News that Ain't News


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
In addition to the "fake news" phenomenon, the Era of Trump has brought us a tsunami of News that Ain't News. Many publications and websites are flooded with it. And we should be concerned that too many people are reaching the point (or have reached the point) where they cannot distinguish actual news from NTAN.

Consider the Mueller Inquiry and all of its sub-plots. It would be possible to summarize ALL of the actual news coming out of that whole mess over the past one year plus in a couple of short paragraphs. A couple of unrelated indictments of Trump friends, a bunch of impotent, silly. indictments of Russians, one questionable guilty plea. And that's about it.

And yet the headlines are DAILY filled with multiple headlines that tell us NOTHING, and are based on either rumors, lies, speculation, or are completely made up by the news organization. Trump is preparing to fire [somebody]. How many times have we, the public, been assured that Trump was "this far" from pulling the trigger and firing Mueller? Fifty? We were even told that he had DECIDED to fire Mueller, but had been talked out of it.

This is total nonsense, and WE KNOW IT IS TOTAL NONSENSE. Trump constantly talks out of his ass, saying he's going to do one thing or another, knowing that the "adults" in the room will quickly explain to him all the reasons why he shouldn't or can't do it. To package one of his silly ramblings as an actual decision (assuming that such a thing was ever even uttered by the Great Man), is ridiculous.

Now we have the lawyer for the Tell-All Slut getting headlines for saying that his client has been physically threatened, or that people are trying to intimidate her into silence. And we are supposed to take this seriously? It is bullshit, to be exact, and not to be taken seriously by anyone.

How many headlines have we read about "the REAL reason why Trump fired Comey"? Use your fucking head; THERE WERE MANY REASONS WHY TRUMP FIRED COMEY, and it will literally be impossible to "prove" in any forum whatsoever, that Trump fired Comey to stop the bullshit Russia-collusion investigation. Can you even imagine trying to prove that Trump was motivated to do something by a single factor? It is craziness.

The 24-hour news cycle is a pox on the MSM. They have to come up with something "exciting" to report every single day, and most days, there simply isn't anything all that exciting. So they report NOTHING as though it were important "news."

At least it makes reading the paper easy and quick. Half of the "stories" can be ignored just by looking at the headlines and recognizing that they are not news at all.

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