New Trump ad featuring Mexican cop-killer slammed as 'racist' and 'divisive' by experts

Luis Bracamontes? He shot two California deputies in Sacramento, California. ‘Yay,’ says illegal immigrant as jury finds him guilty of murdering deputies
I have no idea what you mean "he was in Phoenix". That's not where this husband/wife team of criminal killers committed their crimes. You haven't even got the basic facts here straight. Amazing!

Do I think everyone in the mob that is marching up from the Honduras is a Luis Bracamontes? No. I never said or even hinted at that. That's sort of the point. We don't know who is demanding to be let into the country. Duh!

Did you read your own fucking article? From it:

Bracamontes, a Mexican citizen who had been deported repeatedly and had a felony drug and weapons history in Arizona, had been living in a Salt Lake City suburb for years with his wife and his brother, Hector.

Every time the scumbag was deported, he made his way back to Phoenix. He ended up in Salt Lake City before him and his wife decided to go on a killing spree murdering two cops in Sacramento.
Where he used to live is irrelevant. The point is progressives, the people supporting the mob approaching our border,
don't believe our borders should keep poor people of the world out of our nation (as well as cartel gangsters, human traffickers and illegals that kill) and they don't believe that American immigration law needs to be enforced and they, like the people in the Jim Crow South, can simply ignore and disregard the laws they don't want to follow.

It is relevant to your 'sanctuary city' bullshit claim. Bracamontes didn't live in Sacramento. You are wrong. Your personal screed about the progressive scourge is pretty much irrelevant to the OP.
Do you want more like him entering the country illegally?

If not, then you agree with the ad's premise and should vote accordingly.

I am against illegal immigration and voted accordingly weeks ago.
That's not what your posts show. Not even remotely.
When you see how the democrats have demonized the Bracamontes ad just remember this: U.S. Senate Democrats Block Kate's Law

Don't forget who the left defends and who really matters to them. It's not you, assuming you are white or against illegal immigrants coming to this county and committing horrific crimes, like Luis Bracamontes did, for instance.

Don't forget who is your enemy and foe. Don't forget the democrat party protects their client constituency groups over innocent Americans. Don't forget.

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