New Trump Lawyer, Foreign Agent

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Apparently before working for Trump Christopher Kise was working for Venezuela. I guess he learned what to do when representing a bankrupt client, get money up front, $3M from Trump.

Trump Hires New Defense Lawyer for Criminal Investigation(FOX)

A far left youtube video, what a surprise! At least you aren't biased in anyway. Do you have mainstream's liberal media take on it or do they not go far enough for you and your hate? The far left and the far right is killing this nation.
U.S. - New Intelligence That Manfart Friend Konstantin Kilimnik Gave Traitor Campaign Data To Russia.

U.S. Says Russia Was Given Traitor Campaign Polling Data In 2016.

Manafart Was A "Grave Intelligence Threat" Due To Russian Contacts.

Manafart was and is a Traitor to the United States.

All of which has been proven to be a lie.

Completely ignoring Venezuela, eh? Certainly wouldn’t have been the case, if Hillary were the client!
Wait. I thought this was the United States?


I never heard that story, either. Making up crap is the MAGAway. Especially when someone is getting slayed.

You people went ape fucking shit over Venezual

Manafart worked a Russian G.R.U. agent and you had no problem with it. Post your proof about Ms. Feinstein.
"New details emerged Wednesday about how a Chinese spy managed to stay by Senator Dianne Feinstein's side for nearly 20 years."

English much? :cool:
What did you not understand?
Was it the "big" words?

Oddball is right, that video is nothing but "baseless claims"and projection.
His jailed supporters and their families are mad that dear leader is paying for another crappy lawyer for himself instead of for those who were caught doing his other dirty work.
Wow. You've got an imagination.

I guess.

I mean, you're not too into FACTS at all.
I never heard that story, either. Making up crap is the MAGAway. Especially when someone is getting slayed.

There was story four or five years back. Accusing Feinstein of having a driver linked to the Ministry of State Security (The Intelligence Service for Communist China).

When she found out, she told the F.B.I. and they took the driver away. Unlike the Traitor who ignored warnings from the F.B.I. about Manafart being in contact with the Russian G.R.U.
There was story four or five years back. Accusing Feinstein of having a driver linked to the Ministry of State Security (The Intelligence Service for Communist China).

When she found out, she told the F.B.I. and they took the driver away. Unlike the Traitor who ignored warnings from the F.B.I. about Manafart being in contact with the Russian G.R.U.
"New details emerged Wednesday about how a Chinese spy managed to stay by Senator Dianne Feinstein's side for nearly 20 years."

What did you not understand?
Was it the "big" words?

Oddball is right, that video is nothing but "baseless claims"and projection.

"New details emerged Wednesday about how a Chinese spy managed to stay by Senator Dianne Feinstein's side for nearly 20 years."

What did you not understand?
Was it the "big" words?

Oddball is right, that video is nothing but "baseless claims"and projection.

As opposed to Manfart and FlynnFlam working as unregistered agents for foreign governments? You people ignore these facts and troll on others, typical.
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