Newest Adopted Critter


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
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Her name is Gracie,, sad looking sack ain't she?

so then i takes my 14 year old black and white cat to the vet today cause his stomach looks and feels all bloated,, and It scared the hell outta me caus my other cat died in Feb. with stomach cancer,, and the vet she walks out as says "No way to say this politely but yer cat is fat as hell and full of shit too." :lol::lol::lol: I was glad it wasn't cancer,, but you can't put a cat on a diet cause it will cause their livers to go all whacko.. so now what?:confused:

Good for you Willow!

We just took our new baby kitty to get her shots today! Oh, and she's a he! :lol:

There's a difference between putting a cat on a diet and taking away the all day buffet, you know.

I got two kittens for the kids, long story but now I have the terrier who wants to eat them and the two kittens who are very rambunctious, friendly and assertive. So while the dog is trying to get out to where the kittens are, the kittens are trying to dart in.

I have a terrible feeling about it. I got a harness for my dog, and actually let her meet them face to face...and she does grab their fur and tries to pull them (and ultimately shake and kill them, I know) so we're working on that. She's pretty smart, though. Hopefully I can get her trained without any fatalities. Also, they aren't tiny, so they are a little ahead of the game. I looked for a muzzle for her, but couldn't find one, and might just make one. I used to make them for the dogs I groomed years ago. I THINK she'll be okay, but it only takes once and I don't even want to go there.
Feed your cat twice a day. Or put it on a chicken and tuna diet. They sleek down pretty nicely.
What a cutie! Make sure you give her plenty of water:

That's the cutest water bowl I've ever seen.

EZ, man up and start giving the shots yourself! There's nothing to it...

Well, except for the rabies shot. They won't let us give those ourselves.
Here they are Pookie and Bandit. They were best buds, raised together since kittenhood,, Pookie the orangish white one is the one who died.. fatso is the black and white one.

Bandit's baby picture.

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17.5 is one big ass males...fixed...weight in at 10 is hard to slim that down....i would stay with a high quality food....less of it...feeding twice a day...there are diet foods but i would go with a raw diet before diet foods
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