Politics |

A few weeks ago, seemingly out of the blue, people suddenly began referring to President Obama's proposal to include end-of-life-care assistance into health-care legislation as the government formation of "death panels." The blogosphere lit up, and protesters at town-hall meetings began displaying signs expressing outrage over the impending forced death of the elderly. Though this seemed to be an expression of ground-up, grassroots activism, it was in fact a carefully constructed bit of astroturfing.

Fake-grassroots organizing—also dubbed "grasstops" or "astroturf" lobbying—isn't new. The phrase has been around since at least the 1980s. In 1994, when the Clinton White House was pushing its version of health-care reform, Washington-based interest groups fanned out to sign on local citizens to appear outraged. To be fair, this type of lobbying is perfectly legal, and in Washington, efforts to create faux average-Joe outrage is big business. Campaigns and Elections magazine estimated that it's close to a billion-dollar industry, and an unregulated one at that: where traditional lobbying firms have to disclose their contracts and clients, grasstop lobby shops argued successfully to Congress in 2007 that any monitoring of the collection of people's voices would infringe on free-speech rights.

What is new is how the method has become increasingly refined. "You used to see things like mass faxing and patching through calls to congressional offices," says Ken Silverstein, a Washington reporter who a decade ago wrote an expose on astroturfing for Mother Jones. Now, he says, suspicions have grown, leading grasstop organizers to take ever more subtle approaches: "When the old tactics become too obvious, these people become more clever to not get caught."


My God... Newsweak is Sourcing Mother Jones to Assist their Abjectly Biased Conclusion...

A Conclusion they Started with before ANY "Investigative Journalism" was Employed... As if it EVER was.

^Is the Newsweak's Idea of Honest "Grassroots"?...

I have been getting that Flyer in MultiMILLION Mass-emailings from Barry for WEEKS!...

This is so ****ing Dishonest on the Part of Newsweak that is just Shameful.

I added "shirt" to their Title because this Level of Propaganda Reminds of Hitler's Ministry of...

You are doing your Master Proud, Newsweak...

Continue Wiping your Ass with the First Amendment you Filthy Bastards!


Newsweak is owned by GE no? GE also owns NBC and the Washington Post and they have been busted on many occasions for being mere mouth-pieces for the Hopey Changey Administration. In fact the Washington Post was busted a couple of weeks ago for selling access to Hopey Changey's White House lackeys. So i wouldn't get too bothered about anything Newsweak says at this point. Most people understand that they are owned by GE and are certainly no longer a credible news source. This is just more of that bizarre Chris Matthews "Thrill up my Leg" stuff. Nothing to get too upset about.
Newsweak is owned by GE no? GE also owns NBC and the Washington Post and they have been busted on many occasions for being mere mouth-pieces for the Hopey Changey Administration. In fact the Washington Post was busted a couple of weeks ago for selling access to Hopey Changey's White House lackeys. So i wouldn't get too bothered about anything Newsweak says at this point. Most people understand that they are owned by GE and are certainly no longer a credible news source. This is just more of that bizarre Chris Matthews "Thrill up my Leg" stuff. Nothing to get too upset about.

Who's Upset?...



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