New York City is a Sh** Hole

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019

I know I mentioned this before
When I used to go on gothamist ...which is a local nyc site about NYC
The comment section was populated by Native commies and mods

When deblazio was up for reelection ...they would all shred him in the comment section
Worst mayor ever ....blah blah ...progressives commies..hard core
And then they would go but I could never vote for a Republican ..because waycism and hate lol derp

No solid reasons to not give the grocer a shot ....he was a little whacky ..but he was a common sense business man who NEVER would of let it the destruction of Manhattan happen way no how

When the idiot governor grandma killer calls you an idiot youre a Supreme idiot Mr mayor ... but many of us natives and many more former residents already knew that

Civilization can turn on a dime ....overnight .and its never for the good ..

Nice job progressives !
You beat me to 14 minutes!;):auiqs.jpg:

The demise of New York Shitty is the fault of Coke-nose Quomo and Communist Warren Wilhelm, Jr. Both should be tarred and feathered!
If I had 10 lives to live, I would spend at least 1 of them living in NYC. I love that city

It was kinda ....wonderful ...for a long time ...
The good bad and the ugly

It really is no more

Most people are simply priced out of being able to live there. Even when I did it for a year a billion years ago, our rent was $3600/month on a 2 bedroom that was really an 1 bedroom they subdivided into 2. It took us about 8 months to even be able to land that place. The person I shared it with lived in the Y forever looking for apartments before I came.

As basic services break down Bubonic plague, typhoid, cholera, small pox, Spanish flu, AIDS, Malaria, etc, etc, etc,... all coming to a major metropolitan area near you.


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If I had 10 lives to live, I would spend at least 1 of them living in NYC. I love that city

It was kinda ....wonderful ...for a long time ...
The good bad and the ugly

It really is no more

Most people are simply priced out of being able to live there. Even when I did it for a year a billion years ago, our rent was $3600/month on a 2 bedroom that was really an 1 bedroom they subdivided into 2. It took us about 8 months to even be able to land that place. The person I shared it with lived in the Y forever looking for apartments before I came.

I spent 15 years in 3500 sq ft with a view of the skyline .......Brooklyn
I grew up there though...
You can find great restaurants of all types throughout the US and worldwide but in all my travels I have never found a great deli or a good bagel outside of New York city. If anyone can point to great places (delis and bagels) outside of NYC I would be love to hear about them.

I know I mentioned this before
When I used to go on gothamist ...which is a local nyc site about NYC
The comment section was populated by Native commies and mods

When deblazio was up for reelection ...they would all shred him in the comment section
Worst mayor ever ....blah blah ...progressives commies..hard core
And then they would go but I could never vote for a Republican ..because waycism and hate lol derp

No solid reasons to not give the grocer a shot ....he was a little whacky ..but he was a common sense business man who NEVER would of let it the destruction of Manhattan happen way no how

When the idiot governor grandma killer calls you an idiot youre a Supreme idiot Mr mayor ... but many of us natives and many more former residents already knew that

Civilization can turn on a dime ....overnight .and its never for the good ..

Nice job progressives !

The right wing is worse, and would have done worse.
In the late 60s - early 80s it was a cesspool of crime, as the mob had the liberal politicians in their hands.
Then came Guiliani. A Republican. Despite liberal history revisionist trying to say he was "in" with the mob (like they were) - Guiliani fought hard against the mob, working with the feds... and got it done.
New York City flourished. It became a beacon of prosperity and improvement all the way through the 2010s.
Then came DeBlasio and Cuomo.
And it is right back to being a shit hole.

I know I mentioned this before
When I used to go on gothamist ...which is a local nyc site about NYC
The comment section was populated by Native commies and mods

When deblazio was up for reelection ...they would all shred him in the comment section
Worst mayor ever ....blah blah ...progressives commies..hard core
And then they would go but I could never vote for a Republican ..because waycism and hate lol derp

No solid reasons to not give the grocer a shot ....he was a little whacky ..but he was a common sense business man who NEVER would of let it the destruction of Manhattan happen way no how

When the idiot governor grandma killer calls you an idiot youre a Supreme idiot Mr mayor ... but many of us natives and many more former residents already knew that

Civilization can turn on a dime ....overnight .and its never for the good ..

Nice job progressives !

The right wing is worse, and would have done worse.

With all due respect, Daniel...Rudy cleaned up New York and De Blasio has let it turn into a dangerous shit hole again! You can try and "spin" that all you want but reality is going to slap you in the face! What is wrong with New York, Chicago, Portland and San Francisco has zero to do with the "right"'s a culmination of many years of liberal policies coming to a head!

I know I mentioned this before
When I used to go on gothamist ...which is a local nyc site about NYC
The comment section was populated by Native commies and mods

When deblazio was up for reelection ...they would all shred him in the comment section
Worst mayor ever ....blah blah ...progressives commies..hard core
And then they would go but I could never vote for a Republican ..because waycism and hate lol derp

No solid reasons to not give the grocer a shot ....he was a little whacky ..but he was a common sense business man who NEVER would of let it the destruction of Manhattan happen way no how

When the idiot governor grandma killer calls you an idiot youre a Supreme idiot Mr mayor ... but many of us natives and many more former residents already knew that

Civilization can turn on a dime ....overnight .and its never for the good ..

Nice job progressives !

Sounds like Mac punching himself in the face trying to justify a vote for a Senile Biden

I know I mentioned this before
When I used to go on gothamist ...which is a local nyc site about NYC
The comment section was populated by Native commies and mods

When deblazio was up for reelection ...they would all shred him in the comment section
Worst mayor ever ....blah blah ...progressives commies..hard core
And then they would go but I could never vote for a Republican ..because waycism and hate lol derp

No solid reasons to not give the grocer a shot ....he was a little whacky ..but he was a common sense business man who NEVER would of let it the destruction of Manhattan happen way no how

When the idiot governor grandma killer calls you an idiot youre a Supreme idiot Mr mayor ... but many of us natives and many more former residents already knew that

Civilization can turn on a dime ....overnight .and its never for the good ..

Nice job progressives !

The right wing is worse, and would have done worse.

With all due respect, Daniel...Rudy cleaned up New York and De Blasio has let it turn into a dangerous shit hole again! You can try and "spin" that all you want but reality is going to slap you in the face! What is wrong with New York, Chicago, Portland and San Francisco has zero to do with the "right"'s a culmination of many years of liberal policies coming to a head!

It did not happen in a vacuum of special pleading as the right wing would like us to believe. It was right wingers who engendered the riots not the left.

I know I mentioned this before
When I used to go on gothamist ...which is a local nyc site about NYC
The comment section was populated by Native commies and mods

When deblazio was up for reelection ...they would all shred him in the comment section
Worst mayor ever ....blah blah ...progressives commies..hard core
And then they would go but I could never vote for a Republican ..because waycism and hate lol derp

No solid reasons to not give the grocer a shot ....he was a little whacky ..but he was a common sense business man who NEVER would of let it the destruction of Manhattan happen way no how

When the idiot governor grandma killer calls you an idiot youre a Supreme idiot Mr mayor ... but many of us natives and many more former residents already knew that

Civilization can turn on a dime ....overnight .and its never for the good ..

Nice job progressives !

The right wing is worse, and would have done worse.

With all due respect, Daniel...Rudy cleaned up New York and De Blasio has let it turn into a dangerous shit hole again! You can try and "spin" that all you want but reality is going to slap you in the face! What is wrong with New York, Chicago, Portland and San Francisco has zero to do with the "right"'s a culmination of many years of liberal policies coming to a head!

It did not happen in a vacuum of special pleading as the right wing would like us to believe. It was right wingers who engendered the riots not the left.


The left doesn't need help in getting their riot on, their anger over the past 4 years has been boiling over, all they needed was a match, and The Floyd death was that match.

I know I mentioned this before
When I used to go on gothamist ...which is a local nyc site about NYC
The comment section was populated by Native commies and mods

When deblazio was up for reelection ...they would all shred him in the comment section
Worst mayor ever ....blah blah ...progressives commies..hard core
And then they would go but I could never vote for a Republican ..because waycism and hate lol derp

No solid reasons to not give the grocer a shot ....he was a little whacky ..but he was a common sense business man who NEVER would of let it the destruction of Manhattan happen way no how

When the idiot governor grandma killer calls you an idiot youre a Supreme idiot Mr mayor ... but many of us natives and many more former residents already knew that

Civilization can turn on a dime ....overnight .and its never for the good ..

Nice job progressives !

The right wing is worse, and would have done worse.

Thank you for your enlightening post, you idiot. Explain how...

I know I mentioned this before
When I used to go on gothamist ...which is a local nyc site about NYC
The comment section was populated by Native commies and mods

When deblazio was up for reelection ...they would all shred him in the comment section
Worst mayor ever ....blah blah ...progressives commies..hard core
And then they would go but I could never vote for a Republican ..because waycism and hate lol derp

No solid reasons to not give the grocer a shot ....he was a little whacky ..but he was a common sense business man who NEVER would of let it the destruction of Manhattan happen way no how

When the idiot governor grandma killer calls you an idiot youre a Supreme idiot Mr mayor ... but many of us natives and many more former residents already knew that

Civilization can turn on a dime ....overnight .and its never for the good ..

Nice job progressives !

The right wing is worse, and would have done worse.

With all due respect, Daniel...Rudy cleaned up New York and De Blasio has let it turn into a dangerous shit hole again! You can try and "spin" that all you want but reality is going to slap you in the face! What is wrong with New York, Chicago, Portland and San Francisco has zero to do with the "right"'s a culmination of many years of liberal policies coming to a head!

It did not happen in a vacuum of special pleading as the right wing would like us to believe. It was right wingers who engendered the riots not the left.

LMaO!!!!! What proof do you have of that?

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