New Trump Lawyer, Foreign Agent

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Completely ignoring Venezuela, eh? Certainly wouldn’t have been the case, if Hillary were the client!
If there was anything to your idiotic accusations and recriminations, the lamer press would already be all over it.

Meanwhile, every snippet of that dreck I listened to was that nobody accusing the Trumpsters of doing what you liberoidal jackasses do on an ongoing basis.....Projection of the first order.
Apparently before working for Trump Christopher Kise was working for Venezuela. I guess he learned what to do when representing a bankrupt client, get money up front, $3M from Trump.

Trump Hires New Defense Lawyer for Criminal Investigation(FOX)

His jailed supporters and their families are mad that dear leader is paying for another crappy lawyer for himself instead of for those who were caught doing his other dirty work.
Apparently before working for Trump Christopher Kise was working for Venezuela. I guess he learned what to do when representing a bankrupt client, get money up front, $3M from Trump.

Trump Hires New Defense Lawyer for Criminal Investigation(FOX)

Are there any Trump people who aren't criminals?

Which comes first. Trump only hires criminals or do they turn to crime after joining the Trump Criminal Enterprise?
So swallowswell fucking a Chinese communist spy is okay with you then?

And here I thought you people hated Venezuela? As for Mr. Swallwell, fuck off. That Gumba Looking Fuck Manafart worked with a known agent for the Glavoye Razedyvatelnoye Upravenie (G.R.U. - Russian Military Intelligence).

General FlynnFlam acted an unregister agent for both Russia and Turkey.

As soon as Mr. Swawell found out about the agent in question, he contacted the F.B.I. The Traitor ignored warnings from the F.B.I. about FlynnFlam

Fortunately, FlynnFlam only lasted one month as National Security Advisor. Fucking Traitorous Asshole
And here I thought you people hated Venezuela? As for Mr. Swallwell, fuck off. That Gumba Looking Fuck Manafart worked with a known agent for the Glavoye Razedyvatelnoye Upravenie (G.R.U. - Russian Military Intelligence).

General FlynnFlam acted an unregister agent for both Russia and Turkey.

As soon as Mr. Swawell found out about the agent in question, he contacted the F.B.I. The Traitor ignored warnings from the F.B.I. about FlynnFlam

Fortunately, FlynnFlam only lasted one month as National Security Advisor. Fucking Traitorous Asshole
Have you considered making sense?
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