New South Wales chief health officer says post-lockdown Sydney will be a 'New World Order'

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
''We will be looking at what contact tracing looks like in the new world order'' she contended.

And there you have it.

As an aside, the next time you read dialogue from our Marxist friends telling us all how wonderful it would be if we changed our gun laws to reflect those of Australia's, take a minute to think about the consequences of Australia's choice to voluntarily relinquish their means of fighting back against these jack boots.


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This will be fun to watch from a distance. I visited Australia and New Zealand right before the plandemic started and the pussification of those 2 shitholes is off the charts. Both are mostly run by butch (unfuckable) females that expect their cucked eunuchs to grovel at their feet..... which they do. It's hysterical.

weird stuff​

What is the New World Order? |

Apr 26, 2021 · The New World Order is a conspiracy theory which posits a new period of history bringing about a major change in the world with the balance of world power. This New World Order is theorized by some to involve a group or groups of elitist people bent on ruling the world through a single worldwide system of government.
''We will be looking at what contact tracing looks like in the new world order'' she contended.

And there you have it.

As an aside, the next time you read dialogue from our Marxist friends telling us all how wonderful it would be if we changed our gun laws to reflect those of Australia's, take a minute to think about the consequences of Australia's choice to voluntarily relinquish their means of fighting back against these jack boots.


NEVER give up your guns. Australia just learned that the hard way.
Wow. Back in 2015 when politicians made claims about policies being pushed were attempts to establish a NWO, they were denounced by the establishment as crackpots. They even called Alex Jones a nutter for such claims.


Australia PM adviser says climate change is 'UN-led ruse to establish new world order'​

Tony Abbott's business adviser says global warming a fallacy supported by United Nations to 'create a new authoritarian world order under its control'​

''We will be looking at what contact tracing looks like in the new world order'' she contended.

And there you have it.

As an aside, the next time you read dialogue from our Marxist friends telling us all how wonderful it would be if we changed our gun laws to reflect those of Australia's, take a minute to think about the consequences of Australia's choice to voluntarily relinquish their means of fighting back against these jack boots.


There have been many new world orders.. Think Ghengis Khan, Alexander, etc.. Contact tracing isn't new.. Goes back to Typhoid Mary.
Australia is quickly becoming the poster boy of a Totalitarian Nation!

Slaves of Globlalism, submissive to the New World Order.... who would have thought.

The Australian Government is rotten ....... SHAME ON THE AUSTRALIAN ADMINISTRATION!

Free Australia it's enough! :mad:
It's very sad what is happening in Australia, they are becoming Totalitarian garbage, sold their souls to the NWO...Shame.

The Taliban would be proud !:mad:

''We will be looking at what contact tracing looks like in the new world order'' she contended.

And there you have it.

As an aside, the next time you read dialogue from our Marxist friends telling us all how wonderful it would be if we changed our gun laws to reflect those of Australia's, take a minute to think about the consequences of Australia's choice to voluntarily relinquish their means of fighting back against these jack boots.


Oooh, oooh...I saw this movie...

''We will be looking at what contact tracing looks like in the new world order'' she contended.

Those are music to the ears of you hate filled gun nuts. Deliberately taking it out of context does not mean a new world order. Her reference was to reviewing contact tracing as a successful way yo trace the virus. There is no new world order so settle down.

And there you have it.

As an aside, the next time you read dialogue from our Marxist friends telling us all how wonderful it would be if we changed our gun laws to reflect those of Australia's, take a minute to think about the consequences of Australia's choice to voluntarily relinquish their means of fighting back against these jack boots.


Australians are far more civilised than requiring guns to defend themselves.
You've had your chances to retaliate against your perceived takeover of America by Obama but never fired a shot. Home of the brave my arse.

Furthermore, the Australian is currently the liberal party, which is the equivalent to the Republican party here. I don't care if you don't believe but it's a fact. Check it if you're brave.

Also the gun amnesty in 1996, was conducted under the same party. So your assumption of them being Marxist is unfounded and ignorant but you are a Republican who inheritantly possesses those qualities.

When the guns were reduced to over half what it was, and might I add the whole scheme was voluntary, yes, They were not forced by police, the country now has twice as many guns before the amnesty.

You can check it all if you like but you're an ignoramus so it won't happen.

So, that statistic alone points to that country not needing guns for the maintenance if civil society. They do not want to evolve into the wild west show you guys are.

So before you fire off another ignorant blurt, check the facts I have stated and consider an apology for deliberately telling lies.
''We will be looking at what contact tracing looks like in the new world order'' she contended.

And there you have it.

As an aside, the next time you read dialogue from our Marxist friends telling us all how wonderful it would be if we changed our gun laws to reflect those of Australia's, take a minute to think about the consequences of Australia's choice to voluntarily relinquish their means of fighting back against these jack boots.


We need to airdrop 100,000 AR-15 and 100MM rounds of ammo to free Australia

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