New York Gov. Cuomo pardons illegal immigrants facing deportation for crimes


Gold Member
May 22, 2018
Realityville, USA

New York Gov. Cuomo pardons illegal immigrants facing deportation for crimes — Fox News

Gov. Andrew Cuomo pardoned several illegal immigrants Monday in order to help them avoid deportation.

The New York Democrat, who is up for re-election this year, pardoned seven people who had minor criminal convictions, ranging from petty larceny to drug possession, his office said.
And with the pardons, Cuomo didn't miss the opportunity to take a dig at the Trump administration and its "zero-tolerance" immigration policies that left thousands of minors separated from their families after illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico border.

"At a time when President Trump and the Federal government are waging a war on our immigrant communities, New York stands firm in our belief that our diversity is our greatest strength," Cuomo said in a statement.

"While President Trump engages in policies that rip children out of the arms of their mothers and tries to ramp up the deportation of New Yorkers to advance his political agenda of hate and division, we will protect our immigrant communities," Cuomo continued. "With the Statue of Liberty in our harbor, New York will always stand against the hate coming out of Washington and instead serve as a beacon of hope and opportunity for all."

The separation of minors from their parents was swiftly and harshly criticized by many on both sides of the aisle. After the national outrage, Trump signed an executive order in June allowing families to remain together in detention. The administration is still working on reuniting those who have been separated; nearly 1,200 were reunited by this week.

According to the U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement agency, a 2017 executive order from Trump expanded the agency's focus to include removing immigrants who have been convicted or charged with a criminal offense, among other things.

Frank Barker, 43, was among those pardoned Monday, according to the governor's office. He was convicted for criminal possession of stolen property and controlled substances and identity theft which stemmed from a drug addiction.

Also pardoned are: Jose Rafael Cruz, 53, who was convicted of a sale of a controlled substance; Ludames De La Cruz, 53, who was convicted for an attempted sale of a controlled substance; Elpidio Rodriguez, 57, who was convicted of criminal possession of a controlled substance and operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated; Tamar Samuda, 35, who was convicted nearly two decades ago for low-level assault and petit larceny; Marino Soto, 43, who was convicted of criminal possession of a controlled substance; and Carlos Suarez, 41, who was convicted for petit larceny.

Cuomo faces a primary challenger in Cynthia Nixon, an actress and progressive activist who has been credited with pushing the governor to the left in the race.

During the campaign, Nixon has called for the abolishment of ICE. Lauren Hitt, a spokeswoman for Nixon, told Newsday that while Cuomo's pardoning was good, Nixon would do more to "end the deportation pipeline" by allowing undocumented immigrants to obtain driver's licenses.

Republican gubernatorial candidate Marc Molinaro's campaign accused Cuomo of political grandstanding with the pardons.

"Everything Andrew Cuomo does is for his own political benefit, regardless of whether it's right, wrong or dangerous to the public," spokeswoman Katherine Delgado told Newsday. "In this case, it's all about trying to out-liberal Cynthia Nixon for the September primary."

Cuomo has pardoned 34 people since taking office, according to a news release.
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Hey Cuomo, there’s a difference between immigrants and illegal immigrants. I know those you’re peddling to aren’t smart enough to know when you say “immigrant” you mean “illegal alien,” though I really hope most Americans aren’t that stupid.

Way to go, keeping persons convicted of assault and driving while intoxicated in New York... I’m sure as you say, these people will do well strengthening your state! When you say “We protect our immigrant communities” you’re really saying “We protect criminal illegals who have no right to stay here.”
How can anyone in their right mind believe Cuomo and Nixon would make New York a better place to live? Abolish ICE and give driver’s licenses to illegals? LOL total insanity.
Wouldn't illegal immigration be federal charges? The Governor of any state cannot pardon anyone held on a federal charge....

Wouldn't illegal immigration be federal charges? The Governor of any state cannot pardon anyone held on a federal charge....

Ask cuomo. He also said he was going to sue the supreme court a couple weeks ago. Dude isnt the brightest :dunno:
Wouldn't illegal immigration be federal charges? The Governor of any state cannot pardon anyone held on a federal charge....


He is pardoning illegal immigrants who have had their deportation put on the fast track ...
Because they have additional criminal charges against them.

The governor is not pardoning their immigration charge.
He is pardoning any additional charges for crimes they committed in his jurisdiction ...
That in turn qualify them for immediate deportation.

Sooner or later he may decide to pardon the crimes of more Americans ...
Why stop at illegal immigrants ... :dunno:


Didnt Jerry Brown do this earlier in the year with convicted criminals?
Wouldn't illegal immigration be federal charges? The Governor of any state cannot pardon anyone held on a federal charge....


He is pardoning illegal immigrants who have had their deportation put on the fast track ...
Because they have additional criminal charges against them.

The governor is not pardoning their immigration charge.
He is pardoning any additional charges for crimes they committed in his jurisdiction ...
That in turn qualify them for immediate deportation.

Sooner or later he may decide to pardon the crimes of more Americans ...
Why stop at illegal immigrants ... :dunno:



Seems pretty reckless.
Seems pretty reckless.

That's what happens when populism overtakes reason in governing.
I wouldn't say the governor is the only example though.

When the People replace responsible governance ...
Chasing specific issues and personal desires ...
Reckless measures become abundant.

There is no cure ... Expect more, the more power the People grant the government.


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