New York Fails to Inspect Abortion Clinics for Over a Decade

The GOP spent a few years torturing POWs to death in secret prisons. Tell us all about "evil".
Name one person who was "tortured to death" by the GOP? Do it or I neg your ass.

Manadel al-Jamadi. That's one.


Or did he die of natural causes?
The GOP spent a few years torturing POWs to death in secret prisons. Tell us all about "evil".

Name one of the GOP torturing POWs. Ill wait.

And if you think that compares to killing children and particularly targeting the children of minorities and others you find undesirable, you are so covered in blood, you cant see anything but red.
This is your government in action. Abortions clinics have often been found to have low standards. The left would like non-physicians performing abortions. They don't even like to bother them with inspections. Even though many other medical clinics don't do surgical procedures, they are held to a higher standard. Abortion is surgery. It needs to be done in a sanitary place where standards are just as high as other medical facilities. Of course, the left doesn't see it that way and they are more concerned that women get abortions, regardless of how safe the clinic is. As with any surgery, things can go wrong. When they do, a doctor needs to be there and a hospital should be a fairly short ambulance ride away. The left is fighting against abortion clinics being 30 minutes away from a hospital where the abortion doctor has admitting rights. The left also fights against the abortion clinics meeting the basic safety guidelines for clinics. What the hell is wrong with them?

I know they want population control, but they could at least think about the safety of the women. Hard to do when they refuse to acknowledge that abortion is an invasive procedure and that is is a big deal. Anything that can affect your health is a huge deal and yet they make abortions sound as simple as getting a manicure. Of course, nail salons probably get more inspections, like tanning salons do.

We keep hearing that abortions are just part of normal health care. Without getting into an abortion debate, can we discuss the fact that abortion clinics need to be safe because women are at risk if we allow the same conditions found at Gosnel's clinic. It's just unacceptable to skip inspections for something this important. I just want everyone to get real here. Save your opinion on abortions and just focus on the standards required for the safety of women's health.

According to The New York Post, the Department of Health in New York has, for more than a decade, failed to inspect a number of abortion clinics that it is charged with monitoring.

The Post reports: “Eight of the 25 clinics were never inspected over the 2000–12 span, five were inspected just once, and eight were inspected only twice or three times—meaning once every four or six years.”

In comparison, the Post notes, other industries, like tanning salons and restaurants, are inspected every year or every other year.

New York Fails to Inspect Abortion Clinics for Over a Decade

New York Fails to Inspect Abortion Clinics for Over a Decade

The same post edited to show factual content only:

This is your government in action. Abortion is surgery. It needs to be done in a sanitary place where standards are just as high as other medical facilities. As with any surgery, things can go wrong. When they do, a doctor needs to be there and a hospital should be a fairly short ambulance ride away.

Of course, nail salons probably get more inspections, like tanning salons do.

We keep hearing that abortions are just part of normal health care. Without getting into an abortion debate, can we discuss the fact that abortion clinics need to be safe because women are at risk if we allow the same conditions found at Gosnel's clinic. It's just unacceptable to skip inspections for something this important. I just want everyone to get real here. Save your opinion on abortions and just focus on the standards required for the safety of women's health.

According to The New York Post, the Department of Health in New York has, for more than a decade, failed to inspect a number of abortion clinics that it is charged with monitoring.

The Post reports: “Eight of the 25 clinics were never inspected over the 2000–12 span, five were inspected just once, and eight were inspected only twice or three times—meaning once every four or six years.”

In comparison, the Post notes, other industries, like tanning salons and restaurants, are inspected every year or every other year.

New York Fails to Inspect Abortion Clinics for Over a Decade

New York Fails to Inspect Abortion Clinics for Over a Decade

So instead of it being a socially retarded talking-point spewfest, the OP now shows that NYC women's clinics aren't getting inspected often enough.

Funny how the Heritage Foundation didn't complain about the lack of inspections in East, Texas. It's also odd that they didn't explain why there are so few inspectors.
Funny how the Heritage Foundation didn't complain about the lack of inspections in East, Texas. It's also odd that they didn't explain why there are so few inspectors.

You mean the fact that the Democrats fillibuster any efforts to actully provide standards and oversee clinics? Heck, that's Ms. Davis's claim to fame.
Democrat administrations fear the abortion lobby more than they care about enforcing the law.

The far right doesn't understand anything but fear and violence. They think everyone else in the country is the same way.

I thank the gods and goddesses that the wingnuts' 15 minutes are up.
Funny how the Heritage Foundation didn't complain about the lack of inspections in East, Texas. It's also odd that they didn't explain why there are so few inspectors.

You mean the fact that the Democrats fillibuster any efforts to actully provide standards and oversee clinics? Heck, that's Ms. Davis's claim to fame.

I'm talking about republicans' refusal to fund federal, state, and local inspectors, and chipping away at health codes, the EPA, worker safety guidelines, school safety codes... it's a loooonnng list.
Name one person who was "tortured to death" by the GOP? Do it or I neg your ass.

Manadel al-Jamadi. That's one.


Or did he die of natural causes?
Hmm, interesting that Eric Holder would decline to bring charges, don't you think?
No, it isn't interesting. It's criminal. Republicans can't be charged for their very obvious war crimes because then Democrats would be subject to the same prosecution, and vice versa. The system is designed to protect itself. This is why America's most despicable political criminals always get a Presidential pardon, sometimes even before they're brought to trial.
Manadel al-Jamadi. That's one.


Or did he die of natural causes?
Hmm, interesting that Eric Holder would decline to bring charges, don't you think?
No, it isn't interesting. It's criminal. Republicans can't be charged for their very obvious war crimes because then Democrats would be subject to the same prosecution, and vice versa. The system is designed to protect itself. This is why America's most despicable political criminals always get a Presidential pardon, sometimes even before they're brought to trial.
So, Eric Holder is a criminal?
Just because I say that Bush sucked does not mean that I love Obama or anyone near him. Just because I call out Bush as a war criminal does not mean that I voted for Obama and look the other way when Obama does the exact same thing as Bush. You only read it that way. Any slight against Republicans is automatically an endorsement of Democrats, right? WRONG.

This isn't even about debating abortion. It's about holding ALL medical people to the same high standards. Who in their right mind would have a problem with that?

After Gosnel caused that woman's death, it was discovered that his clinic hadn't been inspected in a very long time. He was using instruments that were rusty, had unclean conditions and was using outdated equipment. Safety clearly was not a priority. With inspections lacking, how do we know other clinics aren't just as bad?

And you would have thought that alone would have spurred on more inspections, yet it obviously didn't. What does that say?

The left just doesn't want to look too hard at things they support. Normally, they are quick to sound the alarms and create more regulations for the slightest infraction. A handful of people get hit by cars backing up so they want cameras in all cars. They don't apply that same logic here even though the lives of the women are at risk. Millions of abortions are performed annually and that means a lot of people potentially at risk, yet they refuse to discuss it because they don't want to say anything even remotely negative about abortion clinics. It's like they are scared to confront them. If they address this, they might be afraid that some will think twice about going to the clinics and that might mean fewer abortions. It might cause people to actually think about what goes on in the clinics and that is distasteful, to say the least.

Makes me think of Margaret Sanger...

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