New York---- Does Cruz a prayer? I hope so!

browsing deer

Silver Member
Jul 11, 2015
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in the forrest
95 delegates.... if Trump gets over 50% they are all his.

But if he gets under 50%, it is proportional.

The unfortunate thing is Cruz has insulted new yorkers. That was a big mistake
Cruz never had a prayer in New York. Did you happen to notice where Trump gave his speech? It was a public golf course that he built. Many many parks, the skating rink, the carousel. Trump is Mr. New York.
"New York values " = "those sneaky Jews! "
What happens to Hillary is Sanders wins? She might have been a classic carpetbagger when Bill paved the way for her senate run in NY by pardoning every Hispanic in freaking prison but NYC is her adopted home town. If she loses in NY she is toast.
She will lose New York to Trump even if she doesn't to Sanders.
Donald Trump wins New York. :2up:
"Go Ted! Er......I mean Go Trump! Ted!! Yeah! Cruz all the way! Well.....on second thought.....scratch that! Go Trump!! Make America great again!!"

.........says every Democrat, everywhere.

Two guys who will both crash and burn in the general against either Hillary or Bernie.

Watch them both get tossed aside by the RNC in Cleveland.
Cruz never had a prayer in New York. Did you happen to notice where Trump gave his speech? It was a public golf course that he built. Many many parks, the skating rink, the carousel. Trump is Mr. New York.
the skating rink, the carousel.
what an ignorant rubette, people in NY know the huckster, it is only the simple minded flyover rubes that have orgasms because of that carnival barker
Fewer than 100 people showed up to a Cruz NY event, thousands showed up for Trump's.
People were following Cruz screaming get out of the Bronx. Trump has New York in his pocket.
Fewer than 100 people showed up to a Cruz NY event, thousands showed up for Trump's.

Considering that "event" was a meeting with local pastors in a restaurant, id be surprised if thousands showed up. I doubt more than 100 people were invited
Cruz stumping in NY

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