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A couple of years ago this same thing happened in San Jose, and it pretty much faded away from view. If I remember correctly someone set up near a substation and shot holes in the distribution transformers with a small caliber gun from a distance. Not much skill or special equipment required. The holes let the coolant drain from the core and either the hi temp device shuts it down or the windings meltdown. Either way the unit is out of service. I was thinking at the time it looked like someone was gauging response to the event, and was maybe a trial run for something else. The fby looked at it and decided it wasn't terrorism only because no one bragged about it. It seemed pretty fishy to me at the time and I forgot about it. As to who might do such a thing, we may never be told what is known. 'Military-Style' Raid on California Power Station Spooks U.S.

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