Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel

The "Phobia" part in "Islamophobia",
is a cover for a failure at forced conversion, and opposition to the wonders of dhimmitude.
It is nothing more than bigotry.

It is not, and it is certainly not irrational.
During the mid 19th century my grand grand father gave away several stores in Jaffo as "protection" for his friends' family.
Common in local practice, his children would be taken to Muslim families and converted, especially the girls first, This was one of the common and a real dangers of the Jewish minority living under a Muslim rule.

The Jews of Safed, Tiberias, Jerusalem and Hebron were expelled in spite of paying "protection" to Arab tribes. That was on top of the double, and in Jerusalem a triple Ottoman tax the Jews were forced to pay,

When someone says they want a Caliphate to replace Israel, we believe them - that is not an irrational fear from some TV screen thousands of miles away. That's 3 hours drive away from home.

Islamophobic hate has led to the murder of 49 innocent people in New Zealand, and as many more injured.

That is bigotry. Time to quit pretending it doesn’t exist.

Is it bigotry like
when Linda Sarsour threatened that Mrs. Ayyan Ali should be taken her sexual organs away for criticizing Islam, or was it bigotry when she threw the "white man" as an attack against the guy for asking her about it?

I think, that's exactly what You're trying here.
Last edited:
The "Phobia" part in "Islamophobia",
is a cover for a failure at forced conversion, and opposition to the wonders of dhimmitude.
It is nothing more than bigotry.

It is not, and it is certainly not irrational.
During the mid 19th century my grand grand father gave away several stores in Jaffo as "protection" for his friends' family.
Common in local practice, his children would be taken to Muslim families and converted, especially the girls first, This was one of the common and a real dangers of the Jewish minority living under a Muslim rule.

The Jews of Safed, Tiberias, Jerusalem and Hebron were expelled in spite of paying "protection" to Arab tribes. That was on top of the double, and in Jerusalem a triple Ottoman tax the Jews were forced to pay,

When someone says they want a Caliphate to replace Israel, we believe them - that is not an irrational fear from some TV screen thousands of miles away. That's 3 hours drive away from home.

Islamophobic hate has led to the murder of 49 innocent people in New Zealand, and as many more injured.

That is bigotry. Time to quit pretending it doesn’t exist.

Is it bigotry like
when Linda Sarsour threatened that Mrs. Ayyan Ali should be taken her sexual organs away for criticizing Islam, or was it bigotry when she threw the "white man" as an attack against the guy for asking her about it?

I think, that's exactly what You're trying here.
Stop pretending anti Islamic bigotry doesn’t exist or is somehow peculiarly justified when it comes to Muslims. Hatred like that leads to violence, discrimination and even murder. Maybe it is time to stop making excuses for it and condemn it for what it is. Am I defending Ms. Sarsour’s statements, why no, I am not.

Try another tactic.
The "Phobia" part in "Islamophobia",
is a cover for a failure at forced conversion, and opposition to the wonders of dhimmitude.
It is nothing more than bigotry.

It is not, and it is certainly not irrational.
During the mid 19th century my grand grand father gave away several stores in Jaffo as "protection" for his friends' family.
Common in local practice, his children would be taken to Muslim families and converted, especially the girls first, This was one of the common and a real dangers of the Jewish minority living under a Muslim rule.

The Jews of Safed, Tiberias, Jerusalem and Hebron were expelled in spite of paying "protection" to Arab tribes. That was on top of the double, and in Jerusalem a triple Ottoman tax the Jews were forced to pay,

When someone says they want a Caliphate to replace Israel, we believe them - that is not an irrational fear from some TV screen thousands of miles away. That's 3 hours drive away from home.

Islamophobic hate has led to the murder of 49 innocent people in New Zealand, and as many more injured.

That is bigotry. Time to quit pretending it doesn’t exist.

Is it bigotry like
when Linda Sarsour threatened that Mrs. Ayyan Ali should be taken her sexual organs away for criticizing Islam, or was it bigotry when she threw the "white man" as an attack against the guy for asking her about it?

I think, that's exactly what You're trying here.
We live in truly Orwellian times . A very courageous true feminist is attacked in violently misogynistic ways by an Islamist who is in control of the so- called women's movement and none of the benightedly unintelligent leftists bat an eye.
The "Phobia" part in "Islamophobia",
is a cover for a failure at forced conversion, and opposition to the wonders of dhimmitude.
It is nothing more than bigotry.

It is not, and it is certainly not irrational.
During the mid 19th century my grand grand father gave away several stores in Jaffo as "protection" for his friends' family.
Common in local practice, his children would be taken to Muslim families and converted, especially the girls first, This was one of the common and a real dangers of the Jewish minority living under a Muslim rule.

The Jews of Safed, Tiberias, Jerusalem and Hebron were expelled in spite of paying "protection" to Arab tribes. That was on top of the double, and in Jerusalem a triple Ottoman tax the Jews were forced to pay,

When someone says they want a Caliphate to replace Israel, we believe them - that is not an irrational fear from some TV screen thousands of miles away. That's 3 hours drive away from home.

Islamophobic hate has led to the murder of 49 innocent people in New Zealand, and as many more injured.

That is bigotry. Time to quit pretending it doesn’t exist.

Is it bigotry like
when Linda Sarsour threatened that Mrs. Ayyan Ali should be taken her sexual organs away for criticizing Islam, or was it bigotry when she threw the "white man" as an attack against the guy for asking her about it?

I think, that's exactly what You're trying here.
Stop pretending anti Islamic bigotry doesn’t exist or is somehow peculiarly justified when it comes to Muslims. Hatred like that leads to violence, discrimination and even murder. Maybe it is time to stop making excuses for it and condemn it for what it is. Am I defending Ms. Sarsour’s statements, why no, I am not.

Try another tactic.

So I still don't get it, was Sarsour's response bigotry?
Omar might be unhappy about the money that Israel’s U.S. supporters spend to advocate on its behalf. AIPAC and other domestic advocates spent roughly $5 million on lobbying last year. But, once again, she seems to be exhibiting a nasty case of selective outrage. To cite another example, the nation’s teachers’ unions, also spent about $5 million in lobbying in 2018, almost exactly the same as Israel’s backers. Which has elicited no public response from Omar.

I don’t always agree with the teachers’ unions. I support charter schools and other reforms that they tend to oppose. But I don’t doubt for a moment that they are fully committed to the best education possible for our nation’s schoolchildren. I will criticize their conclusions and disagree them virulently when I think they’re wrong, but I don’t question their integrity or their loyalty. People can be incorrect without being evil.

Similarly, they are many strident critics of Israel’s government who don’t resort to personal vitriol and vindictiveness when mounting a policy-based attack. I might not like anti-Zionism, but I recognize that those who argue with the policies I support to ensure the safety and security of the Jewish state are entitled to their opinions, too.

But that’s not who Ilhan Omar is. In her diatribes, she rarely even bothers to mention settlements or the Iran nuclear agreement or any other aspect of Middle Eastern geo-politics.

(full article online)

For Ilhan Omar, It’s Not About Israel, It’s About the Jews — Jewish Journal
It is nothing more than bigotry.

It is not, and it is certainly not irrational.
During the mid 19th century my grand grand father gave away several stores in Jaffo as "protection" for his friends' family.
Common in local practice, his children would be taken to Muslim families and converted, especially the girls first, This was one of the common and a real dangers of the Jewish minority living under a Muslim rule.

The Jews of Safed, Tiberias, Jerusalem and Hebron were expelled in spite of paying "protection" to Arab tribes. That was on top of the double, and in Jerusalem a triple Ottoman tax the Jews were forced to pay,

When someone says they want a Caliphate to replace Israel, we believe them - that is not an irrational fear from some TV screen thousands of miles away. That's 3 hours drive away from home.

Islamophobic hate has led to the murder of 49 innocent people in New Zealand, and as many more injured.

That is bigotry. Time to quit pretending it doesn’t exist.

Is it bigotry like
when Linda Sarsour threatened that Mrs. Ayyan Ali should be taken her sexual organs away for criticizing Islam, or was it bigotry when she threw the "white man" as an attack against the guy for asking her about it?

I think, that's exactly what You're trying here.
Stop pretending anti Islamic bigotry doesn’t exist or is somehow peculiarly justified when it comes to Muslims. Hatred like that leads to violence, discrimination and even murder. Maybe it is time to stop making excuses for it and condemn it for what it is. Am I defending Ms. Sarsour’s statements, why no, I am not.

Try another tactic.

So I still don't get it, was Sarsour's response bigotry?

I don’t think her response to Ali in and of itself was bigotry, what group was the bigotry targeting? As to her white man comment, it could be but I would like to see the actual quote. I don’t follow her or pay much attention to her.
The "Phobia" part in "Islamophobia",
is a cover for a failure at forced conversion, and opposition to the wonders of dhimmitude.
It is nothing more than bigotry.

It is not, and it is certainly not irrational.
During the mid 19th century my grand grand father gave away several stores in Jaffo as "protection" for his friends' family.
Common in local practice, his children would be taken to Muslim families and converted, especially the girls first, This was one of the common and a real dangers of the Jewish minority living under a Muslim rule.

The Jews of Safed, Tiberias, Jerusalem and Hebron were expelled in spite of paying "protection" to Arab tribes. That was on top of the double, and in Jerusalem a triple Ottoman tax the Jews were forced to pay,

When someone says they want a Caliphate to replace Israel, we believe them - that is not an irrational fear from some TV screen thousands of miles away. That's 3 hours drive away from home.

Islamophobic hate has led to the murder of 49 innocent people in New Zealand, and as many more injured.

That is bigotry. Time to quit pretending it doesn’t exist.

Is it bigotry like
when Linda Sarsour threatened that Mrs. Ayyan Ali should be taken her sexual organs away for criticizing Islam, or was it bigotry when she threw the "white man" as an attack against the guy for asking her about it?

I think, that's exactly what You're trying here.
We live in truly Orwellian times . A very courageous true feminist is attacked in violently misogynistic ways by an Islamist who is in control of the so- called women's movement and none of the benightedly unintelligent leftists bat an eye.
And 50 innocent people were murdered in a violent way by an Islamophobic bigot and none of the unintelligent rightists bat an eye.
[ "White" Linda Sarsour, when it suits her, does not seem to like either white men or women ]

Women’s March Co-Chair Linda Sarsour on Monday night attacked Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi as a “typical white feminist upholding the patriarchy doing the dirty work of powerful white men,” in response to a House resolution condemning anti-Semitism.

An investigation published by Tablet Magazine in December revealed Women’s March leaders repeatedly made anti-Semitic remarks, including spreading conspiracy theories about Jews being responsible for the slave trade.

The investigation also found that Women’s March used Nation of Islam members for their security.

Sarsour was unapologetic about the Farrakhan controversy as recently as January, when she taped a podcast with left-wing media outlet Democracy Now.

Linda Sarsour Attacks ‘White Feminist’ Nancy Pelosi
It is not, and it is certainly not irrational.
During the mid 19th century my grand grand father gave away several stores in Jaffo as "protection" for his friends' family.
Common in local practice, his children would be taken to Muslim families and converted, especially the girls first, This was one of the common and a real dangers of the Jewish minority living under a Muslim rule.

The Jews of Safed, Tiberias, Jerusalem and Hebron were expelled in spite of paying "protection" to Arab tribes. That was on top of the double, and in Jerusalem a triple Ottoman tax the Jews were forced to pay,

When someone says they want a Caliphate to replace Israel, we believe them - that is not an irrational fear from some TV screen thousands of miles away. That's 3 hours drive away from home.

Islamophobic hate has led to the murder of 49 innocent people in New Zealand, and as many more injured.

That is bigotry. Time to quit pretending it doesn’t exist.

Is it bigotry like
when Linda Sarsour threatened that Mrs. Ayyan Ali should be taken her sexual organs away for criticizing Islam, or was it bigotry when she threw the "white man" as an attack against the guy for asking her about it?

I think, that's exactly what You're trying here.
Stop pretending anti Islamic bigotry doesn’t exist or is somehow peculiarly justified when it comes to Muslims. Hatred like that leads to violence, discrimination and even murder. Maybe it is time to stop making excuses for it and condemn it for what it is. Am I defending Ms. Sarsour’s statements, why no, I am not.

Try another tactic.

So I still don't get it, was Sarsour's response bigotry?

I don’t think her response to Ali in and of itself was bigotry, what group was the bigotry targeting? As to her white man comment, it could be but I would like to see the actual quote. I don’t follow her or pay much attention to her.

Wait what, it took You an hour to come up with that weasel?

I really don't see how my opposition to the caliphate, sharia and dhimittude, or elimination of Israel,
have anything to do with what You actually said.
Last edited:
Originally posted by rylah
Is it bigotry like when Linda Sarsour

Originally posted by Sixties Fan
"White" Linda Sarsour, when it suits her, does not seem to like either white men or women


Who the hell are you talking about, people??

Linda Farfour?? :confused-84::confused-84::confused-84::confused-84::confused-84::confused-84::confused-84:





[ It would be nice if the Democratic party would start understanding what the issue is. Later.....maybe. So far...... ]

Why Is a Jewish Democrat Defending Ilhan Omar?

Even nicer if more Jewish people would start to recognize that the Democratic Party now kowtows to Islamic and black antisemites.

The party to which I was a member for many decades has devolved to the point there is no actual political philosophy these days, much less a liberal one. It is now simply whorring for votes based upon identity.
[ It would be nice if the Democratic party would start understanding what the issue is. Later.....maybe. So far...... ]

Why Is a Jewish Democrat Defending Ilhan Omar?

Even nicer if more Jewish people would start to recognize that the Democratic Party now kowtows to Islamic and black antisemites.

The party to which I was a member for many decades has devolved to the point there is no actual political philosophy these days, much less a liberal one. It is now simply whorring for votes based upon identity.
I disagree but this is not the thread to discuss this.

By the way, most American Jews do vote Democrat. There is a reason for it.
[ It would be nice if the Democratic party would start understanding what the issue is. Later.....maybe. So far...... ]

Why Is a Jewish Democrat Defending Ilhan Omar?

Even nicer if more Jewish people would start to recognize that the Democratic Party now kowtows to Islamic and black antisemites.

The party to which I was a member for many decades has devolved to the point there is no actual political philosophy these days, much less a liberal one. It is now simply whorring for votes based upon identity.
White Supremacy is not much different from Leftist Identity politics.
Both frame everything in terms of race and skin color like a badge of honor.
One blames anyone who's not white, the other blames all ills of the world on the white man.

Both hate each other, though one thing in common - obsession about powerful Jews and Israel.
Islamophobic hate has led to the murder of 49 innocent people in New Zealand, and as many more injured.

That is bigotry. Time to quit pretending it doesn’t exist.

Is it bigotry like
when Linda Sarsour threatened that Mrs. Ayyan Ali should be taken her sexual organs away for criticizing Islam, or was it bigotry when she threw the "white man" as an attack against the guy for asking her about it?

I think, that's exactly what You're trying here.
Stop pretending anti Islamic bigotry doesn’t exist or is somehow peculiarly justified when it comes to Muslims. Hatred like that leads to violence, discrimination and even murder. Maybe it is time to stop making excuses for it and condemn it for what it is. Am I defending Ms. Sarsour’s statements, why no, I am not.

Try another tactic.

So I still don't get it, was Sarsour's response bigotry?

I don’t think her response to Ali in and of itself was bigotry, what group was the bigotry targeting? As to her white man comment, it could be but I would like to see the actual quote. I don’t follow her or pay much attention to her.

Wait what, it took You an hour to come up with that weasel?

I really don't see how my opposition to the caliphate, sharia and dhimittude, or elimination of Israel,
have anything to do with what You actually said.

Let me see. You ask me whether I think a quote is bigotry, fail to provide any of the quotes and when asked for it accuse the response of being a weasel. I had no idea it was that difficult for you to support your statements.

I have no idea why you are incapable of condemning acts of hate against Muslims, but then again....I don’t much care, it is what it is.
Is it bigotry like
when Linda Sarsour threatened that Mrs. Ayyan Ali should be taken her sexual organs away for criticizing Islam, or was it bigotry when she threw the "white man" as an attack against the guy for asking her about it?

I think, that's exactly what You're trying here.
Stop pretending anti Islamic bigotry doesn’t exist or is somehow peculiarly justified when it comes to Muslims. Hatred like that leads to violence, discrimination and even murder. Maybe it is time to stop making excuses for it and condemn it for what it is. Am I defending Ms. Sarsour’s statements, why no, I am not.

Try another tactic.

So I still don't get it, was Sarsour's response bigotry?

I don’t think her response to Ali in and of itself was bigotry, what group was the bigotry targeting? As to her white man comment, it could be but I would like to see the actual quote. I don’t follow her or pay much attention to her.

Wait what, it took You an hour to come up with that weasel?

I really don't see how my opposition to the caliphate, sharia and dhimittude, or elimination of Israel,
have anything to do with what You actually said.

Let me see. You ask me whether I think a quote is bigotry, fail to provide any of the quotes and when asked for it accuse the response of being a weasel. I had no idea it was that difficult for you to support your statements.

I have no idea why you are incapable of condemning acts of hate against Muslims, but then again....I don’t much care, it is what it is.

Ho did this thread turn into another "condemning acts of hate against Muslims'
when the theme is a Muslim Congress representative supporting Israel's elimination?
Last edited:
Stop pretending anti Islamic bigotry doesn’t exist or is somehow peculiarly justified when it comes to Muslims. Hatred like that leads to violence, discrimination and even murder. Maybe it is time to stop making excuses for it and condemn it for what it is. Am I defending Ms. Sarsour’s statements, why no, I am not.

Try another tactic.

So I still don't get it, was Sarsour's response bigotry?

I don’t think her response to Ali in and of itself was bigotry, what group was the bigotry targeting? As to her white man comment, it could be but I would like to see the actual quote. I don’t follow her or pay much attention to her.

Wait what, it took You an hour to come up with that weasel?

I really don't see how my opposition to the caliphate, sharia and dhimittude, or elimination of Israel,
have anything to do with what You actually said.

Let me see. You ask me whether I think a quote is bigotry, fail to provide any of the quotes and when asked for it accuse the response of being a weasel. I had no idea it was that difficult for you to support your statements.

I have no idea why you are incapable of condemning acts of hate against Muslims, but then again....I don’t much care, it is what it is.

Ho did this thread turn into another "condemning acts of hate against Muslims'
when the theme is a Muslim Congress representative supporting Israel's elimination?

All threads involving Islam follow the same pattern here.

Of course, this can't possibly be intentional in any way, mind you. It's just a random pattern where hundreds and hundreds of threads all end up the same way.

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